Then and Now: A Harry Styles...

By musicluva4eva

1.5M 16.7K 3K

It was just supposed to be a simple, harmless lunch date, to catch up with an old friend. But when that old f... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine

Chapter Fifteen

33.4K 305 51
By musicluva4eva

Um. 11.5K reads? I don't think I'm breathing so someone should call an ambulance for me. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT IT MEANS! Somehow, my aunt figured out I write, so she made me ead her an assignment I did for english and said I have a lot of talent with writing and that I should 'share the talent with other family members' okay then.



What the hell.

This wasn't happening. Harry hasn't shown my designs to Leanne. Leanne hasn't shown my design's to Simon freaking Cowell. Simon Cowell doesn't like my designs and him and his board of executives don't think I have talent and should be One Direction's stylist.

I needed to wake up from this dream immediately. As in right now.

"You aren't in a dream Jen." Harry said.

Shit. Did I say that out loud?

"Yes. Yes you did." He said again, smirking.

I shot Harry a dirty look and turned to Simon.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" I asked, hesitantly.

"Yes," Simon replied, "We want you to be One Direction 2012 North American tour stylist. If you do a good job there, saying you accept this job, there is a high possibility that you will be hired permanently at the company in the design department."

Oh my God.

Simon continued, "The tour doesn't start until the end of May, and I believe you will be finished with final exams by then, so you can still keep yourself enrolled at the university."

Wow. He seemed to have thought everything through before offering me this job. I contemplated it. I've been looking for an opportunity like this for a little while; this was basically perfect. It was in the summer, so if it happened to fall through, I'd still be able to go back to school. And if my parents happened to disagree with this, and stop paying for my rent, I would have an income.

"I'll do it." I said confidently.

"Great!" Simon looked ecstatic, and started shuffling papers

"Try to steal any of my food on tour and you will never walk again." Niall said, chomping down on a sandwich.

"My Dad's a black belt in karate and was a football player. My brother is younger than me, but he doesn't take well to people hurting me, and is a striker on his school's football team. Team them together and you will be crushed." I smirked. "Not to mention I have a taser that I carry in my purse. So I believe you will be the one that will never walk again."

Everyone laughed, including Niall. When he noticed I wasn't laughing his smile slipped off his face and he looked nervous.

"You don't actually have a taser and have scary family members, do you?"

I smirked and decided to let him suffer thinking about it. Haha. I'm such an evil person. I turned to Harry to talk. I heard him say my name, but continued to ignore him.

"It's going to be great having you on tour!" Harry said, smiling.

"I can't believe you showed everyone my designs!" I slapped him on his arm.

"Ow!" he rubbed his now sore arm.

I hugged him tightly, "Now this is for getting me this job! I owe you Haz."

He hugged me back, "I just showed them your designs. It's how amazing your designs are that got you this job!"

"Can you two stop flirting and get back to real life please?"  Zayn asked, groaning.

We pulled away from each other, and I shot a dark look at Zayn. He shrugged and went back to texting.

Simon cleared his throat, and we turned to look at him. "If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to discuss the details of the job with Jenna."

"Well that's our cue to leave." Liam said, standing up, "Let's go."

They filed out of the room, and Harry leaned down to whisper in my ear as he did so.

"I'll be waiting outside for you. We're having a film night."

I nodded to him as he left, and turned back to face Simon, and purposely ignored the not so subtle winks Leanne was sending her.

"So here is your package. It explains the details of the job, what you're expected to do, and your salary. To get a hand of how we work, you'll have to come in at least once a week to assist Ms. Miller here." Simon pointed to Leanne, and handed me a thin package of stapled paper and a business card. "If you have any questions just call my office line."

"Thank you Mr. Cowell." I said, and stood up and shook his hand.

"No, thank you." He smiled.

I exited the room with Leanne, and went into the elevator.

"You can scream now, you know." She said.

And I did that just. I screamed.


"I can assure you that you aren't dreaming. This is real life Jenna!"

The doors opened on the tenth floor, and Leanne went to exit.

"I'll see you soon, love!" she hugged me, and then the elevator doors promptly closed.

I was about to leave the Syco building, when one of the security guards turned to me.

"Ms. Jenna Matthews?" he asked.

"Yes?" I turned to him curiously.

"Mr. Styles asked for you to be lead out the artists exit." He said, motioning to a barely noticeable hallway.

"Alright." I said, and followed him.

I know it probably sounds bad. I'm following some big, burly man with a gun that could beat me down in five seconds flat down a narrow hallway with no one else in view. It was the perfect set-up for me to get abducted. No wonder my friends told me I was an idiot.

"Just exit through that door Miss." He said, pointing to a large door with the word 'EXIT' plastered clearly above it.

"Thank you."

I exited quickly and breathed in the deep, fresh air. I was no longer in that cramped hallway with the scary man. Thank God.

"Hey Jenna!" I heard a voice shout, and turned to see Harry waving at me from his silver Audi.

I walked towards him and the car. "There is no way in hell I'm getting into the car with you, Styles."

"Why?" he faked hurt.

"You drive like an absolute maniac. Give me your keys."

Harry gave me the keys without argument. I guess he figured out that I would win any argument we had. I got into the driver's side, and he switched over to the passenger seat. We approached the gate to exit the compound. Harry smiled at the security guard, and she nodded at him, obviously recognizing who he was.

Harry directed to me to his flat, and gave me his card so I could scan it to give us access to the gated compound.

"Everyone's going to be there." He said, as we walked up to his and Louis' flat.

"All the boys plus Eleanor and Danielle?"



We entered the flat, and were immediately hit with a flurry of activity. I could see into the kitchen and the living room, and spotted bowls being grabbed, and snacks being poured into them. I saw a few people sitting in the living room, in various positions, talking up a storm.

"Did you get the skittles Niall?" I heard a voice shout.

"Skittles, as well as several bags of popcorn and a lot more candy." Niall muffled with a mouth full of popcorn.

"Harry!" Louis shouted, noticing we were there.

"Hello mate!" he said.

"Hey Jenna!" Eleanor shouted, jumping off the couch to give me a hug.

A girl with skin the colour of chocolate and curly hair approached me, and I knew that this was Liam's girlfriend Danielle.

"Hello!" she greeted me, "I'm Danielle."

"Hey! I'm Jenna." I said and hugged her.

I said hi to the rest of the boys, and went to sit down on the couch. Harry walked into the room with a bowl of popcorn and two packages of sour patch kids, and plopped down next to me. He threw a package of the candy in my direction, and I caught it easily.

"Thanks Hazza."

"No problem Jen."

I noticed that Danielle was looking at me and Harry with a smirk on her face, and sensed trouble the moment she turned and started whispering with Eleanor, who laughed at whatever she was saying.  

"So, Jenna." Eleanor turned to me, "I heard you're going to be the boys stylist for the tour, since Leanne's going on maternity leave."

"Yup." I answered, and then pointed at Harry, "This idiot showed them my designs which he sneakily got without my permission."

"Hey!" he said, "You have an awesome job now!"

"I guess I have to thank you. I'd be stuck back in Manchester with my parents and my brother otherwise. My brother likes to bring his football team over, and they all think they can hit on me."

"We can beat them up for you if you'd like." Liam said, and we all laughed.

"He's serious you know." Harry said, "Anyone messes with you and we'll hurt them."

"I second that!" Niall said.

"I third it!" Louis said, "You're like a little sister now."

"Lou has four little sisters. He's quite good with scaring guys off and/or making their lives a living hell." Zayn smirked. "And I have two younger sisters. I've already scared one away from them! It was the best feeling ever."

"I couldn't keep them away for long though..." Louis said gloomily, and Eleanor chuckled.

I looked curiously at the brunette girl and she answered the question that was brewing in my mind. "His sister Lottie got a boyfriend. They are soo cute together!" she squealed.

"What? No! You're supposed to be on my side El! I was going to pelt him with syrup filled water balloons soon! Did you see Lottie's profile picture on twitter? It's of them on a bed together! She's only fourteen!" Louis exclaimed.

Eleanor laughed again and kissed the side of his face, "She's growing up Lou. Get used to it. And if you hurt Martin I'm never kissing you again."

"What? It's my job as big brother to make his life hell!"

Eleanor sighed. "The threat still stands."

She turned to Danielle and chuckled, while Louis still looked gloomy. "Wait—" He turned to his girlfriend, "I get to terrorize any boy that comes near any of my other sisters, right?"

Eleanor pointedly ignored him, and Harry and I were silently dying of laughter at the look on Louis face. I decided to change the subject.

"What movie are we watching?" I asked.

"We're going to watch all of the Paranormal Activities." Liam said excitedly.

Oh God. I had avoided watching all of them since it was announced. I didn't want to see it. But I guess after two years of avoiding it, I was going have to watch the films.

Zayn got up, and flicked off all the lights, and Eleanor closed the blinds. I found myself unconsciously moving closer to Harry, and clutching my candy towards me. The opening credits started and I knew the possibility of me surviving all three of the movies without screaming was non-existent.

This should be fun. 


Queston2: Favourite Book

Answer: We All Fall Down and United We Stand, both by Eric Walters. I can't even express my love for those books. I reread them all the time, I just love them unconditionally. Actually, I love all of Eric Walters books. They're amazing. I highly recommend reading his books! 

Vote. Comment. xx

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