I Hate That I Love You. ( Pri...

By toxicdaises

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This story is about a girl named Hannah who's been bullied since 9th grade year. She's 16 now. Her parents ar... More

Chapter 1 - Get The Knock Out.
Chapter 2 - Is This Really Happening?
Chapter 3 - Making Love Faces.❤
Chapter 4 - Did You Just Use Me?
Chapter 5 - Confused.
Chapter 6 - Done.
Chapter 7 - You Lied.
Chapter 8 - Going in Circles.
Chapter 9 - Meeting Him.❤
Chapter 10 - Marvin's Room.
Chapter 11 - Bruises and Cuts.
Chapter 12 - Say My Name. ♥
Chapter 13 - Got Your Back.
Chapter 15 - Special Day.
Chapter 16 - Killer Whale.
Chapter 17 - Yes or No?
Chapter 18 - Goodbye.

Chapter 14 - Everything Is Falling Into Place.

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By toxicdaises

Hannah's POV.

Princeton and I had just got done playing video games. I was hungry, I could tell he was too because I could hear his stomach rumbling.

Me: So what's for dinner, babe?

Princeton: Mmm, depends what do you like?

Me: I'm in love with spaghetti.

Princeton: Then it's spaghetti you'll get. 

He gets up, kisses my forehead, and heads to the kitchen to start cooking. I went up stairs, took a shower, put my hair in a messy bun. I put on a tank-top and sweat pants as my pjs, by the time I was done doing all of that. He was finished the food. Dang, that was pretty quick. The food smelled delicious too. I went downstairs and sat at the table, my plate was already made and my drink was a Dr. Pepper. How he did he know I like Dr. Pepper? This guy knew me so well. It started creeping me out. 

Me: Thanks for making dinner. ( starts eating )

Princeton: No problem babe, I already ate my plate. I'm going to go take a shower.

Me: Okay.

He goes upstairs and takes a shower.

Holy crap. I almost forgot about my date with Jaden. Now, I have to choose between Princeton and Jaden. Roc, I still love him, but he went to far. No women deserves get beat sensless like that. I hope him and I can still be friends. Jaden, I just met him. He's cool, funny, sweet, smart, dreamy but we have no history. Princeton, he's sweet, funny, nice NOW, cool, smoking hot, good in bed, but we have history. A bad history at that, but the more we spend time together the more I love him. I should get to know Jaden a little more before I fall in love with him. At least I know, I don't love Roc as much as I use too. He could've at least mention he had a drinking problem. I wish instead of getting drunk and hiding his feelings thinking I was with Princeton the whole night. Now I know that Roc knows how to put on an act. He should be an actor because he would be winner.

I finished my food and went upstairs to go watch tv. Instead I see Princeton on his bed, in nothing but a towel. I bit my lip.

Princeton: Like what you see? ( smiles )

I get on top of him.

Me: I sure do.

We start to making-out. He tries to lift up my shirt but I stopped him.

Me: Nope, we had sex 2 days in a row. I need a break from all the screaming you make me do. ( i peck his lips and smiled )

Princeton: Yeah, I'm pretty good in bed.

Me: Ehh , you alright.

Princeton: Really?

Me: No, I'm just joking. ( laughs ). You're awesome in bed.

I get off of him and get into his bed, under the sheets. He gets in with me.

Me: Good night.

Princeton: Good night babe.

We both fall asleep.

- Morning Time

I woke up. Princeton is gone. He's probably getting ready, for school. Even though I'm always up before him. I get up, brush my teeth, put my hair back in a nice clean bun, and my on this clothing:


I never wore this type of outfit. I rarely ever wear shorts, unless it's super hot, and my phone said it was suppose to be 89 degrees today so I mine as well. I went downstairs. I didn't see Princeton. I saw a note on the refrigerator:

"Hey babe, something popped up. I'm leaving early and I'll meet you at school. Sorry for making you walk. I won't make you walk next time. I made you pancakes. It's on the counter. I love you."

Well, I love the "I love you" part and I love pancakes. I ate them and got my book bag and left the house. I took out my iPod and started listening to Right By My Side by Nicki Minaj ft. Chris Brown. I love that song. It explained how I felt. I felt my phone buzz, I picked it up seeing a text from Jaden. I opened it:

Jaden: Good morning, beautiful.

Me: Good morning, love.

Jaden: Are we still on for Saturday.

Me: Yerrrp :)

Jaden: Great, can't wait to see you :)

Could this day get any better? Jaden sending me a good morning text. Princeton making me pancakes, knowing their my favorite breakfast meal. I never known that two boys can be so perfect. I finally reached school. No one was staring me down, no one was mugging me, I even bumped into to someone on accident and they said sorry to me. That's super wierd. People are starting to treat me like a normal person. I walk to my locker getting my books out for first period. I went to class on time. FOR ONCE. I noticed that we had a new girl. She was pretty. Her name was Kristen. She looked just like Zendaya Coleman, but she looked even sweeter. I decided to get to know her.

Me: Hey, Kristen right?

Kristen: Yeah.

Me: Hey, Kristen. I'm Hannah. You're really pretty.

Kristen: Thanks, you are too.

Me: Thanks, so I'm guessing you're needing someone to help you around?

Kristen: Actually not really, this guy name Roc is helping me out. Thanks though.

Me: Roc, tall, hair cut, kind of jock looking?

Kristen: Yeah.

Me: I know him. He sits at my table. So, do you want to sit at our table 4th period?

Kristen: Sure, thanks for inviting me. 

Me: No problem, I'm sure Roc will show you our table.

Kristen: Yeah he probably will.

( Bell Rings )

We both get our stuff packed up.

Me: So I'll see you later?

Kristen: Yep.

Me: Okay, bye.

Kristen: Bye.

I walk to my locker. I see Princeton at my locker, I guess he was waiting for me.

Princeton: Hey.

Me: Hey ( unlocking my locker )

Princeton: Need me to walk you to class?

Me: I would love that. ( Grab my books out my locker and walks to class with Princeton )

Princeton: Did you get my pancakes?

Me: Yeah. It was okay.

Princeton: Okay? ( laughs ) Girl, my pancakes are dope.

Me: ( laughs ) What ever you say.

We both arrive to my class.

Me: Bye.

Princeton: Bye.

- Skips to lunch.

I was at lunch talking to the guys, I saw Roc and Kristen together. They were flirting hard. Like really hard. I was kind of jealous. I still love Roc, but I wouldn't get back together with him.

They approached us.

Roc: Hey, you guys have met Kristen, right?

Me: I have. 

RestOfTheGuys: No.

Roc: Oh well, this is Kristen. ( points at Prince ) That's Princeton. ( points at Ray ) That's Ray Ray. ( points at Prodigy ) and this is Prodigy.

TheGuys: Sup.

I giggled. It's funny how they all talk at the same time.

- Skipping To After School

 I met a new girl as friend. Kristen and I exchanged numbers. Finally, never thought that would happen in a million years. I guess Prince and Roc are finally getting along. They've been talking and they seem pretty chill at the lunch table. I guess Roc is really over me, I guess I'm fine with that. I hop in the Prince's car and he drives.

Me: Can you believe that this is the actual first day of school that's been normal for me?

Prince: Really?

Me: Yup, thank God. Everything is falling into place.

Now let's see how plans go with Jaden...

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