Chapter 5 - Confused.

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Roc POV.

I got a text from Princeton saying to come over to play basketball. I kind of didn't want to because of what he did to Hannah, but I need something to do so I just went. I put on some basketball shorts and a muscle t-shirt. As soon as I got there I knocked on the door. Hannah answered it.

Me: Hannah?!

Hannah: Hi Roc.

Me: What are you doing here?

Hannah: I live here now.

Me: Wha-wait how?

Hannah: I'll explain later. Come in. *Moving out the door way*

I walked in. I couldn't believe Hannah answered the door. The fact that she lived here made it worse. I'm pissed, but I'm not showing it. I don't need any drama between all of us. I saw Princeton walking down the stairs.

Princeton: You ready bro?

Me: Yeah. Lets go. *Walks downstairs into their basketball court*

I saw Hannah watching us. I wanted to show off for her. I took off my shirt revealing my abs and muscles.

Me: Hold this for me, babe? *Smiling*

She bit her lip. I knew she liked it.

Hannah: Sure. *Smiling*

End Of Roc's POV.

Princeton's POV.

I didn't like the way Hannah and Roc was looking at each other. Yes, I'm jealous. Only because I care.

Me: Roc , bro come on!

He turns around and runs back over here.

Roc: How many rounds you wanna play?

Me: Nah, bro. We going to play a real game.

Roc: Alright *Looks back at Hannah and smiles.* 

She smiled back. I threw the ball at his chest.

Me: Check it.

End Of Princeton's POV.

Hannah's POV.

Gosh these boys are so hot. I love them both. I loved how Roc gave me his shirt. His sexy abs. I liked what I saw and he knows I like it. I never got the meaning basketball. It just looks hard, plus you can't do a lot of things, all that running back and forth! I would trip over my feet! Maybe, I should ask how to play. I should ask Roc. 

Princeton: I'ma get some water, be right back. *goes back in the house*

Great! Here's my chance.

Me: Roc.

Roc: Yeah.

Me: *Gets up* Teach me how to play basketball. *smiling*

Roc: Fine.*smiling and gets behind me, leaving no space between us* Okay so you hold the palm of your hand out like this.

Me: Like this?

Roc: Yeah just like that. *kisses me and holds my waist*

I turned around, putting my arms around his neck.

Princeton: WHAT THE HELL?!

We stopped and looked back and him.

Me: Princeton, it's not what you think..

Princeton: Whatever *runs up to his room.*

Roc: Um, I think I should go.

Me: Yeah. You're probably right.

I Hate That I Love You. ( Princeton & Roc Royal Love Story. )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt