Chapter 13 - Got Your Back.

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Hannah's POV.

I woke up the next morning. Lord Jesus, you going to kill me. Princeton looks so sexy sleeping, NAKED. I feel like a wierdo saying that. I checked my phone to see if I had any messages. I had 3 missed calls from Roc and 15 texting messages. Can't he clearly see that I don't want to talk to him? He's really start to piss me off. I regret ever loving him, making love to him, and believing him. I should've known better. Tears start to come to my eyes, but I held them back. I got up from up the bed and take a shower, brush my teeth, do my hair, go downstairs and cook some breakfast for Prince. I saw Prince come down in his basketball shorts with no shirt. His abs though , I could stare at them all day.

Me: You're not going to school?

Prince: No, I'm not feeling well.

Me: Oh. I made you breakfast.  ( I placed his food on the table )

He came up behind me, holding my waist, and kissed my neck.

Prince: Thanks babe ( smiles and goes eat your food )

Me: Your welcome , I'll see you later. Bye, love. ( kisses him and leaves the house )

I left the house walking to school. I felt like today was going to be so awkward without Princeton by my side, but you know, I'll make it through. I mean it's just one day. 

I walked up to my locker, I just got my books and went to class. Everyone was looking at me. Just a blank face. One girl kept on looking at me in class. I faced her and said "Like what you see? If you do take a picture, it'll last longer!" She rolled her eyes and turned around. I'm surprised I haven't seen Jessica all day. Not that I care. When 1st period was over, I wen back to my locker again to my books. This time someone was standing right by behind my locker. He scared me. It was Roc. His face was still ew.

Roc: How come you haven't been answering my calls?

I just rolled my eyes and walked away. He grabbed my arm with a curious look on his face. The bell rung so I was late for class. Great.

Roc: Are you mad at me?

Me: No, I'm happy. ( being sarcastic )

He pulled me near by the front door to the school. He pushed his body against mine.

Roc: Why are you mad at me?

I looked into his eyes. He really doesn't know. He was so drunk he couldn't remember.

Me: You really don't remember?

Roc: No, please. Tell me why you're mad at me. I just woke up with scars and bruises all over my body, and blood all over my bathroom.

Me: Okay, when I came home. You were drunk and you just started talking about how I cheated on you. Then you just started beating me, for no reason. Then I found a way to get out of your arms and I hid into the bathroom and I called Prince then you busted down the door and started banging my head against the toilet then you tried to rape me. Then that's when Prince came in and saved me. Then I left.

Roc: H-Ha-Hannah. I'm so sorry. I seriously didn't mean to hurt you.

He tries to hug me but I push him away with tears streaming down my face.

Roc: Hannah, I swear I didn't mean to hurt you-

Me: Save it ( runs out the front door )

He starts running after me but I hid from him. I couldn't talk to him right now. He went back in the school I guess, because I lost him. I walked back home. I wiped my tears away, so that Princeton wouldn't see me cry. I finally reach home and unlock the door with my key. I didn't see Princeton in the living room, dining room, or anything or the second floor, but I heard his voice. "Get out of my house" I heard him screamed. I immediately run upstairs into our room. I see Jessica on top of him. I pull Jessica off of him and started beating her ass. I broke her arm by accident. She just made me so mad and I was sick of it. I threw her out the house and closed the door. I didn't care, she found her way here, she can find her way back out. Prince came up behind me and tried to hug me, I pushed him away.

I Hate That I Love You. ( Princeton & Roc Royal Love Story. )Where stories live. Discover now