Chapter 17 - Yes or No?

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Princeton's POV.

I was awaken by the sound of my phone ringing. It was a random number, but I still answered it.

Me: Hello?

???: Is this Jacob Perez?

Me: Maybe, who's calling?

???: It's Kiesha. I wanted to see if you'd like to audition for a boy band named "Mindless Behavior." You're a really good singer and you'd be great for the group.

Me: YES! I would love to!

Kiesha: Okay here are the directions ( gives the directions ). The audition starts tomorrow at 6:00 sharp. Don't be late!

Me: K thanks bye

I can't believe that I'm going to be in a band. Well I might be. I might not even make so I wont get my hopes up. I went to the bathroom and did my daily morning routine. My hair was acting biopolar. It wouldn't curl up like it usually does so I just put it in a ponytail. Hannah was still asleep. Dang, so I'm going to just leave and go to the mall to by me a new outfit. Gotta look good for the audition.

- After the mall.

I came back home and Hannah wasn't here... she probably didn't go far. I went upstairs and watched tv.

Hannah's POV.

I woke up and I didn't see Prince. I decided to go out jogging. Just to keep myself. I put on a sports bra, some leggings, and put my hair back in a ponytail.

As I went jogging, I saw Roc. He came up to me and said hi.

Me: Hi.

Roc: So I see you're trying to stay in shape.

Me: ( laughs ) I guess. I gotta go I'll see you later. Bye ( jogs back home )

Roc: Bye.

I got home seeing Princeton watching tv. He stared at me for a second.

Princeton: I didn't know you excersise.

Me: There's a lot you don't know about me. ( smiles ) 

I walk into the bathroom to take a shower. I didn't want to stink up the whole room. As I got out the shower I could ever hear Princeton's conversation with Prodigy. He had Prod on speaker phone.

Princeton: Yo, I got an audition for a group called Mindless Behavior.

Prodigy: Yo, that's dope.

Princeton: You and Ray should come audition with me tomorrow at 6:00. You guys can sing and rap.

Prodigy: Ard. I'll come, but you know we're all good, including Roc... Are you guys cool now?

Princeton: I mean I guess, but who cares you can bring him too. 

Prodigy: Ard, bye man.

Princeton: Bye

Why hasn't Princeton told me about the group? I kind of don't want him to join the group but I want him to fulfill his dream, but then he'll have to move and he'll never have time for me. He's probably going to tell me later on so I'm not going to bug him about it. I walked into the room sat in his arms and watched tv with him.

- Skipping to tomorrow at 5:30.

Princeton: Bye babe, I'm leaving out with the boys.

Me: Okay bye...

Princeton still hasn't told me about the audition. Are you kidding me? He can at least tell me, I mean it's not going to hurt my feelings if he makes it. Well, I'll be happy for him.

Princeton's POV.

We're on our way to the audition. I'm so nervous, it's kind of awkward in the car because of Roc and I. We'll get over it.

We finally make it the audition. We sit in the waiting room waiting for my number to be called ( 293 ).

Speaker: Number 293.

We all walk onto the stage.

Judge 1: What are your names?

Prodigy: I'm Craig Johnson but I go by the name Prodigy.

Princeton: I'm Jacob Perez but I go by the name Princeton.

Roc: I'm Chresanto August, but I go by the name Roc Royal.

Ray: I'm Rayon Jones, but I go by the name Ray Ray.

Judge 2: And what are you guys going to sing today?

Princeton: Ms. Independent by Neyo.

Judge 3: You may begin.

- They sing the song, so beautifully. 

The judges were writing stuff down and whispering to each other. I was just hoping that they would hurry up and tell us!

Judge 2: And our decision is....

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