Silver Sins [MJ FanFiction]

By ScarletWords93

55.4K 3.8K 2.7K

Trust no one. Not even your friends, not even Michael. More

Winter of 1953
Ch. 1 Stranger in my Bed!
Ch. 2 Chef and Protector
Ch. 3 Waxing Gibbous
Ch. 4 Party Under the Fool Moon
Ch. 5 Sweet dreams, Chad
Ch. 6 Lusting after my cousin
Ch. 7 Beautiful wife
Ch. 8
Ch. 9 Michael, the babysitter
Ch. 10 Beasty, come out wherever you are!
Ch. 11 Beasty, come out wherever you are!
Ch. 12 Humiliated
Ch. 13 Lusting after my cousin
Ch. 14 Mr. Derek
Ch. 15 Supporter
Ch. 16 Lisa's arrival
Ch. 17 Jealous
Ch. 18 Incestuous Love
Ch. 19 Sins
Ch. 20 The priest - a lamb or a beast?
Ch. 21 The gypsies
Ch. 22 Baaaad Kitten
Ch. 23 Our Love
Ch. 24
Ch. 25 Hello again, Beasty
Ch. 26 Hello again, Beasty
Ch. 27 Just like the beast
Ch. 28 Chop Chop
Ch. 29 THEY
Ch. 31 Broken Friendship
Ch. 32 Camera never lies
Ch. 33 New suspect
Ch. 34 Examine Michael
Ch. 36
Ch. 37
Ch. 38
Ch. 39 New Plan
Ch. 40
Ch. 41
Ch. 42
Ch. 43
Ch. 44
Ch. 45
Ch. 46

Ch. 35 She'll be full... moon

897 58 18
By ScarletWords93

Author's POV

A few days after Michael's examination had passed and Jessica, Daniel and Derek were convinced that Michael was the werewolf. They were preparing a plan to catch Michael and reveal his true self in front of everyone. As for YN, they still didn't know what they were going to do with her, but one thing was sure - they were not going to let people know that she was involved with the beast, since this was going to finish her and she was never going to be able to live in this town again. 

Right now, the three of them were on the plane, going to California. There lived the son of Mr. Jones, who was once a great hunter and led Derek and the other men from the village during the winter of 1953 against the beast. Unfortunately, he died under the claws of the werewolf, but Derek was hoping that his son would carry some of his father's hunter-blood in his veins.

Jessica and Daniel didn't like this plan for a few reasons. First of all, Derek wasn't even sure if the son still lived at the address that he had and secondly, they didn't know if the son even believed in beasts! There was a huge probability that the three of them might look like some lunatics when they spoke to Jones' son.

But what other options did they have? The beast was strong, fast, smart and too much for only the three of them - two teenagers and one old man. They needed all the help they could get and they were right for the beast knew everything. Its sharp ears were all over the town. They could hear everything, even the lowest whisper...

After a few hours, they were standing in front of this house, which was supposed to be Jones' son's.

"Ready?" Derek asked.
"Yeah." Jessica replied.
"If this don't work, we only wasted our time..." Daniel hissed.
"Let's go find out if this works or not!" Derek said and they headed to the door.

They stood in front of it and Derek rung the bell, but no one would open. Daniel rung the bell again very impatiently.

"I feel so stupid! No one lives here! Dammit! I knew this was a stupid idea!"
"Let's try again!" Derek said and rung the bell again, praying in his head to God that someone would open the door! And the Lord heard his prayer.

The door flung open.

"What do you want?" a tall man, who appeared to be around 35 opened the door. He had blue eyes and fair hair and looked rather unpleasant. "You're gonna break my bell from ringing!" wow, he sure was friendly...
"Ahh... " the three of them didn't expect that.. "We're sorry to disturb, but... we want to talk to you about something." Derek said.
"And I'm sorry I opened the door! What is this? One grandpa and two teenagers!? Are you trying to sell me something 'cause I ain't buying shit!"
"No, no!" Derek tried to ignore his rude attitude since they really needed help. "We just want to talk to you, it's really important!"
"I'm busy, can't talk." he was just about to shut the door right in their faces when Derek spoke
"I knew your father!" the man froze. "Jones... he lived in Ashville, before he died or should I say... got killed." the man opened the door wide again and looked into Derek's eyes. "By the beast..." Derek whispered and a moment of silence followed, in which only the wind could be heard. Jones' son gulped down and said
"Come in." now with a very calm voice.

Back in Ashville, Michael and YN were cuddling on the sofa, tired after their long and passionate sex sessions. That had been the only thing those two were doing in the last few days. They were enjoying themselves and the love they shared for each other, making plans about their future together, away from this small, simple town.

Michael's plan was to send YN to university away from here and after she graduated, they were going to stay in the big city together, where no one knew they were connected by blood, and eventually start living like a real couple until the rest of their lives.

Someone rung the doorbell, causing them to jump a little and wonder who it was, since they were expecting no one.

"I'll get it." Michael said, planted a sweet kiss on YN's cheek and went to open the door. His knees got weak when he saw two policemen standing in front of him.
"Good day, sir!" they greeted and Michael immediately thought about his relationship with YN. Could they know? "We are hear to speak with YN. Is she home?"
"Ahh.." he was just speechless, why would they want to talk to YN? "Yes, she is.."
"Could you tell her to come?"
"YN!" Michael yelled her name and heard her say "Coming!" from the living room. "What is this about, if I may ask?"
"We just want to ask her a few questions about the priest's death."
"What?" Michael's mouth dropped open.
"Yes?" YN's smile disappeared off her face when she saw the policemen.

The priest. That was the first thing that came to her mind when she saw them.

"YN, we would like to ask you a few question. You'll have to come with us now."
"But.. why?"
"It's about the priest's death."
"But I don't know anything about that!" 'Lie!' was all she could thing of "I don't even go to church!"
"You have to come with us."
"I'll come too!" Michael said "I'm looking after her while her parents are gone."
"That's okay sir! Let's go!"

YN felt as if she was going to faint. Why would the police connect the priest to her? She knew she did everything perfectly and there were no traces left behind! And Michael.. What was he going to think about her if he found out the truth?

Derek, Jessica and Daniel entered his home.

"Sit down." the man invited them "My name's Bill."
"I'm Derek, this is Jessica and Daniel. We came all the way from Ashville to talk to you about your dad and the beast. I'm sure you know everything about your dad and how he died?"
"Yeah... I remember when I was little, my father would always talk about the devil and that it had taken the form of a beast to plague the earth... I thought those were just some stories back then.. "
"No, they aren't. This beast is very real and your father was a hunter. I was there when he died.. that night. He wanted to kill the beast and free our town from it once and for all."
"Yes, and he paid with his life. He's a hero in my eyes! He sacrificed himself for the people!"
"He was, boy, he was. Unfortunately..."
"The werewolf is still alive." Bill's eyes opened widely.
"No... my mom told me that after that night, things got back to normal and-"
"That's what I thought too, came to find out I was wrong. I killed the beast that night after your father died, or so I thought. The beast is back and it's in our town. That's why we came here. We hoped that you could help us. You're Jones' son after all, you got his blood running in your veins."
"I will help you with everything that I have! Do the town people know?"
"No, we live in different times, Bill, no one believes in werewolves nowadays. It's only the three of us... well, there's another girl, but..."
"Do you know who the werewolf is?"
"Yes, we do. He's name is Michael."
"Michael, you better get ready, beast, 'cause I'm coming to kill you." Bill said with determinacy  glistening in his eyes. "Just like you killed my father..."

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