
By rozegoldz

60.6K 1.7K 316

As Kara watches the pod finally leave her vision, she realizes her life is changing. Now, she has to wake up... More



1.8K 50 6
By rozegoldz

Shay flies around the city and finds her father a few blocks down from Kara's apartment. She lands carefully on the sidewalk and makes her way inside.

"Come on Dad walk with me." Shay smiles, holding out her hand. He takes it and make their way out of the cafe. As they walk down the block, Mon-el spots Shaylee eyeing the cafe over and over again, clearly wanting to go back.

"You want that cupcake don't you?"


"Grab two, be quick." Mon-el chuckles, handing her $5. She runs back to the café, grabs the two chocolate cupcakes, and runs back to join her father.

"3 minutes. Impressive."

"You said quick." Shay smiles, opening the box. "For what it's worth you're no jackass to me."

"Thanks kid. But Kara was right, I did some awful things back then. But the worst was when I told her that I wanted nothing to do with Mimi. It's Naomi, how could I not have wanted to be apart of such an amazing girl's life? I've never forgiven myself for it."

"Dad you were just scared. You were on this new planet and now suddenly having a child with a girl you've barely been dating. It was a lot to take in. It was overwhelming. You had every right to be scared. I mean your way of expressing those feelings were not ideal but it doesn't matter. You stepped up and chose to make the right decision and because of it Naomi has her father in her life. Trust me, life without a father is not a good one. You have to forgive yourself, it's the only way everyone can move forward."

"Shaylee the wise." Mon-El chuckles. "I really needed that, thank you. I love you kiddo."

"I love you too." Shay replies.

Mon-El looks down at her, shocked at her reply. The last time the girl had said those words were to her dying mother and it was difficult for her to say to any other. He wraps his arm around the girl's shoulder, planting a kiss on the top of her head. Although his relationship with Kara was not at its best, his relationship with Shaylee has never been better. At least one good thing has come out of this difficult time.


For weeks, Kara did her best to avoid Mon-el and the conversation that was needed between them. She couldn't sleep, she couldn't focus, her mind was completely clouded. She just couldn't figure out how to say what exactly she wants. All she knows is she has to do what is best for Naomi. Her daughter always comes first, no matter what, even if it's means making a sacrifice.

But is it really a sacrifice? Mon-El was her true love, how could she throw it all away? He was the one person she could always count on, despite their rough history. He was always there for her when she needed him the most. It might've taken him awhile but he always came around. And he is the best father to Naomi. She adored their relationship and it made her heart swell seeing them together. At the end of the day, Mon-el is always going to be a part of her life, so why not be reasonable and try to make amends? She is willing to give her family a second chance. She misses the way things used to be and wants to try to move on from all of this. And with some time, maybe one day they'll get there.

"Hi Mama." Naomi smiles, cuddling into Kara.

"Hi baby." Kara replies. "Hey so I got a call from Auntie Lena... she asked if you wanted to go swimming at her house today.  She just got some new floaties and wanted for you to test them out."

"Really Mama?"

"Yeah. Go get ready and I'll take you over there."

Naomi sprints out of the room and Kara immediately calls Lena hoping that she would be able to help her out.


"Thanks so much Lena. I know it's a lot to ask since it's your day off and everything. I know you don't get a lot of those."

"Don't worry about it. There's no one I'd rather spend the day with." Lena smiles. "I hope everything works out well."

"Me too."

"Auntie Lena!" Naomi screams, jumping into her arms.

"Hi Bubba. You ready to go?"

"Yayyy! Bye Mama. See you."

"See you Baby. I'll come get you tonight."

Pulling out of the driveway, she grabs five of her favorite donuts from the best cafe in town, Cherry Blossom. She needed something to give her the confidence to get through the conversation. After enough stalling, she grabs two coffees and bagels and makes her way over to Mon-el's apartment. With everything in her, she quickly knocks on the door and prays that Shaylee is the one who answers it.

"Kara... it's umm. What are you doing here?" Mon-el asks, half asleep.

"I brought over some coffee and bagels from Cherry Blossom. I hoped maybe we could talk."

"Okay. We can go out to the balcony."

She follows him out to the balcony and takes a seat as he closes the door behind them. She hands him the food and begins to form her speech in her head.

"I know what I said yesterday was a bit harsh. You didn't deserve to be scolded like that and I'm sorry." Kara starts.

"No I did. You're not the one who needs to be apologizing, it's me. You had every right to be angry at me, I was a jerk. I made so many mistakes and I wish that I could've done things differently. I'm sorry for all the bullshit I put you through. I know that doesn't really make up for it but it's a start."

"Yeah and I appreciate it. But this isn't going to work if we don't let go of the past. What's done is done and we can't change that. We have to move forward, for everyone's sake. So can we just start over? No more guilt, no more anger, just a clean slate because I really want this to work. I miss you, I miss our family." Kara admits.

"I'd do anything to have it back. Both you and our family."

"Glad we're on the same page." Kara beams. "But I'm not ready to just automatically jump back to the way things used to be."

"I understand. We can take things as slow as we need to."

Kara gives him a big smile and he groups her into a hug. Shay watches from the kitchen contently as she sees that the air is now cleared and that the tension is gone.

"To new begins." Mon-el smiles, holding out his coffee cup.

"To new begins." Kara states, clicking her cup with his.

I'm backkk. Oooof I know long time no see, I've been working on other things. That finale though, it was interesting. But I have high hopes for season 4, despite Mon-el not being in it. I mean I love Karamel but ultimately I think it was best that they had him leave. Now Kara can focus more on herself and being Supergirl. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and see you in the next one. Byyyeeesss.

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