
By kaitlynmariebrown

833 34 13

"Here, in this forest, dark and deep. I offer you, eternal sleep." More

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30:

Chapter 17:

26 1 0
By kaitlynmariebrown

"Raven." I blink open my eyes and look around but nobody's there.

"Who's there?" I ask looking around again. Eric is gone too.

"Eric!?" I call with no reply.

I look and see somebody sitting by the window. I climb out and walk over to the shape.

"Who are you?" I ask and he looks over at me

"Dad?" I whisper confused

"Yes it's me." He says

"But how?" I ask and he sighs

"Raven you're in danger." He states

"What do you mean? Why?" I ask

"They know you're immortal." He says flatly

"What do you mean they know I'm immortal? I'm not immortal!" I exclaim

"Yes you are." He says

"No I'm n-"

"How do you think you survived that bullet?" He asks

"It missed my heart, they pulled it out and I healed." I say but he shakes his head.

"Raven there are so many things your mother and I should've told you. One being about you're abilities and two being about you're immorality. Raven baby that bullet went through you're heart you should've been dead. You didn't heal you survived. Look down and open up your shirt the gap is still there where the bullet was." He says I undo the top of my shirt and look down gasping at the small hole right on top of my heart where the bullet sunk in.

"Raven you are in danger greater danger then you could ever imagine they want you're blood and they want you're body. They want to put syringes of your blood into there warriors making them stronger and immortal. And they want you for a sex toy they want you to give birth over and over again so they can win this raging war." He says and I look up at him

"How'd you get here!? You're lying my father died you have to be an illusion! You're a fake!" I scream

"I'm sorry but I'm not. Raven I've made terrible mistakes one landing me where I am today." He says

"What do you mean where you are today?" I ask meeting his eyes

"I'm suffering in between death and life. I'm in a dark area where I can reach nobody where I can not escape." He says

"Then how'd you get to me?" I ask

"Baby I'm not actually here it's just my soul has entered your mind and you are portraying an image of me as I talk to you with my mind. I can't escape from where I am but you are so strong that I could reach you. But I only have so long." He says

"Prove to me that you are my father what's the one thing nobody not even Josiah knows? What is the one thing I only told you nobody else. What did I tell you on you're death bed?" I ask and he sighs

"You said you knew."

"Knew what?" I ask

"That you were different."

"How'd I know that?" I whisper and he places a warm hand on my cheek and swipes his fingers across it.

"Because of the tattoo that was just out of visibility under your hair on you're left side cheek. The tattoo you woke up with the day before your mother died." He says

"And what was the tattoo?" I ask

"It was three roses, the one in the middle was black and the other two had flames going up the stem." He says

"And what did I say I'd do?" I ask

"You said you'd make it vanish, show off as a normal demon hunter although you knew you weren't. You told me you'd fight and would never go down without avenging you're mothers name."

"What was her name?" I ask

"Nymeria Alexandra Vane." He says and I catch his eyes.

"What gifts do I posses?" I ask

"You posses the gift of healing yourself and others, you posses the gift of telepathy able to call stuff to you, you posses the strength to kick or shove anything at all far away and kill in an instant and too be able to turn anything invisible, and you posses the gift to change any new born child into a demon hunter or a demon itself."

"What does Josiah posses?" I ask

"Strength, the power to make stuff vanish, to make force fields, to use 110% of his brain power, and the ability to read someone which you can semi do to."

"How'd we get these gifts?" I ask

"You're mother was half demon and I- I was full demon. When she gave birth to you the gifts were transmitted into your bodies but were inactive. When she does and you two were touching her blood you're gifts were awakened." He says

"And why didn't you tell us?" I ask

"You already know the answer to that Raven." He says and I slowly nod.

"You're in danger." He says

"You still haven't told me why or who from?"

"Creatures of hell." He says then pulls me into a hug.

"I must leave now. They will find me and they will find me speaking to you." He says and I nod

"I love you so much and I hope to see you soon. Be careful." He says then is gone into thin air and I jerk up in bed gasping for air.

"Raven are you ok?" I look over at Eric and nod quickly.

"I need water." I say


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