Breaking Walls | ✓

By nomadsvj

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Reyes- truth or dare? Kea- truth. Reyes- do you wanna kiss me? Kea- dare. Reyes-*leans forward* I dare you to... More

Chapter 1 : Attracted To The Devil's Daughter
Chapter 2: Skilful Stalking
Chapter 3: Made Of Stone
Chapter 4: Intruder Alert
Chapter 5: Walking Away
Chapter 6: Losing Control
Chapter 7: Sides
Chapter 8: Mean Vanilla Milkshakes
Chapter 9: Monday blues just got real
Chapter 10: Dinner with the Devil
Chapter 11: Real Beginnings
Chapter 12: Troubled
Chapter 13: Execution
Chapter 14: Tranquillising confessions
Chapter 15: The forgotten dream
Chapter 16: Chasing waves
Chapter 17: Reminiscing
Chapter 18 : S.O.S.
Chapter 19: The trickster
Chapter 20 : Stake Out
Chapter 21: Looking back
Chapter 22 : Wild Child.
Chapter 23: Like The Last Hangover Movie
Chapter 24: Havoc
Chapter 25: Bearing all
Chapter 26: Not without you.
Chapter 27: Possibilities
Chapter 28: Living In The Past
Chapter 29: Don't hate the player hate the game
Chapter 30: New Rules.
Chapter 32: Paradise Lost; Vines and Balconies
Chapter 33: Broken Bottles
Chapter 34: Dooms Day
Chapter 35: Dooms Day Recovery
Chapter 36: I Should've Stayed In Bed
Chapter 37: I am a tree now
Chapter 38: Dear Diary
Chapter 39: Don't read this
Chapter 40: Think happy thoughts. THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS.
Chapter 41: Nothing about this can ever make someone happy
Chapter 42: Just a little while longer
Chapter 43: Half Confessions
Chapter 44: Masquerade on bourbon street
Chapter 45: Masks off
Chapter 46: AWOL
Chapter 47: Open Endings
Chapter 48: Still an open ending
Chapter 49: Talk is overrated
Chapter 50: A hero's Gamble
Chapter 51: The Shadow and the Light
Chapter 52: Sweep and weep em in rows
Chapter 53: The other side
Chapter 54: The final countdown

Chapter 31: Dare If You Must

126 29 12
By nomadsvj


The music was blaring from the house, people entered in groups. There were a few couples outside on the porch with red cups in their hands, swaying slightly to the music playing inside. Some guys were going out for a booze run, while others just partied inside.

This was the sixth party René had thrown since he found out about Damian.

Hey, I wasn't complaining, at least someone was using the pool in the back.

I was in the hallway going up to my room, some guy had just told me someone was making my bed 'their own' and I wanted to get there before they actually got successful in making themselves feel at home.

But before I could run up any further I quickly glanced at the front door when it opened and I almost tripped when I saw who it was.

It was Damian and his boy band, he had his arm around Kea as her eyes wandered. 

I ran up to him before René got there and stopped Damian as he walked further into the house, "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Well, I thought you'd know the answer to why Re...."

"I invited him here." I turned as René cut Damian halfway and walked up to us.

"Excuse me?" I asked confused as hell and before the asshole or I could say anything further René put his arm around Damian's neck, "Damian my man, lets party." As he pulled the asshole and his boys away, leaving me alone with an equally astonished, Kea.

"What the fuck just happened?" I asked myself before focusing my attention on her, "Oh go on ahead I don't need to show you where anything is, you know this house better than anyone."

Kea shook her head as if she didn't wanna burst my bubble and walked in.

I ignored her bizarre reaction and went up to René who was with Damian on the other side of the pool near the outhouse.

He was pouring a shot for himself and the moron he had suddenly decided to befriend.

When I reached them they had already gulped the drink down and René was now pouring another one.

"What? You forgot about me?" I spoke from behind them when René turned around licking the lime. "No, YOU! my brother-are my life."

He was clearly already drunk.

By the second shot, Damian asked to lie down and his boys had dispersed as though they were never a thing.

Damian lay down and passed out within minutes. I stared at him while asking René, "Is it okay for a guy his size to pass out like that after two shots?"

"Na must be the date rape drug I mixed in the shot that did the trick."

"You wh..what? You spiked his drink?" I smacked him on the arm, "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Suddenly René didn't sound drunk at all, as he looked at Damian, then me, "Were you acting drunk this entire time?"

"I needed Damian out of the way."

"So all that you said about me being your life was a lie?" I said moving my hand over my heart in a mocking way.

"Oh shut up, you know what you mean to me." 

Okay maybe he was a little drunk.

"But that's not why I drugged Damian. Now I need you to focus." René spoke in an equally mocking way.

"I need some time with Kea without this bastard lingering around."

"We could have just killed him, gotten rid of him for good you know, we still can... just throw him in the pool and he'll drown. It'll look like an accident." I spoke as we both stood near the pool chair Damian lay on.

"Your love for me makes me, proud and scared, all at the same time." René spoke in awe as he looked at me then walked to the house, "Let's go we have a truth and dare game to attend and your job is to make sure Kea is there."

I nodded and made my way inside in search of Kea as René walked up to his room where the game was taking place.



I lay sideways on the floor of my bedroom resting my back on the frame of my bed. There were several kids from my school all sitting around me in a circle with an empty vodka bottle in the middle.

It was Derek's turn to choose, he was the goalkeeper for our soccer team and a friend.

He had chosen dare and everyone was drunk enough for the game to get dirty and not remember a thing.

The cheerleader chick sitting opposite him spoke, "I dare you to turn Emily on in five minutes."

Just as Derek was halfway through his dare, Kea walked in with Colin right behind her. She glanced around the room when her eyes met mine and she lingered just long enough for me to realise how trapped she was.

"Look who's here! Come in, sit." I gestured to the empty space opposite me that I hadn't let anyone occupy because it was reserved especially for her.

Now all I had to do was wait for the bottle to spin and land on her.

Colin sat on the bed, right behind me.

Derek's dare was done and now the bottle was spinning again and as if right on cue but not quite, instead of her the bottle landed on me.

"Truth or Dareeee?" Chantel the girl I had made out with yesterday spoke in a hushed sultry tone from right beside me.

I looked at Kea and just for a second I saw a flicker rise within her as she eyed the very naive girl next to me, she saw me and the flicker died.

But now that I had decided to play with fire I would be a hypocrite if I didn't get at least a little burnt.

I turned to Chantel and in the deepest huskiest voice, chose my fate, "dare darling."

"You better watch what you're doing René, Kea don't look too happy" Colin whispered like the voice of God from behind me.

"That's the plan, Mr. Davis" I spoke into the space behind me softly, enough for only Colin to hear.

Chantel tapped her chin a couple of times pretending to think, "I want you to kis..."

"Colin" Kea spoke before Chantel could finish the sentence. Then she repeated to make herself clear "kiss Colin."

"Oh hell no!" Colin and I spoke together in different verses.

Chantel wanted to protest but Kea gave her one of her killer looks that made her sit back down.

But Colin and I both knew a dare was a dare and nothing was worse than walking away from a high school party dare. We would never hear the end of it.

"I can't... cannot believe I'm being peer pressured into kissing you, something I've managed to dodge all throughout New York. I'm nineteen for crying out loud." Colin spoke getting up from the bed as he sat on the floor next to me. "This is all your fault René, only if.."

"Oh, let's just get this over with." I pulled Colin and gave a quick peck on the lip, nothing fancy and the man probably deserved it, he was after all- the only family I had ever known since mom.

Kea looked at me with an expression that was a mix of victory and relief as I moved ahead and spun the bottle.

Colin quietly got up and lay back down behind me on the bed while the bottle was still in motion.

It landed on Chantel as she excitedly looked over at me and Kea rolled her eyes.

It was like the Bermuda triangle, when Colin, Thank God for Colin, decided to make it a square.

"So I dare you to." Colin spoke in the same way she had with his finger on his chin when Chantel glared at him. 

"I haven't chosen and moreover you aren't even playing."

"He's my substitute for this round while I roll." I didn't want to give up the opportunity to make Kea jealous but the only questions I had in mind were for Kea and I really was rolling a joint.

Chantel let out a frustrated breath then turned to Colin, "Okay I choose dare."

Colin moved close to her, only centimetres away from her face as he brushed his lips to hers and spoke breaking her from the daze, "I dare you to get me a bottle of whiskey with a glass and some ice from the kitchen. Thank you." He pulled away halfway through the thank you and lay back in his original spot feeling pretty smug. "Wow this is fun."

Kea smiled at that, like a full toothy grin, I tried not to laugh, though the others in the room weren't so kind.

Chantel pushed to her feet and walked out of the door, I wasn't sure if she was gonna come back with the whiskey or not.

But nevertheless, we continued the game for her, the bottle once again gathered momentum then stopped pointing at another teammate.

The next few were just the same kiss me here, suck, bite, lick. Blah blah blah

The joint was made and passed around. Colin had gone to the kitchen for the bottle of Whiskey when it became obvious that Chantel wasn't coming and everyone else was too drunk, too high by now but we were awake, awake just for this.

As I blazed the second joint, the bottle landed on Kea. I passed the joint to the guy next to me and smirked looking at her, "Truth or dare"


"Do you wanna kiss me?"


I leaned forward like we were the only ones in the room and whispered "I dare you to kiss me"

"Never have I ever..."

"That's not the game."

I knew she could tell that I had decided what I wanted to ask her long before the moment she had made the choice. She was doomed from the minute she had agreed to enter this party.

No one in the room protested though, either they were too scared to intervene what was in the making or they were too intoxicated to register the happenings, either way, I was getting what I wanted.

And in some twisted way maybe I was giving her exactly what she wanted.



It was about time I gave you guys a long ass chapter.

Believe it or not, I have been working on things for you guys.

I also realised that I never really thanked you, people, for the 2.5k reads in just 32 chapters.

I can't tell you guys what it means to me, especially when I was contemplating whether my writing was worth anything at all.

It means a lot really.

And I'm sorry for the huge author's note as well.


Au Revoir

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