I Hate That I Love You. ( Pri...

By toxicdaises

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This story is about a girl named Hannah who's been bullied since 9th grade year. She's 16 now. Her parents ar... More

Chapter 1 - Get The Knock Out.
Chapter 2 - Is This Really Happening?
Chapter 3 - Making Love Faces.❤
Chapter 4 - Did You Just Use Me?
Chapter 5 - Confused.
Chapter 6 - Done.
Chapter 7 - You Lied.
Chapter 9 - Meeting Him.❤
Chapter 10 - Marvin's Room.
Chapter 11 - Bruises and Cuts.
Chapter 12 - Say My Name. ♥
Chapter 13 - Got Your Back.
Chapter 14 - Everything Is Falling Into Place.
Chapter 15 - Special Day.
Chapter 16 - Killer Whale.
Chapter 17 - Yes or No?
Chapter 18 - Goodbye.

Chapter 8 - Going in Circles.

2.4K 18 13
By toxicdaises

Hannah's POV.

I went downstairs to go see who's at the door. I opened it the door seeing Prince. His eyes widen and his mouth dropped a little.

Prince: What are you doing here and why haven't you been answering my texts?! *He said yelling a little*

Me: Last time I check I'm not a little girl. I moved out!

Prince: What are you talking about you moved out? What did I do this time?

Me: Don't play stupid Prince. I saw you at the park kissing Jessica. *tears starting to come*

Prince: Hannah.. look I'm sorry.

Me: No it's too late. You lied to me. Saying you'd love me forever, can't believe I was stupid enough to believe you.

Prince: No, Hannah listen.

Me: What is your excuse this time?!

Prince: You're right. I shouldn't have kissed her. I'm in love with you, not Jessica.

Me: Whatever, go away, you're the last person I want to see right now.

Prince: Can I at least get a hug?

I rolled my eyes, still having tears rolling down my face. He whispered in my ear and said I'm sorry. Then he kissed me and left. I shut the door behind him.

Did he really mean it? I don't know what to do think. I walked back up stairs and try to get myself together before Roc came and saw me. I don't want him to know that I was crying over Princeton. He came out with just a towel on brushing his teeth.

Me: You're finish?

Roc: Yeah, you can go in now. 

I go into the bathroom. Undressing myself, I washed myself up. Next thing you know I feel a breeze. It was the shower door opening. I turned around feeling insecure. He kissed me. I kissed back. He picks me up, bring us to the bed.

That night we made love.

End Of Hannah's POV.

Princeton's POV.

I can't believe Hannah just ended us like that. I still do love her with all my heart. I promised her that I wasn't going to stop fighting for her. Maybe we weren't meant to be but I'm still going to fight for her if it's the last breath I take. I'm in love with her. Without a doubt. Me kissing Jessica is the biggest mistake of my life. I should've never done that. I didn't even know Hannah was at the park. I thought she'd be home, but either way she would've found out that I kissed Jessica at school, because of Roc. I know how he is.

It's awkward how him and I don't talk anymore. People have been talking. I haven't been saying anything about the situation. It's no one buisness. I feel like Roc is definitly gone to win Hannah over, now. I can't let this happen. I have to win her back.

 End Of Princeton's POV.

Hannah's POV.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of Roc's alarm clock. He hit the snooze button quickly.

I put the covers over my head. I don't feel like going to school today, but you know I already missed one day. I don't need Caroline finding out.

I get up, brush my teeth, do my hair, put some clothes on, and eat some cereal. Roc finally came down ready to go to school.

Roc: Are you ready?

Me: Yeah.

We walk out to his car and drove to school. I kinda didn't want to see Prince today, after what he did. I especially don't want to see Jessica. If she starts something with me, I'm swinging. No joke. Roc and I walk into the school together. Everyone was mugging us. Everyone I guess still hated me.

Roc: Don't worry about them.

Me: I'm- I'm not..

Roc: So, do you want me to walk you to class?

Me: Um, no it's fine. I'll talk to you at lunch?

Roc: Sure, bye *walks to his class*

I walk to class. Two girls stepped up to me, I had no idea who they were.

Girl #1: Do you go out with Roc?

Me: No, can you get out of my way?

Girl #2: When you finish our questions you can.

I rolled my eyes. Am I going to have to fuck 2 bitches up at the same time. They look like they couldn't fight so I had a chance.

Girl #1: Do you have a thing with Roc?

Me: Why do you care?!

Girl #1 & #2: Clearly because we like him!

Me: Well, no Roc and I aren't going out.

Girl #2: But do you have a thing with Roc?

I pushed the Girl #2 to the ground having Girl #1 pull my hair. I pulled her hair down even harder, crashing my knee into her face 4 times, giving her a black eye, busted lip, and nose. Then I threw her head onto the ground. Not hard enough to a concussion but hard enough for her to realize to leave me alone. Girl #2 jumped on my back. Are you fucking kidding me? Bitches can't fight to save their life! I elbowed her in the stomach, having her fall off of me onto the ground, holding her stomach. Smashed her head into the ground 2 times. I punched her in the face 3 times and I kicked her in the stomach.

Me: Now leave me be, before I whoop your ass again, comprende?

They both nodded their head holding their heads and stomach.

I skipped class, knowing I'd be late. Who cares, I'm too angry about the girls crying me. Being bullied can really boost up your fighting skills. I opened my locker and got my second period books out. The bell rung finally, everyone came out looking at the girls. Some guy helped them up and took them to the nurses office. I didn't care. I closed my locker and walked to my second period.

- Skipping to Lunch

I was getting my lunch, when Roc came up to me. 

Roc: Hey, um wanna sit with us?

Me: Not really...

Roc: What's wrong?

Me: Princeton's over there and I don't feel like being near him..

Roc: It's okay, I won't let him bother you if he hurts you.

We walk over to his table. A guy with long braids and goggles started to talk. His name was RayRay.

Ray: Why did you bring her over here?

I could feel Princeton's eyes on me. I just looked at him and rolled my eyes.

Roc: Dude, chill. She's cool people's. 

Ray: Oh, she's your girlfriend now?

Roc: Not yet. *He smiles and looks up at me*

Princeton: Whatever.

Roc: I'm sorry do you have something to say?

Princeton: Clearly, I said what ever. Back off dude.

Ray: What what's going on?

Roc: Make me bitch.

Next thing you know Princeton throws a punch to his face. They started to fight. Everyone started to watch until I yelled at Ray and a guy with a Mohawk named Prodigy.

Me: Don't just stand there get them!

Prodigy got Roc and Ray got Princeton.



I looked at Roc's face. His nose was bleeding and he had a black eye. I grabbed his hand and walked him to the nurses office. The nurse looked at us in amazement. She gave us a pack of eyes and a tissue. I held the ice on his face.

Me: Are you okay?

Roc: Ye-Yeah. I'm fine.

Me: I didn't think I would ruin your guy friendship. I feel bad *sounding sad*

Roc: No it's not your fault, he's never a true friend anyway. *hugs her*

I hugged back. I didn't like seeing Roc like this hurt, but I didn't like seeing Princeton hurt either.

Me: It's funny how you and me got into a fight on the same day. *giggles*

Roc: When did you get into a fight?

Me: During 1st period. These girls had a crush on you and they started asking me questions, like are we going out and stuff. They wouldn't move out my way so, I had to give them the ass whooping.

Roc: *eyes and laughs*. Wow, my chica bad.

I laughed and kissed him. It was a long passionate kiss. I loved him so much.

Me: I love you.

Roc: I love you too.

Me: Can I go check on Princeton, I promise it won't be long.

Roc: Fine *sounding jealous*

I kissed him and smiled and walk out to find Prince just sitting in the hallway, back against his the lockers, and head in his arms and legs.

End Of Hannah's POV.

Princeton's POV.

I was so mad right now. I wanted to talk to Hannah. I didn't want to start the fight but Roc made me so mad. I think I really messed up this time. I know Hannah didn't want us to fight but I already knew it was going to happen.

???: Princeton?

The voice sounded so familiar, I looked up to see Hannah.

Me: Now you want to talk to me?

Hannah: Yeah, are you okay?

She sits beside me pretty close. Almost no space between us. I shook my head.

Me: I miss you Hannah. I didn't mean to hurt you like that I'm sorry. Please, just take me back.

Hannah: I don't know. It's the second time you've done this and I don't know if I could ever trust you again.

Me: You don't have turn. ( grabs her hand ) , I'll gain the trust back.

Next thing you know, I leaned in for a kiss.

Me: Do you still love me?

Hannah: Like I told you I could never stop loving you. ( kisses me )

It made me happy to hear that. Our kiss turned into a make-out session. Until the bell rung. She grabbed my hand.

Hannah: Come on, lets go to the nurses office.

We go into the nurses office. I see Roc. It made me mad all over again, but it did make me happy that I gave him a black eye.

Roc: What is he doing here?!

Princeton: Watch it Roc!

Roc: Whatever, I'm going back to class. Bye Hannah *kisses her lips and walks back to class*

It makes me so mad I wanted to punch him but Hannah stopped me.

Hannah: Trust me, it's not worth it again.

I sent up on the nurses bed.

Hannah: I bet you didn't know you had a black eye did you? *smiles*

Me: *Laughs* No wonder it hurts when I blink.

She laughs and pulls out a pack of ice and puts it on my eye softly.

Hannah: I hate seeing you guys like this.

Me: It's okay. I'm fine, I don't know about him though...

Hannah: *smiles*. Well I'm glad your okay. *kisses him*

Me: *Kisses back* I love you Hannah.

Hannah: I love you too, Prince.

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