Writing Tips to Help Write St...

By lovingwritingstuff

44.6K 1.5K 363

tips to help you become a more successful writer. Some of these are ones I've gotten from a youtuber, Jenna M... More

How to Write Believable Characters
Character Plotting
Writing LOVE Interests
Writing Fiction
How to Write a Character's Breaking Point
Killing Off Characters (my favorite!)
How To Write a Convincing Dialogue
9 Weird Habits of Writers
How to Explain a Summary of the Story
How to Write a Kissing Part
How To Write Fight Scenes
DO's & DON'T's when writing Physical Descriptions
How To Set the Scene
Worst Parts of the Writing Process
Writing Fear and Suspense
Beta Reader Tips
Evoking Emotion Through Your Writing
Writing Super Powers and Magical Abilities
Naming your Characters Based on What the Book is About
Character Naming Process
How to Title Your Book
How to Write a Prologue
How to Describe a Character's Face
How to Handle Self-Doubt as a Writer
10 Things You Should Never, Ever, Tell a Writer
How to Write an Epic Climax!
How to Write a Cliff Hanger
How to Write a Plot Twist
How to Lengthen a Book / Story
How to Reduce Your Word Count
What is a Critique Partner?
How to be a GOOD Critique Partner
How to Write Romantic Chemistry
How to Write Humor
How to Write Friendship and Platonic Chemistry
9 Worst Female Pet Peeves
9 Worst Male Character Pet Peeves
How to Write a Book and Actually Making it Happen
How to Improve Your Writing with Skill Share
Outlining Your Novel Part 1
Outlining Your Novel Part 2
Marketing Basics for Writers
Show vs Tell: When to Show
Show vs Tell: When to Tell
How to Overcome Writer's Block
Tips for a Successful Book Cover
How to Start a Writing Idea
Skills You Never Thought You'd Need as a Writer
How to Self-Edit Your Stuff
How to Choose an Editor
How to Write about Antagonists and Villains
8 Worst Types of Writers

How to Write A Book Synopsis

1K 38 7
By lovingwritingstuff

If you don't know what a Book Synopsis is, it's the pieces of information on the back cover of a book.

Identify the Setting / Time Period

Identify the Main Character

What Gets the Story Going?

Identify the Most Important Subplot

Identify the Plot 

Know What is at Stake in the Book

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