Rain | Harry Styles

By littlewhjtelies

1.3M 36.3K 59.5K

"Love, like rain, can nourish from above, drenching couples with a soaking joy. But sometimes under the angry... More

thank you.


24.8K 657 1K
By littlewhjtelies

'i think you'll find that i don't mind if i'm dismissed, but you'll be fine with pouted lines break through your skin.'

(vibes - chase atlantic)


"Harry, Harry! Come on, we're all playing over here!"

I almost dropped my penknife to the ground at the sound of her voice, startling me as it often did.

"Just a minute!" I called in return, dragging the blade a final time across the rock that lay in my palm, smoothing over the edge with my thumb.

A pair of pink plimsolls came into view, tattered ribbons upon the toes. I glanced up, my eyes scanning the pink frills that rested on her grubby and scarred knees - remains of what would begin as an innocent trip to the park, and would end building a fort from a bush somewhere.

"Haz," she huffed, folding her arms, "why won't you come play with the others?"

"I'm busy."

"With what?"

"A weapon, of course."

She sighed once more, her fingers twiddling with the edge of her neat braid, "why do you need a weapon?" she asked curiously.

"How else will I fight off the monsters, Rosie?" I sent her a grin, watching her cheeks flush rose.

"Come on, Haz - this is our last play day before we go to big school, can you please come and join in?" she pleaded sweetly, her tone sickeningly saccharine.

I clasped the rock tightly in my fist before nodding, standing up from the bench where I sat, and letting her lead me by my wrist to the main area of the park.

She squealed something about the big kids being at the park today - how exciting it was, and how exciting it would be to make friends with them before school started.

She was always so out of her depth.

They ripped the ribbons right from her shoe, snatched the clips from her hair. They tugged her braids, forcing her head down into the mud, obnoxious sneers and jeers filling the humid night air. 

"Get off her!" I'd roared before I knew what I was doing, thundering towards the group, where precious Rosie lay face down in the dirt, desperate, throaty cries sounding from her.

I'd pushed the first boy before I knew what I was doing; pushed him with every inch of strength I could muster, a sharp shriek leaving his chapped lips.

The rock.

"The nutter's cut me! He's crazy!" 

I watched him as he frantically cradled his shoulder, pulling his hand to reveal a streak of crimson staining through the tear in his shirt.

"No! I didn't mean-"

"What the fuck?!" the tall girl screamed, pushing me down into the dirt, "you freak!"

They all watched in disbelief as the boy cradled his wound, the group crowding around me as Rosie tried to pull herself to her feet.

"You're gonna pay for that, asshole!" an angry remark sounded from another boy, looking just about as bewildered as I did.

"Please - I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"Leave him alone, dimwits."

I turned my head quickly, thankful for the intruder despite my obliviousness to their intentions.

Tall girl scoffed, "Oh yeah? And what if we-"

"Don't, Monica," the boy hissed from beside her, "he's the one with the dad who works for the police and all that."

And with that they were running, not even a glance back in my direction.

"Get up, lad," the boy stood in front of me, his eyes holding a gaze I'd never seen in anybody before, as he outstretched his hand for me to take. 

He wore a red t-shirt, khakis, and trainers - Sketchers. I'd been begging my mum to get me those for months, but she'd always said they were too expensive.

"What's your name?"

"Harry," I murmured, taking his hand and brushing myself off.

"I'm Louis Tomlinson," he shot me a toothy grin, "do you have plans for tea, by any chance?"

Four missed calls.

I groaned, rubbing my eyes before reaching for my phone, only to knock it onto the floor. 

"Fuck," was all I could rasp, fumbling for my phone to inspect the cracks now prominent on the glass screen, the dream I'd only just awaken from momentarily forgotten.

(3) Missed Calls - Birthgiver

(1) Missed Call - Ana

I was fully prepared to toss it aside again and to return to my slumber, before it hit me that I'd promised Ana I'd go to school today. Goddamnit.

My phone started to buzz once more, and I had it in my grips this time, answering almost immediately, "Hello?"

"Haz, you're awake," Mum's voice sounded a little too loudly through the receiver, causing me to almost jump away from the phone itself, "you're going to be late, I tried calling you earlier-"

I drew backward from the phone - 8:15. Shit, I had half an hour.

"I'm up, Mum," I sighed, standing up slowly, "and it's Harry." I hung up quickly, interlocking my fingers to raise my arms above my head, relaxing my tense muscles with ease, a content grunt leaving my lips.

I undressed and stepped straight into the shower, the shock of cold sending an immediate chill up my spine before the water began to heat, steam arising around me as the water fell upon my skin. I exhaled as the droplets coated my bare chest, soaking my hair - fuck, I need to cut this soon. 


I sighed, pacing outside of the double doors I was scheduled to soon be walking through - alone. No Harry. I couldn't blame him; he was legitimately sick, and I'd have been surprised if he were to show at school today.

"I'm here, I'm here!" I heard a familiar call, and I turned my head to see Harry thundering towards me, a grin plastered on his features. His hair was still damp, his skin glowing, and he wore the same brown coat he always did.

"You came," I chuckled, as he didn't break his run, grabbing my hand to tug him alongside him, pressing a chaste kiss to my forehead.

"Yep," we ran through the doors, as he dragged me through the crowded hall, "run faster, let's not be late for first," he sent me a wink.

We stopped by my locker so that I could grab my books, and I exhaled deeply, "Why do you always make me run so much?"

"I like watching you try and keep up," he smirked, leaning against the door of my locker.

"So, you're feeling better, then," I beamed, picking up my books as Harry lifted his head from the door so I could close it.

"Better than ever," he returned, lightly pressing his hand to the small of my back as we walked.

"Well, at least-" I was cut off by my back slammed against the locker, Harry pressing his body to mine as his lips met my own, his kiss rough and desperate, the element of surprise playing a contribution. His tongue swept smoothly along my bottom lip, his insistent mouth parting my lips and evoking sensations I hadn't known myself capable of feeling. I'm suddenly unaware of the hundreds of students surrounding us, all I knew, and all I felt was Harry.

He broke the kiss, my chin held between his forefinger and thumb, his eyes searching my own.

"What was that for?" I breathed, my fingers tangled in his damp curls, the proximity between our faces allowing me to smell his cologne, as well as his typical combination of smoke and mint.

"I needed an excuse to do that in case you freaked out," he murmured lowly, his gaze locked on mine, "and that was my excuse," he nodded subtly to his left. I turned my head - there stood Louis, Sadie, and Jake, their expressions bitter as they watched us.

"We're late to first," Harry mumbled into my ear, wrapping an arm around my waist to lead me down the hall.


Lunch rolled around quickly, and as I wandered from my Biology class, I felt an unfamiliar hand on my shoulder.

"Annie, hey," came the monotone voice of Tasha, surprisingly not alongside her obnoxious sister.

"Ana," I corrected, shifting awkwardly from foot to foot.

"Yeah, totally," she shrugged, "anyway, you wanna have lunch?"

"Uh.. yeah, of course," I tried to sound bright as she sent me the first smile I'd seen from her. 

We walked to the cafeteria together, the both of us grabbing our trays and lunches. She had yet to say another word since we'd spoken in the hallway - she was the polar opposite of her twin, I suppose.

"So," she spoke suddenly, unscrewing the lid of her water bottle, "I'm sorry about my sister, the other day. She can be, uh.."

"Obnoxious?" I butted in before I could stop myself, quickly slapping my hand over my mouth.

"Perky," she grinned, a chuckle sounding from her, "but obnoxious definitely works too, girl."

I sighed in relief - my minor outburst hadn't made her hate me.

"She's liked that Styles kid since he got here in seventh grade, or something. It was kinda sad," she explained, spooning some yogurt into her mouth, "She'll get used to seeing you two together sooner or later."

"Oh, we're not-"

I cut myself off - frankly, I was tired of my own voice at this point. I wasn't gonna be the one who talked over people who attempted to befriend me - Tasha was nice, and I had no reason to dislike her. She was the first friend I'd made outside of my old group, after all.

"You and Tiff are so different," I pointed out in attempts to change the subject, as Tasha nodded.

"I'd like to think so. I mean, I couldn't stand being as annoying as she is," she sighed, and I laughed.

"Oh, come on. She's your sister - identical twin sister," I remarked, and Tasha wrinkled her nose.

"Don't remind me. Look, I love the girl - she's my sister, and she has good intentions, but.. we're not remotely the same. She's obnoxious, bold, an extrovert.. and I'm just not," she continued, "I just wish she'd accept that - make her own friends, and let me make mine, y'know?" she ranted, and I nodded.

I almost felt bad I'd never noticed Tasha before recently - Tiffany, too. The two had been in my class most likely since I'd arrived in Seattle, and somehow, despite the bitter circle I'd emerged from, they found the decency within themselves to speak to me, and befriend me. I wasn't used to people being nice. At least, that was the realisation I was coming to - it was unfamiliar. I'd considered Sadie my best friend for a long time, and it was only now I could see that she wasn't so sweet after all. She was cruel, actually, and her and Jake more than deserved each other. 

I hated who I must've been when I was with them. I never considered myself a nasty person; somebody with corrupted intentions, but now as I faced their true colors - I attempted to face mine. Was I like them? No, I knew I wasn't. If I'd have known what they'd done to Caleb so long ago, I never would've let them befriend me. 

It was Louis that had shocked me the most; his true colors.. that was something I'd yet to process.

"Hey!" a voice sounded suddenly, breaking me from my thoughts - Tiff had taken the seat beside her twin, Tasha shooting her a smile I knew was fake. I almost snickered - who could really hate their twin so much? "Why didn't you guys wait up?"

"I was starving, so we just came straight here," Tasha lied, and Tiff huffed.

"Well, still, Tash, we always have lunch together," she scowled, yet to look at me.

"It's not like I disinvited you from lunch," she spoke monotonously, stabbing a piece of lettuce with her fork.

"Ana Grace," I felt a low murmur against my ear, and I spun around to see Harry with a smile plastered on his face. His smile faltered as he glanced at the twins opposite me, but returned as he slid into the seat beside me.

"Be nice," I hissed so that only he could hear, before turning back to the table. Tasha had a knowing grin on her face, while Tiffany's jaw seemed to drop. 

"Always, Levin," he raised an eyebrow, before he continued, "I have a dentist appointment, I just wanted to let you know I was leaving."

I nodded, as he went to stand up, "What're you doing tonight?"

"Your house?" he suggested, and I shook my head.

"Wrong answer, you're going to talk to Louis," I poked his chest and he groaned.

"I really don't want to, Ana."

"You have to," I countered, "please, for me."

He narrowed his eyes, staring into my eyes for a moment before sighing in defeat, "Whatever. I'll see you tomorrow, then."

"Thank you," I grinned, as he leant to kiss the side of my head, and I was slightly surprised he'd done so in front of the twins - but then again, this was the guy who'd pulled me into a makeout session in the hallway this morning.

Moments later he was gone, and Tiff looked annoyed as ever, while Tasha shot me a look.


"I'm not with Harry! We're just friends!" she raised her voice higher, mimicking me as I kicked her shin under the table, "Ow!"

"You deserved it," I smirked, picking up my apple from my tray.

"Yeah, whatever - I saw how you two looked at each other."


"You were practically eye-fucking."

"We were not!" I shrieked, and Tiffany stood up from her seat.

"Yeah, I saw that too," she mumbled bitterly, before stalking away from the table.

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