I Swear This Time I Mean It (...

By amarie19xoxo

102K 2K 358

Ariel Simmons always wanted to be a WWE Diva. She finally got her dream job. She knew it was going to be hard... More

First Day
Dive Bar
Gym / Flashbacks
Day Off
Heading Home
Home at Last
The Date
To The Concert
Happiest Woman Alive
The Fight/Flashback
Day Off Date
Live Show
Pre-Raw Fun
The Next Fight
Girls Day Out?
Slammy Awards
Make Up
Good Morning
We're Going On A Date?
The Big Night
The News
Small Bump
The Bosses
New Scripts
The Announcement
It's Time
Congratulations Are In Order
What's Happening?


3.7K 70 6
By amarie19xoxo

I woke up the next morning around 10:00 which was something very good for me considering I would usually sleep till around 2:30 in the afternoon. I got out of bed and went downstairs after doing my morning wake-up routine. There was a note on the kitchen island that mom was already out to work and that she would see me at Raw tonight. Like the proud mommies they are, Colby and I's mothers both had purchased tickets for tonight.

I grabbed a quick breakfast and then decided how I was going to spend my day. Cleaning. Well until raw that is. My mom usually kept things as clean as she found necessary but in my eyes that wasn't enough. I happened to be a bit of a neat freak while growing up and the habit never really went way.

My mom had this awesome sound system that would play throughout the entire house if you hooked your phone up to the bluetooth, which I did immidiately because what is cleaning without music? The most boring thing ever. I started in the kitchen, putting all the dishes in the dishwasher, sweeping, dusting, organizing the refrigerator. I then moved on to the bathrooms and made sure everything was in ship shape. I made mine and my mothers' beds and then went in the living room to dust.

I was almost done when I found an untitled case. I picked it up out of curiosity and opened it. There was a disk inside labeled 'Ariel and Colby'. I got really confused so I turned my music off and put the dvd in our blu-ray player. The disk had a bunch of old home videos of Colby and I acting like losers, but as the video progressed I saw the way we were change. Not in a bad way, I saw us happen.

We went from being a little nine year old girl and a twelve year old boy running around playing catch in the yard with a football, to being a 16 year old boy and a 13 year old girl watching my favorite movie with him making fun of me the whole time. But then, I was 15 and I constantly looked sad. He kept trying to make me smile but nothing he did worked.

Suddenly I was 16 and he was 19 and the whole scene had changed. I was still sad and he was still trying to fix me but he looked at me with a different gleam in his eye and I had a new brightness to my smile when he actually managed to bring it out. The videos from that time period showed us close having silent conversations. He was trying to make me better. Then suddenly he was 21 and it was my 17th birthday, we were sitting at the kitchen table with our mom's and after I blew out the candles he held me close and kissed me, he pulled out a little jewelry box that held my beautiful necklace. We were five months in to our relationship when this video was taken. I was the happiest I had been in forever. A video from the next year. Exactly a year actually showed an even happier couple, me sitting on his lap with his arms wrapped around my waist blowing out the candles on my 18th birthday cake.

The last video in the set was from the year after that. June 13th, 2010. There was a distance between Colby and I not seen by the naked eye. We seemed happy but the gleam in his eye was fading, a new gleam had taken it's place. The gleam of success. I was still smiling but it was faked. I could sense the change in him. But my party still went on like the two years before. The video showed me blowing out my candles and kissing him just like the last two but there were no giggles, no jokes, there was no flirtation. Everything had changed.

After that video had finished the screen cut to black. It was over just like he and I were. I sat there on my couch for a while with tears streaming down my cheeks. The evolution of Colby and I. I realized in that moment how much I really had loved him, I realized then that the end was coming before Colby told me it was coming. I don't know how I didn't see it when we were younger. It killed me to see us go from innocent kids to the edge of goodbye.

I looked at the clock and by the time the video was over it was already 5:40. I got off the couch and put the movie back in it's case. I went up to my room and packed my bag for Raw, went back downstairs and locked up the house, took my old car and headed off to the arena.

I arrived a little late considering the arena was a half hour away from my house and I was supposed to be in the arena by 6:00. I walked in to see Danielle known in the ring as Summer Rae standing and talking with Nicholas who everyone knew by the name of Dolph Ziggler.

"Ariel, Paul and Steph want you to go see them in their office." She said to me neautrally.

"Okay thanks for the heads up Dani!" I responded cheerily, trying not to let my hurt from earlier show.

"See you later Ariel." She replied with a smile.

I walked into Paul and Stephanie's office with a smile on my face, until I saw who was sitting at the table. None other than the viper himself Randy Orton. I was pissed.

"We have a new idea that we ran by creative and they loved it." Paul said with a smile.

"Creative has decided that you and Randy will have a star crossed lovers relationship storyline. No one in the WWE thinks you belong together roster wise but you fight through it together no matter how many people try to break you up. It will start tonight Ariel, you will have a match against Danielle and halfway through Nicholas will interfere and try to pick a fight with you. He isn't to fond of the idea but creative said it will be so it must be. Randy will run down the ring and save you. It will then be revealed that you two have been a couple in secret since before your debut a week ago. It will also be revealed that he was the reason for your joining the WWE." Stephanie explained happily.

Randy just sat there smirking. I knew this was his idea. I knew this was his way of trying to get with me. Little did he know a little script was not going to make me fall in love with him. Lucky for me I am a good actress. We all talked about the new idea for a while and then we were told we had to shoot two quick promos. I changed into my outfit and walked out to meet Randy. This promo was supposed to be set before I entered the WWE roster. We were in his private locker room when they told us how it was supposed to go.

I was sitting on the couch when he came through the door. I ran over to him jumping into his arms wrapping my legs around him.

"That was an amazing match baby. You are brilliant. I wish I could do what you do." I said giggly and girly like.

"Well, I do have a proposition from Hunter and Stephanie for you my love." He said smiling.

"What is it? Tell me tell me tell me." I said acting like a little kid on Christmas.

"Well, I told them that you had really amazing skills and I told them that I can't stand being away from you for such long amounts of time while traveling and they decided that it would be a great idea to bring you on as a new diva." He said with a smile.

"Baby! That's the best idea ever! Oh my gosh you're the best I love you so much." I said kissing him.

The director yelled cut and Randy told me I was a great actress. He also made a couple remarks about my kissing skills that I chose to ignore. I wanted so badly to tell him that I learned all my skills from Colby but I decided that now wasn't the time. We had to shoot one more promo so I changed into my gear really quickly and met Randy in a hallway that was currently unoccupied. The camera man gave us the signal after Randy pulled me into his chest. I was crying. Fake tears of course but no one would ever know that.

"Randy why can't we tell everyone that we are together?" I asked between sobs.

"We will baby soon, just now is not the time. You know no one here is very fond of the idea of us together, I mean look how people reacted when we were at the bar together last week." He said calmly and sweetly.

"But babe, it shouldn't matter what they think I am yours and you are mine and that is that. No one can change it." I replied.

"Kassandra, honey, I want to tell everyone. I promise we will soon. We just have to wait for the right time to break the news and maybe those who are against us won't try to break us apart." He responded lovingly.

"I really hope so Randy.." I said trailing off crying less now.

He tilted my chin up to look at him and he lowered his face to mine and kissed me. I looked up at him after the kiss broke and smiled and he smiled too.

"All will be well babygirl I promise." He responded before the cameras stopped rolling and the production team started getting ready to shoot other promos.

Before Randy could get two words in I walked away and into the Diva's locker room so no one could bother me. A few minutes later a crew member popped her head into the locker room.

"Ariel, you're on in five. Head to the gorilla please." She said in a quiet mousy voice before closing the door.

I headed out to the gorilla just in time to get my signal from the sound guy. My music hit and I ran out doing the basic entrance. In my head I was preparing myself for the impending hell that was my new storyline. I stood in silence in the ring while Dani and Nick came out.

The ref looked at both of us after her entrance was over and we both nodded. He gave the signal for the bell to be rung and the match began. We danced around for a little while before I decided enough was enough. I punched her right in the face earning an angry kick to the gut. That simply infuriated me so I tackled her to the mat and started pounding on her face whispering apologies with every hit. We both knew that this was all just for the sake of the fans but I still felt like I should apologize.

Before I knew what was happening Dolph was behind me pulling me off of her. He turned me to face him and he slapped me across the face. Randy's music blasted through the arena as he came storming down the ramp. He jumped into the ring and started beating the living shit out of Dolph. Summer slipped out of the ring before I could get my hands on her and soon enough Dolph weasled his way out too.

Randy then grabbed me by the waist asking if I was okay, you know making it look real good. I nooded with a solemn look on my face and he looked at me and whispered now. He signaled for a mic to be given to him and he began speaking.

"If you all are wondering why I showed up down here tonight it is because I couldn't stand to see my baby get hurt. That's right I said my baby. Kassandra and I are dating and we have been since before she was even added to the roster. Her joining the WWE team just made life twenty times better for us and we couldn't be happier." He said into the mic before bending down to kiss me.

I smiled up at him and listened to the cheers of the WWE universe around us. We went to go leave the ring when John Cena, one of the biggest opposers of the Authority's music blasted through the arena.

"Oh how cute," He said as he was walking down the ramp towards us, "The new little Authority mini power couple. What are you going to be baby Hunter and Stephanie? We all know that is the reason why she is here and I have proof." He gestured towards the titantron showing the promo that explained my entry in the WWE.

"Now I do believe what we see here is the Authority setting up another wannabe couple of control. But you see this isn't going to work out in their favor." He continued on after the video was over, "Because Randy's fears about their relationship going public, are very very true. Good luck making your relationship last in this company." He finished before again gesturing to the titantron before making his exit form the arena.

I made it seem like I was extremely scared and upset and slightly hurt and Randy cuddled me closer to him as all the lights from the show turned off and the actual arena lights turned on. That signaled the end of the episode.

Before he could say anything to me I left the ring and went to change. I didn't speak to anyone in the locker room and I didn't look up from the ground my whole way out to my car. I was pissed that I was stuck with this and I couldn't handle the anger coursing through my body. I got in my car and drove straight home. I took a shower to rinse the sweat of the match and the idea of Randy off my skin. I got a few texts from him but I didn't bother responding. All he said was that he thought tonight went great and he couldn't wait for the storyline to progress.

Still angry and annoyed I hopped into bed yelling a quick goodnight to my mother in the next room before closing my eyes and thinking about what a great day tomorrow was going to be with Colby. Somewhere between thoughts of the set list and what I was going to wear, I drifted off to sleep.

I actually cried while writing the evolution of Colby and Ariel. Just saying lol. Hope you guys liked the chapter ♥

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