facade || s.k. x reader

By livin_on_the_moon

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"Is there a specific reason why I can't read your mind or are you just stupid?" More

Chapter 1: And Yet Another Transfer Student!
Chapter 2: A Sweet ̶F̶i̶r̶s̶t̶ Second Impression
Chapter 3: Princess Glacé Grape Girl!
Chapter 4: Vellichor
Chapter 5: Window
Chapter 6: The Bet
Chapter 7 | ;)
Chapter 8 | The Tremenously Embarrassing Events In Life
Chapter 9 | Anticlimatic Dinner Party
Chapter 10 | In the Name of the Moon, I Punish You!

Prologue: Petrichor

29.2K 842 439
By livin_on_the_moon

Heavy smoky clouds materialized above, shrouding the cheerful azure sky and shielding the warm sunlight from reaching the cities below. A gust of wind too strong and sharp to be a breeze blasted through the streets as if it were a warning that a thunderstorm was approaching.

Instead of murmuring quietly amongst themselves, the trees pivoted their branches abruptly, like they were being yanked forcefully by an invisible hand. Leaves and cherry blossoms fluttered everywhere due to the powerful gales.

Businesses started shutting their doors and everybody who was currently outside started heading home briskly. Vehicles were lodged in traffic jams, all were people hastily trying to get home before the rainstorm settled in.

Children started to leave the parks, all holding their parent's hands while waving goodbye to all their playmates whose mothers and fathers have not yet arrived. Four children were left in the playground. A game of soccer was held between them. None were playing to win, but rather to pass the time until their guardians came to pick them up.

One of the children punted the rubber ball too vigorously and the ball streaked across the field. Another child reassured her playmates that she could bring it back.

The little girl left her friends at the field and raced towards the ball just as it wheeled down the small hill and into the upcoming road. Seeing as there were no automobiles in sight, the six-year-old sprinted recklessly onto the street. A loud crack of thunder could be heard echoing in the distance and a light drizzle pattered down from the sky.

At the same time, a rusty red pickup truck was driving down the road. The driver stared at the road ahead of him, half asleep. He suddenly became extremely conscious of the vibration of the steering wheel beneath his palms and the gentle hum of his truck... His head slumped onto his right shoulder and dozed off.

The little girl picked up the ball, smiling in triumph as she bounced it on the concrete. She then turned towards the hill, ready to run back to her friends when she saw a truck barreling towards her, clearly much faster than the speed limit allowed.

The truck was racing closer and closer to her.

Her reactions were quick: She dropped the ball and dashed towards the sidewalk, her instincts screaming at her to move faster. The vehicle was so close that she could hear the ear-piercing rumble of the truck beside her. It wasn't enough.

In her immense state of sheer panic, she tripped over herself to the ground. She let out a strangled cry as the brilliant headlights of the truck blinded her.

She squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for death when she heard a deafening crash. Glass spilled next to her like hail and she put her hand over her head attempting to shield herself from the rubble. When (Y/n) opened her eyes, she was met with a miracle.

The truck stopped moving. There was no sound, no rumble, no sign of any life in the automobile whatsoever.

The girl snapped from her state of shock and looked around her surroundings. The rain was now pouring down from the sky like a waterfall, the children were now gone and she saw the driver was stirring awake.

How did the truck stop so suddenly? Isn't a car supposed to... accelerate?

She took a few deep breaths. Did the car hit something? Maybe that's the result of stopping so suddenly? D-Did I do that?

But from the corner of her eye, she saw a boy around her age with bright pink hair standing a couple of meters away from the accident. When the girl turned in his direction, he disappeared.

(Y/n) (L/n) may not have known much when she was 6 years old, but she was and still is positive that a pink-haired stranger with psychic abilities forced the truck to freeze and saved her life.

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