Blue Crystal Heart

By canusurvivethedead

13.3K 348 59

Hanna has found the love of her life, and she really does love him despite his haunting past. But what will s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 5

775 17 4
By canusurvivethedead

"I'm engaged, mother," I informed my mom through the phone.

"Hanna, I don't know what to say," she sobbed.

"I know. Say congratulations. Say I'm so happy for you. Say you can't wait until the wedding. Say anything positive, please."

"Honey, of course I'm happy for you, but is if really the best time?"

"The best time? When exactly is the best time mother?" I was yelling up a storm.

"You okay?" I heard Jesse's sexy, husky voice on the other side of the bathroom door.

I put my phone on mute, "Yeah, I think so. I'll be out soon."

"-your father." Is all I heard from the phone.

"Repeat that?"

"I don't know how to tell your father. You know he won't approve. He doesn't think that guy is good enough for-"

"His name is Jesse, your soon to be son-in-law, so I suggest you plaster a smile on both of your botox-ed faces and start supporting my decisions for myself." I hung up and opened the bathroom door.

"Damn, yo," Jesse scratched his head.

"Let's do something," I sighed.

"Anything you want," Jesse grabbed me around my waist and kissed my red lips, getting lipstick on his mouth. I giggled and wiped it away.

"Go karting?" I named Jesse's favorite thing to do.

"Of course," he kissed me again.

My phone rang as we unlocked lips.

"Fuck," I growled.

"Who is it?"

"Emma," I exhaled. Emma was my "best friend" in throughout high school and up until I met Jesse. "Hello?"

"Oh em gee Hanna where the hell are you? You left New York? Evelyn and I are freaking out right now!"

I grimaced thinking about our last conversation. We got in a huge fight about how much better I could do than Jesse. She said she knew what was best for me because she was my best friend. I rolled my eyes at the thought even calling her my friend. Basically the only reason we were friends was because our parents were both some of the richest people in New York and had partnered companies. Our fake friendship lasted this long, but she didn't know in high school I snuck out at night to smoke dope with some of the kids at our school.

I never really fit in anywhere, until now. I remember being a different person around everyone I met, fearing they'd be displeased with who I was. Now I'm free to be myself, because I know I won't be judged or hated. I know, no matter what, I'll be loved.

"Emma. I had to do this. I love Jesse. We're engaged."

"That's why I called. Your mom told me what you called her, and she said to straighten you out. To get you away from that junkie."

"Okay, bitch. Listen to me. You rich ass holes who think they can only be associated with other rich ass holes need to stick your noses out of my goddamn business!" My voiced cracked at the end.

"Did you honestly just called me a bitch? I only want you to be happy and not end up addicted to meth, and-" she went on and on.

Jesse was a "pff" sound and sat on the bed. "Addicted to meth," he muttered.

"Good bye, Emma," I sighed and hung up the phone.

I sat on Jesse's lap and kissed his neck. I rubbed my cheek on his unshaved face. Not finding the reaction I wanted, I licked him from the collar bone to the forehead.

"What the hell?" Jesse laughed.

"Ready to go?" I smiled.


We called a taxi to pick us up from the hotel. We held hands in the back seat all the way there, and I rested my head on his sturdy shoulder.

"$16.43," the unfriendly cab driver said, and we paid him.

We walked through the automatic doors and went up to the counter where the worker stood waiting for customers. She was turned away from the door, her shoulder length black hair swaying as the wind from outside rushed in.

"Holy shit!" Jesse exclaimed.

"Jesse, no fucking way!" The cashier turned around.

I stood by Jesse's side awkwardly. Who the hell is this?

The woman hopped over the counter and went in for a hug with Jesse.

"Jane, you left New Mexico?" Jesse question.

"Yeah, right after you did," she replied.

"You look exactly the same."

I felt like I wasn't even there.

"And you look as handsome as ever," this "Jane" smiled.

"I'm his fiancé," I spat at her.

"Yeah this is Hanna, we're engaged,"
Jesse pulled me into his side with one arm.

"Nice to meet you," Jane reached out for a handshake. I took it and shook lightly for about a half of a second.

"Anything you want, on the house guys." Jane offered. "Hey Jesse, you still in business?"

Jesse clenched his teeth, and I saw sweat drip down his forehead, "Nah, yo. Done using. You still shootin'?"

"When I can," she smiled.

In business? Am I missing something here?

*thanks for reading, new chapter soon*

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