Academy Of Gods And Monsters

By phylinexo

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Gods Academy ironically like the name is an academy for Gods and their servees also known as familiar. Gods a... More

Godess awake
chapter 10
part 12
Untitled Part 15


4 1 0
By phylinexo

I was joltednawake to see that the i was civerd in swet weakung my pjs james had bought with the quote 'i solemly swear that i am up to no good' from harry potter, i wonder what lane and Izzy would say of theu knew the prince of illohons bought me this pjs it was of his christmas present for me, im sure he could have afforded more but i suppose he thought it may blow his cover. The irony i smiled to myself forgetting for a little when about thepresentation pain i went through, being my best friend james onew that altjouhh im comfortanle with luxuary i 0refered ersonalised gifts those kind was like the rarest treadure it made my icy heart feel a some warmth because of the thought i mean i had two rich parents and i myself was earning quiet a bit.
"Oh your awake"
Lane dashed across the room to suffocate me in a hug, she was quiet strong for a petite girl.
""Who changed me?" I tried mumble, but was annoyed atthe herbhair go8ng up my nose.
She pukked back i tried to not look relevied. Ibwasent exactqly a hugger athough lane knew that would never stop her from doing just that.
"Izzy and i, mrs pennycot helped but she ftoze after seeing uour glowing tattoos, speaking of which what was that O?"

I shook my head frowning " is it a god thing, im new to this remember"
Glowing tattos were worring i agree wish i could see how they look like but no, my feet was still tingeling from my dream, this time i hope it was just a feeling and not real.
My removed the sheets f eom my feet to seethe surrounded bed area was coverd sand and atched of drying blood, rh sole of my fet was a different story. Lane eyes widned gasiping while meeting my eyes. I stayed neutral this would keathat my dreams are able to project me dircty in to the dream.
My feet was reparinv and healing in a fast rate the once blodued wood that oozed liquid and sand inthe the, wounds now looked like a very sensitve pink patch of skin.
"What did the tatt oz look like lane?"
Kand wjo vwas stkll i ni trabs mode blinjed astart few t ime. "Wh at? Oh like swirls and pattrrns reallh but mrs pe nnycot dew it all down she weng to show heax master ore n. Whats h appening O"
I wish I knew, i laid back my head,"ixreally don g know my heads so messed up"
Lane joined me and the side of the bread to wrap me in a hug.

Just because i was not aware of what was happenig to me does nor mean others did not.
"Lane telk me about the prophesy" i had heard pennycot mrnyion it to oren sleep. Judging by the eay lanes eyes widned i think she knew some.
" honestly there is nothing to know it's stupid trust me" I'm mentally rolled my eyes at her awkwardness, i didnt have much of my patience this particular quality would have been awsome for the currebt situation.
"Let me decide if it's stupid"

Lane rubbed her forehead, " cant your grandma just tell you?"

I cosed my eyea frim frustration and anger.
"Ita fine let me just be alone"
That is code for get out before i pounce onthe you, or in y case do what i did to him.
Lane signed out loud. My relationship with gran georgette was there it was just there i was not close to her. Only now noticing that i Was a separate room not the shared room. Perks of whatever i just experienced. It was a cozy room still extravagant in its desigins with a en suite, and a big bay window which reminded me of our house in kensigtin my room especially hard open glass design it was comforting and breathable, i could do bugee juping, deep sea diving with sharks and i fould use my byke reqlly well ti the Point i can balance it on narrow edgy places but i hated closed places which included an average coset without a window. Afterbhaiya uearing oane leave and gently close the door. I mire or less stumbed to th emmm wjndow with pins and needle made harder with my exhaustion. It was korecjillier near tebwindow breating i to my fluffly dressing gown ti stp my breath from fogging the glass,the view was spectactaclar the snow was untuchw d and ayerd on to the the towerig evergeen trees, it niht was brightned my the a full moon it calld to me althiugh i int kniw know how i elt aout myhallusnations cane wont always be there o svae me .
I roughty drawed the pale curtans beelig creeped.
Deciding on a bath after seeing a selection of bath 'syrup' flavors i was nitnexactaly afruity person nor a vanillaor coco person, i decided to mix gardrnia, honeysuckle, sandle wood with a drop of an skmethig i couldnt idehtufy i wasent ure what it was but a drop of it was enough to bring together a unique smell exotic and velvety i f t hats possible, i decided to ask one of thw girls about thepresentation smell what it was. I wasent sure how t o u se it but decided mixinv it in t he water immeadutly relaxing me as in slid in my thaugts filled with cane t he syraner whovrescued me anx lucas thereceas alwaz sometig be tween us i knew he cared.
My eyelids were heavey, i also uad ti call james.

I was jolted awak frkm the so ind of door slaming and a Lucas shouting at lane.
"I tild you to watch her"
Seeng that my water was not that warm anymore ad y fingershave creased i got up and grabed the neatly folded towel around my dripping for.
"She wanted to be alone lucas, i hought she was going to sleep."
Lane sounded on the erge of trars. I pened the ensuite door to the room. Sway ing a little from being in the bath for too long.
"You didnt think ti check the bathroom?" I would have felt bad dor being calm and unapologetic i a situation like this but i wasent exactaly beig tod the truth.
Lucas and looked shocked i notised izzy was there too looking equally worried amd relieved in m y presemce.
Licus was blushing he averted his eyes when i caught im staring. I then notisedthe room was cold. The resm being the qindow was wide open and the curtam gently swayinng i the draft. I reember learly the qindow was cosed.
"Didyou open the qindow?"
I eyed them, teying kotnto look annoye.
"No it was wide open when i came to check on you thats why i thoight you ran away"
Lucas walkedntowards thebwindws chexking the surrudig before closig it anf checkng the l9ck and drawng the crtans.

It mudt have been the wind j thought. Or a way of scaring me.
I joted and nearly sweared as my heart skiped a beat when we heard a knock.
"can we come in?"
Sound of Alex was calming to me. Breathing a sign of realf, izzy went tk opem the door.
"Wait! Izxy" said luca s as he walked over while taking of his coat and draping it on my shoulders. Dgoox beside me. While a lane and izzg trued to hide their smiles trying to the insident before for gotton.
I thanked lucas as i slipped my hands through the coat sleevs, warming me instantly ognoring that lucas was being protecrive.
My hair dripping on to my warmer neck making me shiver.
"what happend?" Eddy looking curioud firgets to c lode the door while Alex looked around while closing the door gently.
"Shes fine its noyhibg i cant handl"
I liked lucas and mabe more than like but eddy and alex are my friends i didnt like the idea if lucasvbeing being rude to them.
Alex face was nutrel .
"hi you guys im fine although i would love tk go for a walk and asmuch as i love wearing this towel ill be needing something warmer than my pjs."

I walked backbin t the ensuite changing ti my pjs the shorts doing nothing to keep me warm.
Leaving my hair damp and only half dty i walked out not wanting to stay another second in this room i was muc h safer with people i the main building in our dorms.
Sighinv at my lacn of clothes i talked out keeping my calm because if anything losing my sanity is the last thing need for whatever was hunting me.
"Alex can you please shoow we to he dorms"
Alex understanding the situation gave a quick nod.
Excusing himself fromba raging lucas.
"What ar you implying by that Oddy that you choose him over me? U met him what 2 days ago"
Lane looked tornnon who to side with her eyes were pleading to me.
"Yes i haveng known Alex for long, like ive known you. Whichnis why you dont have the right to bemaking my desitions especially when you left me one day without without so much as s warning so much for knowing you a long time eay."

"dont make this diffucuilt we didnt have a choice it had tobe kept from you, you know that"

i smiled my deathly calm smile, and suprisengly feeling it. " that may be so but you dont get to come back in my life and act like everything is that way it was before.. we had something before Lucas but now im over it, you shuld too" i pretended to not notice the hurt in his face, but more than that he knew i would for a fact never keep anything from the pople i trust we were best friends, the day before he left i knew he was different from usual, that night he had told me he loved me and kissed me and told me he will see me tomorrow. i slept in peace feeling the flutter wanting to get the night over with to see him to only come to school the nex day to see that my two best friend have moved to travel the world. people who knew me knows that i would break every rule for the ones i love.

I walked ahead Alex following me close behind. I felt bad for an awkerd looking Eddy and Issy who both looked like they didnt want th=to stay in the room.
"Actually i should inform Mrs pennycott Oddy woke up."
Issy followed us out with eddy.
The walk back was silent i was bare f ooted in pj sh orts in thr middle of the day.
Shivering s little. Which didn't go, unnoticed by Slexceho gave me hid blazer. Which did nothing to warm mebup. We had a voided crowded places a ndtook the longer people freeway around the grand place. I was alking hugged vetween izzy and Alex, while Alex stayed vlose behind Izzy was full on tubbing my srms snd back warming me up.
"Thsnkyou Izzy but any more oc, this and it wil result in me getting a friction burn and j wontkillnyou if you speak." I laughed linking my arms with hers .
"So lke did you and lucas used to date or something?"

"Something like that usvthree were bestfriends so we did have sometbing"

Izzy had key used her card to open our dorms because i dont carry that thing around, the boys followed us closely intot he room. while eddy made him self comfortable on the sitting area while alex walked to the windows to sit on the ledge, like a painting. i could help but stiffle a laugh.

issy looked at e like ive lost my mind wjhile A confused look crossed alexex face.

i sat down near the fire place on the floor, while two large sofas lay empty with the exceptiion of eddy.

"im not saying your crazy but you about as stable as a mobile home in a tonrdo" i think thats her sothern ways of saying she tinks im mentaly unstable.

" Alex you remind me of that Salvadore Dali painting , it was emm.. the window or something i can remeber"

"'girl at the window' " he had a smile tugging at the end of his lips.

i smiled " yes thats the one, you werentactually trying to imitate that were you?"

Eddy was on the floor fits of laughter, " Alexmay act like a delicate flower with stick up his bum but he actually uses it to his advantage with the girls" issy stoped laughing and smaked him on the head. i wouldnt think o faleex a a delicate flower he clearly worked out but he face had a innocece that made him pass for cute and sexy. but i wouldnt say that loud.

issy bought over a warm cup of camoline tea, handing it over to me she sat down next to me on the floor, Alex had sat at the other side of the sofa, awayn from Eddy.
"will you be coming, for our expedition tomorrow?"
I hated the idea of staying inside this place on my on yes there qill be others but i preferd the idea of stayig in a croud.
"Where atewe going?"
"Its close so we will be on foot to aspens lake, well it will depend on the storm"

"Elaborate please Alex what will we do by going to a frozwn lake, skii? And how is tjis related to history"
Issy signed, "no we learnt about but you didnt start then. btw its called Aspens fall you walk thtough the water and through the waterfall behind it is a cave and sI'll prise more water but that will be frozen so wevwalk on it in the middle there will be crystal snd you get the crystal and bring it back." Izzy smiled.
"Well thats easy but Why are we doing this?" I cou ldnt help but scoff and feel anoyed.
"Amused look crossed across everyones faces including Alex"
"Its not easy, issy just stated the sypnosis there will be obstacless that will awaken our ablities and determine the lecel of strenth"
Issy was Nodding as a mater of factly.
"Whatbsort of obstacles?"
Iamm all in for a bit of scuba dibing but if i had to walk yhrough dreezing water and thtough a water wall im gonna need yo k now what it is.

"Obstacles are dif. water safely, its to test your emotional strength it measures your worthyness if thats a word the water will split in to secrions of who you are, ya know the colour of classic 7 deadly sins, the lakeis divided in tokk sections each representing one or 2 sins and the coiur of your sin will darken that section with the colour specific to thatbsin like envy is classic green"

I wonderd whst i will get, mabe blue red and yellow i do lovebto eat im lazy because i find everthing boring and ibgetveasily triggerd to being angry but i stsy calmdown and collected, i do get lustfil here snd there i wasent sure why Ca in flashed in my head he gace smirking that imsge of his eyes ever so dlighty narrowing and one vorner of his lips goes up slightly.
I signef loudly.
Layngg back ."its nota that bad relax Oddy"
I laughedca t Eddy ."mate i dont give a damn about people seingnmy sins , the worsg will be peo pleto will see i love food, i get hot and sweaty for japanese anime guys in shoujo genre what else i can sleep for days straight, i hsdvtoand trsnsfer school twice for punching a student then a teacher that says a lot about my anger and as gor pride its in there to."
I rolled on my stomach to a frowning issy and a vonfused Eddy and Alex who looked slightly worried.
Eddy opend his mouth tononly say "yoy get hot and swety for animes .? "
While i shrugged and waited for more info on the obstacles.
"Everyone has theyre own sexuslity i agree Oddys is unsual than the rest but we csn sccept that.Eddy"
I rolled my eyes sitting up again ."carry on at the obstacles "

By thecend ofvthe nighf i hac learnrd what thet had learned in hwlf, a year sure mrs pennycott would had edgucated me but i couldbt say no to an insider view.
Ofcorse i m still confused about manythings like wearing a thin plain white dress in to a frozen waterfall, after reaching inside the water fall i will need to find m g way through a maze of frozen ice and creatures, that are unknown all to get a crystal. Not forgetting to mention the only 5 people ever managed to reach this thing and bring it back but the closer im to it while being disqualified the strkbget my ablities so my akm was to reach as clo se as possible the cave will decide the bodies limit somehow transpoting them back to thebegunning.

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