Muted Love

By BriannaPeace

71.4K 3.3K 1.3K

Picture is not mine and neither is Naruto Sasuke has been mute ever since his accident and all his brother... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28

Chapter 13

2.6K 127 49
By BriannaPeace

Sasuke and Naruto left the Zetsus' studio after confirming a picture that the two of them liked.

"So, how many more galleries are left?" Naruto asked as they began to walk farther down the hall.

Sasuke held out his hand, indicating five.

Naruto's eyes widened. "Damn, that's a lot of people." He gave a warm smile to Sasuke. "I'm glad you're showing me all this though. Have you ever shown anyone else?"

Sasuke's cheeks held a tint of pink at Naruto's words but he shook his head. 'No. I don't really like anyone enough to show them all this.'

Naruto studied Sasuke, staying silent. "I'm flattered that you like me enough."

Sasuke rolled his eyes at Naruto's snicker. 'Come on, let's go.'

He led them to a door where loud music was playing from. Naruto watched skeptically as Sasuke opened the door.

The two stepped in and Naruto was immediately blasted by the loud, heavy rock music. He covered his ears and looked at Sasuke who seemed unaffected and continued on. He took this time to view the artwork.

He noticed that they were wax figures. He walked up to one of them and stared in awe at the detailed work. The figure had bright orange hair, multiple facial piercings and purple eyes that had a swirling pattern to them.

He viewed some more to find that they all had the same eyes and piercings.

Sasuke walked up beside the blonde. 'Nagato isn't here. His studio is locked. We can move on to the next one.'

Naruto nodded his head, still staring. "What's the deal with all these? They have the same eyes and piercings."

Sasuke waved him off as he headed towards the door. 'Some symbolism for pain. You can ask when you get the chance to meet him.'

They walked down the hallway again and saw Deidara.

"Hey!" Naruto called out to him, he jogged to catch up to the older blonde. "Where you heading?"

"Hm?" Deidara glanced down at Naruto before turning his head to see Sasuke trailing behind at a slower pace. He turned his attention back to Naruto and gave him a smile. "Just going to see my boyfriend then we're gonna grab lunch. You two wanna join?"

Naruto's eyes lit up at the mention of food and he looked back at Sasuke. "That sounds fun, doesn't it?"

Sasuke shrugged. 'Better than it did with those other people.'

"Those 'other people' are your friends. It was nice. Well, until the end." Naruto shivered.

Deidara stopped in his tracks and stared at Naruto, mouth agape. "You got Sasuke to go out for lunch, un?"

Naruto turned to face him with a toothy grin. "Hell yeah I did!"

"You must be something special, this ice princess doesn't want to do shit." Deidara snickered.

Sasuke glared, cheeks dusted with a light blush. 'Shut up, Deidara.'

Deidara shrugged his shoulders in response. "It is what it is."

Naruto gave Sasuke a nudge. "You'll bring me back to see everyone else's work, right?"

Sasuke gave him a nod and Naruto grinned back at them.

"Well, you can view Sasori's work while we're here." Deidara says as he stopped beside a door. "Go ahead and ring the bell."

Naruto stared curiously at the doorbell that was placed directly in the middle of the door. He gave a look to Sasuke who just shrugged then looked back to Deidara who gave him a reassuring smile. "O-okay." He walked up and pushed the button.

The bell chimes could be heard from the other side of the door. The three waited patiently until the door opened.

Naruto grinned only to see an empty doorway. He looked down and nearly screamed in fright.

Standing in the doorway was a grotesque figure, hunched over with dark eyes, grey skin and black stringy hair. Its bottom half of his face was covered by a white scarf and he was wearing a black cloak.

Naruto looked back at Sasuke who was giving him a smirk, and then to Deidara who was outright laughing. The smaller blonde glared at the two his hands on his hips. "What is this?!"

"My puppets." A deep voice from behind him said.

Naruto froze before slowly turning his head to see who was talking. There now leaning in the doorway, stood a tall red-headed man. He had bright green eyes and a neutral expression. He was wearing a short-sleeved black hoodie and black shorts. He raised an eyebrow at Naruto.

"Hey Sasori." Deidara greeted. He walked over to Sasori and placed a kiss on his cheek. "This is Naruto, Sasuke's date." He sang the word 'date', giving the pair a smirk.

Both Naruto and Sasuke blushed.

Sasori nodded his head. "Nice to meet you. I gotta finish up some things before we go, you guys can come in if you'd like." He didn't wait for an answer as he walked back into his gallery and headed for his studio.

Deidara and Sasuke followed behind, Naruto warily trailing behind, keeping one eye on the puppet that was still at the door.

"Damn, that was," Naruto stopped talking as he took in the room around him. "Creepy."

"Thank you." Sasori replied.

The room was filled with more puppets, each of them looking as creepy as the first one. All of then were performing different tasks, like sweeping, dancing and even moving objects around.

"How are they all moving like that?" Naruto asked, sticking close to Sasuke's side and avoiding the puppets at all cost.

"With wires and gears, un!" Deidara replied, a big smile on his face. "My boyfriend is so smart."

Naruto visibly relaxed after hearing the answer.

'You didn't really think they moved on their own, did you?' Sasuke asked, a knowing smirk on his face.

His face darkened with a blush "O-of course n-not!"

Deidara snorted while Sasori shook his head. Sasori unlocked the door to his studio and allowed the three to pass through before closing the door behind him.

"Have a seat." Sasori gestured towards the workbench in the middle of the room where four stools were placed along the sides.

Wooden limbs were scattered about the table and Naruto's face paled as he stood frozen.

'You gonna sit?' The smirk was once again on Sasuke's face.

"Duh, Sasuke." Naruto replied with a air of confidence. He walked over and sat in a stool, only to jump up in fright as Deidara subtly pushed a leg towards him.

"This is hilarious, un!" Deidara managed to say between laughter.

Naruto glared as Sasuke sat down. He sat as well and turned to Sasori. "So, how does this all work?"

Sasori looked up from his seat and gave Naruto his attention. "Well, I carve out the limbs, body and head from a special wood that my grandmother grows. It's pretty soft and malleable. I make the bodies and limbs hollow so I can put the mechanics inside and set them to do tasks. It takes months for a puppet depending on the task."

"Wow, that sounds like a lot of work." Naruto replied, surprised.

Sasori shrugged. "It's easy when your job only needs a few hours of your time online."

"He's in the process of inheriting his family's business, un." Deidara said, a feeling of pride overtaking him.

Naruto's eyes widened. "What business?"

"Chiyo Toys."

"I love those toys!" Naruto grinned excitedly at him. "That's so cool!"

"Thanks." Sasori fiddled with one of the pieces before standing up. "Alright, I'm finished for the day, ready to go?"

The three of them nodded. "Itachi said he'll meet us there." Sasori replied, taking out his phone.

"Think we should invite Konan?" Deidara asked with a smirk.

'Definitely.' Sasuke signed.

Sasori rolled his eyes as he led them out of the studio and gallery and into the hall. "You guys are just asking for trouble."

'I just want my brother to be happy, and I feel Konan can do just that.' Sasuke shrugged.

"You're a terrible liar."

Deidara laughed and Naruto looked on in confusion. "Don't worry, Naruto. You'll see soon enough."

They stopped at Konan's door and Deidara knocked loudly.

A minute or two later, Konan stepped out and looked at them, bored. "What do you guys want?"

"Naruto really wants you to come out to lunch with us, un" Deidara smiled sweetly at her. Naruto gaped and tried to protest but was instantly jabbed by Sasuke's elbow.

Konan's eyes softened as she looked at the smaller blonde. "Really? I mean, why not, I have no plans! Give me a sec." She closed the door, going back inside.

Deidara and Sasuke smirked while Sasori shook his head. "I don't want her blaming me for whatever bad thing is gonna happen." Naruto pouted at Sasuke.

'It'll be all good. Don't worry about it.' Sasuke pulled him closer to him.

"Alright," Konan threw the door open, purse in hand. "Let's go!"

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