Deceived Heart |✔️

By pennais

4.1K 773 40

Amelia is turning eighteen and that marks ten years of her having to wait for a new heart . Not everyone know... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Important , please read :
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chaper 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 34

44 8 0
By pennais

Deceived Heart

Amelia's POV :

"Hey , we need to get you home ." Tyler walks into the store .

"Uhm yeah , I was waiting for you ." I say but look at Cole .

"Bye Cole Bear ." I give him a tight hug .

"Bye Amy ." He hugs me back .

We walk back to the car so that we can get home . Half way home I feel abdominal pains and I realize that it's almost that time of the month and I don't have any pads .

"Tyler , could we go past the shops ." I smile awkwardly at him .

"Okay cool ." He smiles driving to the nearest shop we reach .

We walk into the shop and honestly I find it weird as hell that I'm about to get pads with Tyler . We walk to the pad section and I grab three packs not looking at him . I'm about to walk to the tills but Tyler pulls me back .

"Let's get more stuff ." He smiles looking amused .

He grabs a tub of cookies and cream ice cream which is my favorite , he takes popcorn and chocolate even though I've got a lot of junk food at home . We both walk to the tills where he pays for everything even though I fight against it .

"That was so cliché ." I laugh .

"What ? That you were embarrassed about having to get pads or the fact that the cashier was giving me looks and I didn't give her attention ?" He smirks helping me into the car .

"I think it was both ." I blush before he closes the door .

He gets into the car and drives off .

"Don't be embarrassed about your menstrual cycle . It's a thing every female goes through and quite frankly , no one should feel embarrassed by it ." He smiles .

"What about the other one ?" I look outside the window .

"Well I thought I was pretty clear about my feelings for you , I just don't want us to move too fast . I hope this doesn't come out the wrong way but I liked the you before this . You're the same person yes , but I would really want you to know how you felt about me during that time period , I don't want you to feel pressured into liking me if that makes sense ." He rambles .

"Hey , don't worry about it . I totally understand why you feel that way . I actually feel pleased that you're not pushing me into anything and just to clarify things , I don't know how I feel because there's still Cassandra . I'm however scared because maybe over the past few months I developed feelings for someone else or whatever . I appreciate you being here for me ." I smile at him .

"How do you remember Cassandra ?"

"You've been texting her and I'm fine with whatever is going on between you guys ." I sigh .

I get out of the car with Tyler's help and once we're inside the house we put everything away . We choose to ignore the talk we just had and continue with life .

"Hey guys , it's time for dinner ." My mom shouts from the kitchen .

"Coming ." I shout from the lounge .

My dad , Tyler , my mom and I have dinner with a few conversations here and there enjoying each other's company . I help mom with the dishes even though she fought with me to sit down so I wiped the dishes while on a high stool . As soon as we're done in the kitchen we walk up to my bedroom with the popcorn , chocolate and ice cream with spoons .

"So I'm guessing it's movie night ?" I laugh sitting on my bed .

"Yeah ." Tyler smiles grabbing my laptop on his way in .

We decide on watching the kissing booth which makes me feel all types of emotions . I cried , I laughed , I blushed , I fought . Every single emotion just went through my body watching that movie . I take the spoon in the now melted tub of ice cream having the rest of it .

I look up to see that Tyler is sleeping so I put the volume down finishing the movie .

"Hey ." I wake him up .

"Hey what time is it ?" He groans rubbing his eyes .

"It's eleven ." I tell him .

"I think I'm just going to crash here ." He sighs getting up and walking over to my closet .

I clean up the room getting ready to sleep . I walk to the bathroom to do my lady stuff and as soon as I'm done I walk out and straight to bed . Tyler pulls me closer to his chest encircling his arm around my waist .

"Goodnight Amelia ." He kisses my forehead but I can't help and compare it to Zions kiss .

"Goodnight Tyler ." I say with guilt and fall asleep .


"Hey Tyler ." I groan in the middle of the night .

"I'm feeling sick ." I cry feeling pressure on my stomach .

"What ?!" He wakes up jumping out of the bed .

"My mom bought me pills the other day . They are in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom ." I groan pulling my knees to my chest .

Tyler runs off to the bathroom and I soon hear the cabinets closing harshly . He comes back with a glass of water and the tablets in his hand .

"You're the best ." I tell him taking the pills and the water at the same time .

"I know ." He smiles getting back into the bed .

"Tell me where it's sore ." He whispers into my ear .

"My stomach ." I cry out of pain .

"Okay , lay down properly ." He says to me .

I lay down with my arms on my side trying my best not to curl up again . I feel his warm hand on my bare stomach and he starts moving it comforting me , I actually start feeling the difference so I enjoy the feeling .

"My mom did this a lot to my sister ." He says into the silence .

"Thank you , it actually feels a bit better ." I turn my head to give him a smile .

"It's not a problem . I would do anything for you , I hope you know that ." He gives me a breathtaking smile which could put me in a hospital bed .

"Don't make me feel all mushy and stuff , I'm not used to this ." I laugh .

"What ? Being treated like a princess ?" He laughs leaving his hand on my stomach .

"Yes , but I like it ." I smile .

"So how do you feel about what you've learned so far ?" He asks pulling me closer to his warm body .

"Well from what I've learnt so far , you've kept me on my feet . It's amazing having to wait for a story about a life that you don't remember . It feels amazing knowing that you made me live my life even though I don't remember it , I woke up feeling different ." I smile up at him .

"Is it a good different ?" He traces patterns on my waist .

"It's a good difference ." I yawn so I cover my mouth with my hand .

"Get some sleep ." He smiles at me .

"Yeah I'm really not tired ." I laugh .

"Your yawning says otherwise ." He smirks at me .

"But falling asleep is a process on its own ." I chuckle .

"I know that but put it into consideration that your body has to rest ." He pokes my nose .

"I'll sleep when I fall asleep ." I shrug moving and getting comfortable .

"You sleep on me as if  I'm a pillow ." He laughs .

"Well you're just there and you're really comfortable . I can't help myself ." I whisper to him .

"I shouldn't be offended right ?" He laughs .

"Do you want to feel offended ?" I ask him tracing patterns on his hand .

"Oh my goodness no !" He laughs making me laugh .

"Then you shouldn't feel offended Tyler ." I smile looking at him in the eyes .

"You know , we've never reached this point but what do you want to study when you're done with school ?" He asks me pulling me closer .

"Well it seems like I might have to do an extra year , it depends on the governing body ." I sigh "I've never really thought of it because i had given up on life . I honestly didn't think i would make it this far ." I shrug .

"So now that you have your whole life ahead of you , have you decided on what you would like to do ?" He traces my back .

"Honestly , I love literature but I hate writing . I love history to because it's so interesting . I'm not sure at the moment ." I sigh .

"Don't worry , it will come to you ." He smiles at me .

"What about you ?" I ask him .

"Psychology ." He smiles .

"That would be amazing for you . What made you want to do it ?" I ask him .

"Well it was something I've wanted to do since I was young but then I gave up on it and decided to do medicine but then you came along and reminded me why I love psychology ." He says making me blush .

"Those stars don't help you at all in this situation ." He laughs .

"Agh damn . I know but it's sweet that I reminded you of what you love ." I say in a whisper .

"I feel like you enjoy history because every time we got to history you would open your book . You rarely spoke to Freya and I ." He chuckles .

"As long as I wasn't rude about it ." I chuckle .

"No , you're too nice to be rude ."

"I was thinking , why not make new memories ?" I smile up at him .

"New memories ? That sounds amazing but not now ."

"How long do you think it will take for me to recover my memories ?" I ask him scared for the response .

"Honestly at this point . I don't know , you need to relax in order to recover them . If you strain yourself you're pushing that memory box away ." He smiles .

"I'll remember to relax ." I smile .

"Get some sleep then ." He smiles .

"Okay Tyler ." I smiles giving him a kiss on the cheek .

I close my eyes with a small smile on my face .

• • •


So I finished my exams today and the way I celebrated was watching Everything Everything and fifty shades freed . I'm so happy that I'm done with school for now 😂😂

I am so sorry I didn't post on Wednesday 💔 , but I hope you enjoyed your Christmas


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