her past-klaroline fan fic

By lovepug06

89.9K 2.2K 204

Caroline has always knew Klaus since she was eight years old when he saved her but when in 1922 they were hap... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
Chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapters 50

chapter 30

1.7K 42 1
By lovepug06

Caroline pov

It totally makes no sense what so ever. I should think Klaus is crazy right? But then why does it feel true ever since the sacrafice has happened I've felt close to Klaus and i've known him for ten minutes. I was still looking for the necklace I've tracked every part of the woods I went through. Why do I feel the need to get this necklace? It shouldn't matter but it does. at the sacrafice he said things that made me shutter. I guess like there were butterflies in my stomach. I really cannot get distracted or caught by him because I've had alot guys and they've all ended with me crying. Yeah I know call me stupid.

" YES! " I found it with leaves covering it I felt so much joy  I found it and then I turned around to a tall  figure dark hair and green eyes. He had a vengeful face on him

" Errr hi " I said uncomfortable.

" Where is the hybrids? " He chocked me on to a tree and I couldn't breathe
" Your a hybrid too right? "

" Yeah " I whispered losing air

" I love hybrids. I kill hybrids " he got a metal steak out and stabbed me I dropped to the floor. I tried to get up but he snapped my neck and I went into complete darkness.


I woke up in pain and in chains and I looked around and it was just darkness. Then came light and the same guy that snapped my neck entered and my beautiful metal chain I wear on my wrist was dangling down.

" You must be Caroline " he told me

" What do you want " I cut to the point because already I feel like tearing out his liver

" Now that I see Klaus has taken a shine to you leverage really " he smiled

" What a dic " I muttered

" And Klaus is a bastard he will destroy everyone you love " he said seriously

" A little dramatic don't you think " I muttered

" I want to destroy Klaus mikaelson he destroyed my life we knew each other in the 1960s and I hated him " he hissed at me

" Look I get it your having issues with Klaus but me and Klaus just met " I told him

" He really did a number on you " he told me. Why does everyone keep saying that?

" What do you mean? " I asked him

" Before he ruined me we were  'best friends ' and he told me everything about you then he compelled you to forget when mikael came for you " he told me "

He held the darach and I holded my breath because I knew it was going to hurt. He didn't put it through my heart he wouldn't he needed me alive but then somebody else came someone who he hated the most


" Tony I haven't see you in more than forty years but kidnapping an innocent girl I didn't think you would go to such levels as that. " He smirked at him

" She really is as pretty as you said she was " he smiled and then Klaus emotion went cold.

He sped to Tony and grabbed him by the arm

" You lay a hand on her and I'll kill you " he smirked and then threw Tony to the wall " this is what you get when you touch the ones I love "

He ripped out his heart and his body dropped to the floor.

" I leave you for five minutes and you get into trouble " he smiled and broke the chains " just like old times "

" It hurts " I tried to walk but I just fell because I was that weak and he caught me.

" Everything going to be ok love " he picked me up and took me back to my mansion. He gave me his blood and I started to feel much stronger. I slept for a while then I woke up seeing Klaus there.

" Hello love " he smirked

" Hey " I whispered

" How are you feeling " he asked

" Good. Thankyou " I said

" Your welcome " he was about to leave but I had to know the truth

" Wait... Be honest with me what you said earlier about this whole other life I had. Was that true? " I asked him

" Yes " he said truthfully

" Make me remember" I told him

" Are you sure " he asked me

" Yes "

" Fine love you will remember everything all the Love we shared the family you cherished Remember, remember all of it " he compelled me

" I remember " I smile " Nik "

" Welcome back love. " He muttered " I understand if your angry I just loved you too much if anything happened to "

He didn't finish his sentence as I passionately kissed him. I stopped to held my breath

" I could never hate you " I smiled and I kissed him again.

My friends are going to be really weird and pissed off when I tell them but I don't care

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