Pretty Little Liars Fan Ficti...

By nartalar

39.7K 895 234

This is a fanfiction based on Pretty Little Liars. It was written 2 years ago, hence it is not up to current... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8 (Spencer's POV)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (Mona's POV)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13: RevelAtion

Chapter 7

1.5K 38 5
By nartalar

Mona just ran into her biology class as the bell rang. She quickly went to take her seat with Hanna and Emily so they could continue their project. Mona looked over to see if Alison was there with Aria and Spencer and saw she wasn't yet. A minute later, she hears Alison's high heels click on the floor. As she's walking in, she blurts out to the WHOLE class "Hey Aria, I forgot to mention. I slept with your dad. He sleeps with a LOT of students these days. Just like you and teachers. Oh and I also used your sock puppet to make myself a new scarf and it's very warm, thanks!' Mona thought she was hearing wrong, but she didn't. She looked over as Alison was sitting down right now to Spencer. Alison looks over at her and mouthed "What, FREAK?'

She was wondering why she did that, but then she looked over at -A. She was furious. Her face completely red. I guess she doesn't like it that she can't gain complete control over Alison. She saw -A writing out another text to Alison. She caught a glimpse of it. It read "Fine, have your little friend hear it directly from you. But, I'm not done with you. I know ALL of your secrets. -A'

Mona was looking around the room, then started looking straight ahead, trying to focus on what the teacher was saying, but he wasn't saying anything. Completely nothing. She was wondering why. Then, she saw him staring at something. After she followed his gaze, she saw what. Everyone in the room, I mean EVERYONE was staring at Alison for just blurting out what she did, for multiple reasons. The main one being it was just plain disturbing.

Alison looked up from her nails and realized everyone was staring at her. She said "What, like the view? Or, are you all just jealous that I slept with an older man before all of you did? That's right, I'm the most mature person in the room! Even more mature then Mr. Zip Up Your Pants. But, quit staring at me unless you're gunna fan me.'

Mona looked over and saw Aria holding away tears from her eyes. She hasn't said a word since Alison made her statement. Mona wouldn't blame her. She'd be a wreck if a friend did that to her. Hanna whispered to Mona "I can't believe Alison did that. I mean, sure it's typical Ali behavior, but why would she do it to Aria? She loves Aria! I bet you it's a big fat lie. There must be a reason she did it. I'm gunna get to the bottom of this.'

Mona just looked at her. A zillion questions were swarming her mind "What If she finds out about -A? What if she figures out I'm apart of this? What if.'

Mona was interrupted by the sound of the bell. Class was over and they didn't get anything done today. Mona was devastated. She was really looking forward to working on her biology project today. Oh well. Next time. Mona ran into the girl's bathroom to check to see if she still looked over after waking up a mess. When she walked in, she saw -A. "Hey,' Mona said.  

-A was pacing back and forth, looking worried as ever. "How could you not be freaking out at a time like this? Huh? ANSWER ME WOMAN!'

Mona just looked at her funny and replied back "At what time? Lunch time? Oh yeah, right now's lunch! Thanks for reminding me! I need to get in line earlier today so they won't run out of my favorite pizza! Bye!'

Mona was about to make a run for it because she knew what was going to happen. But, she was too slow, -A grabbed her wrist and yanked it towards her. "You know exactly what time I'm talking about,' she said through gritted teeth. "Don't play dumb with me, or I will go up against you like I am trying to do with Alison.'

Mona couldn't stand the pain. -A was already pushing her up against the wall, each second harder and harder. -A was REALLY mad about this. Mona was starting to wonder if she had mental issues. Or, did she have them herself.? She couldn't think any longer because the pain was getting worse and worse every millisecond. "OKAY! FINE! I'm sorry! I know what you're talking about but I didn't wanna discuss it here because what if.' She didn't get to finish what she was going to say. She was interrupted by the flush of a toilet. -A quickly let go of her and ran to the sink to wash her hands, but she muttered "Shit, I thought we were alone.'

Mona whispered back "This is exactly why I wanted to leave because.' All of the sudden someone comes walking out of the stall. It was Spencer Hastings. She was staring at -A like she just found her lost puppy. She was speechless. She was trying to say -A's name but -A ran out before she could. Spencer was still really shocked. She turned to Mona and started to ask something but before she could, Mona said "PLEASE don't tell Ali about this. She'll KILL me even more then she does. I have no choice. I have to join her. And don't tell her about well, you know. She's very violent, so if you do, she WILL kill you. I'm not kidding! She hurts me all the time!'

Spencer just stared at her. She finally managed to ask "How long have you two been trying to take down Alison?'

Mona corrected her saying "Actually, three. There's another person with us right now but I can't say who it is but probably about a week maybe.'

Spencer was still staring at her but it looked like she was thinking real hard. Tears were coming to her eyes. She finally says one last thing "C-c-can I join you please? Ali has been getting on my nerves lately too.' She said it so quietly Mona could barely hear her but she understood very clearly.  

Mona said "Well, I guess you have no choice anyways. It's the only way we know you can keep your mouth shut and she probably would've made you join with no choice, so yeah.'

Right after Mona said that, Spencer ran out of the bathroom as soon as possible, probably to go catch up with Ali.

Mona was so shocked that Spencer wanted to join, willingly. She was kind of excited that she recruited another member but also really scared. What if Spencer tells Ali ALL of their plans?

Mona pulled out her phone and wrote a text to -A "You ran out too early, like a little chicken. (PLEASE don't hurt me for saying that, but it's the truth!) Anyways, Spencer wants to join us. Willingly. So, you don't have to torture her for it.' Her finger was shaking as she hit sent.  

-A wrote back a reply a minute later, "Good, because I know a lot of her secrets, and I could use her worst one against her, but I guess I don't have to now. Good work. Meet me in the lair tonight. Bring Lucas and Spencer with you. We have some VERY important business to do. -A'

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