The Internship•Calum Hood AU

By b4byg3l

86.1K 1.5K 1.5K

Ever since she was little, Cindy had always loved taking pictures,capturing a moment,creating a memory and li... More

The Internship A/N
'meet the cast'
0•"whos five save our souls?"
1•"we made some crazy memories here"
2•"do you know who 5sos are?"
3•"thanks for being a fan"
4•"nice lace is my favourite"
5•"what brought you round here to see our lame ass band"
6•"can i have this dance?"
7•"is that your girlfriend?"
8•"im just an intern"
9•"ashton irwin is DADDY"
10•"i wish i was all up in your ass"
11•"im just afraid to get hurt"
12•"didn't anyone tell you your hair looks sexy pushed back?"
13•"theres only one calum hood darling"
14•"fuck off asian!"
IMPORTANT! please comment
16•"i forgot your dicks bigger than your brain"
18•"i have luke dick all over my mouth now"
19•"need a tissue virgin?"
20• "im sorry darling"
22•"your like a red rose in a room full of white ones"
23•"make sure you follow the rules"
24• "to us"
25• "i'll miss you"
26• "it terrified me"
stay tuned
27• "I miss you"

21•"theres something wrong"

2.1K 47 35
By b4byg3l

When I woke up it was far too early, it wasn't like the way the movies say it is. I painfully remembered every moment of last night, unless I was making it up as some sort of crazy scenario in my head. But the soft breathing on the back of my neck, the warm skin touching mine and the horrible taste in my mouth confirmed this was infact real.

I lay for awhile while the sun went up, I honestly and shamefully admitted I didn't want to leave Calum, in his warm bed with his legs intertwined in mine and soft snores diffusing into the air every few minutes.

The entire time I fought with my own thoughts in my head, it was factual that I like Calum, even had feelings for him. But the most frustrating is he doesn't, or at least I think he doesn't. I don't know what to think anymore, when I convince myself he surely doesn't like me or care. Something in my body connects me back to him, as if something is holding me there.

I replayed his apology over and over in my head like a broken record, I never wanted it to end and I was determined that if I repeated it enough times it would permanently loop in my brain when I needed to hear his voice.

Im going fucking crazy.

The embrace peeled itself off my exposed waist and I froze in my spot, please just be turning over I prayed in my head but as I heard the small groan escape from Calum's throat I knew he was awake.

Oh fuck it I'm sick of being so afraid of everything.

I turned my body round to face him and his droopy, tired eyes and his curly hair with the new blonde in it messily cover his head. He looked so fucking beautiful without even trying, like an angel. Just in the form of the devil. But I suppose the devil was an angel right?

"Hi" I croaked out an inaudible noise and cleared my throat quickly to prepare for my second attempt to be normal.

"Morning" I said, that sounded a lot better. Wait did it? Or did that sound too like 'hey this is perfectly normal let's do this again".

Calum's eyes shot at me and his face went a little pale and I wanted the bed to swallow me up, I decided to just leave my embarrassment behind with the satin sheets and the tangle of bodies.

I sighed and turned to stand up, slowly making sure my legs didn't give away because that's all they'd been doing recently, but Calum's hand gripped my wrist and I was pulled back into the bed and back into his strong embrace.

I blinked in shock, not knowing what to say or what to do. We waited in the few awkward seconds just being here with eachother, it was perfect.

"Morning love"


My cheeks reddened almost immediately as his raspy morning voice danced it's way into my ears and overcame my body, I knew he was waiting for my response but I didn't trust my words at this moment.

But something had to be said, it couldn't go on like this.

I looked up at his deep eyes and they locked with mine, I took a deep breath and twiddled my fingers nervously.

"Listen Calum, about last night and about the sound check it's just been really confus-"

I was interrupted when a pair of soft lips connected with mine. I stayed still in shock for a few seconds, before my body took over and I began kissing him back. Our mouths moved in sync and it was slow and sweet, with one arm wrapped around my neck and the other protectively around my waist we were locked together like a lock and a key. It just fitted perfectly.

My sweet thoughts and blissful moment was suddenly flashed with warning signs from my brain. Oh fuck, fuck fuck fuck. Here I was all up in Calum's mouth, tongues and all, but;

I had the worst fucking morning breath.

I quickly snatched away and hopped off from the bed before Calum could catch me in his grasp again. He pulled a confused face as I scurried to bathroom and shut the door in his face.

I glanced to the mirror and nearly fell backwards. My hair was everywhere covered in knots, my eye makeup trailed down my face like a raccoon and my lips were smudged red all over my face. I was a hot mess.

The fact I was hungover didn't make my morning breath any better to my disappointment, and I sat on the closed toilet with my hands in my face cursing myself for kissing Calum back and to make matters worse I was locked in the small bathroom with no toothbrush like a complete freak.

While I was wallowing in self pity and knotted black hair a sturdy knock taps at the door.
"Um yeah?" I squeaked out nervously.

"Um are you okay? You ran in there kinda fast" Calum's deep voice cuts through the door.

"Oh! Oh yeah I'm fine, I just really needed to pee, didn't want to piss myself" I reply nervously and immediately want to smack myself in the face for making myself sound like a complete loser.

"Um, okay well I'm waiting out in the kitchen if you need anything"

I didn't reply as I facepalmed in the bathroom my face turning a deep cherry red even though Calum couldn't see me I still covered it, my life seems like a reality show at the moment and it really couldn't get worse than this.

Or so I thought.

I stood up after I was sure Calum left the bedroom because I realised that I actually needed to go to the toilet. As I stared at the laminate tiles on the wall facing me and tried to think up of stories to make my abrupt exit seem more normal, my eyes caught my panties.

My eyes widened as I scanned the material. I wasn't imagining it, I just got my fucking period all over my underwear, in the middle of Calum Hoods bathroom.

I panicked and blinked harshly to try and convince myself this was not happening. I silently prayed to God and promised I would attend Church more and be a good person if he could make this not happen. Not right now.

When I first got my period I realised unfortunately I was one of the unlucky ones, with the worst PMS and the heaviest period unlike Sierra with her light flow that lasts three days unnoticed.

So now I was fully convinced my body hated me, it didn't matter where I was, what I was doing or whatever hot guys bathroom I was in. It just sprung up and slapped me in the face, and this time was no expectation.

I cursed under my breath and finally accepted my fate. I was going to be stuck forever in Calum's bathroom and just going to rot here. Honestly at this rate that sounded a lot better than facing him.

"Cindy?" He called from the kitchen and my stomach tightened up into a thousand little knots as I tried to reply without sounding like I was freaking out.

"Um yeah?"

"I just realised there's no toilet roll in there, cleaning service actually left some last night. I can bring some in or you can come get it?"

Oh this was not happening, this was a cruel joke on me and things were getting worse by the second. I glanced to the empty toilet roll with one piece hanging off it like I was hanging onto my will to live.

I couldn't leave the bathroom, unless I wanted to trail behind my shame and my blood and I couldn't ask Calum to come in, that would just be damn weird. And I was sure toilet roll wouldn't stop my flow, especially lined on thin thongs. I just wish I wore my watermelon ones!


"Oh um. No I'm fine I'm fine"

"How are you meant to go to the toilet without toilet paper?"

Oh great now Calum thought I was a nasty weirdo who didn't wipe after they went to the toilet!

"Em-" I stuttered over my response trying to think on my toes.

"Cindy you've been in there for like ten minutes and your acting really weird. Are you are everything is ok?"

"Yes yes! I'm fine!" I say in a fake cheery voice.

"Well can you hurry up? Because I really need to piss"

Kill me now.

"Calum I can't come out" I say slowly and his voice becomes louder so I know he's just across from me.

"What? Why?"

"I- there's something wrong"

"What? What's wrong? Did you- oh" he starts then cuts himself off and I sit in the painful silence.

"Did you get your period?"

I can't bring myself to answer him so I sit in the silence. I know periods are nothing to be ashamed about, but I was so embarrassed at the fact I was stuck in Calum's bathroom.

"Hold on" he calls then I hear scurrying and zipping of a suitcase from the other side of the door.

He knocks again and intense up chewing my lip furiously and nervously.
"Cindy? Open up it's okay I won't look"

I quickly reach over the small distance and unlock the door all while covering my glory with Calum's poor shirt, he doesn't come in but sticks a long muscly tan arm in the gap grasping onto a box of tampons.

I snatch them quickly not even thinking of why the heck Calum has tampons in his room, he shuts the door again and I lock it and do what I have to do.

After a few minutes of wiping under my eyes to try and make myself look slightly presentable I shyly come out of the bathroom with my head down trying to avoid eye contact. But of course that was impossible with Calum's gaze boring into the back of my head as I shuffled through the bedroom.

"Cindy are you okay?"

"Fine" I replied still not looking at him.

Suddenly Calum grabbed my arms and spun me around to meet his eyes, he looked at me softly and I studied every feature of his face which never ceased to amaze me.

"It's okay, don't be embarrassed Cindy"

"I'm sorry Calum" I say softly feeling more confident to meet his eyes.

He brings his thumb up to my cheek and runs it across my face slowly which makes me feel tingles go through my body. I watch in awe at his actions and feel the world disappear once again.

"Don't you dare be sorry. You can't help it don't worry it happens to every girl" he reassured me.

I feel myself swoon over the small action and happily accept the nice side of Calum again, stripped away from the bad-boy cover up and his true personality. It only happens rarely but when it does it is amazing to witness.

"Why did you have tampons?" I say chuckling.

"My sister Mali packed them when I let her borrow my suitcase a while ago, I've just been to lazy to take them out. But they clearly came in handy" he laughs and I smile widely giggling.

A loud door opening interrupts our moment and our heads snap to the door obstructed from our view in the other room, I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion and Calum mimicks my actions.

"Calum? Where are you?"

My blood runs cold and I tense up and bounce away from Calum's touch like he was on fire, his eyes let me know he is also freaking out as the door closes.

The reason? The voice belonged to Nia, and she was going to enter the room in any second.


Hey guys sorry for this lame chapter I've been finding it super hard to think of new ideas recently with the stress I've been experiencing:(

But good news is I only have two more exams before I'm finished and I've been working on a new book for you guys soon!

Anyway I'm going to keep this short but if anyone wants to message me ideas for the next chapter feel free;)) I already know who the person is though so comment your guesses:)


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