The Luna and Her Moon

By kerfuffled_

356K 9.2K 2.5K

At just eighteen, Anna Kilmer finds herself trapped in a continuous loop of forced prostitution and abusive t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 5

12.5K 310 131
By kerfuffled_

I have chosen Lori Loughlin to play a certain someone you will meet in this chapter! But obviously you can imagine the character however you would like, who am I to stop you?

<<<<<<<<<<<   >>>>>>>>>>>

A soft warmth encased my body as my senses returned, eyes squinting to take in my surroundings. I was so comfortable, the most I've even been in my life. But why?

I jolted up, taking in the space around me. Dark blue walls surrounded me along with a clean and crisp room. Sunlight filtered through the curtains indicating that it must be early in the morning. 

Where was I? And why? I racked my brain trying to figure out why I was here. Who brought me here.

Fear consumed me as footsteps echoed outside in the hallway. A brooding man opened the door slowly as I began to cower against the cool wood of the headboard. Only then did I realize the cool metal against my wrist.

He simply watched as I began my attempt to escape the handcuffs. I briefly caught a look of surprise glint in his eyes before he went back to his passive state.

"You're awake."

My breath caught, stopping my movements as I heard his voice. It only clicked in my brain now that this was the man from the woods. Was what he said then simply a ploy to distract me? Was he really working for Mr. Parlins?

Tears pooled as I began to think about my future. I'd end up back in that hellhole, men using my body for their pleasure. My voice was weak as I began to beg. "You're working for him aren't you! Please don't do this. I can't do this anymore! I can't just give my body up to-"

A deep growl quickly interrupted my groveling, my eyes becoming saucers as I realized where it came from. Him. The animalistic growl came from this huge man in front of me.

I looked at him in confusion and fear as he began to shake, anger consuming his whole being. His muscles seemed to bulge as his jaw grew taught, a dangerous glint in his eyes. "What did you just say?" The sharpness of his tone nearly matched the sharpness of his jawline.

I began to stumble over myself unable to think as he came closer. I grabbed the blanket with my free hand and pulled it up into my grasp, a weak attempt to put a barrier between us. I brought my legs up to my chest only pressing my back harder into the board behind me, in search of protection from the dangerous looking man in front of me.

He came right in front of my face, as tears ran down mine. He placed his hands on the outskirts of my body to allow himself to get closer. His hot breath came out in quick breaths as he tried to control himself.

His eyes seemed to darken as he looked lost in his thoughts. He hardly even registered my current state which by now was almost hysterical, my whole body beginning to shake.

The proximity of this man was too much for me to handle, his body a few mere inches from mine. I yanked my wrist trying to get out of the handcuffs as a sob wracked my body. "Don't touch me, please!"

He all but simply let out a low growl unwilling to hear my pleas. He inched his head into my neck and what he did next took me by surprise.

I was expecting him to start kissing my skin like Roger, however he just nestled himself in the crook of my neck and inhaled deeply.

My mind was screaming to get away from him but for some unknown reason, my body began to relax once in contact with this man.

This further frightened me as I began to thrash against him. My body was reaching its limit, confusion consuming me whole. "Please." A final plea escapes me.

The tears never stopped running down my face as a few droplets fell on to his chin. This seemed to knock him out of his reverie as he began to realize my frantic state.

His eyes widened a fraction as he took me in. He raised his hand, causing me to flinch away from him. Which wasn't far considering his closeness.

Hurt masked his face as his hand fell limp on his lap. He was now sitting next to me at a much more comfortable distance then before.

He tried again, lifting his hand very slowly as you would to a wild animal to show you meant no harm. He kept his eyes locked on me, however I was unable to meet his as they held so much intensity. So much power.

My head jolted when a thumb glided over my cheek as he wiped my tears away. Guilt consumed his body as he realized he was responsible for my current state.

I was unable to control it when my eyes widened, snapping them up to his. No one had ever been so gentle with me. So why was he? And what was causing these sparks?

My vision began to blur as I thought of my past. Even before my parents started their 'business' they were never this gentle. They were always closed off even from each other sometimes. Maybe that's why it was so easy for them to do what they did.

His hands quickly left me as he took my tears as a bad sign. He jumped from the bed as if it stung him, all emotions erased from his features. He cleared his throat to speak.

"I'll send someone up to see to you. They'll bring you food and a change of clothes." With that he abruptly turned around and made his way over to the door, my eyes glancing at his back as he did so.

As he rested his hand on the doorknob he stopped, his voice lower than before. "We still have to talk about what you said before. Don't think you'll get out of that one."

A shiver ran through me at the tone in his voice. I nodded even though he couldn't see me, even though there was no way I'd open up about my life.

He lingered a minute longer, not moving from his position. However I did notice one thing; he was smelling the air again. Odd.

I listened to the sound of his retreating footsteps as I finally relaxed into the comfy mattress.

Then I realized. Damn. If I wasn't so caught up in my fear and his body than maybe I would've gotten out of these damn handcuffs.


I had an issue. A big issue. You see I'd been sitting here staring at the wall for at least two hours after that man came in and let's just say, I had a full bladder.

The washroom was in sight, torturing me. I began to grow frustrated with the handcuffs that were the result of my pain. With all of my thrashing and pulling it caused a ring of bruises to form. Pain continued to pulse through my arm from the angle it was at as well.

I turned my gaze to my other arm examining the white bandaging covering the spot that the bullet hit me. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would but that might just be due to the fact it just grazed me.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as a middle aged woman came sauntering in, her medium length blonde hair bouncing as she walked. She smiled warmly at me speaking a soft hello.

Her actions were quite the opposite of mine as I began to shrink into myself.

Confusion covered her face but the warm glint in her eyes never left. That look. It was the look of a loving mother.

I was jolted from my thoughts as she began yelling. The loud sound causing me to cower in on myself and revert back to my previous protective position. I really need to focus on what's going on around me.

"Xavier! You better get up here right this minute. You have some explaining to do boy."

I became confused. Who was Xavier and why must he be here? All that I knew was he was a man which meant he automatically went to my dislike list.

The man from earlier came into the room causing me to shield my face, grabbing the blanket for comfort once again.

"What are you screaming about mom?"

"Care to explain why your mate is chained to the bedpost?! This is not how I raised you." She chastised him in a hushed tone. It was apparent that I wasn't meant to hear it as she turned and gave me a graceful smile.

He turned his head fast as his mouth subtly opened. He turned back around to his mother and said, "I forgot to be honest."

Alarm bells went off in my head as my body was telling me what I already knew. I need to get to the washroom and holding it was simply becoming harder as the man I now know as Xavier sauntered towards me.

I pressed myself into the headboard resuming my position from earlier. His mother noticed as a look of sadness took over her features. Xavier failed to though as he was busy trying to find the key in his pocket.

I decided to remain still, flinching a little as his skin came into contact with mine. The handcuffs came undone and my first thought was bathroom. I didn't get far with that plan though as Xavier gently held onto my wrist as he took in the bruising.

Guilt covered his face as he glanced down at me, softly caressing my wrist. Why was he being so gentle?

"I'm sorry. I didn't know that it was hurting you."

I simply averted my gaze to my lap as my arm finally began to come alive again. His mother cleared her throat causing him to snap out of his dazed expression.

The room became silent as no one made a move. However my bladder was just about ready to implode on itself so against my will I opened my mouth. "Am I able to use the bathroom?"

His mother looked at me softly with a smile. "Of course, dear. While you're in there I'll leave some clothes outside the door so you can take a shower as well."

This surprised me. I didn't expect them to be so nice to me. But then again that could change in an instant. I have no idea why I'm here or what they want from me but I would take the chance to shower while I can.

I allowed a small smile to cross my face as I looked at her however, it caused Xavier to snap his attention back to my face. I quickly dropped it, uncomfortable under his strong gaze and scurried off the bed.

I made sure not to come in reach of the two of them in case it was a ploy. They watched me with confused looks. I don't blame them, I probably did look ridiculous walking near the walls of the room.

I let out a sigh as I closed the bathroom door, feeling as if I could breathe again. The two of them seemed to have such a strong aura surrounding their forms which caused me to feel a little suffocated in their presence. It kind of reminded me of Roger.

I tried to wash away the thoughts of him as I finished my business, finally relieving myself.

As I began to creep over to the sink I could hear Xavier and his mom speaking in the bedroom.

"Xavier, why is your mate so afraid of you? Why was she cuffed to the bed like that? You better not have done anything to her or I swear to g-."

"Mom. Don't even think like that, you know I'd never hurt her. And to be honest I have no idea what's making her so afraid, hell I don't even have an answer of how she ended up on our land."

I heard a deep sigh as I continued to listen in on them. "Well we're going to have to find out soon. She can't be scared of you forever I mean you are meant to be."

They continued on talking however I tuned out after hearing that last part.

What did she mean by 'meant to be'? And what the hell was a 'mate'?

   <<<<<<<<<<<   >>>>>>>>>>>

I'm so sorry for the late update you guys! I was drowning in school work, heck I still am but I had to give y'all something or I would've felt terrible. I literally have three tests this week, an isp which is worth 10% of my final mark and two assignments to get through!!

This is definitely the longest chapter I've written by far lol!

I hope you enjoyed it and leave a comment of your thoughts!

What do you think of the cover? Is this one better?

Please tell me how you feel, I'm not good at making these decisions!!! I think I'll change it to this one and then if anyone thinks it's worse then before, I'll change it back!

xx kerfuffled_

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