Life In Gravity Falls (dipper...

By IvBeauty

481K 9.9K 21.6K

You're a girl who lives and works at the Mystery Shack after you're whole family mysteriously disappears and... More

Ep.1: Tourist Trapped
Ep.2: Legend Of Gobblewonker
Ep.3: Head Hunters
Ep.4: The Hand That Rocks The Mabel
Ep.5: The Inconveniencing
Ep.6: Dipper Vs. Manliness
Ep.7: Double Dipper
Ep.8: Irrational Treasure
Ep.9: The Time Traveler's Pig
Ep.10: Fight Fighters
Ep.11: Little Dipper
Ep.12: Summerween
Ep.13: Boss Mabel
Ep.15: The Deep End
Ep.16: Carpet Diem
Ep.17: Boyz Crazy
Ep.18: Land Before Swine
Ep.19: Dreamscaperers
Ep.20: Gideon Rises
Mabel's Guide To Life!!!
Dipper's Guide To The Unexplained
Season 2/Ep.1: Scary-Oke
Ep.2: Into The Bunker
Ep.3: The Golf War
Ep.4: The Sock Opera
Ep.5: Soos and The Real Girl
Ep.6: Little Gift Shop of Horrors
Ep.7: Society Of The Blind Eye
Ep.8: Blendin's Game
Ep.9: The Love God
Ep.10: Northwest Mantion Mystery
Ep.11: Not What He Seems
Ep 12: A Tale Of Two Stans
Ep.13: Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons
Ep.14: The Stanchurian Candidate
Ep.15: The Last Mabelcorn
Extra Ep: See The Memories, Reveal The Past
Ep.16: Roadside Attraction
Ep.17: Dipper and Mabel Vs The Future
Ep.18: Weirdmageddon Pt.1
Ep.19: Weirdmageddon Pt.2: Escape From Reality
Ep.20: Weirdmaggedon Pt.3: Take Back The Falls
A Chrismas Surprise
Special Message
Omg hi!!
Hello From Six Years Later?!

Ep.14: Bottomless Pit

9K 204 290
By IvBeauty

Your POV

I expected today to be a pretty laid back day to just stay home watching tv, and I was prepared to do so until Stan told us to go to the golf cart for some reason. Stan refused to tell us where we were going, but the ride was less than a minute so we quickly found out where we were.

You, Dipper, Mabel, Soos, and Stan: *get off the golf cart*

Stan: In this land of ours there are many pits, but none more bottomless than the Bottomless Pit, which as you can see here is bottomless!

You, Dipper, Mabel, and Soos: *look down*

Soos: Question, is it bottomless?

Stan: *sigh* Kids, can one of you try explaining this to Soos?

Dipper: Grunkle Stan, why are we here again?

Stan: To despose of things that we don't want! *throwing in cards* So long Mystery Shack suggestion cards!!!

Mabel: Goodbye, creepy love letters from little Gideon! *throws them in* Die!!! DIE!!! *leaves*

Soos: *throws in his shoes*

Dipper: What are you doing?

Soos: Throwing stuff, dude, everyone's doing it. *leaves*

Mabel: *comes pushing a strange heavy box*

Soos: *comes and throws in the grill*

You: *sigh* No more bbq...

Stan: *still throwing cards* What you got there, Mabel?

Mabel: It's just my personal box of mysterious secrets. Nothing worth wondering about. *pushes in the box* Goodbye forever!!!!

Dipper: Grunkle Stan, do I really have to be the one to point out that a bottomless pit is by definition impossible?

Stan: *still throwing cards* Says you.

Mabel: I guess we'll never know!

You, Dipper, Mabel, Stan, and Soos: *notice the storm coming in*

Soos: Ah, it's some sort of invisible pushing force!!!

You: It's called wind!

Dipper: Quick, everyone back to the shack!!!

Stan: *still throwing the cards which are now flying everywhere because of the wind* I'm not done getting rid of these yet!!!

Mabel: Grunkle Stan, no!!!

We all try to pull Stan to get him to come to the shack, but he refused still trying to get rid of the damn cards!!! His stubbornness got us all to fall in the hole. After a while...

You, Dipper, Mabel, Stan, and Soos: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Soos: So, anyone wanna scream some more?

You: Where are we?!?

Mabel: *takes out a neon green glow stick and turns it on* Where somewhere where it looks like we're nowhere...! *puts the glow stick around her wrist making it go upwards, then laughs*

Dipper: We're gonna land on something eventually! It could be any second now!!!

You, Dipper, Mabel, Stan, and Soos: *prepare for the impact* ...

Stan: Well, looks like we're down here for the long hall. *takes out some jack cards* Who wants to see some cards tricks?!? *tries to shuffle the cards which fly upwards and out of his hands* ... Ta-da!!!!

Mabel: *claps*

Soos: Hey, maybe we should pass the time by telling stories!!!

Dipper: I've got a story! It's called: the time Grunkle Stan got us all thrown into a bottomless pit where we spend the rest of our natural lives!!!

Soos: ...go on.

You: C'mon Dip, you can do better than that.

Dipper: Fine. *takes Mabel's glow stick* I'll tell you a story. A story I like to call Voice Over.

Voice Over: Third Person POV

You, Mabel, Soos, and Wendy were outside playing Spin The Pig with Waddles while Stan was on the porch reading a newspaper.

Mabel: Ready?!?

You, Mabel, Wendy, and Soos: SPIN!!!THE!!! PIG!!!

Mabel and Soos: *spin Waddles who ends up pointing at Stan*

Mabel: *hugs Waddles* Hey Grunkle Stan, ever kissed a pig before?

Stan: I'm not gonna answer that question.

Dipper: *comes running* Guys, guys!!!! I think I just got bit by a snake!!!! I need you to get me to a hospital, quick!!!

Stan: *starts to laugh uncontrollably*

Dipper: What, what's so funny?!?

Stan: Eh, sorry, it's just hard to focus on what you're with that squeaky puberty voice you got there!!!

Dipper: My what?!?

Mabel: It's nothing to be ashamed of, Dipper! You're voice is just "hiLAriOus!!!"

Dipper: Are you saying my voice cracks?!? My voice doesn't crack!!!

Soos: Dude, no offense, but it cracks so much we already made a techo-remix out of it. *takes out a mixtape*

"Nice to meet you, my name's Dipper Pines! P-p-pines pines pines... Nice to meet you. P-p-pines pines pines... "

Dipper: Do I really sound like that...?

You: ...

Wendy: Oh, here comes my favorite part!!!

"Stop it, guys!!!"

Mabel, Wendy, and Soos: *laugh*

Dipper: *snatches the mixtape* Gimme that!!! *storms off into the forest*

(y/n) wanted to follow Dipper, but decided not to. Leave him time to cool off. Dipper went for a walk when he bumped into Old Man McGucket who brought him into his junk yard. He gave Dipper a strange potion and said it would change his voice. He drank it, then came back to the Mystery Shack. The next morning...

Dipper: *wakes up and lets out a sleepy yawn, then he goes to the mirror* Good morning, Dipper. *gasp* I did it! I did it!!! Now I have a new voice!!! *laughs, then goes to Mabel* Morning, Mabel! Who's my favorite Mabel~?

Mabel: *wakes up startled* AHHH!!! *takes a golf club and starts hitting Dipper's head* Who are you?!? What have you done to my brother?!? Dipper, I'll save you from this body switching warlock!!!

Dipper: Mabel, it's me! This is my voice now!!! I sound awesome!!! Sooouuund awesooome!

Mabel: I knew boys' voices changed but this is just weird... Weird and bad...!

Dipper: But Mabel, this is the best thing that ever happened to me!!! And just think of the prank calls! *takes the phone and calls a random number*

Man: Hello?

Dipper: Hello, this is the president of the United States of America!!! I'm calling to tell you *blows raspberries at the phone*

Man: What?!? Who is this?!?

Dipper: *laughs* Magnificent!!!

Mabel: Mabel no like...

You: *wake up and let out a yawn* Guys, what's up...?

Dipper: Good morning, (y/n)!!!

You: *throw your pillow at Dipper* AH, DEMON!!!

Dipper: Wha- No, (y/n), it's me, Dipper!

You: ...I'm still dreaming, aren't I...?

Mabel: Sadly no...

You: ... this is gonna be interesting...

They all got dressed and went downstairs to see Soos and some customers.

Dipper: How are you diddly-doing, Soos?

Soos: *takes a broom and tries to hit Dipper with it* Kill it!!! Kill it with fire!!! Everyone, flee!!!

Customers: *run out*

Dipper: *comes out of hiding* What gives, man?!? You all made fun of my old voice, I thought you'd like the new one!

Soos: Dude, at least before you sound like a real person, now you sound like some kind of weird commercial dude.

You: And don't say everyone made fun of you. You know I would never do that.

Dipper: ... I'll find Stan, he'll like my voice! You'll see!!! I'll be right back after these messages- uh-I mean uh, goodbye!!! *leaves*

Dipper tries to call for Stan but the guy who he had prank called earlier found him and called his "buddies" who all tried to captured a running Dipper. He hid in the junkyard to find McGucket.

Dipper: McGucket, your invention was a catastrophe!!!

McGucket: That's probably why I live in the dump!!! *does a weird dance*

Dipper: My own sister didn't recognize me! I scared away crowds!!! I even sound ridiculous when I cry...!!! *cries a bit*

McGucket: *takes the vile* Well now, here's the problem, I gave you the wrong drinking-magig! This one's for voiceover professional! *looks for something in the car* I'm sure I got a better voice in here somewhere!

Dipper: Good! Hurry up!

McGucket: You got here just in time! Come sundown you'd have reverted back to your ridiculous old voice!

Dipper: It was ridiculous, wasn't it...? *puts on the mixtape*

"D-D-Dipper Pines, that's me!"

"This remix is dedicated to my brother. Dipper, you're voice is one of a kind!"

"It's unique, just like you are!!!"

"Dude I've never heard anything like it!!! R-r-remix over!!!"

Dipper: *smiles*

McGucket: *picks a vile with an orange liquid inside* You're ready for your new voice? This one should be permanent~!

Dipper hesitates, but ends up drinking the potion. When sundown came, you, Mabel, and Soos were watching tv when Dipper came in.

Dipper: *clears his throat*

You, Mabel, and Soos: *look at Dipper* ...

Dipper: *takes a deep breath* Hey guys.

You and Mabel: Dipper!!!! *hug Dipper tightly*

Soos: Dude!!! *joins the hug*

Dipper: Guys, I- can't breath...!!!

You, Mabel, and Soos: *pull away laughing*

Dipper: *laughs along* Yeah, I guess I realized that even though my voice might not be perfect, it's still mine and I wouldn't change it for anything. *pull out the vile* Not even for whatever was in this new vile.

Mabel: So what did you do with the rest of that potion?

Dipper: I dumped it in Stan's coffee.

Stan: *comes in* Any of you kids seen my girdle? Where's my girdle at?

You, Dipper, Mabel, and Soos: *laugh uncontrollably*

Stan: What, what's so funny?!? I'm Grunkle Stan!!! Kids laughing, laughing at their grunkle.

End of Story- Your POV

~time skip~

Mabel: I spy with my little eye something that is... BLACK!!!

Soos: Ooh ooh, everything!!!

Mabel: *clapping* Yay for Soos!!!

Soos: Yay for Soos!!!

Mabel: Hey guys, who wants to spend the time by spinning?!? Everyone spin!!!

Dipper: No.

You: *push Dipper causing him to spin which makes you let out a giggle*

Soos: *laughs*

Mabel: *kicks Dipper multiple times making him spin a lot*

Dipper: *complains*

Stan: Dipper's pain is funny, but I'm starting to get board. Soos, tell a story.

Soos: Really? Ok. *takes the glow stick* This story is called Soos's Really Great Pinball Story!!! Is that a good title? They have to be like puns or whatever?

Soos's Really Great Pinball Story: Third Person POV

You, the twins, and Soos were in a room at the Mystery Shack. Soos was playing a pinball game.

You, Dipper, and Mabel: Go, go, go, go, go-!!!

Soos: This is it, dudes. After four long years of trying I might finally get the high score on Stan's creepy old pinball machine! If I do this, I'll go down in pinball history with the likes of Sal, Gaff, and of course, Poo.

Dipper: Have you ever tried maybe just  tilting the machine?

Soos: I dunno, dudes, isn't breaking the rules like against the rules?

Mabel: Nuts to the rules!!! Tilt tilt tilt!!!

Soos: *loses the round*

Skeleton Head: Failure, you stink!!!

Soos: Alright, that's it! Ready, kids?!?

Dipper and Mabel: *go to a side of the pinball machine each and start tilting the machine from side to side*

You, Dipper, Mabel: Tilt tilt tilt tilt!!!

Soos: Tilt!!! *tilts the machine to the front causing the ball to enter the skeleton's mouth*

Skeleton Head: Bullseye!!! New high score!!!

You, Dipper, Mabel, and Soos: *cheer*

Soos: This is the best moment of my life!!! This totally beats my old best moment!

Skeleton Head: That ain't right! You cheated!

Mabel: Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it? You're just a pinball game, pinball game. Taunt taunt!

You: Uh guys, there's an awful lot of green lightning coming out of that game.

Soos: Now, that's the normal amount if green lightning.

The lighting intensifies and everything goes black. You, Soos, and the twins woke up in a strange place wearing different articles of clothing. You, Dipper, and Soos had cowboy hats and long boots while Mabel had a Native American outfit.

Soos: *keeps punching a strange object thinking it's an alarm clock, then he sits up startled* That's not a normal alarm clock!

You: Soos!!!

Dipper: We're inside the game!!!

You, Dipper, Mabel, and Soos: *look around amazed and run around*

Dipper: Awesome!!!

Mabel: *bouncing between two buzzers* Boing boing boing-!!! *laughs*

You: This is amazing!!!

Soos: Dude, if this is a dream I never want to wake up!!!

Skeleton Head: That can be arranged.

You, Dipper, Mabel, and Soos: *go to the middle* ...

Skeleton Head: Welcome to Tumbleweed Terror, partners!

Soos: Hey, it's the skeleton cowboy guy. Did you zap me into your game to congratulate me on getting the high score? I beat Poo, dude!

Skeleton Head: Hardly, if'n I do recall I warned y'all not to cheat! I trued to be gentlemen-like, but I'm plumb sick of being tilted. So now I reckon', I'm gonna kill you.

Soos: O-oh, yeah? Well take this!!! *punches a button, but hits himself after* Ow!!! And this!!! *punches it again, and hits himself* Ah!!! It hurts!!! I wish this was working better!!! *punches it one more time and falls on the ground*

You, Dipper, and Mabel: Soos!!!!!!

Skeleton Head: *laughs* Get yourselves ready for the *changes the game's mode*

Dipper: Multi ball!!!

You: Multi ball!!!

Soos: Multi ball!!!

Mabel: Multi ball!!!

You, Dipper, Mabel, and Soos: *run away from the balls that were coming behind you*

Dipper: Over there!!!

You, Dipper, Mabel, and Soos: *hide behind the building cutouts*

Skeleton Head: Where are you?!? I'm not done teaching you a lesson about cheating yet!!!

Dipper: How are we ever gonna get out of here?!? Think, guys!!!

Soos: I'm trying, but it's hard with that gorgeous pinball wench distracting me!*looks at the cutout of a woman, then waves at it*

You, Dipper, and Mabel: *stare at Soos*

Soos: Ok, don't worry, guys. I know every inch of this machine! There's a manual switch inside, I can sneak in there and turn of the game! But we'll have to distract the cowboy guy... Are any of you good at jumping up and down and making annoying noises?

Mabel: *stares off into the distance* My time has come.

Dipper: Alright, let's go Soos! Soos?

Soos: *to the woman cutout* So are you like doing anything late or...?

You: *slap the cutout causing it to spin*

Soos: ...right.

You, Dipper, and Mabel start distracting the skeleton cowboy head while Soos sneaks away and reaches the switch, but doesn't press it. You and the twins hide behind the cutouts again and Dipper takes out a screw where you could get a good view of Soos.

Dipper: *whispers* Soos!!! Psst!!! What's going on?!?

You: *whisper* Just press the switch already!!!

Soos: Ok, so I was gonna do that, but I've been thinking. *points at the floor* According to this, turning off the power erases the high score permanently! That score is like my one big life accomplishment!!!

Dipper: *whispers* What?!? If you don't hurry up we could die here!!!

Soos: Fair point, but what is life anyways, with compared to the immortality of a high score?

Dipper: Soos, are you out of your m-?!?

Skeleton Head: There y'all are!!! *makes the cutouts fall* Get ready to make your maker, kids! My maker is Ballway Games, in Redmond, Washington! *inhales roughly causing things to start getting sucked down his throat and burn*

You, Dipper, and Mabel: AHHHH!!! *try to hold on*

You: SOOS!!!


Dipper: TURN IT OFF!!!

Soos: ...

You, Dipper, and Mabel: *loose you grip* AHHHHH!!!!

Soos: Goodbye, high score!!! *pushes the button*

Soos turns off the game and green lighting takes you back to the room from before.

You, Dipper, and Mabel: *gasp*

Soos: ... *gasps knocking you and the twins off his back* You dudes ok?!?

Mabel: Yes, Soos, you did it!!! You freed us!!!

Dipper: Hey man, I'm sorry you had to loose your high score.

Soos: That's ok ,dudes, I got a new life accomplishment now! Saving you dudes.

You, Dipper, and Mabel: Aww!!!

Soos: *chuckles* think that pinbal wench will call me?

End of Story - Your POV

~time skip~

Stan: ...I can't believe this nonsense! Magic-tonics, Soos winning at something, where do you come up with this stuff!!! I'll tell you a real story! It's called Grunkle Stan wins the Football Game!!!

Grunkle Stan Wins The Football Game: Third Person POV

Stan: *does a touchdown and starts down a strange victory dance*

Player: Mr. Pines, I thought old folks were useless, but you taught me and my gloating friends a lesson.

Players: *cheer and clap*

Woman: *on top of a gigantic trophy* Here's your football winning trophy, Mr. Pines!

Stan: Thanks, beautiful woman, but I couldn't have done it without my sidekick, FootBot!!!

FootBot: Thank you for building me, daddy!

Everyone: *laughs*

End of Story - Your POV

You, Dipper, Mabel, and Soos: *boo Stan*

Stan: What?!? That story was great!!! I even threw in a talking robot for the kids!

Mabel: Yeah yeah. *takes the glow stick* I'm gonna tell a non-terrible story called Trooth Ache!!!

Trooth Ache: Third Person POV

You, Stan, and the twins were outside sitting on top of the car as Manly Dan was wrestling a grizzly bear.

Stan: This attraction is gonna make me a fortune!!! Easy with that bear, Corduroy! I need him in showroom condition!!!

Bear: *tries to attack Manly Dan who starts to wrestle him*

Mabel: Aww, they're hugging!!!

Dipper: So, let me get this straight. Your plan is to teach this bear to ride a bicycle?

Stan: Nah, c'mon! Everyone's seen a bicycle riding bear! No, no, I'm gonna teach this bear- ... to drive...!!!!!

You, Dipper, and Mabel: ...

You: Oh boy...

Unfortunately, you and the twins had to come along for this crazy ride. You ended up getting pulled over by the police, but Stan lied his way out! (and it somehow worked) Mabel felt uneasy, you noticed it in her body language. You all then return to the Mystery Shack.

Mabel didn't like the idea of lying, she never has, so she went to talk to Stan who told her that sometimes she has to bend the truth for the greater good. She decided to look at Dipper's journal and found out about these teeth which forces the person using them to tell the truth.

She went into Stan's room late at night and replaced his normal teeth for the truth ones and woke him up to check.

Stan: *sits up startled* Ah?!? What's going on?!? What? Mabel?

Mabel: Quick question, what happened to Dipper's spaghetti plate?

Stan: I ate it, because I have little to know concern for other people's possessions or emotions. *realizes what he said* Huh, that was strangely candid, almost as if I'm unable to lie... Well, goodnight!!! *goes to sleep*

Mabel: *smiles*

~skip to next day~

Mabel: *whispers to you and Dipper what she did*

You: *whisper* You did what?!?

Dipper: *whispers* That seems like a horrible idea!!!

Mabel: *whispers* Its great!!! Now he has to tell the truth!!!

You and Dipper: *look at each other, then at Stan*

Stan: Scrambled meat, here it is. *places a pan with food on the table*

Dipper: Stan, what do you do in secret everyday during your lunch break?

Stan: Usually I spend the hour aggressively scratching myself in places I shouldn't mention. *grabs a newspaper* Now I'm going to avoid making eye contact by pretending to read this newspaper, and go to the bathroom without washing my hands. *leaves*

You, Dipper, and Mabel: Ew!!!

Dipper: Well, that was disturbing.

Mabel: Don't worry, guys, the truth is always a good thing!

You and Dipper: ...

The rest of the day, you and the twins were being bothered by Stan's honesty. There was a thing as being too honest. Later on, you three were in your room, each one in your own beds covering your ears in annoyance.

Stan: *from downstairs* Kids, I think I have a growth forming on my back!!! Just wanted to be honest with you guys!!!

You: I can't take it anymore, Mabel!!! You have to take those teeth out of his mouth!!!

Mabel: But then he'd be a liar again!!!

Dipper: Could it possible be any worse than this?!?

Doorbell: *rings*

You, Dipper, and Mabel: *run downstairs to see Stan talking to Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland*

Blubs: So after further investigation, turns out there is no Dr. Medicine in Gravity Falls!

Durland: You better have a darn good explanation for this!

Stan: Oh I do! You see I lied to you! In addition, I've been parking in handicap spaces, shoplifting fireworks, and smuggling endangered animals across multiple state lines. Also, you're fat.

Blubs: *drops his coffee because of how shocked he is, then he takes out some handcuffs* Is all this true?

You: No, no, no!!!

Dipper: It's not true!!! Right, Mabel?!?

Mabel: Uh... sirs, I have to be completely and totally honest with you! Our great uncle Stan is...

You and Dipper: ...!

Mabel: Is... *wipes sweat off her forehead*

Stan: *offers his hands to the cops*

Mabel: Stan is... secretly a crime fiction writer!!!

Blubs: What?

Mabel: *laughs awkwardly* Yeah! He was just just telling you about a character from his upcoming page turner: Crime Grandpa!!! He's never committed a crime in his life!!! Also... have you lost weight?

Blubs: *chuckles* Finally someone noticed!

Durland: Wow, an author!!! Can you teach me how to read?!?

Stan: Author?

Mabel: *pushes the policemen out* Haha, writers, masters of fiction. Goodnight!!! *closes the door and slouches against it as she sighs*

Dipper: Hey, you alright?

Mabel: I can't believe I lied...

You: Mabel, it was for the greater good.

Mabel: Yeah, the greater good.

Stan: *calls someone through the phone* Hello, police station? ... Yeah, I forgot to tell him about my tax fraud ... No, tax fraud!!!

You all tackle Stan to the ground and Mabel takes out his truth teeth. She locked it in a box and threw it into the Bottomless Pit.

End of Story - Your POV

Mabel: And I never saw that box full of magical teeth again. *points at a box near Stan* Oh wait, there it is!

You, Dipper, Soos, and Stan: *groans*

Soos: Oh, sweet, my shoes!!! *puts on his shoes*

Stan: I like the part with the bear, the rest seemed pretty farfetched.

Dipper: Mabel, we already know that story, we just lived through it!!!

Soos: So, if we're living that story now, how does it end?

You: I guess we'll soon find out.

~time skip~

Mabel: *groans* I'm tired of falling!!!

Dipper: I'm feeling light headed.

Soos: Hey (y/n), you haven't told a story yet.

You: Huh?

Stan: You got a story, kid?

You: Uh... *look at your flowing hair and notice your golden locks, you grab them and smirk* Actually, I do! A story I'd like to call Bad Hair Day.

Bad Hair Day: Third Person POV

You, Dipper, and Mabel were walking down the street. We all walked past a store which both twins wanted to hang out. You however decided to stay outside waiting.

You: *check your phone*

Pacifica: Oh (y/n)!!!

You: *groan* Pacifica.

Pacifica: How are you sweetie?!? Still looking for clothes in the trash~?

You: Look who's talking! I think all that money has made you loose your sense of style.

Pacifica: Aww, you're just jealous because you admit that I look better than you~

You: So you admit my style's good! That was my shirt, after all.

Pacifica: Which I gave you as a gift to improve your peasant look. It's not my fault that nothing suits you, freak streak~

You: *surprised* ...W-what do you mean by that, Pacifica?!

Pacifica: Oh come on, everyone in school knows about your freaky hair~

You: Because you told on me!!!

Pacifica: What did you except me to do, Fr-

Dipper and Mabel: *come out of the store*

You: Say that one more time, I dare you...!!!

Pacifica: *smirks* Freak Streak.

Mabel: Freak Streak?

You: !!!

Pacifica: Oh blondie! Have you told your pathetic friends about your odd strands~? She's a freak!

You: ... *run off*

You hear the twins calling for you to wait, but you just wanted to lock yourself in your room and stay by yourself, and that's what you did.

Knowing that everyone knew about your "freaky" hair wasn't that problem. It was the fact that it was Pacifica, the girl you thought who was your best friend. You looked at your golden hair, took a pair of scissors and tried to cut it, but after many attempts the scissors ended up breaking. You growled in anger.

You then see Dipper's journal and start to think. You whisper to yourself 'Sorry Dipper' as you start flipping the pages. You stop in one. 'The Crystal Lake', it could apparently grant your desire. You follow the map that leads you to the lake. It was gorgeous. As you look into the lake, you hear a voice. It was calm and soothing.

Voice: Greetings, child.

You: !!! Who's there?!?

Voice: I am the guardian of the lake. Tell me, why have you come here?

You: Well, I've always wanted to get rid of this *show the golden locks* and I read that this place could grant you any wish so...

Voice: Of course, my dear.

You: *stare at a vile that appeared in front of you as you let it fall to your hands*

Voice: Use this and fill it up with the water, then when you take a shower, use it to wash your hair. When you wake up tomorrow, your hair will be complete (h/c), no golden strands.

You: *smile* Thank you, thank you so much!!!

You went back home, secretly placed the journal where you found it, go to the bathroom, and took a shower. You went to sleep with the feeling of hope taking over you. You were like a child who had lost their first baby tooth and was waiting for the Tooth Fairy.

The next morning, Dipper felt something surrounding his neck and squeezing it. He immediately sat up, startled at the feeling.

Dipper: What the-?!? H-help!!!

Mabel: *wakes up surrounded by a strange blanket* Dipper? Dipper!!!! *helps Dipper take off whatever was strangling him*

Dipper: *breathes heavily*

Mabel: What is this?!?

Dipper: It's hair!!! And it's coming from... (y/n)?!?!?

Dipper and Mabel: *look at each other both worried and surprised before they go to you and shake you awake*

Mabel: (y/n)?!? (y/n), wake up!!!

You: Mm... what...?

When you open your eyes, all the hair from the floor shrinks into your normal hair length.

Dipper: What the heck?!?

You: What's wrong with you two?

Mabel: You-your hair!!!

You: *let out a gasp and smile before rushing to the mirror and check for your golden locks wish were no longer in sight* Yes!!! It worked!!! It worked it worked it worked!!!!! *start to jump in joy* Oh, I'm so happy!!!!!

Dipper: *notices strands of your hair growing and wrapping around your leg* (y/n), look out!!!

You: Woah!!! *feel a pull in your leg causing you to fall and hit your head* Ow...

Mabel: *helps you up* Are you ok?!?

You: I've never been better!!! I can't believe it's gone!!!

Dipper: What's gone?!?

You: *move you hair to the side and show where your golden locks are supposed to be with a bright smile*

Dipper: Where did you-?!? How did you-?!?

You: Well.......... I might've borrowed your journal and went to The Crystal Lake and asked for my golden hair to be removed...?

Dipper: You did what?!?

You: But it worked!!! This is so amazing!!!! I've gotta go show Stan!!! *take some pieces of your clothing and rush to the bathroom*

Mabel: What happened?!?

Dipper: *scratching his head* Well,
(y/n) used to have these locks of hair that were a bright gold, and she's always hated them.

Mabel: Not that, I already knew about that, she showed me once!!! I'm talking about her new hair!!! The one that tried to kill you?!?

Dipper: I have no idea!

Dipper and Mabel hear a loud crash come from the bathroom and they run to it. The door was locked and they started banging on it. The door finally opened. There you were, tangled in your own long long hair. Like, Rapunzel long! And you were not happy. As soon as they saw you, your hair grew to normal size.

Dipper: Oh my gosh, are you ok?!? *offers a hand to you, but a strand of your hair slaps it away* Ouch!

You: ...maybe I should've asked if there were any side affects. *stand up and grabs a thick ribbon and try to make a bun, but your hair fights back, after a lot of tries you finally do a tight bun and let out an exhausted sigh*

Dipper: Ok, we need to get you back to normal.

You: What?!? B-b-but I've tried so hard to get rid of my golden hair!!!

Dipper: (y/n), you're hair is now moving by itself, and it doesn't seem nice.

Hair: *shakes angrily*

You: *grab the ends of your ribbon and tighten the bun* ... *sigh* You're right...

After you're all dressed, you all go back to the lake.

Mabel: Woah, this place is amazing...!!!

Dipper: This is the place, right?

You: Yeah. I looked into the lake, and then a voice spoke to me.

Mabel: *looks at her reflection and laughs* I look weird!

Voice: Welcome, children.

Mabel: *falls back* AH!!!

Voice: Child, you have come again.

You: I wish to have my hair back to normal.

Voice: I'm sorry, but I only grant wishes once per year.

You, Dipper, and Mabel: What?!?

Voice: I'll see you next year.

You: ...

Mabel: Oh no you don't!!! You get back here and grant my friend's wish, you coward!!!

Voice: !!! What did you just call me?!?

Mabel: A coward, now come out here!!!

Voice: Fine, if that is what you desire!

A woman came out of the lake. She had long hair that connected to her long dress. She was a crystal blue color.

Woman: How dare you disrespect me?!? Your friend made her choice! And for this, you must now pay!

You: Mabel, I appreciate the thought of you trying to help me but I don't think making her angry was necessary!!!

Woman: *her hair goes and tries to attack you, but it's blocked by your own hair*

You: Um... ok?

Woman: *growls and tries again this time attacking Dipper*

You: *go in front of Dipper and let your hair block her attack*

You block for a few more times before your hair launches its own attack, knocking the woman off her feet.

Woman: Fine, I give. *walks to the middle of the lake and waves her wrist in a circle causing a golden glow to appear on her hand*

Glow: *dissolves on your hair*

You: *notice your golden locks of hair returning* ... thank you.

You start heading back to the shack, starring at your golden hair. You let out a sigh.

You: I'm sorry about the mess I made...

Dipper: It's fine, I mean we get you stuck in our messes all the time.

Mabel: And don't worry about Pacifica. You told me yourself, don't let her get to you!

You: *chuckle* Thanks Mabel.

End of Story - Your POV

Mabel: And I still stand by that sentence!!!

You: *laugh*

Dipper: Guys, do you see that?

We all look down to see a strange light and we all started screaming as we went into the unknown. We ended up being back out in the open, next to the Bottomless Pit.

You: Uh... what just happened?

Stan: What? Where- where are we?

Mabel: Look, the shack!!! Which means... we came right back out the top!!!

Dipper: *checking his watch* And I don't think any time has past! It must be some kind of wormhole...!!!

Soos: Yeah, dude, that's sounds science-y enough to be true.

Stan: But- but that's impossible!!! *leaning on the Bottomless Pit sign* No one will believe us!!!

Mabel: Maybe this is one story we should keep to ourselves...

You, Dipper, Soos, and Stan: Agreed.

Stan: *falls into the Bottomless Pit when the sign broke*

You, Dipper, Mabel, and Soos: ...

Mabel: He'll be fine.

Thank you so much for reading!!! I hope you liked the Bad Hair Day story that I added. And BIG thanks to my best friend since she helped BIIIIG time with my mini story. 'Till next time!!!


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