**REWRITING You will forever...

By ashlynnesalvatore

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Meet Heidi, a 17-year-old high school senior with her eyes set on college. But when she crosses paths with t... More

Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51.
Chapter 52.
Chapter 53.
Chapter 54.
Chapter 55.
Chapter 56.
Chapter 57.
Chapter 58.
Chapter 59.
Chapter 60.
Chapter 61.
Chapter 62.
Chapter 63.

Chapter 25.

81 20 0
By ashlynnesalvatore

A few weeks have gone by already and it was the day before graduation, the seniors were up and early for graduation practice, later was yearbooks which the rest of the students then arrived.

Anthony and Heidi arrive at the school,
Alex and Allison are already there waiting for them by the main hallway of the school.

"Hey love birds" Alex says

"Hey" Heidi and Anthony say in unison, Allison greets them also as they just stand by a wall waiting for instructions.

"I can't believe it's already graduation day tomorrow." Allison says excited.

"Me either, it came by super fast." Heidi says not seeming so happy about it, and Anthony looks over at her but she just keeps looking down at her phone.

"We get to party after it though, aren't you both getting like party things today?" Alex says

"Yeah we are, my mom gave us a list." Anthony responds, and Heidi just nods agreeing with him.

"Good morning Seniors, as you may all know it's graduation practice today." The principal on the intercom announces "So, boys and girls will be separated in the auditorium. Boys on the right and girls on the left so use those entrances, line up and teachers will guide you to enter in a formal order." She says lastly and so everyone does as said.

"I'll see you after this is done Babe." Heidi finally speaks looking at Anthony.

"Yeah, see you after Babe." He says smiling.

They both part ways with their friends and go into the lines that are forming by the auditorium entrances.

"Are you Okay?" Allison asks Heidi, and she turns around confused.


"I know that something is wrong so mind telling me." Allison says furrowing her eyebrows.

"I just don't want to be here today that's it."


"It's the last day of school, and you clearly know what that means." Heidi's voice cracks.

"You still have a few more months." Allison reassures her.

"I still haven't had the courage to even speak about it with him. Every time I want to bring it up something comes up or I just avoid the topic."

"I'm sure that it will come up, don't stress about it so much. Your letting it get to you."

"I know it's just that Alex told me this day would come and I should have brought it up sooner but I didn't listen."

"It's fine, everything will be okay." Allison says reassuring her and giving her a hug.

The line starts to move more and they give them each a note card so they can write down the name they want to be called on stage, Heidi and Allison take a seat and wait till everyone finally takes a seat which takes hours!

❖ Anthony Gordon ❖

Early Thursday morning as we arrived at the school building I felt like something was off.

Today was the last day of school everyone was awfully happy, but not my girlfriend from what I could see in her eyes and the way she was acting today.

When I picked her up she played it off with a smile as she hugged me and we kissed, but the moment we arrived to the school I knew something was up.

Mostly how she responded to Allison's comment, "Me either, it came by super fast." Her tone was somewhat sad, she didn't seem to be enjoying the whole graduation talk.

"Do you know if Heidi is okay?" Alex suddenly asks breaking through Anthony's thoughts.

"No, she's acting weird I know that something is wrong." Anthony says.

"I figured also, it's not like her."

"Exactly, she's been awfully quiet today. I'm going to talk to her after this is over."

"You should bro, I figured when it comes to Heidi she pretends to be okay but she's not." Alex says.

"I know and I don't like when she's like this." Anthony looks over from across the room towards Heidi who is writing on the notecards they were given.

"She only likes to keep her feelings to herself. She says she doesn't like to bug others with her problems and that's what she's doing now which isn't good at all." Alex comments.

"She helps us all but when it's about her she shuts others out and I won't let her." Anthony says writing on the notecard as well.

"This is why she has you, your the only person I know she's never pushed away."

"I don't let her that's why, she knows very well that I won't stop till I figure out what's wrong."

"If I'm not wrong I think I know what's up." Alex says looking her way.

"I think so also, but I'm going to let her talk." Anthony replies.

Finally after 2-3 hours of being in the auditorium going over the graduation process, everyone is able to go out and get their yearbooks and do whatever they pleased.

Alex and Anthony find their way through the crowded hallways to meet up with Allison and Heidi to also get the yearbook.

Anthony walks over to Heidi and intertwines their fingers, as they all walk to the room where they are giving out the yearbooks.

"Allison and I will be back guys, you do your things." Alex says dragging her away.

I knew he was doing this so I could finally talk to her and ask what was wrong and so we walked into a hallway that didn't have much students.

"What are we doing?" Heidi asks
"We need to talk." Anthony says looking at her, "Um, about what?" She asks confused.
"Babe, I want to know what's wrong?"

"What do you mean what's wrong?, I'm fine." Heidi says smiling at him.

"Don't lie to me please I know that your upset about something so just tell me what it is so I can help you."

I knew that I'd figured her out, she could never get anything past me whether she tried to, something was definitely bugging her.

Her eyes showed it all and lying to me wasn't going to help.

For a couple weeks now it seemed like she wanted to tell me something but then she'd blow it off, so I let it go.

As we stood here in the hallway and I looked at her waiting for an answer and she couldn't quite seem to bring herself to speak but then she finally did.

"I.." she paused, "It's just graduation, I am overwhelmed and I am not as excited as everyone because it's a goodbye and I'm not ready to leave...high school." She says, that's when I realized what she meant.

I knew exactly where this was coming from if my thoughts were correct it wasn't just this she was hinting about.

I had been thinking about this for a while also and not just graduation in general, but I knew the precise moment I'd talk to her about it.

"Babe, everything will be okay. I understand it's not easy to let go but I'm here with you every step of the way."
Anthony says as he pulls her into a tight hug, and Heidi doesn't pull away she stays in his embrace.

"Thank you, I love you." Heidi says kissing his cheek, "I love you more." Anthony says as he starts kissing her cheek and neck, she starts giggling.

"Babe, we are in the hallway stop" she says in between laughs.

I loved how easily ticklish she was, and with anything I ever did it made her easily happy.

Allison and Alex come back, "Hey guys, let's go outside?" Alex says

"Sure lets go." Anthony says as he takes a hold of Heidi's hand, they all walk out to the front of the school.

Students are all around eating, laughing or getting the yearbook signed, some of their friends came up to them to get the book signed.

Alex's girlfriend and Allison's boyfriend finally arrived they were a grade lower then them, they all exchanged yearbooks with one another.

"I'll be back." Heidi says looking at Anthony who is confused on where she's going.

"Sofia." Heidi says and she turns around and gives her a heart warming smile

"Heidi, hey" Sofia wasn't around most of the year anymore given she went her own way but she still talked to Heidi once in a while.
"Sign my yearbook?" She asks with a smile.

"Of course, sign mine also?" Sofia says "Yes, how have you been?"

"Good, how about you?"

"I've been doing great."
"I'm happy for you, you and Anthony are cute together I'm happy everything went as planned for both of you."

"Thank you, We are having a party at my place tomorrow if you'd like to come." Heidi suggests.

"Thanks I'll come by" Sofia says giving her the book back and Heidi starts walking back towards her friends.

"Babe, do you want to get out of here?" Anthony asks as she reaches towards him.

"Sure, I just needed to invite her to the party."

"I figured you would." He smiles

"I'm going to miss coming to school everyday, I may have hated it at some point but I looked forward to coming this year." Heidi says looking at the building and the students around her.

"Honestly same here, mostly because I looked forward to always seeing you."

Anthony intertwined their fingers as they said goodbye to their friends and walked to his car.

"Should we get the party things my mom asked for right now?" Anthony asks.

"Yeah, I mean since we are already out. We can even just drop them off at my house and not take it to yours." Heidi says looking through the yearbook pictures and smiling when she comes across one.

"Alright, and what is making you smile so much in the yearbook?" Anthony asks curiously trying to take glances but then keeping his eyes on the road.

"Your picture, it's so cute." Heidi says and you can see his cheeks turn a light shade of pink from her comment.

"Stop looking at it, go look at something else" he says embarrassed.

"No, like how can someone look so good in a picture. It's impossible but yours it's perfect." Heidi says still admiring it and taking a picture of it with her phone.

"Babe!" Anthony says flustered.

"What?" Heidi says with a smile.

"Don't take a picture of it."

"Little late for that and either way I'd still take a picture of it."
"It's an ugly picture." Anthony says looking over at her, and she turns towards him making a face.

"No it's not, your just saying that because you don't want me to have it on my phone." Heidi says looking through the other pictures when she comes across hers.

"Now that's ugly." She says and turns the page and Anthony caught a glimpse of it so he looks at her.
"What did you say?" He says as they arrive at the store so he parks the car.

"About what?" Heidi says unbuckling her seatbelt, and Anthony grabs the book from her hands and goes back to the page she turned away from.

His eyes shift to Heidi and gives her a look and she's confused "What?"

"You know what." He says and she just stares at him and then looks at the book and the picture he's looking at.

"Oh, that...It is ugly." She says and opens the car door and gets out so Anthony follows behind but pulls her hand and pulls her to him.

"What are you doing?" Heidi says trying to pull away but he tightens his grip on her.

"Your nowhere near ugly stop saying that, your the most beautiful girl I've ever seen I love everything about you. Your perfect in my eyes nothing about you is imperfect so stop it." Anthony says looking at Heidi and she can't seem to get any words out so he speaks again.

"Babe I don't-"Heidi stops him mid sentence as she smashes her lips against his and her hands made their way to his hair, His hands stay on her waist and pulls her even closer to him.

"Thank you Babe." Heidi says smiling, as she pulls away but his hands are still on her waist.

"Thank you for what?" Anthony says, "The compliment."

"I was just saying the truth." He says with a smile, he takes a hold of Heidi's hand and they walk inside the store.

"What did your mom want us to get?" Heidi asks as they are walking through the aisles, and Anthony hands her his phone, "Check the messages she sent me a list."

"Okay, the first thing is drinks." Heidi says as he pushes the cart around and they walk towards the drinks and pick which ones they want, most likely the ones everyone would drink.

As they both go around grabbing things from Anthony's mom's list they also grab some snacks for their movie day at her house today.
"Babe, should we make a cake?" Anthony says with a grin, and Heidi gets a big smile thinking back to the day they made a cake.

"Sure, why not."

"Which kind should we make this time?", "Chocolate!" She says excited and he chuckles as he grabs the box and the rest of the things they need.

They head back to Heidi's house and get everything out from the bags.

"When are your parents getting here?" Anthony asks as he puts the party supplies in the cabinet.

"In a few minutes." Heidi says as they both head to her room and he sits on her bed as she puts the yearbook on the shelf, she turns around and walks to where Anthony is and lies down on the bed.

"I feel like this year went by super fast, and I hate that it did." Heidi says looking at the ceiling and Anthony keeps his eyes on her as he studies her face.

"Probably because we did a lot of things together so it just came by quickly." She turns to face him as his gaze is still on her, "Yeah, it's just weird that we won't be going to school anymore."

"True, might as well make the best of tomorrow then." Anthony says with a smile, they hang around in her room for a while until her parents arrive and they go greet them.

"Hey Anthony" Heidi's parents say in unison.

"Hey, how was work today?" He asks them as they all head towards the kitchen.

"Good usual busy, how is everything at your shop?"

"Running great as always." He responds back to Jose.

Heidi and Maria are looking at some of the things she brought for tomorrow, as Anthony and Jose talked.

"How was your last day sweetie?"

"It was okay." Heidi says with a small smile.

"No one is ever ready to face the big world but I know that your prepared." Maria says as she gives her a side hug, Heidi let's out a sigh and smiles.

"Your right." Heidi looks over at Anthony their eyes meet he gives her a smile and she smiles back, she has never seen her parents get along with anyone very well and they really loved him since the day they met him seven months ago.

They had dinner together and her parents had to go meet up with some friends, so her and Anthony stayed alone at her house for the night.

"Let's start making the cake Babe!" Heidi says excited as she takes Anthony's hand and leads towards the kitchen.

"You remember how to make it?" He asks with a smirk across his face.

"Yes, I know how to cook do you? Heidi says taking some flour and throwing it at him offended by his comment.

Anthony then looks at her and is about to reach out to grab her but she backs away.


"What?" Heidi says

"Come here."


Anthony starts walking towards her but she starts moving back and so she runs around the kitchen and he runs after her till he grabs her from the waist and pulls her back, they both fall to the floor and their faces are only inches apart.

"We took cooking class together so I'm sure we both know how to cook." He says with a grin.

"Then why'd you ask." Heidi says with a smile trying to get up but Anthony won't let go.
"Because when I get you mad it's cute."

"Definitely not." She says annoyed, little does she know in his left hand he has flour and he lifts his hand up slowly and sprinkles the flour on her head.

"Anthony!" She says mad and tries to pull away from his embrace but he tightens his grip on her waist and looks directly in her eyes.

"What Heidi?" He says smirking and she looks at him in frustration.

"I didn't even-" before she could even finish her sentence Anthony slides his hand up to her head and pushes her towards him and their lips collide as they kiss, they were both lost in ecstasy.

They both pull away, he gives her a smile. She can't help but smile back at him, Anthony reaches out for her hand and helps her up.

"Should we actually get the cake done now Babe?" He says with a grin.

"I think we should." Heidi says grabbing the mixer, Anthony comes and helps her mix the things together, as she's pouring the cake batter into the prepared pan she feels his arms around her waist, his chin on her shoulder watching over what she's doing.

"I love you Babe." He says kissing her cheek and her cheeks turn a light shade of pink.

"I love you too Babe." She says turning her head a bit to look at him, her hazel eyes meeting his brown eyes like the very first day all over again, she couldn't help realize she fell in love with him all over again everyday.

He puts the cake in the oven for her, as she washes the dishes a few seconds later he's next to her helping also.

Anthony glances over towards Heidi who is focused on the cup she's washing, with his hand he gets water and splashes her she immediately looks at him.

"My bad." He says with a smile.

"Don't worry about it Babe." Heidi says with a grin, he is confused at first and looks away for a few seconds and that's when Heidi dumps water on him with the cup she has.

He jerks back and gives Heidi a look, "Babe! That is cold!" He says.

"Should have thought about that when you wet me also." Heidi replies, he grabs the cup and fills it with water also, he takes a step towards Heidi, she ran backwards slipping as she fell back, caught by Anthony's quick arms.

"Caught you." He says with a smile, he then dumps the water on her and Heidi tries to move from his hold but she can't.

"We are even now Babe."

"You started it and I was just finishing it, and also maybe you wouldn't have caught me if I hadn't slipped." Heidi says.

"Yeah sure." Anthony says

"We should also clean all this up." He continues on, They clean the kitchen up and go to Heidi's room.

They take a shower and once finished they go back to check on the cake, they take it out and wait for it to cool down before they apply frosting and anything else they want.

The pizza they order is also here, so they just get some drinks.

"What movie do you want to watch Babe?" Heidi asks.
"Want to watch Ride along?"

"Yeah." They sit on her bed and get comfortable, during the movie they eat and laugh.

Anthony and Heidi end up falling asleep during the movie, the next day they both wake up and his arms are wrapped around her waist.

"Good morning Babe." He says kissing her cheek.

"Good morning" she says with a smile and tries to get up but he pulls her even closer to him.

"Babe, we have to get up." Heidi says.

"No we don't, we still have time and I want to stay in bed with you longer."

"Okay..I mean who wants to go to graduation anyways." She says with a smile facing him and closing her eyes.

"Are you going to sleep again?" Anthony asks sliding one hand up towards her face to stroke her cheek.

"Yes." Heidi then feels a pair of lips on hers, her eyes flutter open only to meet Anthony's.

"What happened Babe? Aren't you going to sleep?" He says with a grin.

"I am, I was just awoken by a beast." She says with a laugh, he gives her a look, and then starts to tickle her, she tries to move away but he has her hold.

"Babe-" she can't even talk she keeps laughing and trying to make him stop.

"What is it I can't understand you Babe?" Anthony says mid laugh,
"I was just kidding, I love you." She says kissing him, he pulls away.

"I know, I love you too." He pulls her back into a kiss, she than lays her head on his chest and closes her eyes.

"Goodnight Babe."

"Are you really sleeping though?" He asks with a smile as he touches her hair.

"Of course, I need my sleep, you do also so sleep."

"No I don't we can just-"

"Shhh" Heidi says interrupting him and he just chuckles and does as she says and drifts into a 30 minute nap.

Heidi is the first to wake up she changes into something simple for now, she comes back and looks over at Anthony who is peacefully asleep, she smiles and kisses his cheek she is about to get up when she's pulled back.

"Where are you going Babe?" He says in her ear.

"Um, to the kitchen."

"Without me?"

"You were sleeping peacefully."

"I'm awake now let's go." He says getting up and going to change quickly.

Heidi just chuckles and they both walk into the kitchen where her parents and siblings are.

"Good morning" her parents say.

"Morning" Heidi and Anthony say in unison with a smile.

"I made pancakes for you both." Maria says handing them both a plate.

"Hey!" Cesi says, "Oh he's still here" she says looking at Anthony.

"Cesi! Be nice" Heidi says giving her a look.

"It's Okay Babe I've learned to ignore her she's just jealous I've got you all to myself." Anthony says with a smirk, pulling her closer to him.

"Whatever she's my cousin and we've known each other since birth dude." Cesi says pulling Heidi's hand, and Anthony pulls her back

"She's mine." He says

"Stop bickering and eat your food." Maria interrupts them.

"Yeah not even us" Kim says, Heidi's sister.

They all eat their breakfast together and help clean up after, Anthony suggests on going to the park, so they drive to a park nearby and he gets out his football. 

"You want to play?" He says looking at Heidi with a smile.

"Sure, If your ready to lose." She says with a smirk.

"I think it's the other way around." Anthony says with a chuckle, he puts his arm around her shoulder and they walk to the open green field.

"I'll go easy on you." He says with a smirk, and Heidi just gives him a look.

"Just throw the ball." She smiles, he just chuckles.

Of course with Anthony being athletic and in the football team it would be obvious he was faster, and stronger.

But Heidi didn't let that intimidate her, she was really trying her best as she ran after the ball or threw it across the field.

Suddenly as she turns around with the football in her hands Anthony stops, only to run towards her and Heidi completely freezes unable to move he gently tackles her and they fall to the floor, only she's on top of him.

"I think I won." Anthony flashes a smile, he takes the ball from her hands and places it on the side and puts his hands on her waist.

"Your a cheater." Heidi says trying to pull away and get up.

"No I'm not. I won fair and square.",

"Only because your a football player and more athletic than me." She says

"Babe, don't get mad you did your best." Anthony says kissing her really quick, and she just looks at him.

"I'll get better and win." Heidi responds, "Now can I get up?" She says with a smile.

"No." Anthony says and gives her a look, and Heidi is confused.

"What?" Heidi pauses, "Why not?" She asks.

"Not until you give me a kiss." He says with a chuckle, and Heidi just rolls her eyes and smiles, "Guess will be here all day." She says mischievously, Anthony lifts his left eyebrow.

"Oh really?"

"Kidding Babe." Heidi says and starts leaning in and when their lips are almost touching she moves.

"Sike" and she starts laughing.

"Babe!" Anthony says giving her a look, and she can't help but still keep laughing.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself." She says, but then she leans in and crashes her lips against his, a smile appears across his face in between kisses.

"My beautiful girlfriend." He whispered against Heidi's lips. She ran her hands through his hair as she looked down at him, they smiled at each other.

Heidi gets the football from the ground and Anthony reaches out for it but Heidi won't give it to him.

"I don't think so." She says, and she starts running off to the car with the ball.

Anthony chuckles and runs after her once he catches up he pulls her from the waist and lifts her up and spins her around.

"Do you want to go get some Ice cream Babe?" Anthony pauses.

"Before we head back and then go take pictures before the graduation ceremony." He says his hands still on her waist, an even bigger smile appears on Heidi's face.

"Yes! I'd love to!" She says excited and pulls him towards her into a hug, she kisses his cheek and he opens the car door for Heidi.

They arrive at an ice cream shop, as they wait in line Heidi's eyes lit up as she looks at all the flavors, So many to pick from but she already had her choice made.

"So, which one are you getting?" Heidi asks, "I'm not sure, which one should I try this time?" Anthony asks, every time they went out for ice cream he would try different kinds, as for Heidi she would also at times but she had a favorite.

"Get chocolate it's the best one here." She says with a smile.

"Of course, it's your favorite." He says, as the line moves up, they finally get the ice cream and sit down for awhile.

"Your right they have the best chocolate ice cream here." Anthony says, "Told you, it's very good." Heidi replies with a smile.

After a couple minutes they finish their ice cream and he drives back to Heidi's place, he opens the door for her.

"I'll see you in a couple hours Babe." Anthony says pulling Heidi into a kiss.

"Alright Babe." She walks inside and goes straight towards her room to shower.

"Finally your back." Cesi says joking around.

"I didn't take that long." Heidi says with a smile.

"Right, he like took you away the whole year I hardly see you." Cesi says, Heidi looks at her and brings her into a hug.

"I'm sorry, I understand where your coming from I'm leaving soon and we won't see each other."

"No, that's not what I meant I was kidding, I'm really happy for you." Cesi says giving her a tighter hug, "Even though he ruined my 20 year plan with you."

"Thank you." Heidi chuckles, "anyways want to do my hair and help me pick the necklace my mom bought two that have the grad year."

Heidi says taking out two small boxes and showing her the silver necklaces.

"Yes! I also need to see your dress and we can see how it looks with each necklace." Cesi says, they start with her hair, she does two braids at the top and curls the rest of her hair.

"I love it!" Heidi says looking at herself in the mirror, she starts doing her makeup, and after she goes over to her closet and gets out her dress, it's a dark red spaghetti strap v-neck above the knee dress.

She goes and changes and puts on her heels, she walks out to show Cesi.

"Woah! Nope too much skin your showing, he isn't even going to let you out the door." Cesi says laughing.

Heidi can't help but chuckle "Well then good thing he isn't coming to the house, we are meeting up with him at the park so I won't need to change." Heidi says

"You got lucky this time, but you look beautiful." Cesi pauses, "I'm also proud of you." Heidi gives her a big smile.

"Thank you so much it means a lot." Heidi helps Cesi get ready and then she gets her cap and gown.

They walk to the living room and her family is ready, once they see Heidi they smile. "You ready?" Heidi's parents say in unison.

"You look beautiful sweetie." Maria says.

"Thank you." She responds back.

Heidi's parents and siblings get in their car, while her and Cesi get in her car.

They drive to a park where they would meet up with Anthony's parents for pictures they wanted to take of them.

"He's so going to kill you for wearing something that exposes too much." Cesi says mid laugh.

"You just find this funny don't you." Heidi says rolling her eyes.

"Hey! Don't roll your eyes at me." Cesi pauses "But Yes I do very much."

They finally arrived and they were already there, her parents get off and greet them.

"Come on Heidi, I can't wait to see this." Cesi says with a smile.

"He's literally waiting for you and your taking your precious time."

Heidi smacks Cesi's arm, "Shut up, I'm going jeez."

They get off the car and walk towards them, Anthony is distracted talking to her mom, but the attention is finally driven towards her when Sarah, comes and gives her a big hug.

"You look absolutely beautiful Heidi."

"Thank you." Heidi says with a smile. "That dress is pretty, and you look amazing" Shailey says.

"Thanks, you look beautiful and love the hair." Heidi says, "Thank you."

Finally Anthony comes towards her, Cesi just has a big smile across her face.

"Babe" Anthony says looking into her eyes and wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Yes.." Heidi says a little nervous but still manages to smile.

"I-I" He pauses unable to speak, but then finding the words, "You look absolutely beautiful, perfect."

Heidi is confused at first, but then her cheeks turn a light shade of pink from his comment, "Thank you Babe, you look handsome as always." She says with a smile.

"Thanks." Anthony pauses, "Also your not off the hook, your showing a lot every boy is going to be looking at you."

"I knew you were going to say that." Heidi says.

"It's true. I have eyes and I can tell from across the room when someone is looking at you." Anthony says

"But I don't care. I only care if your looking at me Babe." She says pulling him closer to her.

"Good, but either way my sister has extra clothes you can change into or we can go buy you a new dress like now."

He says pulling away about to walk to her car.

"No. I'm not changing come on we need to take the pictures and I'm going to be wearing that ugly green thing anyways so no one will see the dress." Heidi says.
Anthony chuckles "Alright fine, and it's not that bad." He says as they walk closer to their family.

They go around the park taking pictures of Anthony and Heidi together, with the cap and gown on and without it.

After many pictures of them together they finally have some taken with their family, and then as a big family altogether.

After they are done it's getting time to head to the ceremony, Anthony came in his parents car so he goes with Heidi and Cesi.

"I called shotgun first!" Cesi says annoyed.

"I don't care. Still going in the front whether you like it or not so suck it up." Anthony replies back.

"Jeez will you both stop fighting for at least the whole car ride please." Heidi says looking at them.

"It's your boyfriend who bugs me." Cesi says, that's when Heidi turns around and looks at her.

"Then ignore him." Anthony just looks at Cesi and she rolls her eyes at him.

"Your cousin is so annoying." He says chuckling.

"She's not. Well to me she's sweet I just think she doesn't like you." Heidi says laughing.

"I don't need her to, because at the end of the day you love me more." Anthony says.

"Mhm keep thinking that." Cesi says

"I don't think, I know because she shows it." He replies back with a smile.

"We are here!" Heidi says interrupting before they start another argument.

"We need to find Alex and Allison!" Heidi says pulling his hand and walking towards the building as everyone is outside waiting for the doors to open.

"No wait!" Anthony says pulling Heidi back towards him.

"What? Why?" She says with a confused look on her face.

"Put on your gown." He says looking at her dress, and she just smiles and shakes her head.

"Fine, put yours on also." She says with a chuckle.

"Here let me help you." Anthony says as he helps her put it on, they fix their caps and tassels, then they walks towards the building, Allison and Alex are together waiting for them.

"You're here finally!" Alex says

"We need to take some pictures together!" Allison says, they find some student to take some pictures of them, and then separate ones.

"Babe we have to go on the other side, I'll see you after." Anthony says

"Okay, see you later Babe." Heidi says kissing him goodbye.

They open the doors at the bottom entrance, they walk right in and one of the teachers tells them to get the notecard with their name that's taped on the wall.

As they continue walking through the tunnel, then they make a stop before entering, it takes a couple minutes, or an hour before they can walk inside to take a seat.

While they wait a photographer is taking pictures of the girls, in groups or separately.

Heidi and Allison take a moment to take some pictures together, then Sofia comes and they take some also and catch up for a while.

They hand out their medals, and than they get in a line to walk inside. You can hear music, and mostly the people talking.

Students one by one shake the hand of each teacher as they congratulate them or some say their goodbyes.

As the boys start filling up the seats on the right and girls start filling up the left, the ceremony starts with the Student body president.

She starts off by welcoming the parents and friends of the graduates, then goes over how the ceremony will go.

They take a stand for the national anthem sang by one of the students, after the Schools Madrigals go up and sing.

A lady from the board of Education gets up from the seats, she gives a quick speech, and lets everyone know that the students before them have met the requirements to graduate.

They call upon the Principal to give a short speech before the students one by one walk up on stage and get the diploma and take a picture with the principal.

"Good Evening Honored Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, The class of 2017.
A graduation ceremony is always such a special occasion -"

Rows start getting up from the left and right side, they start taking pictures and then go up as names get called. You hear the cheers from the crowd and as they shake hands and get the diploma and walk back to the seats.

Heidi and Allison are in the fifth row, so when it's their turn they get up with their classmates.

"I can't believe this is happening!" Allison says excited, Heidi turns towards her with a smile and chuckles.

Allison goes up first, "Allison...." she walks down shakes hands and gets her diploma as they are cheering and taking a picture.

"Alex Dilaurentis" he walks down as well with a big smile across his face receiving his diploma.

Heidi looks across the room and her eyes meet Anthony's, he gives her a smile.

"I love you" he mouths out to her, "I love you too" she says back.

"Heidi Rosales." they say and she walks down as she hears cheers, and shakes hands with the principal and gets her diploma.

Anthony from the side is clapping and cheering with a big smile across his face.

"Anthony Gordon." He walks down with a smile, Heidi gets up and claps as she cheers really happy for him, He shakes hands and gets his diploma.

Once they finish with everyone the Principal says some words and hands over the time to the Student body President for the last time.

"Thank you,
Look around the room Graduates, family members, and staff it is an honor to be part of this celebration, the 2017 Graduation ceremony at Kearns High School.

It is such pleasure to share in the intensity of emotions filling this stadium as you who are graduating close this chapter of your life's story.

Look at your graduates. You are the class of 2017. You graduate in a century still in its infancy... at a time in history where our world is dealing with enormous challenges...but at a time when the opportunities created by those challenges have never been greater.

None of us is really smart enough to go at it alone. We are educated by every experience we live, every interest we pursue, every book we read, and every person we meet. We learn from our parents, friends, teachers, co-workers, classmates, teammates, coaches, and people who  although we have never met, touch our hearts with their lives.

No matter what the future holds for you, the little things you learn from other people will have the most impact on your life. Our friends gave us a reason to drag ourselves out of bed early in the morning while making our days more enjoyable. We have experienced pains, happiness, tragedy, and success, but it always has been together.

With that in mind, I'd like to thank everyone, who's had an effect in my life. My family, for their support. My friends, for their understanding, and especially today my teachers for their inspiration.

As we sit here today we should consider the wise words of Aristotle: "The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet." Our climb through high school is complete, but just like middle school seemed like a bump in the road compared to high school, high school will be just a hill compared to college.

Armed with the skills and knowledge you've attained, I can tell you are eager to tackle this next phase, whatever it might be. For some, college or technical schools will be your next stop. Some are heading straight to the workforce. Some have chosen military service.

Whatever direction you take, I guarantee that your world will change as you leave high school. And as a result of whatever it is you choose to do..it's our world.

Without further, see you all again in 5 years or maybe along the way, as I conclude my speech Graduates if you could please stand."

The students arose looking at one another and then at the Student body President, with smiles across their faces.

"Will you please take a hold of your tassels and switch them from your left to the right side, you have officially graduated."

As they do so you hear the crowd go wild as everyone claps and cheers.

The students after take off the caps and throw them in the air, a song comes up and everyone is dismissed.

The same routine goes again with the students with new teachers shaking hands and saying goodbye, they take off their gowns and give them to the SBO's which give them a ticket.

Heidi and Allison wait for Alex and Anthony so they can walk together to the room where they can get their actual diploma and head on outside with their families.

"We made it guys!" Alex says as he comes behind them.

Anthony goes over to Heidi and hugs her from behind.

"I can't believe this is it." Heidi says looking at Anthony.

"I know, we are officially done with High School."

"Next up the world." Allison says with a chuckle, they all start walking and get their diplomas from their counselors.

They meet outside with their families, they all take more pictures outside.

"Anthony, Heidi can you guys stop by the store to get some last minute things." Mark says.

"I'll send you the list." They both agree, Allison and Alex's family would go to her house in about an hour.

"What store are we heading to?" Heidi asks Anthony.

"My Dad sent me a list of snacks so any store really." She starts driving to a store and they finally arrive and go inside.

As they are in an aisle looking for some chips Anthony looks to his left and notices a guy looking their way, more precisely towards Heidi.

He takes a deep breathe, the dress of course he kept saying to himself she was showing way too much today, Anthony goes over to Heidi and slides his arm around her waist.

"Babe, which ones should we get?" Heidi says holding up some bags.

"As many as we can." He says, She was about to walk towards where the guy was to see the other bags but Anthony pulls her back.

"Umm, Is everything okay?" Heidi asks confused.

"Yes." Anthony says with a smile.

"Okay? Well can I go over there and see the other chips." She says looking at him.

"No.", he says immediately

"Why not?"
"Let's go to the other side and check."

"Babe.. what's wrong?" Heidi says

"Well I told you that the dress was showing a lot and some dude over there is looking at you." Anthony says annoyed.

"Boys I swear, come on." Heidi says rolling her eyes and pulling him with her to another aisle.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." Anthony says stopping her.

"You sound just like Cesi." Heidi says folding her arms.

"Well I don't like it when you do that." He pauses, "Also what do you mean boys I don't like it when others look at you."

"They are just looking, I don't even care I wasn't even paying attention.. I never do."

"Your mine and no one else's." Anthony replies as he takes her hand and walks to get the rest of the things.

Once they are done, they go back to Heidi's place. The house is decorated very nicely it was not like that before they left.

"That's why they wanted us to get more food." Heidi says looking around the house.

"They did a very nice job." Anthony says as they walk towards the kitchen.

"You guys are back" Kim says, they unpack the food from the bags and both their parents come to the kitchen.

"When are Allison and Alex coming?" Sarah asks.

"They said in an hour so probably in a few minutes, and also Sofia." Anthony says giving Heidi a smile.

"That sounds good, we have everything covered so no need to help." Sarah says looking towards Heidi and she chuckles.

"Yeah, so you guys can just go and freshen up or something while your friends arrive." Maria says so they all do their own thing.

Anthony lies down on Heidi's bed as she takes off her heels and sits down next to him.

"I'm so tired, I don't like heels." She says, He lets out a small chuckle.

"Why Don't you just wear your normal shoes? In fact why don't you just wear pants." He says with a smile.

"Because they would not look good with the dress, and Nope not happening we are at my house who is going to look at me? no one." Heidi says.

He grabs her from the waist and pulls her on top of him so fast she didn't have time to react.

"Right, I can always help you change." Anthony says with a smile, she just smiles back and tries to get up.

"Hey guys!" Alex suddenly appears without knocking and they both look towards the door.

"Uh, sorry I didn't mean to interrupt whatever you- Uh I'll just wait outside." Alex says flustered and closes the door behind him.

Heidi and Anthony look at each other and laugh, "We need to catch up to him before he says something." She says trying to move, but he won't let go just yet. "He won't. He looked so embarrassed." He says with a chuckle

"Baaabe" Heidi says and he kisses her, "Okay we can go now" Anthony says with a big smile, she just stares at him and then gets up and grabs her heels from the floor but doesn't put them on.

They walk to the living room and Alex is there with Allison, once he sees them he has a playful smirk on his face.

"Best Friend!" Allison says getting up and hugging Heidi, then Alex gets up to greet Anthony, and goes over to hug Heidi.

"So, did you guys finish your business or what?" Alex says with a chuckle, and Anthony looks at him. "Shut up." Heidi says.

"Why are you mad, my eyes are the ones that had to see that." Alex says.

"It's called knocking." She snaps back, "We weren't doing anything anyways." Anthony says backing her up.

"Yeah, yet." Alex says laughing, Allison smacks his arm. "Mind your own business." Allison replies and he just chuckles and stops.

"Is Sofia not here yet?" Heidi says changing the subject.

"Yes, your cousin Cesi is with her outside." Allison says

"Okay, I'm going to go greet her, you guys coming?" She says as she starts walking to the back.

"Sofia!" Heidi says as she sees her, and gives her a hug which she returns back.

"Heidi!" Sofia says, The rest of the group greets her as well.

"I didn't know Alex and Allison's parents were close to yours and his." Sofia says looking towards the yard.

"They just all came together, I think it's great." Heidi says with a smile.

"That's good, thanks again for inviting me, your family is amazing." Sofia says.

Cesi comes back and they talk for awhile and Heidi leaves back with Anthony.

"I have a gift for you Babe." He says as he hugs her from behind, "I have a gift for you also." She says with a smile, "When should we give them to each other?" He asks, "I don't know.."

"Hey Bro can I borrow Heidi for a few minutes?" Alex says

"Yeah sure." Anthony says, and Heidi walks with Alex.

"What's up?" Heidi says looking at him as they sit down, "I've missed you." Alex says putting an arm around her, "Me too." She says with a smile.

"Anyways, I want to apologize." Alex suddenly says and Heidi is confused.

"Apologize for what?"

"For pressuring you the whole year about California I know that I shouldn't have. I was just looking out for you but at the same time I guess I was scared of you leaving." Alex says looking at her.

"Alex, it's okay. I understand and you don't need to apologize for anything. I am scared also it's a big step and I'm confused I don't even know what to do anymore." Heidi replies back as she looks towards Anthony whom is talking to her parents.

"It's Anthony isn't it? That's got you confused. You had it all figured out but he came into your life and your so in love with him and you don't want to leave anymore." Alex suddenly says.

She takes a deep breathe somehow he had her all figured out, "It's not him. Well yes..But Alex you can't tell him what I'm going to tell you." Heidi says turning towards him.

"I promise I won't, your both my best friends." He says

"I want him to come with me, but that's just selfish of me to have him drop everything he has here for me." She pauses, "He's already ahead with his business and I can't bring myself to do that to him." She lets out a deep sigh and lies on the sofa frustrated.

"That's not selfish, and I'm sure he would go with you in a heart beat." She wished he would just drop it and move on leave her and her problems alone.

Stubborn as he was, he shook his head and suggested, "What if I talk to him about it? Ask him if he'd leave with you?"

"No! Don't I just-" Anthony suddenly appears plopping right next to her.

"Alex, what have you done to my girlfriend? She looks so frustrated." He says as he looks down at Heidi lying down.

"Nothing, we are just talking she just always gets riled up around me." Alex says with a chuckle.

"I'm fine, we were just catching up." Heidi says with a smile and sits up.

Anthony intertwines their fingers and Alex looks at them with a smirk. "I know I interrupted you guys." He says with a chuckle.

"Alex!" Heidi says

"Joking, Anyways who's heels are those?" He says pointing to the heels Anthony has in his free hand.

"Oh those are mine, thank you Babe." Heidi says with a smile and kisses his cheek.

"Why aren't you wearing them?"

"Because they are painful." She says

"Your the only girl I know that doesn't exactly like heels so much." Alex says

"I told her to wear her normal shoes but she said no." Anthony responds looking at Heidi.

"Because he wanted me to change out of the dress."

"You guys I swear, Oh and he's always been this overprotective about you when you wear dresses or anything that shows a lot." Alex says with a chuckle.

"Dude!" Anthony says giving him a look, "What? I'm just letting her know."

"I figured, Cesi and I noticed." Heidi says with a chuckle, they continue talking for a while more before they all gather around with their family.

They eat, and just enjoy the time together taking pictures and talking.

"Alright present time!" The parents say in unison.

Anthony and Heidi's parents hand them over a basket, "We deigned this for both of you, and each gift is the same, and they have a meaning." Sarah says with a smile, Heidi gives her a smile.

As they both get out a photo album, the front of it is titled "Senior Year" And it has a picture of both of them. It's filled with many pictures of what they did, family gatherings together, and party's with friends.

Heidi notices keychains, she reaches out and looks at them, it has a picture of her and Anthony together with their names, she hands him one and they look through the rest of the basket.

They exchange gifts in between friends, looking through them and thanking each other, Alex wanted to be last because his had a surprise.

"Mines next!, It's for both of you open it together." He says with a grin.

They both start unwrapping the present, and it's condoms. Once their visible to both he starts chuckling.

Heidi's cheeks turn a light shade of pink, and she looks at Anthony who looks at her and is embarrassed.

"For us? Are you sure? I think they are for you." Heidi says giving Alex a look.

"No I'm sure you'll need them." He says with a chuckle, she grabs her water bottle and throws it at him.

"Pendejo" Heidi says (stupid)

"You." Alex replies back

"You what?" Anthony says confused

"Ey niña! Watch your language." Her dad says.

"Are you not seeing this?" Heidi says holding up the box for him to see.

"Do you even know what these are?"

"Yes I do, and I'm pretty sure he has some at his house." He says

"No he doesn't..Wait Alex? Of course he does probably has plenty." She smirks.

"Not Alex. Anthony"

"I don't have any" Anthony says, and pauses, "Well now I do, well WE do." Heidi looks at him.

"What? No Those aren't mine."

"Yes they are, he said for us." Anthony chuckles.

"Yeah Heidi, don't use them all in a go." Alex says with a smirk.

"The next thing I throw isn't going to miss your face." Heidi replies

"Bet" Alex says as he winks at her, she rolls her eyes.

"Okay, Stop all the nonsense." Sarah says interrupting.

"I agree I need to give my gift." Heidi says handing Anthony a box.

He smiles at her, once opened it reveals a Coach gold watch, in the back craved in letters says "every second, I love you more." Anthony really likes wearing watches, apart from that gift Heidi gives him an envelope that she payed to go Sky diving and Bungee jumping with Alex.

They both had a thing for high altitudes, and wanted to feel a rush of adrenaline at any chance.
"Thank you Babe, I love you." He says kissing her cheek.

Anthony hands her an envelope, she opens it carefully and it reveals two plane tickets to Orlando Florida.

"Two tickets! Cesi and I can finally go to Disney world together!" Heidi says with a smile, giving Cesi a high five, she looks at Anthony who's staring at her.


"I'm just kidding Babe."

"You better be." He says and she gives him a look.

"Excuse me?"

"Your excused."

"Jerk, your just mad she didn't want to go with you." Cesi says, as they bicker Heidi gets up and walks away, Anthony notices he tries to go after her but is stopped by Cesi.

"Don't even try buddy."
"Why not?"

"You excused her didn't you? So let her be."
"Oh." He says and his heart sinks.

Alex gets up and follows Heidi, he sees her go inside and stops her.

"What do you want Alex?" She says irritated.

"The condoms were a joke, and we need to finish our conversation." He says putting an arm around her shoulder.

"I know it was a joke. Let's go and talk then." Heidi says moving away fast so he loses his balance.

"That is rude.", Alex says following behind.

"So was your so called joke." She replies back as they sit down in the living room couch.

"Hey it was funny." He says

"Mhm, sure, Anyways where did we leave off on?"

"Me wanting to ask him if he would go with you."

"Oh right, no terrible idea." Alex makes a face.

"How so?"

"It just is, I'm not going to make him drop everything for me."

"Unless he decides that himself." Alex says.

"Well if it comes to that then I would not oppose but never would I drag him myself because I'd feel bad."

"You keep saying that but your his girlfriend, you stick together." He says looking at her "Heidi, I know how much he meant to you from the moment I saw you look his way."

"You never saw me look his way Alex!" Heidi says with a chuckle.

"Shut up, Yes I did." Heidi gasps pretending to be offended by his comment.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

"No that was rude!"
"Your always rude, calling me pendejo back there"
"You gave us condoms!, and you insulted me back" Heidi says smacking him.

"Well I don't need mini Heidi's or Anthony's running around just yet." He says chuckling.

"Stop it's not funny."

"It's hilarious actually, look I can help you just let me know what you decide Alright?"

"I will, thank you Alex. Your a pain but I still love you." Heidi says giving him a side hug.

"I love you also Brat." He says returning the hug.

"Can you go get me some ice cream?" Heidi asks.

"Are you for reals?"

"Well Yeah, I was coming to get some but you stopped me."

"I swear always hungry in every situation." Alex says, she just gives him a smile, Alex gets up and goes to the kitchen, Heidi gets up from the couch to go scare him, but Anthony appears and doesn't let her through.

"Excuse me." Heidi says trying to move past him and get her ice cream, she doesn't look at him but he's staring at her waiting for her eyes to meet his.

"Your not excused this time." Anthony says, she moves to the other side but fails in attempt to get away, he pulls her into his embrace.

"What'd I tell you, your so going to need the condoms." Alex says with a chuckle appearing behind him, Heidi peeks trying to see if he has her ice cream and he does have a bowl in his hands.

"I can't leave you guys for 2 seconds without wanting to be on top of each other."

"You seriously embarrassed us back there" Anthony says giving him a look, which only makes Alex chuckle.

"I enjoyed the show, and given to what I saw in the room I'm sure they will be put in good use in Florida."

Anthony punches his arm and Heidi tries to get away but he tightens his grip with his other hand.

"Your stupid Alex"

"Ouch, jeez you both need to lighten up a bit."

"Yeah Okay, Anyways can I talk to my girlfriend for a bit, will catch up to you in a minute." Anthony says looking at Heidi then at Alex.

"Sure, I'll meet you guys outside."

"No!" Heidi suddenly says, Anthony looks at her and so does Alex.

"I need my ice cream first Alex." He chuckles.

"Of course, how could I forget.", and gives her the bowl and she reaches out for it.

"Yeah how could you." He then turns around and walks out, Anthony then looks at Heidi who is already eating her chocolate ice cream.

"If I let go will you not run off?" He says.

"Uh no?" She says confused, he releases her and she takes a seat on the couch and he follows and sits next to her.

"Babe, I'm sorry." Anthony says, and Heidi looks up at him, "For what?" She says confused.

"For what I said outside, that was rude."

"You didn't say anything rude to me though."

"I said 'you better be', but after I'm like 'your excused' so I thought you got up and left because I hurt your feelings."

"Well you didn't. I saw you and my cousin were going to start bickering again so I left because I wanted to get some ice cream but Alex stopped me to talk." Heidi pauses, "But apology accepted." She chuckles.

"I feel better now I thought I made you sad and so I came looking for you, but you were only hungry." He says with a chuckle.

"One question this is going to sound so awkward but I have to ask." Heidi says.

"Ask away"

"What are you going to do with you know" she says

"With What?" Anthony says confused.

"The things"

"What things?"

"Baaabe the condoms!" She says embarrassed, and he chuckles.

"You knew what I was talking about weren't you!

"Yes, I just wanted to hear you say the word." Anthony says. "But you mean what are WE going to do."

"What? No they are yours."

"Alex said a gift for both of you so."

"So you keep them at your house solved." Heidi says as she puts ice cream in her mouth.

Alright then." He says, "Can I have ice cream?" She gives him the bowl.

"Thanks Babe love you."

"I love you too." They finish the ice cream together and then they head outside, they are waiting to take some pictures by the cake they ordered designed with graduation caps, then they cut it and just talk the rest of the night.

Once done, they all help around and clean. Alex family is the last to leave the house.

"Hey, so I'll see you guys around have fun. Also think about what I said Heidi." Alex says to both of them.

"Will do, thanks again for coming." Anthony says.

"Thanks Alex, I will."

They hug and then they both head to Heidi's room, they take a shower and get ready for bed, they turn off the lights and get in.

"So when do we leave babe?" Heidi asks.

"Monday, and we stay for a week."
Anthony says as he pulls her to him, she turns to face him.

"Yay! I'm excited, get to spend a whole week with you." She says kissing his cheek.

"Me too Babe, we get to do a lot of things together." He says, he kisses her and she responds back.

"Goodnight Babe" Heidi says.

"Night Babe, I love you." Anthony responds.

"I love you too."

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