I Swear This Time I Mean It (...

By amarie19xoxo

102K 2K 358

Ariel Simmons always wanted to be a WWE Diva. She finally got her dream job. She knew it was going to be hard... More

First Day
Dive Bar
Gym / Flashbacks
Day Off
Home at Last
The Date
To The Concert
Happiest Woman Alive
The Fight/Flashback
Day Off Date
Live Show
Pre-Raw Fun
The Next Fight
Girls Day Out?
Slammy Awards
Make Up
Good Morning
We're Going On A Date?
The Big Night
The News
Small Bump
The Bosses
New Scripts
The Announcement
It's Time
Congratulations Are In Order
What's Happening?

Heading Home

4.5K 84 31
By amarie19xoxo

I woke up early the next morning. Like six in the morning early. I was sore as hell from sleeping on the couch. I decided to make some coffee and surf the web for a little while. I grabbed my laptop bag out of my larger suitcase, opened it up and went on Tumblr. No one knew who I was because my bio nor my url had my name in it and the picture I had as my avatar was very black and white so none of my features were really identifiable.

I typed Kassandra Astraea in the search box and a bunch of things surprizingly showed up. There were billions of posts about my debut match being amazing and crazy because I actually won. After I scrolled through a lot of posts echoing that of the first I read I found a picture. It was of Colby and I in the hallway. When I was trying to push around him and walk away and he grabbed me by the waist. In the picture he was laughing and I had a hint of a smirk on my face. The caption below read 'Seth Rollins and Kassandra Astraea a possible couple? I ship it.' I rolled my eyes at the computer screen. I scrolled past that post only to find it wasn't the only one holding that picture. A lot of the reblogs had about the same captions as the first one did. Then I started finding links to Sessandra fanfictions and Sessandra manips.

I was livid. How could anyone think we were a cute couple. We never even looked good together. I'm rather short with boobs too big for my tiny body, hair changing color all the time and skin paler than the vampires in Twilight. He was tall with perfectly proportioned muscles and amazing hair and a smile that could melt all of the icebergs in the world. He is perfect and I'm just me. I've never been enough for him. I know it. I know that's why he didn't come back he probably found prettier girls that were more his type while he was traveling with WWE.

Then it hit me. No matter what I said or how hard I tried to get over it, to get over him. I never will. I am in love with him. And I don't think there is any going back at this point. He can never know. I can't ever let him see. Let the Tumblr people ship us all they want but we won't ever amount to anything ever again. I won't let him hurt me again. I decided that I would indulge in my stupidity for a moment and read some of the fanfiction. It was all actually pretty cute... except for the few very graphic and slightly pornographic ones. Those were just a little scary considering they were written by thirteen year old girls. Nothing against them or anything but I don't think they should be even close to writing things like that.

By the time I finally shut my computer to escape the Sessandra tag it was about 9:30. I decided I would hop in a quick shower. I stepped out of the shower about twenty minutes later. I got dressed and grabbed my bags. As I was about to open the door my phone chimmed. I thought it was odd because no one really texts me this early in the morning so I looked down at my phone and read the text.

Sexy Viper: Hey Ariel, I was just wondering if maybe you'd sit with me on the plane?

Me: I think who we sit next to happens to depend on what our tickets say.

Sexy Viper: Well what does yours say?

Me: 57B

Sexy Viper: Well, what do you know my ticket says 58B.

Me: You totally planned that Randy.

Sexy Viper: And what if I did? (;

Me: Smooth Mr. Viper, very smooth ;p

Sexy Viper: See you on the plane beautiful (;

I locked my phone and left my hotel room, heading downstairs to check out. Yet again, who else to I happen to run into. Mr. Colby Lopez in the flesh. I kinda didn't even want to look at him after all I had seen on the internet this morning. I know he had nothing to do with any of it but it was still really weird. I pretended not to see him as I walked past him in the hallway. He didn't even bother trying to say hello.

I checked out and hopped in my rental car and drove to the airport. They had a special drop off area for rental cars so I pulled in. Randy was standing in the lot talking to one of the valets. I got out of the car and he walked over to me.

"Hi there Ms. Ariel" He said flirtatiously.

"Well hello there Randy." I responded.

"Here let me take your bags for you." He said caringly.

"No, that's not necessary but thank you anyways Randy. I have to go check my bags anyway. I'll see you on the plane." I responed.

He looked taken back, like no one had ever denied the hospitality of Randy Orton before. But I had dealt with his kind before. After Colby left me I jumped in and out of a bunch of mindless relationships where I would get played and used by guys who would act nice and then once they got what they wanted they would leave, and then be total dicks. I knew just by what I have heard about him that Randy was one of those guys.

I checked my bags and stood in the line to get on the flight when my phone chimmed off again. I figured it would be randy but, I decided I was going to check it anyway.

Flounder / Prince Eric: Hey how excited are you that we're going to be going home for a few days!

Me: Colby Tyler Lopez how the hell did your number get into my phone especially with that name? -_-

Flounder / Prince Eric: Remember the night you took me in? The night before last I think. Changing your password wasn't the only move I made.

Me: Colby Lopez I swear to god.

Flounder / Prince Eric: Oh what are you going to do little miss Princess Ariel?

Me: Why the hell do you have to hack my shit.

Flounder / Prince Eric: So I could put my number in your phone.

Me: Why

Flounder / Prince Eric: I want to be able to talk to you Princess. I have a question?

Me: Shoot I guess.

Flounder / Prince Eric: I happen to have two tickets to see a certain Princess's favorite band our only day off at home and I was maybe wondering if she would like to go?

Me: BVB!!! Black Veil Brides tickets?!?!?! You didn't?? Colby why are you doing this to me?

Flounder / Prince Eric: Doing what taking someone who used to be my entire world to see her favorite band? It's the least I could do. Just please say you'll go?

Me: Well you have given me no choice Mr. Lopez. I guess I will go.

Flounder / Prince Eric: Okay (: The plane is boarding so I'm packing my phone in. See you at home Princess.

Me: Yeah, yeah. See you at home loser.

I got on the plane happier than i ever thought I could be. I don't know how this was supposed to work. Like was it a date or just a concert. Either way I was so elated I couldn't even think straight. I turned my phone on to airplane mode put my headphones in the second I got in my seat, before Randy even got there and spent the rest of the flight in Black Veil Brides bliss.


Hey guys. I just wanted to clarify, I have nothing against Randy Orton. He is one of my favorite wrestlers. I just need him to be a certain type of guy for the story. Even if that isn't what he is really like. I also have nothing against thirteen year old girls considering I once was one. Thanks for reading. Comment any feedback positive or negative, I love to hear from my readers. I love you all xoxoxo


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