i never wanted a mate but i s...

By lateshia1234

13K 257 27

skylar is willing to do anything for her pack but she realizes her best friend is her boyfriends mate she can... More

part 2


523 11 0
By lateshia1234

“They are defiantly different,” Austin muttered without looking up from his work.

            “Yeah they are. I want you to be alpha Austin,” I said calmly and sat in one of the chairs while he stared at me.

            “I can’t Skylar that is your spot to clam,” Austin said and stood up.

            “It may be but I still don’t belong here. You are more than capable of handling them. I have my other pack to deal with,” I said swiftly refusing to meet his eyes.

            “Sky are you sure about this?” Austin asked as he pulled me into him. “This is a big decision for you’re to be making.” His voice was quiet and it only made my heart break more. I hated giving this up like this but I belonged with my new pack.

            “Yes Austin I’m sure,” I whispered hoping my voice didn’t crack. I could already feel the tears beginning to fall but I couldn’t allow myself to cry after seven years of not shedding a tear. I quickly pulled away from Austin and ran out of the office as quickly as possible. I almost ran in raven and he looked at me with concern in his eyes but I shook my head and ran outside and shifted as I continued to run towards the woods. I couldn’t let my true feelings show now. I made a promise to my current pack and I couldn’t break that promise.

            ‘Skylar? Where are you girl?’ I heard Luke ask through the link but I ignored him and continued to run. My paws carried me over the rough ground gracefully and the beautiful landscape passed quickly around me.

            ‘Sky we can talk about this’ Owen said softly but I just kept running. Suddenly I felt wolves surround me and I knew it was my pack. They didn’t try and stop me they just kept running alongside me without saying anything and I was gratefully for that. When my paws felt like they were going to fall off I skidded to a stop panting and without looking at my pack.

            ‘Skylar tell us what happened’ parker whispered as he padded up beside me. I kept my gaze on the ground as I tried to catch my breath.

            ‘I’m an alphas daughter and the reason I came back was because I am to become the next alpha after my brother died but I can’t leave you guys. So I gave the position to Austin,’ I said softly and I heard them all go quiet as they thought about what I had just said.

            ‘I knew there was something different about you,’ raven muttered as he walked forward and shoved me lightly.

            ‘we don’t understand how hard it is for you to give your pack up like this sky but you have to understand that we will be there for you no matter what’ parker said as he stepped out in front of me.

            ‘I love you guys,’ I sighed now relieved that they weren’t mad at me.

            ‘come on I think you scared Austin with running out like that he was going to come himself but parker thought it was better if we came and got you’ raven said as he looked at me. I looked at his black fur and sighed. My boys were definitely a powerful bunch.

            ‘okay’ I whispered and we slowly made our way back to the pack house where Austin was sitting on the front steps and quickly stood up as we approached.

            “Skylar I’m sorry,” he whispered but I shook my head at him. I quickly headed into the house and headed upstairs where I changed and got dressed. Suddenly I could hear music blaring from down stairs and I shook my head and slowly made my way down the stairs. When I walked into the living room I regretted it when Owen grabbed my and handed me a mike.

            “Now I know how much you love you sing Skylar so time to shine,” he laughed and I rolled my eyes but took the mike.

            “What song?” Luke asked and I gave him a dry expression. “Okay twist my hips it is then,” he laughed and I just shook my head.

            “Show them how it’s done sky,” Owen laughed and the song began to play.

            I watched as my old pack entered the living room but I ignored them and focused on singing. I realized my old pack had never heard me sing before so this would be new for them.

            “the energy is in platform. Feel the beat so don’t be so careful. everybody here looks so beautiful. in the light we move it’s a stereo. Do you feel this do you feel that. Do you take some do you give back.,” I sang and I felt my old pack just stare at me in awe. Yeah that’s right I can sing.

            “Are you ready to move it move it because I’m ready to lose it lose it. So let it flow. Get back on the floor. If you take it slow so I’m ready to go so watch me watch me. I twist my hips. Watch me I pump my fist watch me.  I move like this watch me whirl watch me whirl,” I sang and the rest of my pack joined in

            “Watch me. I pout my lips. I swirl and dip watch me. I slide and switch. Watch me whirl watch me whirl. Watch me,” I couldn’t help but laugh as I finished and Owen took over the rap part. I turned to look at my former pack and saw their faces full of shock. Hmm was it really that big of surprise that I was this good. I sang with my pack until the song was over and I handed the mike to Luke and pushed past my old pack and headed into the kitchen.

            “Wow sky didn’t know you were that good,” Dom said as he followed me. I grabbed an apple and took a bite out of it.

            “There’s a lot you don’t know about me,” I said calmly as I sat up on the counter.

            “Why didn’t you sing for us before?” Dom asked as he sat on a stool and looked at me.

            I shrugged and took another bite out of my apple. “Guess I didn’t want to outshine the boys and their random singing in the middle of the night,” I answered and looked away from him. Truth was I never knew I could sing like that until I met parker and he took me to a karaoke club with the other guys.

            “Wow Skylar I’m impressed,” Reece said as she walked into the kitchen and sat down beside Dom who smiled at her. I had to keep myself from rolling my eyes at them so instead I took another bite of my apple.

            “Yeah and your boys aren’t half bad either,” brook said as she walked into the kitchen. I never used to like brook but she had been staying out of my way so I was starting to like her.

            “Yeah and their pretty good looking when they sing,” Reece laughed and Dom glared at her.

            “Yeah well I advise you guys to stay away from them,” I muttered and jumped off the counter.

            “What are you afraid that we will get along?” Dom asked as he turned in his seat to look at me.

            No the complete opposite. I thought to myself but I shook my head. “Just stay away from them Dom trust me,” I growled and walked out of the kitchen.

            “Why do you have to be such a bitch Skylar?” Dom asked as he followed my out of the kitchen. I turned and saw Reece and brook behind him glaring at me.

            “Trust me Dom it’s for your own good,” I snapped.

            “Damn you need to find you mate already,” Dom muttered and that really made me angry I flung my hand out and it instantly connected with his face sending him flying into the nearest wall.

            “You think that hurt Dom? Imagine that ten times worse,” I snapped as Reece rand over to help him up.

            “Wow Skylar you have changed a lot,” brook growled as she glared at me.

            “Maybe so but you know I will always be better then you brook,” I snapped and quickly made my way up the stairs before I did or said anything stupid. I reached my room and quickly closed the door behind me feeling my anger rising again. How dare he tell me to get a mate when he knew full well I never want one?

            I lay down on my bed and watched the sun set before I fell asleep.

feed back? things are starting to heat up in the house. what will skylar do since she is being forced to tell the truth?

            I lay down on my bed and watched the sun set before I fell asleep.

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