
By kaitlynmariebrown

830 34 13

"Here, in this forest, dark and deep. I offer you, eternal sleep." More

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30:

Chapter 14:

23 1 0
By kaitlynmariebrown

"No I don't get it! How the hell are we even close to half demon? The only way that would be possible would be if moms parents were demon and human. That would make her half demon but what about dad? Demons don't have these powers. At least normal ones don't so what's so special about us why are we so powerful?" Josiah asks

"Dad must've been demon or half demon also." I say

"Why wouldn't they have told us?" He asks

"Maybe it was a way of protection?" Eric asks and I turn to face him.

"Maybe but it still doesn't make sense. We are demon hunters and we kill demons so why not tell us we are part of that race?" Josiah asks and the pieces click.

"That's exactly it! Mom and dad didn't want to tell us because they were scared that once we knew we were half of the creatures we hunt we wouldn't want to anymore. They didn't tell us we were half demon because we would've instantly put down our weapons and switched sides! The demons would get in our heads and we'd want to rescue them not kill them. But the half human part keeps us still fighting till this day. It keeps us strong and it let's us see the demons killing innocent people." I say

"So your saying mom and dad didn't tell us we were half demon because they were scared we'd stop fighting them and switch sides?" Josiah asks

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. It has to be! But, the protection part still stands there. It's almost as if since we are half demon, that makes us special in a way. We have powers the other demons don't have so they had to have been protecting us from something." I say trying to figure out what it could be.

"Y'all are weapons." Eric says from behind us and we turn to face him.

"What do you mean?" I ask

"If the demons got hold of you they'd use you against humans as a weapon killing off the human race. But if you stay with the humans your powers will be used to fight against the demons. There is a catch though." He says

"What's the catch Eric?" Josiah asks

"If Raven is correct about all of this which I as of now am positive she is; y'all are half demon but also half human. Which means your human side will fight to stay with your race but your demon side will fight to join it's race meaning, at some point you'll start getting strong feelings to join the darkness. Raven some has already occurred to you do you remember that dream you had with the man?" He asks me

"Yes yes he was by the window calling to me, it was light outside and the birds were chirping but everything inside was so dark, I felt dark, and he was dark. The little bird was on my finger tweeting as if a warning almost then the man appeared and the bird vanished. I was drawn to him and you broke through and stopped me." I say and he nods

"Yes and also remember how the window shattered but I didn't see it but you did?" He asks

"Yes." I reply

"That was a doing of darkness which means they are coming for you Raven which means Josiah, they've already found you." We turn to look at Josiah and his eyes meet ours.

"What do you mean they've already found me?" He asks and behind him I see a shadow slithering against the wall.

"Josiah." I say and he follows where my eyes lead.

"Shit!" He yells and the lights bust and the shadow lunges. Josiah yanks out his sword and chucks it at the demon it slams into it's chest and the demon withers on the ground. I scream as I am yanked hard to the ground and Eric spins around. I kick at the force behind me but my foot hits nothing.

"Raven!" Eric yells and jumps grabbing my arms. Suddenly I'm being lifted up in the sky and I only have Eric's hands to hold on to. I keep getting pulled higher and higher but he holds on to me.

"Please don't let go!" I scream as the ceiling above splits open.

"Never!" He yells he let's go of one of my hands and I squeal. He yanks out his gun and shoots up three times. I hear a shrill cry then suddenly my legs are released and I fall down. Eric catches my fall and we roll together on the ground coming to a stop with him above me using his arms to hold himself up from crushing me. He looks down at me and I heave a breath of air. His eyes gently land on my lips but he shakes his head and pulls me up with him. He pulls me up so quickly I of course ram into his chest hard.

"Sorry." He mumbles letting me go instantly.

"It's fine." I reply spinning away from him. Silence is all that's heard and Josiah backs up towards us. The lights turn back on and when I look up the ceiling is back in place.

"It's as if nothing happened here." I say

"Because nothing did." Josiah says

"Seriously!? I was being pulled up into the damn air! Eric stopped me from getting taken! The ceiling busted and you you killed a shadow demon!" I exclaim.

"It was an illusion." He says putting his sword back in it's sheaf.

"It sure felt damn real!" I exclaim

"We are in the dark forest deep deep in we are closer to the center then we have ever been. Who knows what the demons and whatever else down here are capable of." Josiah says and I look over at Eric who seems in a different world.

"Eric?" I ask walking over to him. He shakes his head and looks over at me.

"What?" He asks

"Do you think what Josiah was saying is possible?" I ask

"I'm sorry I wasn't listening." He says

"Ok uh he was saying that what all had been going on was an illusion." I say

"Oh yeah totally probably." He says then walks over to the fridge. I follow him over and place my hand on his back.

"Are you ok?" I ask and he nods but doesn't look over at me. He instead keeps his arm up holding the fridge open. I can tell he's not ok, what's wrong???? I remove my hand from his back and duck under his arm so I am in front of him. He looks down at me.

"What's wrong?" I ask and he shrugs.

"Nothing just tired." He says. I sigh so not feeling in the mood to push it and duck back under his arm then walk back over to Josiah.

"What's up with him?" I ask

"No idea I only know and see what you know and see." He says with a shrug. I look back over at Eric and see him sit down at the table.

"Are the rooms upstairs?" I ask and he nods.

"There's only two though." He says

"You can have your own I'll stick with Eric. I'm going to try and figure out what's up with him." I say

"I don't want you sleeping with a gu-"

"Josiah I am 19 years old. It's my turn to make the decisions. All that's gonna happen is I'm gonna talk to him then go to sleep nothing obscure and out of place." I say and he sighs.

"Plus you and I both know if I needed to I would whip his ass." I say and he smirks but nods.

"Alright fine." He replies and I smile.

"I'm gonna go take a shower then get to sleep. It's late and I'm tired tell Eric to come up." I say and he nods.

"Will do." He says then I turn around and climb the stairs. I make it up and take the room on the left then walk in. I see a queen bed in the middle of the room with a black and blue comforter. There's a TV in front of the bed on the wall. A bathroom to the left and a desk with a computer to the right plus one window behind the bed. I walk into the bathroom dropping my duffle bag and grabbing a towel. I strip my clothes then climb into the nice and warm shower. Scrubbing the conditioner out of my hair I hear the bathroom door open. I peak out of the shower curtain but don't see anyone.

"Who's there!?" I yell after no reply I slam off the shower water and jump out of the shower pulling on a towel. I look into the mirror and duck just in time as a fist comes at me from behind. I spin around with a shout and block another blow and kick up. My ankle is grabbed and twisted and I yelp as I fall to one knee my other ankle still in this man's grip. I spin and throw my ankle out of his hand and jump up. He grabs me and shoves me hard against the mirror. It shatters behind my back and I gasp as he throws me towards the shower and I slam into the curtain then hit the tiled wall. I groan and stand up then hold my hand out. My sword flies from my bag and lands in my hand. I put it into the shear and jump up running at the demon.

"Hya!" I yell yanking out my sword. I lunge at the demon and he blocks my blow. I shout kicking hard up at him. He hisses and I throw a knife in between his upper and lower teeth he growls and tries to snap the knife as I stab my sword into his chest and twist. My gaze burns red for a minute as I watch the demon fall to the ground and vanish. My knife clatters to ground and I fall to my knees. I hear the door being kicked repeatedly then it finally flies open.

"Raven!" Eric shouts rushing over to me.

"What?" I ask

"I heard glass shattering and it sounded like someone was thrown against the curtain." He says

"No sorry it must've just been me you were hearing." I say standing up and looking around. The mirror isn't shattered one bit and the curtain and shower behind me are damaged none.

"It was an illusion." I say then I walk by him and out to the room dragging my bag behind me. I drop the towel and change into clothes and lie down on the bed. Eric sits down next to me in sweats.

"Goodnight Raven." He says then turns over and pulls the covers over him.

So much for talking tonight....

I sigh and lay down my back to him and shut my eyes. My back gets warmer and I feel Eric's chest against my back. I keep my eyes shut and soon fall asleep.

What is going on with Eric and this house?


HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!💙💭❤️🇺🇸

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