Jealous ( jastin) ( On Hold)

By jaztynbae

9.8K 354 328

You're too sexy beautiful everybody want to taste, that's why... I still get jealous.. More

01.Ripped jeans..√
02. I'm sorry..√
04. long hair, don't care..√
05. it's a baby bump..√
please read!!
06. my oxygen..√
07. How to be a brat...√
⚡The last warning!!!!⚡
08. Bratty behavior continues...√
09. End of the pain...√
10. Good boys don't cry...√
11.Did you hit him?!!..√
12.New life!..√
Uploading schedule
Author's note
very important!!

03. Adorable..√

671 23 60
By jaztynbae

Dedicated to MastermindXo. She's so nice. I decided to dedicate each chapter to the people who supports me. They keeps me going. Thanks for everything!!!


"Do you need help Jase?" Justin mumbles still looking away as I clean the blood off my cuts and bruises. I try to chuckle but instead hiss in pain as the alcohol rubs on my new cut.

   He can't even look at blood and he's asking me if I need help?!

  " The only help I want from you is you finishing your food. Jus" I say.

   " I'm not hungry" he sighs.

  " Justin" I frown." Are you still mad at me?" I ask quietly.

   " No" he looks down.

   I finish cleaning my cuts and go closer to him, sitting on the bed.  I look down at his face, and place my thumb under his chin, lifting his head up to look at me. He blinks away the tears that are gathered in his beautiful caramel eyes. Looking into my eyes. " I'm not mad"

  " Just... Disappointed." My heart aches. He's disappointed in me. What am I thinking?! Of course he's disappointed. Even I'm disappointed in myself.

  " I'm sorry" is all I can say.

" Not you.. it's my fault" he looks down. " I shouldn't have been stubborn. I know how much you love me. And I know I should listen to you. You said not to wear them ripped jeans.. and I didn't listen." A tear slips from his eye and onto my arm. Great Jason! Now he thinks it's his fault.

   " It's still not a good reason to ra- rape you" I admit. I raped him. I sexually abused my husband. I didn't know I was, but I did it anyway.

    " You didn't rape me Jason. I know you wouldn't do that if you weren't my husband. But I didn't like it. Even though I should have."

    " Please" I beg." Please stop blaming yourself. You shouldn't do anything if you don't like it. Okay? It was me who was a psychopath. I have anger issues. I promise I won't touch you like that ever again. I'm sorry" I say. Kissing his forehead.

  He falls into my chest, as if he's been missing my warmth. " Do you really forgive me Justin?" I ask, kissing his head.

  " Hmm?" He sounds confused.

  " I just... I feel like you said that you forgave me cause you didn't like blood and violence.. do you really forgive me or is it just a sympathy?" I ask. He looks up, no emotion in his face.

   " I just- I don't like seeing you hurt yourself. I know- but "

   " So it is just a sympathy" I sigh.

   Out of nowhere, he pulls me into a kiss. My eyes close slowly as I move my lips with his in a sync.

  " It might be just a sympathy." He whispers before we peck each other's lips again. " But it's just because I love you. You can't hurt yourself. It's a no no" he giggles at his own lame joke. I smile, not because I find his joke funny, but his giggling is unbelievably beautiful.

    " I'm sorry Justin" I say, smiling at his beautiful eyes.

" Please stop apologizing!" He whines. " It's annoying" he giggles.

   He's finally turning back to my little goofball. And I can't be happier.

  " It's time you eat!" I say grabbing the fork. Fortunately the food is still warm. I pull him to sit on my lap, and he rests his back against my chest.

  I narrow my eyebrows. He said that he was never gonna feel comfortable with my touch again. But now he's already relaxing on my lap? Oh well.

    " You made spaghetti for me?" He  giggles.

   " Erghh.. I only made one plate I didn't think you'd forgive me  So I was planning on eating it." I chuckle. He gasps elbowing my stomach.

   He pouts. I kiss his pout away. He giggles against my lips.

    " Just kidding" I feed him a forkful of spaghetti,  and he finally eats after almost two days of starving.

   " Candles, rose petals. Gifts?!! I'm too sore for it, you know?" He looked over his shoulder giggling.

  I roll my eyes." I know you can't get this" I point to myself. " I just wanted to make you feel like I deserve forgiveness. And I love you so much. C'mon can't a man light candles and put rose petals in the room without thinking of making love to his husband?"

   I whine.

He giggles." Normal people do actually" he says.

   " Well I'm not a normal person. I'm your Batman am I not?"

  " You are not Batman!" He gasps glaring at me. " Disrespect him again and I'll take back my forgiveness!" He sounds dead serious.

   There's no use of arguing. He warships Batman. Batman's like his god.

   " Okay okay Robin boy or whatever the fuck it is" I feed him another forkful.

   " I'm full" he pats his tummy. Making it sound like a drum. I laugh. " I'm happy you finally ate something babe" I say wiping his chin with a napkin.

  " Papa called me" his face is a mixture of happiness and sadness. He's been missing his parents so much. But he knows that they want to separate us. He doesn't want that.

    " Oh" I clear my throat." What does he say?" I ask trying not to disrespect his parents. He doesn't like it. Not one bit.

   I get it, me and them have problems, but they're still Justin's parents. He loves them to pieces. " I don't know how he found this number." He plays with the hem of my shirt. " They misses me so much. Daddy was crying" his voice cracks.

   " Hey hey hey baby. No more crying okay?! I love you baby boy, please don't cry" I cuddle him up in my large arms, and wipe a tear that escape his eyelid.

   His daddy is not an asshole like his papa. His papa , Mr Jeremy Bieber is a business owner. He doesn't like poor people. He thinks world is a business and poor people are not a part of it. To him, money is everything. But Justin is still above all that.

   But his husband, Ryan Bieber. He's a good guy. He's only 13 or 14 years older than Justin, and he has taught Justin that money is not everything. He taught him what love is. He's happy for us, despite he wants to see his husband happy. And wants to see his family back together.

  Without Justin, Jeremy Bieber is a half a man.

   But also, without Justin, Jason McCann is a dead man.

   " Justin?" I sigh, making up my mind to say what I'm about to say." You can go visit them for a few days, if you really want to" I say in one breath. Or I'll never be able to finish that sentence.

   " I can't" he bites his lip.

   " Why not?" I try to hide the happiness in my heart.

   " I want to" he says." But I can't. Papa won't let me come back to you." He whispers.

   " I'll be your prince charming and I'll save you from them if they do that" I try to light up the mood. And it works.

   " That's sexist . If you're the Prince charming, then who am I? The princess?!" He rolls his eyes, sniffling. I chuckle softly.

   " In this case, you're my prince. The cutest and most adorable one at that" I kiss him. It's true. He's my cute little prince.

  Talking of cute and little. I remember about something I found when I was checking my laptop.

   " I have something to show you." I jump out of bed, and place everything on the night stand next to our bed. I grab the laptop and sit on the bed, pulling him to my chest again. " What is it?" My little impatient baby boy.

   I play the video, and Justin's face turns red.

   " My name is Justin. This is how I drum." The little ball of adorableness says to the camera, his eyes are big and screaming innocence. He's chubby and just so fucking adorable.

   Then he starts playing the chair Infront of him." Turn that off Jase!" Justin says hiding his face in my chest. I don't know why he's embarrassed. He was the most adorable baby ever.

    " Aww you shy?" I coo.

   " I was only three. " He pouts.

" You are still three." I chuckle. " You were so adorable juju. Oh my god!" I kiss his head. My heart fluttering at his cuteness.

   " Who do you wanna be when you grow up?" The young lady who's holding the camera speaks. Her voice is so young and innocent.

  " I wanna be..I wanna be-" he plays with the chair, he was so free as his little short legs dances in the air. " I wanna be a cwrossingguard. " His baby voice is just like angels sing.

   " A cwrossingguard?" The girl giggles in the background before the video is over. I laugh. My heart is still fluttered.

   " She was my momma" he speaks suddenly. I look down at him.

   " But you said your mom umm_" died at the delivery.

   He said his mother died at his birth.

    " Yeah. But I used to call her a momma. She was actually my babysitter. But papa didn't want me to call her a momma.but I didn't stop. I didn't know why it was a bad thing."

    " It was a bad thing?" I ask confused. How is it a bad thing? A baby calls his babysitter a momma. What's the big deal?

    " He said that poor girl is not my momma. He said poor people are not good. But I couldn't stop calling her a momma. And one day.. she didn't come to babysit me. He fired her." He looks down.

   " He didn't!" I say feeling his sadness.

    " He did." He says. " But when I was big.. like twelve. Daddy explained me why he didn't want me to call her a momma. Not only because she was poor. He said that papa missed my real Mommy. I felt sorry for Papa. When papa came home, I spent the whole night crying on his chest." He says cuddling up more.

   He's trying to say how much he Misses his papa. I can feel it.

   I just can't see him sad. His happiness is my happiness.

   I give up.

Just for my baby boy's happiness. " Justin. Go stay with them for few days. You need it Justin. I can survive for few days. But then you're staying in my arms 24/7. Got it?" I ask kissing his lips.

   He kisses back. " I don't know. I don't wanna let them take me away from you. But I miss them too" he sighs.

    " If they plan on it, then it'll be the last time they see you. I'll make sure about it." I smile.

  He smiles back. " I'll think about it"

I hope this doesn't go wrong.


Not edited!!!

kiacooks I finally finished another chapter!!

I don't know if it's rushed😶

Vote and comment guys!!


What do you love about Justin the most? ( Only one answer allowed)

My answer:

   His adorableness🐇🐇🐇🐇

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