The Glass Hearts (Kellic Fanf...

By grimlouis

12.8K 571 109

After being home-schooled for awhile due to bullying issues, Vic Fuentes is put back into public school where... More

Stained Glass Eyes and Colorful Tears
Stay Away From My Friends
Thanks To You
Angel With A Shotgun
Let Love Bleed Red
Over My Head
Selfish Machine (Kellin's Story)
Don't Lean on Me
America's Suitehearts
Oh Calamity!
I See Everything
The Ghost Of You
So Long and Goodnight

When The Day Met The Night

912 52 3
By grimlouis

Vic's P.O.V.

By the second week of school I knew damn well that Mike's friends were talking about me behind my back. They said it in loud enough whispers, knowing I could hear them. They acted as if I wasn't even there. I was used to this, but it still hurt. It was same old, same old. "Emo", "Freak", "Weirdo".

Kellin's bullying got worse. I usually packed my bag slowly and was one of the last people out of the class. The kids in the back would always shove Kellin around the hallways after class.

I wanted to do something, I really did. I know what it's like to feel burned out, and I didn't want him to feel that too.

I asked Mama what to do the other night.

"Well, you would just have to stand up for him. Tell the bullies to stop. Or you could tell the teacher." She said as she washed the dishes.

Neither of those would work though.

"If I tell them to stop, they'll just bully me. If I tell the teacher, they'll beat me up. Either way I lose." I replied with a sigh.

"How badly do you want to want to help this boy?" Mama turned to me.

"I don't know, I just don't want him to keep getting bullied everyday."

"Then I'm afraid, chico, you have to do what's right." I knew she was right, but would it even be worth it? It was selfish of me, but I hated to feel that way. I couldn't imagine how he felt.

Eventually I decided I was going to stand up for him. I would practice talking in front of my mirror every night.

"Stop picking on him."

"What did he do to you?"

"If you're going to pick on somebody, pick on me." That one burned in my throat every time I said it. I don't know where it came from, I wasn't the person to say that.

I had to do it. But I didn't know how. I could barely speak to my teachers. I needed to gain the confidence and take the weight off my shoulders. I asked Mike for help. He offered to do it for me, but I refused. I wanted to do this myself. He pretended to be the bully and even when I tried it with Mike, my own brother, I got nervous. My hands shook furiously. I was a failure.


It was Wednesday and second period started. I sat next to Kellin as I did everyday. Not long after the period started, it began.

"Pst, Quinn."

"Kellin Faggot." I was shocked at that one. They never did that before. As always they laughed. This time I was going to do it. It had to be now. My hands shook at the thought and instantly got clammy.

"Faggot, turn the fuck around." I looked at Kellin. His hands were grasped in his hair as he looked down at the open textbook in front of him. He was scared, I could understand why.

A pencil flew, but it missed.

Now Vic. Now. C'mon you practiced this. It's worth it.

Another pencil, this time it hit his back. I turned around.

"Stop picking on him," the words fell out of my mouth. I was fine until they started staring at me.

"What'd you say?"

"S-stop," I stuttered out. From the corner of my eye, I saw Kellin look at me, completely and utterly flabbergasted. The bullies said nothing. For a moment.

"VIC, WHAT THE FUCK? Stop picking on Kellin!" My jaw dropped. The whole room went silent. The teacher, Mr. Thorne, turned around from the chalkboard.

"Is there a problem back there?" Mr. Thorne cloaked.

"Yeah. Vic is picking on Kellin." One of the kids behind me. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I was shaking again.

"Vic, see me after class." Mr. Thorne then continued teaching. I sighed. This is not what I expected to happen at all. I was in so much trouble for this. I couldn't focus for the rest of class.


The bell rang and I walked up to the teacher's desk. He waited until everyone left the classroom. Except Kellin.

He didn't leave. He walked up next to me at the desk. I saw that Mr. Thorne was about to send Kellin away, but Kellin spoke first.

"It's not him. He's not bullying me," His voice was calm and straight forward. It was smooth. I wasn't expecting Kellin to stand up for me. I wasn't expecting anything that happened today.

"Kellin, you don't have to lie to protect Victor," I hated when he called me Victor.

"I'm not. Jake was the one who was picking on me. Vic told him to stop, so Jake blamed it on him." Kellin was serious. He looked dead straight into Mr. Thorne's eyes, as if looking into his soul. Mr. Thorne looked at me and I nodded.

"If that's the case, then my apologies Victor." He wasn't sorry for shit.

"Kellin, we'll get this straightened out with you and Jake tomorrow." He wrote us both hall passes. Kellin and I left the classroom, walking together to our next class. We both had drama next. It was on the other side of the building.

"Thanks for standing up for me," Kellin broke the silence between us.

"It's really no b-big deal," I said quietly.

"It kinda is. No one has ever stood up for me before. Not even my parents," I was shocked at the last comment.

"I know how it feels to be picked on," I shrugged. Kellin changed the subject.

"You're new right?"

I nodded.

"How come?" He looked at me

"I was home schooled, but my mom said I needed to meet some friends." I was surprised that talking to Kellin felt as comfortable as talking to Mike.

"Well consider that done." Kellin smiled. It was a true, genuine smile, warm and comforting.

"Consider what done?" I knew what he was talking about but I couldn't believe it.

"Meeting some friends," he chuckled. Kellin was so different once you got to know him. He was really nice and easy going. I actually made my first friend. I smiled.

"I like your shirt by the way," he pointed at my chest. I looked down and remembered I was wearing my "Bring Me The Horizon" shirt.

"Thanks, you listen to them?"

Kellin raised his brows. "Are you kidding? They're like the best band ever! Not many people at this school have a good taste in music. We're one of the few misfit toys," He laughed, but it came out sad. He joked about it, but both of us knew it was true.

"Tell me about it. Who else is there?" I could see the Drama room ahead. And honestly, I didn't want to go in, I wanted to talk to Kellin all day. He was one of those people you could comfortably talk to and trust. I don't know why.

"There's Tony, Jaime, Jesse and Justin"

"Is that your group?" I noticed how strange that sounded only after the words came out of my mouth. "I mean like-group of friends." I tried to cover my awkwardness.

"I know, but yeah they are. Except none are really my best friends. They all have another friend in front of me. I don't mind, but I'm like second choice, I guess. I don't know, does that sound weird?" Kellin looked at me. We were almost there. I looked back at him.

"Not really. To be honest, if you don't count before 3rd grade, then you're my only and first friend."

Oh god. Why did I say that? He probably thinks I'm a total loser and loner now.

"Really? You don't seem like you wouldn't have friends. You're really nice." He smiled. We were there and Kellin opened the door.


We handed in our passes and Ms. DeLaney continued her explanation on a partner project. I wasn't interested until she said that we could choose our partner. Kellin looked at me from across the room. I smiled and nodded.

It was totally worth it.

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