One Shots

Galing kay Karter_Carson

103K 1.4K 492

I think the title says it all, but I'm not sure. Higit pa

One Shots
The Other Human (Finn x Reader)
The Mystery Girl (Dipper x Reader)
Love Me! (Yandere! Rin Okumura x Reader)
Another Cinderella? (Demon Ciel x Shy Deamon Reader)
Runaway (Sabo x Reader)
New People ( Ichika Orimura x Reader )
The Cat ( Sebastian x Neko Reader )
Childish War (Len Kagamine x Reader)
Friend or Foe? (Yandere Dipper x Reader)
Run (Len x Reader)
Please Notice Me (BEN x Reader)
Careful in the Woods (Yandere Len x Reader)
Who is He?! (Dipper x Reader)
Understanding (Bill Cipher x Reader)
What Happened to Reality? (BEN x Reader)
Rolling (Rin Okumera x Reader)
Paradise of Light and Shadow (Len Kagamine x Reader)
Kokoro (Mikuo Hatsune x Reader)
Yesterday (Vocaloid Oliver x Vocaloid Reader)
Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder ( Piko Utatane x Reader)
Second Life [Claptrap (CL4P-TP) x Tsundere Reader]
Centuries (Bill Cipher x Tsundere Demon Reader)
Happy Holidays (Rentaro Satomi x Cursed Child! Neko! Reader)
I'll Be Watching (Yandere Bill Cipher x Reader)
It's Okay (Jeremy x Reader)
How They Should Have Met
Exhausted (Hades x Reader)
Cold Cold Girl (OC x Reader)
Vacation (Poseidon x Read)
Movie Night?? (2D x Reader)
New to High School (Tweek and Reader)

Not Exactly a Fairytale ( Hikaru x Reader x Kaoru )

2.7K 41 37
Galing kay Karter_Carson

        A/N: I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN SO LONG! I HAD WRITERS BLOCK FOR THIS FOR A WHILE! I needed to write you all ( I still need a name for you readers ). Sorry if some characters are out of character. I hope it isn't as awful as I think this will be. Thanks!~


        ~Your P.O.V.~

        I'm a commoner so what?! My parents work with the Hitachiin family. My mom is a model for them. I don't why though. Don't get me wrong she's beautiful, but I never knew such people would pick a commoner. If we're lucky I can get a new game console or something. Because we had enough money I now get to go to the same school as my cousin! Who you may ask, well simple Haruhi! NO MY LAST NAME IS NOT FUJIOKA IT'S (Y/L/N)! Well people can call me a technology freak or what ever I don't care, I still take care of my health! I just need to remember each day is a new adventure... I still don't see why my mom would tell me this stuff if she and dad are never home. They always have me stay with Uncle Ranka and cousin Haruhi. I'm always glad to help them out, but I always bring something. I remember when we didn't have much money before my parents worked for the Hitachiin family people would call me "a little demon child". I only pulled pranks, go on adventures, cause a lot of trouble, and you know stuff that people labeled as "a demon child" would do! Now I have things like a 3ds which I take everywhere!

        "Hey (Y/n), would you like to come to the market with me?" Haruhi asked. "Sure!" I said as I put up my Ipod. "So (Y/n) I hope you don't end up like me, having to work for a club." Haruhi said. "I hope I can get a good job that doesn't cause me to leave my kids, if I have kids." I said as we laughed. Once at the market we saw so many deals. "So how is your friendship with (bff/n)?" Haruhi asked. "Awesome, but I wish she would shut up about one subject." I said as I picked up some items from the list we had, and some items had a deal. "Which is?" Haruhi asked. "She's going on and on about how I should visit the host club. Everyone of my friends are saying it, like ( I'm using some random names ) Elizabeth, Daisy, Rose, Alex, and Lilly." I said. "Who do they tell you to request?" Haruhi asked. "(bff/n) says Hikaru and Kaoru, Elizabeth says Tamaki, Daisy says "Honey"?, Alex says you, Lilly says Kyoya, and Rose says Mori. I tell Alex that you're my cousin then they go crazy and squeal. Though when they pair me up personality wise they say I'd connect with Hikaru and Kaoru." I say. "Wow. Have you ever had fancy tuna yet?" Haruhi asked. "No." I reply. "Okay, well I honestly don't want you to meet the host club." Haruhi said.

~Time skip next day at school during lunch~

        "COME ON! (Y/N)! PLEASE!" (bff/n) begged. "No! I don't want to!" I said taking out my 3ds. (bff/n) took my 3ds out of my hands, turned it off, and closed it. "GIVE IT BACK!" I yelled. We're gaining attention. "Not until you finally come visit the host club with us." (bff/n) said. "FINE!" I shouted and (bff/n) gave me my 3ds back. (Bff/n), Elizabeth, Daisy, Rose, Alex, and Lilly dragged me all the way to music room 3. "SIGN THIS GIRL UP FOR HIKARU AND KAORU!" They yelled which hurt my ears. They dragged me to the twins' station and threw me on the couch in-front of them. "HEY! YOU'LL REGRET THAT!" I yelled. I looked over at Haruhi and she gave me a sympathetic smile and I waved to her. "Look Hikaru a new guest." One said. "I know Kaoru" Hikaru said. I memorized who they were and their differences. "What's your name?" They both asked. "(Y/n) (Y/l/n)." I said. "Her parents work with our parents!" Kaoru said. "Yeah so?" I asked a little annoyed. Then suddenly they start... FLIRTING WITH EACH OTHER?! "Oh Hikaru you're embarrassing me." Kaoru said. "But Kaoru she should know." Hikaru said. I held a hand over my mouth and the other on my stomach. "I-I think I'm going to be sick." I managed to say before going over to a trash can. After I calmed down I went back to the couch in front of Hikaru and Kaoru and got out my 3ds and started playing Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. "Oh cool you like video games too?" They ask. "Is it not obvious?" I asked before putting up my 3ds so (bff/n) wouldn't take it again. "Hey Kaoru do you think-" Hikaru began. "We found a person to dress up?" Kaoru finished. I got up and started to back away. "W-w-what are you talking about?!" I asked nervously before I bumped into an expensive vase. "Great I'm in the same boat as my cousin now." I said to myself. "Oh really?" Hikaru asked. "And who may your cousin be?" Kaoru asked. The host club was closed so it was only me and the host club. "Haruhi Fujioka." I replied while looking at the broken vase. "(Y/n) what have you done?!" Haruhi asked running up to me. "I got into your boat." I said. "What are you going to do?" Haruhi asked the club.

~Mini time skip~

        I'm now they're servant. Great... I now know which host is which, but I'm surprised about Honey being so small for his age. "Daddy has another daughter now! Haruhi has a sister now!" Tamaki said as he spun around with me in a death grip. "H-H-HELP...... C-CAN'T...... BR-BREATH!" I said then Tamaki let go. "Hey 'daddy' can we dress up (y/n) and Haruhi now?" Hikaru and Kaoru asked with an evil grin while looking at me. I swallowed the lump in my throat. Please say no! "No! YOU'RE NOT SEEING DADDY'S LITTLE GIRLS IN THEIR UNDERGARMENTS!" Tamaki screamed. "YOU DON'T TALK ABOUT THAT KIND OF STUFF IN-PUBLIC TAMAKI-SEPI!" I scolded. Hikaru and Kaoru grabbed my arms and dragged me into what seemed to be a changing room. Once in there they shoved a maids uniform in my face then shoved me into the changing area. "GET OUT I DON'T TRUST YOU TWO! AND I'M NOT YOUR MODEL!" I yelled with my head poking out the curtain. They left, I got changed, and refused to come out. The uniform seemed too short to my liking. "COME ON (Y/N)! JUST GET OUT HERE!" Hikaru called. "NEVER!" I screamed. Hikaru and Kaoru came in and dragged me out there, not paying attention to what I was wearing. When they let go of me everyone stared at me. "HIKARU AND KAORU WHY ARE YOU MAKING HER WEAR THAT?!" Haruhi yelled. "If she's going to be our servant-" Hikaru started. "Then she should wear the uniform." Kaoru finished. "I'm not wearing this." I mumbled. "You're no fun (Y/n)!" Hikaru and Kaoru whined. "I'm not a doll." I said. "I expect you to not bring hand held gaming consoles here when you work for us (y/n)." Kyoya said. "What ever 'mom'" I replied aggravated. "Can (y/n)-Chan make cake?" Honey asked. "Yeah, but it's not the best and I can't make every single cake there is." I said. "I can't believe I'm have every class with those two." I said pointing at Hikaru and Kaoru.

~Time skip day 1 as the Host clubs servant~

        "Oh (y/n)!" Hikaru and Kaoru called for what seemed to be the hundred time. "What is it?" I said clearly about to go off on someone. "Could you go get more instant coffee as we come with you." They said. "There is no need to come with me." I said as I left but Hikaru and Kaoru followed me. I went to the market and bumped into an old friend... Who is a guy. His name is Leon. ( He is my character ) "Leon!" I said as I hugged him. I seen him blush a little. "(Y-y-y/n). W-what's with the dress?" Leon asked. "I have to wear it for the club I work for. It's really great to see you! I've missed you Leon!" I said as I separated from the hug. "What are you doing here though?" Leon asked. "I'm getting instant coffee. I'm still not a big coffee fan though, but the club loves it. In my opinion which you already know is that I think coffee is okay." I said. "Well you should come over some time. Here's my number and address." Leon said giving me a paper. "Yeah, she'll call you when you get better skills with girls." Hikaru said. I lost it. I slapped Hikaru across the face. "YOU DON'T TREAT MY FRIENDS- IN FACT ANY GUY I KNOW OR TALK TO THAT WAY!" I yelled at him. "Hikaru!" Kaoru said worriedly as he helped Hikaru up. "You need better skills with girls Hikaru! You and Kaoru made me sick when I first met you!" I said. "You're still the hot tempered girl I remember you as." Leon laughed. "Sorry, Leon. Again it was nice seeing you. BYE!" I said as I ran off to the coffee area of the store. I grabbed as much instant coffee I could afford, payed for it, and ran all the way back to the host club. "Where is Hikaru and Kaoru?" Kyoya asked. "The market." I said as my phone went off. I looked to see who it was. Great it's Kaoru. I answered my phone. "Yellow" I greeted. "YOU SLAPPED HIKARU SO HARD IT DIDN'T JUST CAUSE HIM TO FALL OVER! YOUR SLAP DREW BLOOD!" Kaoru went off. "Haruhi told me what happened to her and her guy friend and the same thing happened to me. Hikaru should know better." I said. "WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU SLAP HIM THOUGH?!" Kauro yelled. "ARE YOU AN IDIOT?!" I laughed. "HE WAS BEING MEAN TO MY FRIEND!" I yelled. "WHERE ARE YOU?! YOU'RE GOING TO GET IT WHEN WE GET TO YOU!" Kaoru yelled. "Thanks for ruining the surprise Kaoru." I said sarcastically. "WHERE ARE YOU!?" Kaoru yelled. "The club idiot." I said. I hung up and looked at the club who had shocked expressions. "What did you to Hikaru?" Haruhi asked taking a step closer to me. I dropped the bag the had the instant coffee and took a step back bumping into the door. "(Y/n)." Haruhi warned. I stood my ground and got out my phone choosing a recording of thunder. "You better back down Haruhi." I said. "(Y/n) I'm telling Ranka no matter what and he'll take away your gaming consoles and Ipod." Haruhi warned. I pressed the play button and Haruhi jumped and ran into a wardrobe (NARNIA! Just kidding!) and I closed my phone which exited out of my recordings. Once I put up my phone Mori grabbed one arm and Honey grabbed my other arm. I tried to get out of their grip but they were too strong. "(Y/n) tell daddy what happened." Tamaki said. "Fine. I slapped Hikaru across the face." I said sighing in defeat. Honey and Mori let me go. I start to walk to the changing room, but Kaoru busted through the door dragging Hikaru -who had a bandage over his left cheek which is the cheek I slapped and was holding an ice-pack over it-, sat Hikaru down on a couch, and pinned me against a wall. Kaoru gave me an angered look while I gave him a cold 'if-you-do-anything-you'll-end-up-like-your-brother' glare. "Apologize to Hikaru." Kaoru growled. "It's too late for sorry." I growled back. Kaoru moved his face a little closer to my face. "APOLOGIZE!" Kaoru growled. "What are you gonna do if I don't?" I growled. Kaoru moved his face closer to my face. "I'M GONNA... I'M GONNA.. Uh.." Kaoru stuttered. "See!" I said with a triumphant smirk. Kaoru smashed his lips onto mine. My eyes widened from shock as a blush spread across my face, and soon I melted into the kiss. Kaoru separated from the kiss. "Apologize." He said. "No!" I replied. Kaoru bit my arm causing me to scream in pain. "APOLOGIZE!" Kaoru demanded. "NEVER!" I screamed. "Kaoru don't you-?" Haruhi started. "NO! SHE NEEDS TO APOLOGIZE!" Kaoru yelled. "I shouldn't be the one to apologize. He's the one who started it. I was only sticking up for a friend." I mumbled. "Don't tell me you still have a crush on Leon!" Haruhi said. "HARUHI! I don't anymore I have a crush on other guys." I said as a blush came to my face. (Sorry if you don't have a crush on these guys) "Oh right like Link on Legend of Zelda." Haruhi said causing your blush of embarrassment to grow. "HARUHI!" I whined. "Or how about Ciel from Black Butler." Haruhi continued."HARUHI!" I basically screamed begging her to stop. "Dipper from Gravity Falls." Haruhi continued. "You really have a crush on these guys?" Kaoru questioned how having the triumphant smirk. "HARUHI!" I screamed tears streaming from my eyes. "The list goes on and on but her two recent crushed are-" Haruhi was cut off. "ALRIGHT! I'M SORRY FOR SLAPPING HIKARU!" I screamed as tears fell from my face. Kaoru let me go and I sat down I hugged my knees with my face in my knees crying. "Haruhi don't you think you were a little harsh on her?" Kaoru asked. "I was only helping you all. She needed to apologies." Haruhi said as if nothing happened. Haruhi walk over to me and knelt down and stroked my hair. "Come on lets go home." Haruhi said trying to comfert me. I kept crying. Kaoru came over, pushing Haruhi out of the way, and kissed the top of my head. I looked up to see Kaoru right in front of me. "Please don't cry." Kaoru said. I just put my face in my knees until I calmed down. I got up and got my stuff and ran to Haruhi's apartment. I dropped my stuff off and went to the nearby woods were a lake was. I put on my headphones and listened to music. I took off my socks and shoes, put my feet in the lake, layed down on the ground, and  watched the clouds with tears still streaming down my face. For some odd reason the song Impossible by Shontelle kept repeating when I had all my songs on shuffle. "I can't trust Haruhi anymore can I?" I asked my self. I paused my Ipod, took off my headphones while I took my feet out of the lake, and put my socks and shoes on. I left and went home.

~Day 2~

        "Hey I keep trying to talk to (y/n), but she just ignores me. Could you help me?" Haruhi asked Hikaru and Kaoru. "I'll handle it this time." Hikaru said. I just sat in the corner listening to music with my headphones on sometimes quietly singing along. "I'm noooooooooot oooooooookay. I'm noooooooooot OOOOOOOOOkay!~" I quietly sang the chorus to I'm Not Okay (I Promise) by My Chemical Romance. I didn't feel like talking to people today especially to Haruhi. "You're a good singer." Hikaru said once he lifted one side of my headphones. I only ignored him and got the side of the headphones out of Hikaru's grip. I had my hands over the sides of the headphones. "When I got home (Y/n)'s stuff was there but not her, but before dinner she came home,  got ready for bed, and went to sleep." I heard Haruhi going on. "There's little whisper's love me, love me. That's all I ask for love me, love me." I sang along to Monster by Meg & Dia. "She's not listening to me either. Some tears spilled from my eyes, but I looked away. "(Y/n) is a really good singer!" I heard Hikaru say. Great on of my two new crushes are sitting next to me. The other one of the two crushes kissed me yesterday. Yep. Hikaru and Kaoru are my two crushes. I looked up pewdiepie play skate 3. It was part 7 of skate 3 my favorite video (A/n: I love pewdiepie's video Skate 3- part 7) of skate three. I was laughing like there was no tomorrow because of the video. "What are you watching?" Hikaru asked as he looked over my shoulder. After the video finished I watched markiplier play octodad. I laughed when he was losing his temper over the soda. Hikaru moved in front of me, cupped his hands over my cheeks, made me look at him, and kissed me. My eyes grew wide and I took off my headphones. I soon melted into the kiss, but Hikaru parted. "You should come over to mine and Kaoru's home today." Hikaru said. I nodded, then put on my headphones, and continued to listen to music. Yes it made me happy but I just couldn't get over the fact of being embarrassed because of Haruhi.

~Time skip~

        I still haven't moved from the corner until the club was closed but Hikaru and Kaoru carried me to their limo. I looked at the floor. I was really nervous. On the way I watched a video on BEN DROWNED that also had footage of the haunted Majora's Mask game play but it was apparently edited. Once inside Hikaru and Kaoru's mansion I put up my headphones and Ipod. I thought I heard the happy mask salesman's laugh which caused me to jump and scream. The story didn't scare me and the videos didn't scare me. "What's wrong (y/n)?" Hikaru and Kaoru asked. "Y-you didn't hear that?!" I asked. I must have been hearing the laugh. "Hear what?" They asked. "Th-the H-happy m-mask salesman's l-laugh!" I stuttered out. "The who and what now?" They asked. "The Happy Mask Salesman's Laugh!" I repeated. "No, but we'll protect you." They said in unison. I hugged them both. "Hey (y/n)? We've been wanting to ask you something." Hikaru and Kaoru said. "What is it?" I asked. "Would you be our girlfriend?" They asked. I thought it's wrong to have two boyfriends, but they're twins. They're weird twins that share just about everything. "Yeah!" I said.

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10.3K 141 15
It's exactly what the title says
226 24 23
the name is pretty obvious
369 2 27
This will have random one shot stories like the title says. Some will be connected to a random story or not.
77 0 5
The title says it all. (AAAAAAH! I AM SORRY IF ITS WEIRD)