Life In Gravity Falls (dipper...

Від IvBeauty

481K 9.9K 21.6K

You're a girl who lives and works at the Mystery Shack after you're whole family mysteriously disappears and... Більше

Ep.1: Tourist Trapped
Ep.2: Legend Of Gobblewonker
Ep.3: Head Hunters
Ep.4: The Hand That Rocks The Mabel
Ep.5: The Inconveniencing
Ep.6: Dipper Vs. Manliness
Ep.7: Double Dipper
Ep.8: Irrational Treasure
Ep.9: The Time Traveler's Pig
Ep.11: Little Dipper
Ep.12: Summerween
Ep.13: Boss Mabel
Ep.14: Bottomless Pit
Ep.15: The Deep End
Ep.16: Carpet Diem
Ep.17: Boyz Crazy
Ep.18: Land Before Swine
Ep.19: Dreamscaperers
Ep.20: Gideon Rises
Mabel's Guide To Life!!!
Dipper's Guide To The Unexplained
Season 2/Ep.1: Scary-Oke
Ep.2: Into The Bunker
Ep.3: The Golf War
Ep.4: The Sock Opera
Ep.5: Soos and The Real Girl
Ep.6: Little Gift Shop of Horrors
Ep.7: Society Of The Blind Eye
Ep.8: Blendin's Game
Ep.9: The Love God
Ep.10: Northwest Mantion Mystery
Ep.11: Not What He Seems
Ep 12: A Tale Of Two Stans
Ep.13: Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons
Ep.14: The Stanchurian Candidate
Ep.15: The Last Mabelcorn
Extra Ep: See The Memories, Reveal The Past
Ep.16: Roadside Attraction
Ep.17: Dipper and Mabel Vs The Future
Ep.18: Weirdmageddon Pt.1
Ep.19: Weirdmageddon Pt.2: Escape From Reality
Ep.20: Weirdmaggedon Pt.3: Take Back The Falls
A Chrismas Surprise
Special Message
Omg hi!!
Hello From Six Years Later?!

Ep.10: Fight Fighters

9.1K 218 255
Від IvBeauty

Your POV

Soos and I don't have many things in common. However, there is one thing that we both really love, and that is video games. We didn't have much to do today so Soos decided to take us all to the arcade! Wooo!!!

Soos: This is it dudes. My favorite place in Gravity Falls. Everything I know I learned right here. A frog taught me how to cross the street. When my house is haunted, I learned how to eat ghost. And this thing taught me how to dance.

McGucket: *dancing his own dance on the dance machine* Woohoho haha, I've been jigging for seven days straight!!!

Mabel: *picks up the machine's unplugged wire* Uh, Soos...?

Soos: Let him have this.

I walk around, my favorite game here was one called Fight Fighters. I was an ultimate pro at the game!!! As I turn the corner, I see Dipper and Wendy playing together. Perfect, just what I needed...

I walked off, decided to look for another game when I bumped into someone familiar.

You: Will?

Will: Hey, (y/n)! Good to see you again, kid!

You: What are you doing here?

Will: Can't a guy have some fun from time to time?

You: Well, yeah, sorry.

Will: Hey, I found this really cool game, but it's multiplayer. Wanna play?

You: Yeah, sure!

We play a few games together, Will is actually really fun to hang with! As Will and I went from one game to the other, I saw Dipper staring at us. When he noticed that I saw him, he looked away as if he were embarrassed. After that, we all decided to go home. The next day we were playing cards.

Mabel: *places two cards* King me!

You, Dipper, Stan, and Soos: *complain*

Stan: It's not fair, she doesn't even know what we're playing!!!

Mabel: Go Fish?

All: *hear music from outside*

Soos: Dude, I think I'm picking up a radio station aside my head.

Mabel: Try blinking to see if you can change the channel!

Soos: *as he blinks* Eh. Eh. Eh.

Voice From Outside: Wendy!!!

You: Is that Robbie?

Stan: Robbie? Is he that jerky twerp I see making goo goo eyes at Wendy all the time?

Soos: Called me Big Dude once! I mean I know I'm a big dude but it kinda hurt!

Mabel: Should I send Waddles on him again?!?

Waddles: *chews on Mabel's sweater*

Mabel: Woah, easy tiger!

Dipper: *stands up* I'll handle it. *goes outside*

You, Mabel, Stan, and Soos: Woah...!!!

Stan: Conflict!

He stays out for a while. I could here voices arguing outside. I started to get worried and went out to see Robbie and Dipper arguing.

Dipper: You realize she's not here, right?

Robbie: Psh, yes? What?

Dipper: She's out camping with her family today. *whispers* And if you'd listen to her for once you'd know that.

Robbie: What was that?

Dipper: I just said she's not here.

Robbie: No no no, you wanna get into it huh? Let's get into it kid. You think I don't know what's being going on huh? It's obvious you've got a thing for my girlfriend, don't you? *pushing Dipper back* Don't you?!?

Dipper: What?!? No!!! C'mon man!!!

Robbie: Yeah, I'm sure she's just dying to ask out a twelve year old kid who wear the exact same shorts everyday.

You: Hey, leave him alone!!!

Dipper: !!!

Robbie: Stay out of this dork, it doesn't involve you.

You: It is now. I don't like you talking to my friend like that!

Robbie: Well, I don't like you talking to me like that! *looks at Dipper then smirks as he takes out his phone* Hey, here's an idea, why don't I call her right now and see if she wants to go out on a date with you? *marks Wendy's number*

Dipper: Hey, look, y-you don't have to-

Robbie: Don't, please man! *as he's about to press the button* What are you gonna do, huh? *clicks call* Huh, what, what?!?

Adrenaline went through me. I wanted to slap Robbie's face so hard his eyeballs would fly right out!!! However, I wasn't the one who did it. Dipper slapped Robbie's phone right of his hand, landing on the ground breaking. 

Robbie: My phone!!!

You: !!!

Dipper: I-I'll by you a new one!!!

Robbie: Oh no, you're not getting off that easy!!! *picks up Dipper by his shirt's neck area*

You: Put him down!!!

Robbie: Stay away, squirt! *kicks you to the side causing you to trip and fall*

Stan: *opens the window* Hey, I know a fight when I see one! Stay right there! *closes the window*

Robbie: *drops Dipper beside the trash causing Dipper to hit his head* You, me, Circle Park, three o'clock! *as he leaves* We finish this.

Stan: *with a bag of popcorn* Ah, he's gone! I was just gonna call the boys over to place a few bets. The smart money's on skinny jeans.

Back inside, we were all sitting down except for Dipper who was pacing around the room.

Dipper: What was I thinking?!? I can't fight!!! I've never been in a fight before!!! Look at these noodle arms!!!

You: Have you seen his arms?!? You'll be fine!

Stan: Just bonk'm over the head, it's nature's snooze button.

Mabel: Boys, why can't you learn to hate each other in secrets, like girls do!

You: *laugh*

Stan: Sure, listen to your sister! Maybe you can share dresses too!!! *laughs* Boom!!!

Dipper: Maybe he'll just forget about it! Maybe it'll all blow over!

Soos: I don't know Dipper, teenagers are dangerous. Those hormones turn them into like, killing machines!

Dipper: Really?!?

Soos: Oh yeah dude, my cousin Reggie got in a fight with a teen once. The guy broke like, all his arms all his legs, and I think killed him or something, I don't know. Me and Reggie were just talking about it.

Dipper: *backs away into a corner breathing heavily* I can't stay here! What if Robbie comes back?!? I gotta hide!!!

Stan: Look kid, you got yourself a choice here. You can either go face him like a man, or you can hide indoors like a wimp. What'll it be?

Dipper: *thinks for a bit*

Soos, Dipper, and I go to the arcade. Dipper choice the second option. At the moment, he was hiding under the pinball game called Lazer Wizard.

Soos: Wimp it is.

Dipper: *crawls out* C'mon Soos, Robbie's like half my size! I mean, what could getting myself killed accomplish?!? I just need to hide here until three o'clock passes. *looks at his watch to realize it's only 11:29* This day will never end...

You: Relax Dip, just... try not to think about Robbie.

Dipper: Ah!!! *realizes that the wall if filled with Robbie's posters*

We each go our separate ways and play different games. After a while, I really wanted to play Fight Fighters so I went to the game machine. There I find Dipper kneeling down by the side of it.

You: Everything ok?

Dipper: Come check this out.

You: *go and kneel beside Dipper and see something written by the side*

Dipper: "To unleash ultimate power"?

You: Seems like some sort of cheat code.

Dipper: Think we should try it?

You: *shrug*

Dipper presses the buttons in the order the message said. After that was a pause, then a bright light. A strange voice from inside the game yelled "Select your character!!!", Dipper looked at me, then back at the game and said with confusion "Rumble McSkirmish?" Some strange sounds and some angry yells is all I heard until I saw a familiar being standing before us.

You: Oh. My. God.

Dipper: You're real?!? *raises his hand towards Rumple*

Dipper and Rumble: *high five* High five!!!

Dipper: *flinches away* Ow, you're pixels are really sharp!

Rumble: *stands up* Greetings children boy and girl! I am Rumple McSkirmish from the USA! *does some fighting moves and kicks Dipper accidentally*

Dipper: Ow! Cool...!!!

Rumble: *goes to a nearby machine* Change machine, change me into a powerful wolf!!!! *yells and punches the machine*

Dipper: With Rumble around Robbie will be so scared I won't even need to fight him! I've got the world's greatest fighter to be my bodyguard!

You: I dunno Dipper, isn't that kind of cheating?

Dipper: Uh...

Rumble: *starts turning red* I need power ups!!!

Dipper: This is so amazing!!! We gotta show Soos!

You: *look around* Where is Soos anyways?

We couldn't find Soos so we just went home. We were in the kitchen, Dipper was searching for something Rumble could... eat? Can game characters eat? I don't know, but I was about to find out.

You: Anything useful?

Dipper: We don't have any traditional power ups, turkey legs, pizza boxes, or golden rings. How about half a taco?

Rumble: Place it on the floor!!!

You and Dipper: *look at each other confused*

Dipper: *places the taco on the floor*

Rumble starts at the taco when it suddenly disappears. Above Dipper and me appeared a small box which I guessed to be Rumble's inventory for it held different things! Cool! I chooses the taco which disappears from the inventory.

You: I wish I could do that!

Rumble: Now I must defeat the greatest Fight Fighters!!! Take me to the Soviet Union!!!

Dipper: That's gonna be tough, for a number of reasons, but I do know a fighter here in Gravity Falls.

Rumble: *kneels down in one knee* Maximum power?!?

Dipper: *takes out a poster and gives it to Rumple* His name is Robbie V. and he's kinda like my arch enemy.

Rumble: Did he kill your father?

Dipper: Well he's dating the girl I like and he postes a really annoying amount of status updates.

Rumble: *crumbles the poster into a paper ball* And then he killed your father!

Dipper: Uh, sure.

You: !!!

Dipper: Anyways, I was kinda hoping you could, you know, scare him off for me so I don't have to fight the guy?

Rumble: *stands up* Hahaha, your question makes my shoulders bounce! *throws a fireball in your direction which you barely avoid* Fireball!!! Uppercut!!! Counter cut!!! *takes a big bowl of punch and drinks it before breaking the bowl* Punch!!!

Dipper: So you'll protect me from Robbie?

Rumble: Challenge accepted, press start!!!

I start button appears in front of Dipper. He looked at me for confirmation but I just shrugged at him. He pushed the button which disappeared soon after. Just then, we heard footsteps nearby.

You: Dipper, I think Stan's coming.

Dipper: Uh oh. Stay perfectly still!

Even though Dipper said that, he still moved his body in a strange way. Why did he- Oh!!!! Right, I forgot that Fight Fighters can't exactly remain perfectly still...

Dipper: I said stay still.

Rumble: This is as still as I can stay!

We decide to bring Rumble into our room where we see Mabel pacing around.

Dipper: Hey Mabel, have you met Rumble yet? He's my new bodyguard!

Rumble: The child gave me a taco!!!

Mabel: Wow, he's got a crazy voice!!! *writes something on a paper* Here, say these words! *gives Rumble the paper*

Rumble: *reading* "Effer... vescent! Apple... fritter!!! RIBOFLAVIN!!!"

Dipper: Mabel, he's not a toy, he's a fighting machine. I'm gonna get him to defend him from Robbie!

Mabel: Isn't that kinda like cheating?

You: I agree!

Dipper: I guess so.

You: *sigh*

Dipper: Well, I'll see ya after the fight! *starts pulling Rumble with him*

Rumble: "Poop!!! Poop and butts!!!"

They leave. Mabel went back to pacing around and my curiosity got the best of me.

You: What're you doing?

Mabel: Trying to think of a way to help Grunkle Stan with his fear of heights.

You: Ok, seriously, why do you and your brother always get the worst ideas?!?

Mabel: Because it's fun too!

You: Mabel, Stan's fear of heights is really bad. Just by seeing a ladder, he gets freaked out!

Mabel: I know, I learned that the hard way. Which is why he needs help!!!

You: *flop unto your bed*

Mabel: *gasp* Idea!!!!!

Mabel tells me the plan. It was a terrible plan, but I still went along with it. She then grabs my hand and leads me downstairs to the living room where Stan was.

Mabel: *hides behind Stan's cough, then pops her head behind him* Hey Grunkle Stan!!!!

Stan: *spits all his Pit Cola*

Mabel: *goes in front of Stan* How would you like to go take a walk nowhere in particular while wearing a blindfold?!?

Stan: Eh, beats sitting around and being old! Wait a minute, you're not planning on taking me somewhere super high up, aren you?

Mabel: Grunkle Stan, I would never!!! *puts on another sweater* Scouts honor!!!

Stan: looks at you*

You: ...

Stan: Alright, let's go. *leaves*

Mabel: *chuckles mischievously before following Stan*

You: *follow*

We went into town and climbed to the top of the water tower. The view from there was amazing!

Mabel: Take off your blindfolds... NOW!!!

Stan: *takes off his blindfolds and sees where he is standing* Yeah, that's pretty much what I was expecting.

You: I'm sorry, she made me!!!

Mabel: You're doing better than I thought!!! Now let go of the handrail.

Stan: *shaking in fear* ...nope.

Mabel: Hey do you guys smell anger and hormones?

You: Smell...?

Just then Robbie climbed up the water tower and was now beside us. He had scratches and bruises, and he seemed to be terrified.

Robbie: *panting for air* Finally, I'm safe!!!

Mabel: Hey Robbie, get your own water tower!!!

Robbie: Shh, keep it down, he'll find us!

Voice: Challenger sighted!!!

You: Is that Rumble?!?

Robbie: You know that guy?!?

You: Sorta...?

Rumble: You can hide, but you cannot hide!!!!!!

Dipper: Rumble, this has to stop!!! Please listen to me!!!

Rumble: *kicks the bottom of the water tower causing it to tilt slightly to the side*

You, Mabel, Stan, and Robbie: AH!!!

Mabel: What was that?!?

Stan: Oh boy...!!!

Rumble: *punches the bottom some more*

Mabel: We're safe, right?!?

Stan: Of course not, this thing is on stilts!!! High high up!!!

Rumble: *punches it again harder*

You, Mabel, Stan, and Robbie: AHHH!!!

Mabel and Stan: *run to the back*

Robbie: *falls from the water tower, only to be grabbed by Rumble*

I see some letters above Rumble and Robbie, they spelled "Finish Him". Oh no, I knew Robbie was a jerk, but he didn't deserve this!!! Dipper, what dis you do?!?!?!?

Robbie: N-n-no!!! Don't finish me!!!

Rumble: *starts to create a fire punch when a tiny rock bumps his head and he looks the other way* HYUUUUU?!?

Dipper: Rumble!!!!!! *throws the two wooden planks he used for special effects* Rumble, I have something to tell you. Robbie... Robbie didn't kill my father.

Rumble: *gasp* Then who did?!?

Dipper: What? No one did, I-... I lied to you.

Rumble: *gasp* Then you're actually a... bad guy!!!!

Dipper: I guess I kinda am...

Rumble: *places Robbie on a tree, then turns around into a dramatic pose* My entire journey, a lie. My honor has been disgraced. Sensei warned me to not take the oath of evil... The boy has led me astray. *turns to Dipper* If Robbie V. is not the last stage, then it must be... YOOOOOOUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!

A start button appeared next to Dipper. I knew he felt guilty and wanted to press play. I yelled at him not to, and Soos tried talking to him, but he pressed it anyways. A voice in the air yelled: "READY?!?" and two health bars appeared on top of each player. Dipper saw the way Rumble was moving so he tried to imitate. The battle started it, it went out for a while. I wanted to go down there and help, but I feared that my intervention would affect this more. In the end, Rumble threw a massive attack on Dipper who was hit by it and was severely damaged.

Dipper: You sir truly are the champion of champions... *grunts in pain*

Game Announcer: RUMBLE WINS!!!

Rumble: Winners don't loose!!!

Dipper: I wouldn't be too sure about that, man.

Rumble: ...

I see Rumble starting to pixel away. I climb down as fast as I could and ran to Dipper.

Dipper: *stands up* Game over, old friend.

You: *hug Dipper* You are the stupidest guy I have ever met!!! *pull away* What were you thinking?!? You could've been killed!!!

Dipper: I know, but I had to. I started all this and I had to at least try to stop it.

You: I would punch you but I'm afraid I might break something.

You and Dipper: *chuckle*

You: Hey look!

"Thank you for playing" and three changeable letters. Dipper went over and changed the three letters to "Dip". Unfortunately, round two was still coming...

Robbie: *pulls himself out of the tree and falls on the ground, then stands up* What?!? Who-who-who was that guy?!? Why is it that whenever you're around there's always ghost or monsters or whatever?!?

Dipper: I don't know man.

Robbie: That guy almost broke my neck!!! You know how mad I am right now?!?

Dipper: So I guess you and I have to fight now, huh? Go ahead man, do your worst. I just want to get this over with.

Robbie: *prepares to punch* Oh man, I am so gonna enjoy this!

Dipper: ...

Robbie: Aren't you gonna run?

Dipper: Nope.

Robbie: ... Are you sure?

Dipper: *nods*

Robbie: ... *puts both his arms to his side* It's not even worth it. I'm playing lead guitar so I'm gonna save my hands.

Wendy: Hey guys, I heard some crazy screaming out here!

Dipper and Robbie: Wendy?!?

Dipper: You're back!

Wendy: Yeah man. Woah, what the heck happened here, freak tornado or something?

Dipper and Robbie: Uh... well...

Wendy: And why are your faces all jacked up? You guys weren't fighting each other, were you? I hate it when guys fight!

Dipper: No, fighting?

Robbie: No, why would we?

Dipper: Never! Yeah, we actually fell down trying to fight two other guys from fighting each other.

Wendy: ... Cool! It really makes me happy to see my two boys hanging out. I've got some unpacking to do, I'll text you guys later. *kisses Robbie's cheek then ruffles Dipper's hat, then guys to you* Keeping an eye on them for me?

You: What else would I be doing?

You and Wendy: *fist bump*

Wendy: *leaves*

Nothing really happened after, except Stan cured his fear which Mabel gained. Uh oh. Well, there goes another adventure.

Thanks for reading!!! 'Till next time!!!


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