The Internship•Calum Hood AU

By b4byg3l

86.2K 1.5K 1.5K

Ever since she was little, Cindy had always loved taking pictures,capturing a moment,creating a memory and li... More

The Internship A/N
'meet the cast'
0•"whos five save our souls?"
1•"we made some crazy memories here"
2•"do you know who 5sos are?"
3•"thanks for being a fan"
4•"nice lace is my favourite"
5•"what brought you round here to see our lame ass band"
6•"can i have this dance?"
7•"is that your girlfriend?"
8•"im just an intern"
9•"ashton irwin is DADDY"
10•"i wish i was all up in your ass"
11•"im just afraid to get hurt"
12•"didn't anyone tell you your hair looks sexy pushed back?"
13•"theres only one calum hood darling"
14•"fuck off asian!"
IMPORTANT! please comment
16•"i forgot your dicks bigger than your brain"
18•"i have luke dick all over my mouth now"
19•"need a tissue virgin?"
21•"theres something wrong"
22•"your like a red rose in a room full of white ones"
23•"make sure you follow the rules"
24• "to us"
25• "i'll miss you"
26• "it terrified me"
stay tuned
27• "I miss you"

20• "im sorry darling"

2.2K 53 74
By b4byg3l

I pushed my arms up against the wall as I pressed my entire strength against it. I sucked in as hard as I could and held my breath.

"Come on! Suck it in!" Margot says out of breath and I try to speak without breathing.

"I am! I can't suck in anymore. It's pointless it won't fit!" I groan and let my stomach release to my happiness.

"Bullshit. It fit an hour ago!" She says in awe.

"Yeah well maybe that was before I ordered 3 bowls of large nachos with extra salsa" I said quietly and she rolled her eyes, a laugh breaking on her face. A few more tugs and the zip strained up my arched back.

This was against my will anyway, I'd been forced to go out in Paris because I had to show Calum 'I didn't care'.

I walk over to the mirror. My feet were squeezed into strappy black heels, as a emerald green dress clung to my body. I wasn't going to lie, it made my curves look great but I just wish I had some spandex or something to hold my food baby in.

I sigh and just ignore it, it can't be helped. And kneel down to take my small spotty bag out of my suitcase and Margot snaps it out of my hand.

"No no! This night is not for neutral makeup!" She says and I roll my eyes and whine.

"Margot I can't do any other makeup, I hate it! You have neutral makeup!"

"Yeah well- this isn't for me! It's for you" she says putting the bag behind her back and I sigh slowly grumbling.

"I'm doing your makeup" Ruby says as if it's nothing and my eyes widen.

Ruby wasn't bad at makeup, in fact she was amazing. But it was so over the top, she always had perfect eyebrows and sharp contour, blinding highlight to the Gods and perfectly lined lips. I was lucky if I could put concealer under my eyes without getting half of it in my eyelashes like some sort of ivory mascara.

"And before you sigh and stomp your feet. I'm doing it and if you don't let me I'm cancelling room service" she says and suddenly she reminds me a lot like my older sister Alexis, I just do a muffled sigh as I'm too tired to go against her protests.

Half an hour later and I'm dragged to the mirror, suffering from a dead leg from leaning on it for so long. They hustle me in my reflection and a new girl faces me.

She has long, black hair reaching her waist, brown eyes shaded with thick coats of mascara and a soft brown smoky eye and she was dressed in a beautiful green dress which made her legs look longer than they actually were.

"I-I love it!" I say truthfully and I smile genuinely for the first time tonight. I felt pretty, and when I felt pretty I felt like I could conquer the world.

"Good! Because so do I, now get your butt over to the door because we are LEAVING!" Margot whoops and I laugh. Tonight seemed to be looking up, it was the last night until I went home to see my family. They were still unaware but it couldn't be helped.

"Say goodbye to your hibernation zone!" Ruby says pointing to my bed and I wave to the noticeable dent in the white sheet where I'd wallowed in nachos and self pity.

I felt sexy. Fuck Calum. If he wants Melissa so much then she can have him, I don't need Calum Hood I'm Cindy fucking Kimberly I don't need a fucking man. I'm an independ-

Calum leaned against his hotel door and I had a double take. He had his signature black jeans on but they looked blacker than usual, a cashmere white shirt was over his body and he had a black leather jacket slung over his shoulders. His feet were covered with black converse and tied weirdly the way he does it around his ankle.

I caught his eye and his face was perfectly shaven, his hair was curly? It was whipped like icing in a tuft on his head and I nearly died when I seen it had a new blonde streak protruding through it, he rubbed his neck as he scanned my body flicking his tongue against my lip and I snapped out of it when Margot nudged me.

Independent woman! I'm an independent woman! And I don't need or want Calum even if he was a 6 foot hunk with brand new bad boy hair and decked out looking like a sex god. God I was so embarrassing, think ugly thoughts like Calum crapping himself or something.

The thoughts still swirled in my brain and I blushed. I had to get out of this hallway that seemed to be smaller every second.

"Are you coming in or not?" He snaps and I look up confused squinting my made up eyes at his large brown ones.

"What?" I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Wow zoning out while checking me out, I said that the others went in like two minutes ago and you've been standing out here gawking at me" he says and smirks and I scowl.

"No I haven't. Now move" I say in a harsh tone and I try to push pass him but he remains stuck in his place his broad shoulder not moving.

"What's the password" he says in a funny voice and I put on a fake thinking face.

"Oh I don't know. Calum Hood's a douche bag with a tiny ass dick and a shitty hair dye job"

His face drops and his body tenses. I push past him flicking in my hair in my face as I sauntered in the door. Not that it was that big, I see everyone's eyes looking at me and the encounter that just happened.

"Haha where's the drinks" I said awkwardly, I needed an entire bottle of vodka to get me through one hour of this night.

I tried to focus my gaze on the room around me and everything was blurry and slow motion, what the fuck. Did I take drugs? Was I dreaming? Is this what LSD feels like?

"God it's only ten and she's already drunk from just pre drinks?" I hear a unknown wavery voice call and I forced myself to put together the cells in my brain to try and connect the voice. No luck.

"Well she doesn't drink! Like ever the she's only drank like twice" someone else says and I argue with them in my head. It was three times if you count the time me and my sister drank the foam from a beer when we were 10.

"There's no way in hell shes getting in the taxi!"  An American voice says and I'm seriously tripping out. Who the fuck is speaking.

"Okay one more time come on, I don't wanna ruin her night" another accent calls out.

Suddenly a cold palm softly touches my face and I flutter my eyelashes giggling at whatever the sensation was, God was I drunk? I didn't even drink that much. I only had one shot, or was it six. Or nine?

I opened my eyes and tried to refocus and I made a blurry image of Margot shaking me gently.

"Mmm-argot" I giggled lazily and she smiled at me.

"Yeah that's me! You ready to go out now? You've got a little drunk" she said and I nod my head quickly but it feels like it's in slow motion.

She and someone else grabs both my arms and rises me from the couch. I stand up successfully but my heels shaked like a newborn deer and my knees gave way again.

"God this is so embarrassing" a nasally voice said.

"Ferme ta guele!" Another voice said, ok I was seriously tripping out or dreaming. This wasn't even English.

"EUGH translate?"

"Shut the fuck up"

I heard bickering continue and lazily opened my eye to see Margot thinking and Luke was whispering to her and looking at me.

"We can't leave her alone I mean look at her"

"I feel so bad she looks so good"

"I can't believe I wasted my freaking Chanel lipstick on her for her to just smear it everywhere!"

The mumbles and words were faint but I was starting to become more aware. It sounded like everyone wanted to go out and I was holding them back.

"I'll stay with her" a voice says and it wouldn't  matter if I was on the highest drug there is, I can never forget how that voice sounds.

"Over my dead body"

"God! Michael what do you think I'm going to do? I'm helping you guys out by volunteering to stay here because I don't want bambi on ice skates to ruin this hotel room"

More mumbles.

"Ok fine are you sure?" Another voice calls out and Calum says yes.

I feel a kiss on my head and several hugs and ruffles through my knotty hair and the smell of different perfumes and colognes as I lazily hug the strangers back.

"What! No Calum I'm not letting you stay here with that skank! Come with me" the nasally voice whines and I don't even bother speaking because I feel like I'm going to puke.

"Melissa stop talking about her like that seriously just go out and enjoy yourself"

"Since when did you stick up for her? And no Calum I wanted to do what we do in the VIP suite remember?" The voice gets closer and I feel the vomit rise, great I'm gonna be a witness. Well a half alive witness, to a quickie.

"Pfft like you don't do it with others when I'm not there. Actually even when I am there, Melissa I know you use me and I use you to I don't give a fuck. But your gonna end all contact if you keep whining and talking about her like that" the voice chuckles.

"Excuse me! Ugh whatever! Call me" the voice diffuses away from my ears and I hear the door click shut.

It feels like hours but it's only a few seconds as I try to rise from my early grave, I sit my head up slowly and it feels as if one million daggers have been slammed into it, I wince in pain and attempt to feel for the table to stand up.

"Hey hey. What are you doing no" I hear Calum say and I force myself to open my groggy eyes and look at him, god he looked even better than earlier.

"I don't feel good" I murmur out.

"Well no shit, you drank an entire bottle of vodka raw. Thank god I got it off you before you finished the whole thing off"

"Me? That wasn't me" I say giggling.

"Oh it was definitely you, I know Cindy Kimberly when I see her. She stands out" he smirks and I close my eyes to force the butterflies to stop flying.

Listen to Ashton's advice which was halfway out of my brain was the plan for tonight.

"I am wet" I say feeling the tight material of my dress.

"Wow we haven't even did anything yet"

"Shut the fuck up"

"Sobering up I see"

"Get me some clothes please, I just want this dress of"

"Of course darling"

I watch groggily Calum shuffle around and leave the room as I close my eyes and carefully try to regain perfect vision. It seems easier as the minutes go on but I still feel as drunk as ever.

Calum tosses a pile of clothes at me and I stand up and nearly fall back down to my feet. I feel a strong pair of hands claps around my waist and Calum's warm breath close to my body.

"No god! You can't even stand up!" He groans and carefully sets me on the chair.

"Calum! I can't stay in these clothes hurry up and change me" I whine the stickiness of the dress seeming to seep as the minutes went on.

"What! Are you crazy? No" he says and I snap my eyes open.

"Calum stop. I'm wearing underwear just fucking change me" I sigh and he just nods and for the first time I see his nervous face as his Adam's apple bobs up and down.

He carefully snakes his hand up my back and my body tenses slightly from his touch, he brings down the zip of my dress and the stickiness peels off from my back and I sigh in delight as the tense material of the dress relaxes around my muscles.

The top of the dress falls from my shoulders and I hear Calum suck a breath in as I lie back and allow him to completely remove the dress. The cool air hits my sticky body and I lie with my eyes closed welcoming it.

"You have such a fucking beautiful body" I hear his voice say and it's deeper and raspy, I turn my head slowly as he removes the mane of black hair from my eyes so I can see.

When I meet his dark, dilated brown eyes it's as if a switch is flicked on inside me. Everything that happened before this moment is gone from my body, as if I have amnesia.

Subconsciously I smash my lips to Calum's, he doesn't respond at first with shock but soon begins moving his lips in sync with mine. My hand finds his hair and I run my hands through it and his hands rest on my sticky waist.

My brain is screaming no at me but my body is ignoring the pleas, as I'm completely engulfed with Calum and I can't stop. The fire is in the pit of my stomach and the excitement is tingling of every part of my body.

He licks my lip for an entrance and I open my mouth as my tongue slips into his mouth and explores every part of him. I yank on his hair and he responds with a moan which I feel inside my mouth.

I drag him down on top of me on the chair and he slides his hand over my chest squeezing my breast in his hand as he lowers his mouth to my neck, finding my sweet spot he sucks gently and I moan slightly to which I feel him squeeze my waist with his fingers harshly.

At this point I don't care what happens, I just want Calum. The aroma of cigarettes,alcohol, my perfume and his cologne just sets the mood and I'm completely lost in the atmosphere.

I find myself fumbling with his belt on his jeans, something I would never do when suddenly Calum snaps away from me. Breaking the kiss.

I look confused at his shocked face and drag my lips towards his but he gently pushes me off, his hands still latched around my hips.

"No Cindy we can't"

"Why not?" I look confused. Isn't this what he wants?

"Your drunk, I'm not taking advantage of you. I- I'm not like that"

I pause for a second surprised, then melt all over again. I smile to myself realising that I would of regretted if Calum took my virginity like this; and I would of been so angry at myself for letting him after everything.

I wrap my arms drunkenly around him my body pressing against his and straddle him slowly, not in a sexual way but to hug him with every fibre in my body.

"I'm sorry" I whisper in his ear and he breaths out the warm air making my neck tickle.

"Don't be sorry, baby I'm sorry" he whispers back and I nod slightly, I don't want to address why he's sorry because the answer is clear as it hangs thickly in the air.

He slips the shirt over me as I still remain sat on him saying nothing.

"Do you wanna go to bed?" He asks pulling me away to look at me, wrapping my hair around his hand gently to pull it from my face.

"Will you come with me?" I hear myself say before I can even think of the words, it's as if I'm not in control on myself tonight.

Calum hesitates but nods and gently brings me to my feet as we walk towards the bedroom. I flip onto the kingside bed breathing in the musky scent of the sheets as I hear Calum chuckle behind me.

I keep my eyes closed as I feel his body shift beside me in the too big bed, and then the feeling of his hot bare skin against mine as I wrap my legs in a tangle with his own bare ones.

He wraps a heavy arm around my waist tightly and I've never felt as safe in my life. I keep quiet and drift off slowly but as I'm nearly asleep I feel him kiss my hair carefully and bring his lips to my ears.

"I'm sorry darling"



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