My Disorder (Dipper Gleeful x...

By ChloetheDory

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"How did you do that?" you marveled at the spinning ball of fire in his hands. He smiled at your amusement, s... More

Chapter 2: Behind the Curtains
Chapter 3: Selling Your Soul for a...
Chapter 4: The Jerks of the Falls
Chapter 5: Your So-Called "Date"
Chapter 6: Candy Unhinged
Chapter 7: Deal
Chapter 8: Switcheroo
Chapter 9: Gravity Falls vs Reverse Falls
Chapter 10: Perplexity
Chapter 11: You Are Only Young Once
Chapter 12: Disorder
Chapter 13: Dipper's Past {Part 1}
Chapter 14: Bill
Chapter 15: A Separate Identity
The Gleeful Twins
Chapter 16: Memory Erasal
Chapter 17: The Rift
Chapter 18: Through the Rift
Chapter 19: Smile
Chapter 20: Recollection
Chapter 21: Dipper's Past {Part 2}
Chapter 22: The Core
Chapter 23: Alyna

Chapter 1: Welcome to the Falls

9.5K 212 164
By ChloetheDory

I have always been in the Reverse Falls fandom and finally decided to write a fanfic. I hope this will not be cringy or too cheesy. Anyways, hope you enjoy this. My English skills are limited but I will try to reduce the mistakes.

Without further ado, let us get on with the story!

"You have everything with you?"


"You didn't lose anything?"

"Don't worry, mom."

"You sure you have your apartment keys?"

"Yes, I'm sure."


"Mom, relax, I'm 16 already, I think I can handle one vacation."

"Okay, darling, but remember to call me when you reach your apartment."

"I will, bye!"

"Bye, love you!"

"Love you too," you hung up and sighed, what can you do, your mom is just too protective.

"Reverse Falls!" the bus driver announced, you hurriedly stuffed your phone in your pocket and grabbed your suitcase. The bus draw to a stop and you hopped off.

Reverse Falls, here I come.

Since you done so well in your examinations, your parent decided to let you choose a solo vacation spot. After much consideration, you chose Reverse Falls, a small town with friendly people, nice foods and beautiful jungles. Not to mention the one and only, Gleeful Twins, the greatest, the best, world famous magicians.

You have always been interested in magic, even after you found out that it was just a trick if the eye. You enjoyed how magicians made you feel, bewildered, amused, fascinated, when you were young, you even told the entire class that you wanted a magician as your significant other. It was stupid, but you were a child.

The apartment was within walking distance from the bus stop, a mere 2 kilometre away. So you dragged your not-so-heavy suitcase and set off in its direction.

You reached the apartment in no time at all, it was a small and cosy apartment, rented out by a former resident. You took it gladly. With the keys, you unlocked the door and went in.

You had so much planned, shopping, walking, eating and more shopping. You were planning to go for a magic show to end the day. You heard a lot about this magic twins, the sorcerer and sorceress of the continent.

You quickly unpacked, called your mother to inform her of your condition and went into the streets with some money.

You decided to try some of the local cuisines there so you turned into a stall. The aroma of the food immediately hit you as soon as you entered.

Without standing around to salivate any longer, you went in line to buy a meal. As you were waiting for your turn, two kids your age queued up behind you, a girl with her blonde hair swept into ponytails with two big scrunchies and a hot pink sweater with the words: I don't believe in horses printed on it. The other was a shorter boy with his white hair partially hidden under a cap with a blue pine tree on it. He was fumbling through what looked like a really old journal.

The girl was playing with the vast amount of bracelets on her wrist, it was not those expensive types but those made with plastic beads.

That was when she caught your eye. You look away, afraid to be caught staring.

"Hey, I didn't see you before! You must be new!" she greeted with a smile.

"My name is Pacifica Southeast and this is my cuz, Gideon Pines," she introduced, giving the guy a nudge.

"Um, hi. I'm (Y/N)," you replied hesitantly. You were not used to making friends outside school but Pacifica seemed really friendly.

The guy named Gideon looked up and smiled awkwardly at you.

"I love making new friends!! Can I give you a tour?" she squealed. You can't help but smile at her enthusiasm.

"Why not?" you replied, earning a squeal from Pacifica.

Just then, the door of the shop opened and more squeals could be heard. It wasn't from Pacifica.

You stood on your toes, wanting to see who the squeals are for. You caught sight of a teenage boy, it was no surprise that girls in the shop went fan-girl mode. You could have melted right there and then.

"Who's that?" you faced Pacifica and asked. You realised that both Pacifica and Gideon wore annoyed looks, like they hated that boy.

"That is Dipper Gleeful," Gideon answered.

"Maybe we should leave. (Y/N), let's go to another store to get some food elsewhere," Pacifica suggested, tugging on your arm and making for the door.

"Wait, Dipper Gleeful as in the Dipper Gleeful?" you asked. You have read about him and his sister before coming. Reviews say that their performance was to die for. So...why are they acting like they hate him?

"Yup," Gideon replied, following Pacifica and you out of the store. You wanted to take another look at that so-called "sorcerer" again but a crowd of fan-girls around him prevented you from doing so.

"What's wrong with him?" you asked.

"He may look like prince charming but trust me, he is not what he looks like. You should stay away from him as much as possible," Pacifica told you when you were out. Gideon nodded in agreement. You did not get what they meant but they were your only friends here and the only people you can trust.

"Ok," you muttered. Seeing your agreement, they returned back to their normal, friendly self. Pacifica started bringing you from store to store, pointing at things and buying snacks like chips and ice cream. She was loud but friendly, goofy but caring. Gideon, on the other hand, had his nose buried in that journal you saw him reading when you first met him. However, other than that, Gideon doesn't seem to have any other downside.

By the time you said goodbye to your new friends, it was already sunset. You have already explored most of this little town. You can't help but fall in love with this place, it was amazing, the kind people, the nice food and the quiet and mystical forest that surrounds it. It was like your dream come true. 

You checked your phone for the ticket you ordered online. The show in the Tent of Telepathy was starting so you made your way to the tent. You weren't really affected by Pacifica's or Gideon's warning about the Gleeful twins. All you wanted was to experience what the world recognise as 'one of the best shows in the world'.

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