Twilight one-shots

By LittleBadgerRei

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i wrote these for a weekly magazine on a twilight amino. They are not reader inserts but of the characters of... More

Forever Family
The secret is out?
The joy of children
Pranking the alpha!
Fun time!
Crime or not?
Sweet addiction
Sweet addiction (Part 2)
Two alpha's?
Pack troubles
Unexpected surprise
The reminder of an ugly secret
The reminder of an ugly secret (Part 2)
Exciting date night
Remembering our own
A peaceful walk?
Love at first sight...Again
This day came too fast
Red eyes watching
Uninvited guest in Forks
First meetings
Loving her smile
Seth's curiosity
Good times after bad times
Christmas joy
Special moments
Hatred...just hatred
A bond never broken
Happiness forever

Pre-party troubles

626 6 0
By LittleBadgerRei

Aro sighed as he sat with his two brothers in the library. "Let us have a ball." He suddenly said clapping his hands together. Caius looked at him or more like glaring. "A ball? You can not be serious!" Marcus closed his book placing it back on the table. "What is the ocassion?" Aro turned hus head from Caius to Marcus. "Should we have a reason to celebrate? Let's say just for the fun."

Right at that moment was a vampire who was passing through Italy and stopped in Volterra. She knew the Volturi lived there and avoided going near the castle. It was night at the time as she leaned against a wall in an alley. She thought back of what happened the past few days. The only thing that stuck in her mind was her coven being slaughtered by rogue vampires.

Aro called Heidi and Renata to plan the ball for the coming evening. "Lets get our finest clothes ready. Shall we brothers?" He watched them with his red eyes. Caius scoffed but got up and nodded walking out of the library to his room. Marcus got up from his chair quietly and walked out of the room. After they left Aro walked to his own room. As Aro was taking out his clothes a knock sounded from the door. "Come in." He turned towards to door to see Jane walking in. "Master we have a situation." Aro nodded at her to continue. "There has been a report of a massacre. Apparently the coven has been slaughtered but one got away." Aro nodded and motioned for her to leave the room. "Ah right before the ball. Ruins the fun doesnt it?" He said quietly to himself looking amused.

The girl was still in the alley as the sun came up slowly. Her hood was off as she thought no one would be outside or even awake at this time. The light slowly went up from the ground to her dress to her hands and finally her face. She stood there as she sparkled. Suddenly there was a gasp from down the alley. She snapped her head to the sound seeing a couple standing there frozen in place. She sniffed the air smelling their blood. It's been a while since she fed and smelling their blood was hard to resist. She ran with speed to them ready to attack only to be stopped by a big figure.

Looking up she saw red eyes looking down at her then turned around when she felt another presence behind her seeing a similar pair of red eyes. "Let's not do that. Thats not very lady like." Demetri smirked shaking his head at the lady. "Felix let's take her. Aro would be delighted to hear this news." Felix smirked and picked the woman up throwing her over his shoulder as she struggled. Not that it would help because Felix wouldnt let her escape so easily.

They walked inside the castle passed the receptionist who looked wide eyed at the female vampire on Felix's shoulder feeling slight puty for her as she knew what was about to happen. Demetri opened the doors of the throne room and stopped in the middle of the room Felix stopping right behind him dropping the woman on the floor holding her arms so she wouldnt escape.

Aro walked into the throne room pulling his robe on as Marcus and Caius walked in behind him and took their seats. "What do we have here?" Aro looked at Felix and Demetri then at the woman on the floor. He walked over to her and took one of her hands that Felix was holding reading her every thought. When he let go he shook his head. "Now that is something we can not let go." He turned his back to her. "We would let you live if you did not attack those poor humans but you did." He turned back around. "It is a real tragedy of what happened to your coven. We will find them for disrupting the peace. Rest assured my dear." He smiled at her. "Get it over with Aro." Marcus sneered from his seat becoming impatient.

Aro turned towards his brother motioning for him to have patience. He was having a little fun with the situation as his mood to have fun faltered slightly hearing of the disruption of the peace. "Patience brother." He looked back at the woman amusement in his red eyes. "You gave away our identity. Now we have to kill them too. Jane." He called for her to come in bringing the couple in with her. The woman looked scared for their and her life. "What a pity. It didnt have to be this way but sadly it has."

He looked at Felix and Demetri and nodded for them to hold her arms. They nodded and each grabbed an arm. Aro grabbed her head twisting it as Felix and Demetri pulled her arms off her body. Aro dropped her head on the floor turning to the couple that were struggling against Jane. "Jane? Alec?" He motioned for them to go ahead and kill them. "Yes master." They nodded obeying his orders. Jane smirked her red eyes sparkling and turned to the woman first. She dropped the man to the floor who scrambled to get up and for the door only for Alec to appear in front of him and grabbed him by the throat. Jane wasnt worried about the man. She knew Alec would get him. Without a second thought sank her fangs in the womans neck.

Alec watched the man struggled clawing at the hands around his neck. He brought the man closer to him and bit his neck draining him from his blood. Jane dropped the body on the floor as Demeti collected the parts of the woman ready to burn her. Alec dropped the mans body on the floor a few seconds after his sister. Felix grabbed both of the bodies and followed Demetri out of the throne room to go burn the bodies.

"Now that is handled everyone should get ready for the ball tonight." He exclaimed loudly so everyone heard. They nodded walking out if the room. "Lets see how the preparations are going shall we?" He walked out of the room his brothers following behind him.

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