Life In Gravity Falls (dipper...

By IvBeauty

481K 9.9K 21.6K

You're a girl who lives and works at the Mystery Shack after you're whole family mysteriously disappears and... More

Ep.1: Tourist Trapped
Ep.2: Legend Of Gobblewonker
Ep.3: Head Hunters
Ep.4: The Hand That Rocks The Mabel
Ep.6: Dipper Vs. Manliness
Ep.7: Double Dipper
Ep.8: Irrational Treasure
Ep.9: The Time Traveler's Pig
Ep.10: Fight Fighters
Ep.11: Little Dipper
Ep.12: Summerween
Ep.13: Boss Mabel
Ep.14: Bottomless Pit
Ep.15: The Deep End
Ep.16: Carpet Diem
Ep.17: Boyz Crazy
Ep.18: Land Before Swine
Ep.19: Dreamscaperers
Ep.20: Gideon Rises
Mabel's Guide To Life!!!
Dipper's Guide To The Unexplained
Season 2/Ep.1: Scary-Oke
Ep.2: Into The Bunker
Ep.3: The Golf War
Ep.4: The Sock Opera
Ep.5: Soos and The Real Girl
Ep.6: Little Gift Shop of Horrors
Ep.7: Society Of The Blind Eye
Ep.8: Blendin's Game
Ep.9: The Love God
Ep.10: Northwest Mantion Mystery
Ep.11: Not What He Seems
Ep 12: A Tale Of Two Stans
Ep.13: Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons
Ep.14: The Stanchurian Candidate
Ep.15: The Last Mabelcorn
Extra Ep: See The Memories, Reveal The Past
Ep.16: Roadside Attraction
Ep.17: Dipper and Mabel Vs The Future
Ep.18: Weirdmageddon Pt.1
Ep.19: Weirdmageddon Pt.2: Escape From Reality
Ep.20: Weirdmaggedon Pt.3: Take Back The Falls
A Chrismas Surprise
Special Message
Omg hi!!
Hello From Six Years Later?!

Ep.5: The Inconveniencing

11.5K 245 489
By IvBeauty

Your POV

We were all in the gift shop. Mabel was sitting on the globe spinning around, Dipper was reading his journal, Wendy was reading a magazine, and I was writing on my journal.

Dipper: Mabel, do you believe in ghost?

Mabel: I believe you're a big dork! *laugh*

Dipper: *makes the globe stop causing Mabel to fall*

You: *chuckle*

Dipper: What about you, (y/n)?

You: *close your journal* Well, considering all the things we've seen so far, I wouldn't be surprised if they were real.

Stan: *enters* Soos, Wendy, (y/n)!!!

You, Soos, and Wendy: *go to Stan*

Soos: *pants* What's up Mr. Pines?!?

Stan: I'm heading out, you three are gonna wash the bathrooms right?

Soos: Yes sir!

Wendy: Absolutely not.

You: *shrug*

Stan: Haha, you stay out of trouble.

Wendy: *goes to you, and whispers something*

You: *nod*

Wendy: Hey guys, wanna see something cool? What's this~?

You: *pull off a curtain revealing a ladder*

Wendy: A secret ladder to the roof?!?

Soos: Uh, I don't think Mr. Pines would like that...

Wendy: Huh?

Soos: Uh...

Wendy: Huh?!?

Soos: You're freaking me out dude!!!

Dipper: Can we actually go up there?!?

You: Wanna find out~?!?

Wendy: *as she climbs up* Roof time! Roof time!

Dipper and Mabel: *follow Wendy* Roof time! Roof time!

Wendy and I lead them to a small flat area in the roof where we had put a beach chair, a cooler, and even an umbrella. Wendy and I usually come up here to escape work, it was like our little club and I was more than happy to show the twins!

Dipper: You two put all this stuff up here?!?

You: We may or may not sneak up here during work all the time everyday.

Wendy: *picks up a pinecone and throws it, hitting the target on the totem* Yes!!!

We all start to throw pinecones at random things. Eventually Dipper hit the roof of a car causing the alarm to turn on.

Wendy: Jackpot!!! *offers to high five Dipper* Don't leave me hanging!

Dipper: ... *high fives Wendy*

A sunken feeling in my gut. The look on Dipper's face, I'd seen it before. He liked Wendy. Wait, why did I care wether he liked her or not?!? It wasn't my problem! And yet... just thinking about it made me feel... pain... After, a van then pulled up in front.

Wendy: Oh hey, it's my friends!

Friend: Wendy!!!

Wendy: Uh, you guys aren't gonna tell Stan about this are you?

Dipper: *does a zipping mouth sign*

Wendy: *returns the signs* Later dorks. *jumps down trees until she reached the ground and entered the van which left shortly after*

Dipper: Later Wendy!!! *chuckles awkwardly* Good times...

Mabel: Uh oh~

Dipper: What?

Mabel: Somebody's in love~!!!

Dipper: Yeah right! I just think Wendy's cool, okay? It's not like I lay awake at night thinking about her.

You: ...

I didn't get much sleep that night, the thought of him liking Wendy just... it just wouldn't leave my mind. I took my journal and wrote about, writing my feelings has always made me feel better in a way. The next day we were in the gift shop when Mabel yelled out of the blue:

Mabel: RANDOM DANCE PARTY FOR NO REASON!!!!!! *turns on her radio and start to dance*

You and Wendy: *start to dance as well*

Dipper: *writes something down on the notebook*

Wendy: Dipper!!!

Dipper: *almost drops the notebook* I uh, yes?!?

Wendy: Aren't you gonna get in on this?!?

Dipper: I uh, don't really dance...

Mabel: Yeah you do! Mom used to dress him up in a lamb costume and make him do... the Lamby dance...!!!

Dipper: Now is not the time to talk about the Lamby dance!

You: Lamb costume?

Wendy: Woah, is there like little ears and a tail or-

Dipper: Well uh-huh...

Mabel: *takes out a picture of young Dipper in the lamb costume* Dipper would prance around and sing a song about grazing!

You: Aww!

Mabel: *laugh*

The cuckoo clock rings.

Wendy: Hey look at that! Quit'n time!The gang's waiting for me.

Dipper: Hey wait, uh maybe I could- or we could come with you!

Wendy: Oh I dunno, my friends are pretty intense! How old did you were?

Dipper: We're thirteen, so technically a teen!

You and Mabel: *look at each other confused*

Wendy: Alright, I like your moxie kid, let me get my stuff. *leave*

You: Since when are we thirteen?!?

Mabel: Is this a leap year?

Dipper: C'mon guys! This is our chance to hang out with, you know, the cool kids! ...and Wendy, and whatever...

Mabel: I know it!!! You love her!!! *pointed many times at Dipper* Love love love love love!!!!!!

Dipper: Oh hey what's that? *points at the other side*

Mabel: Huh? *looks at where Dipper was pointed at*

Dipper: *flips Mabel's hair in front of her face*

Mabel: *tries to blow the hair out*

We get ready and see all of Wendy's friends. I've hung out with them before once. I didn't really like'm so much, but that might change. I saw Nate and Lee  holding a shirtless Thompson upside down and Robbie throwing things at the Thompson's stomach. Next to him was Tambry who was texting on her phone. Wendy then threw a tiny ball which landed in Thompson's belly button. Is was actually pretty gross.

Wendy's Friends: Wendy!!!

Nate: Wendy! Wendy! Wendy!

Wendy: Hey guys, these are my pals from work. Mabel, Dipper, and you've already met (y/n).

Mabel: I chewed my gum so it looks like a brain! *shows everyone the gum in her mouth*

Dipper: She's not much for a first impression. Unlike this guy! *points at himself*

Everyone: ...

Dipper: This guy....

Robbie: So are you like babysitting or..?

Wendy: C'mon Robbie! Guys, this is Lee and Nate-

Nate: *punches Lee's gut*

Lee: *grunts at the punch*

Nate and Lee: *laugh*

Wendy: Tambry-

Tambry: *without looking up* Hey.

Wendy: Thompson, who once ate a run over waffle for fifty cents-

Thompson: Don't tell them that...

Wendy: And Robbie, you can probably figure him out.

Robbie: Yeah, I'm the guy who spray painted the water tower.

Dipper: Oh you mean the big muffin!

Robbie: Um, it's a giant explosion?

Everyone: *looks at the water tower*

You: *hold in a laugh*

Lee: Hehe, kinda does look like a muffin!

Nate and Lee: *laugh*

Robbie: *glares at Dipper who feels nervous*

Wendy: Let's hurray it up guys, I got big plans for tonight, huh?

Dipper: *tries to sit next to Wendy, but gets stopped by Robbie*

Robbie: Sorry kid, I rode shotgun, alright?

Dipper: *sits in the back with you and Mabel*

Thompson: Ok, so, before you go, my mom said you guys aren't allowed to punch the roof anymore so....

Robbie, Lee, Nate, and Wendy: *as they punch the roof* Thompson!!! Thompson!!! Thompson!!!

Along the way...

Mabel: *takes the marker Dipper was chewing and with it covers "You stink!" and rewrites "You look nice today!"* Haha, this is gonna blow someone's mind!

Dipper: Mabel, please.

Mabel: What, am I embarrassing you in front of your new GILRFRIE-!!!!

Dipper: *covers Mabel's mouth with his hand, but takes it off disguised* Ah, did you just lick my hand?!?

You: ...

Dipper: You're awfully quiet, something wrong?

You:'s nothing.

We make it to our destination, it was a small convenience store called Dust 2 Dawn, I heard it had closed years ago for mysterious reasons. There was a fence surrounding the store, and at the moment we were outside the fence.

Wendy: There it is, fellas. The condemned Dust to Dawn.

Wendy's Friends: Woah...!!!

Mabel: Neto!

Dipper: But why did they shut it down, it's like a health code violation or...?

Nate: Try murder!!!

Lee: Some folks died in there, the place has been haunted ever since! 

Mabel: This town has such a colorful history!

Dipper: What? Are you guys serious?

Wendy: Yeah, we're all gonna die! Chill out man, it's not as bad as it looks!

Everyone but Dipper and Lee: *jump to the other side*

Wendy: C'mon Dipper!

Dipper: Haha, ok, ok, just just just uh, gotta get a foothold.

Robbie: Dude, you're sister and (y/n) did it!

Mabel: *does some weird circles on the ground* Woop woop woop woop woop!!!

Lee: Hey, you know what, just- *picks Dipper up and drops him at the other side*

Dipper: *falls on the ground*

Lee: *laughs as he lands on the other side* S-sorry dude!

Nate: Good job throwing the kid off the fence genius.

Lee: You're mom's a genius.

Robbie: *tries to open the door*

Wendy: *looks through the window* Woahohoho, this place is amazing!

Robbie: *pulls the doors* Think it's stuck.

Dipper: Let me take a crack at it!

Robbie: Oh yeah, I can't get it, but I'm sure junior here is gonna break it down like Hercules.

Wendy: Come on, leave him alone, he's just a little kid.

I could see the disappointment in Dipper's face, followed by a sense of determination. He goes to the side of the building and climbs to the roof ignoring our orders for him to come back down. He enters the building at the top and we don't hear anything for a few seconds.

Robbie: What's debate he doesn't make it?

Dipper: *opens the front door from the inside*

Lee: Good call inviting this little maniac! *enters the store*

Tambry: *enters the store*

Nate: Your new name is Dr. Fun Times! *enters the store*

Thompson: Alright! *enters the store*

Mabel: *high fives Dipper and enters the store*

Robbie: *enters the store ignoring Dipper*

Wendy: *punches Dipper playfully* Nice work! *enters the store*

You: *enter trying to ignore Dipper*

Dipper: *enters the store*

Once inside, Wendy flips some switches turning on the lights and things inside. Everyone starts to do their own thing, but I wasn't feeling it, so I just went to my own corner. If only I had brought my journal... Eventually Mabel came over to me.

Mabel: Ok, I know when people are unhappy, (y/n), what's wrong?!?

You: It's nothing, really!

Mabel: C'mon~!!! *pokes you many times* Tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me!!!

You: *laugh* Mabel, seriously, I'm fine!

Mabel: (y/n), I'm not gonna stop until you tell me- Oh my gosh, smile dip!!!! *runs off*

I decided to ignore the feeling and just try to have fun. Later on, we all heard a scream and went to the cabinet where the ice was stored. Dipper seemed nervous and there was an empty bag of ice with water next to it.

Lee: What was that? I thought I heard some ladies screaming.

Nate: You freaking out kid?

Dipper: Eh, no! No, I'm cool, everything's cool...!

Robbie: Then what's all this about? *points at the bag of ice on the floor*

Dipper: Oh, that's uh, uh... Hey look! *points at an arcade game* Dancy Pants Revolution!!! The game that tricks people into exercise!

Everyone except you and Dipper: *goes to the game*

Dipper: *sighs with relief*

You: Dip, what happened?

Dipper: Wha- what are you talking about? Nothing happened.

You: *look at Dipper with disappointment before you walk off*

Dipper's POV

I didn't know why, but (y/n) seemed to be acting cold towards me, as if she were mad at me! Why though? I hadn't done anything! ...had I...? Anyways, we went to see Thompson play, everyone chanting for him, except for (y/n). She was just looking at the floor, deep in thought. That's when I look at the front door to see our reflections, except that we were... skeletons?!? I rub my eyes and look at our reflections again to see they were normal. I decided to call Grunkle Stan, and as I ran I got a glimpse of (y/n) looking at me worriedly. I ran to the phone and marked Stan's number. He didn't pick up, perfect! I was gonna go talk to Mabel. After I explained everything to her, I realized that she was in no state to talk. When I turned around to go with the others, (y/n) was in front of me.

You: What's going on Dipper, and don't say it's nothing because there's obviously something wrong!

Dipper: Fine, I... I think this place might be hunted.

You: Tell me about it.

Dipper: Wait, you believe me?!?

You: Dipper, when have I not believed you?!? After everything we've been through you think I'm not gonna believe you?!?

Dipper: ...I-

You: We'll talk about this later. What have you found?

Your POV

Before Dipper could tell me anything, Robbie called all of us to the counter where two shapes resembling the bodies of a man and woman were at.

Lee: Woah, then the rumors are true!

Dipper: *gulps*

Robbie: Dude, I dare you to lie down in it.

Lee: Good idea, *gestures at Nate* dude go lie down in it.

Nate: Huh, I'm a dead body, look! *is about to step on the outline*

Dipper: Wait, maybe let's not do that!

Lee: This guy's scared~

Dipper: All I'm saying is: Why attempt the fate? I mean, what if this place really is... haunted...?

Wendy and Her Friends: *start to boo Dipper*

Robbie: Oh yeah, just take it down a notch, Captain Buzzkill.

Dipper: But I thought I was Dr. Fun Times!

Robbie: Well, you're acting like Captain Buzzkill, right?

Nate, Lee, and Tambry: *nod*

Wendy: ...yeah, maybe a little...

Tambry: Status update, trapped in store with insane nine year old.

You: *glare at the teens*

I was so mad at them!!! Seriously, if been jerks at other people is what being a teen means, then I don't want to be one!!! Especially Wendy, I thought she was the nice one of the group! She has always been like the perfect sister to me!!! Apparently, I was wrong! Before I had the chance to defend Dipper, he layed down in the outlines of the dead bodies. The outlines started to glow a bright green, so did the whole store, and I quickly pull Dipper away. We all look at Tambry who had dissolved!!!

Dipper: *picks up her phone* "Status update: Ahhhhhhhh!!!!"

Everyone: *looks at the tv to see Tambry inside*

Tambry: AHHHHHHH!!!!!

Everyone: AHHHHHHH!!!!!

Wendy: Tambry, Tambry!!!!

Dipper: Can you hear us?!?!?

Nate: What are we supposed to do?!?

Lee: I don't know, man!!! I don't know!!!

Robbie: Let's just go already!!!

Wendy: Thompson!!!

Thompson: *still dancing* Wait, *pants* I almost got the high score!!! *dissolves and appears inside the game* Huh, what?

Game: Time to shake what your mama gave you!!!

Thompson: *tries to avoid the falling arrows as they stab him everywhere* So many arrows!!!

Game: You're a dance machine!!!

Thompson: No, you're a dance machine!!! *cries*

You: Oh no...!!!!

Wendy: Thompson!!!

Robbie: Forget him!!! Let's go!!!

Doors: *close shut*

Wendy: *tries to open the doors* What the-?!? Guys, it's locked!!!

Robbie: *takes the cash register* Out of my way!!!! *throws it at the door which dissolves into nothing*

Dipper: Everybody wait!!! *takes out his journal* Whatever is doing this has to have some sort of reason!!! Maybe if we could just figure out what it is then they'll let us out of here!!!

Robbie: "Uh, they'll let us out of here!" Yeah that'd make so much sense!

Wendy: I don't know guys, maybe he's got a point!!!!

Lee: Yeah right, I'm sure the ghost just wants to talk about his feelings! *starts to float* Uh, UH, AHHH!!! *dissolves and appears in the poster of a cereal box* Wh-what?

Cereal: I'm bonkers for eating you!!! *stabs Lee with his spoon as you look away*

Nate: Lee!!!! Ok, ok, I'm with you kid, one hundred percent man!!!

Behind Nate was Mabel, but her pupils were gone and she was floating!!! She's possessed, isn't she?!?

Mabel: Welcome!

Everyone: AH!!!

Dipper: They got Mabel!!!

Mabel: Welcome to your grave young trespassers. *laughs evilly*

Wendy: W-w-we're super sorry for hanging out in your store!!!

Dipper: Yeah, can we just go now and leave forever?!?

Mabel: Well, ok, you're free to go. *opens the doors, then flies over to the hotdog machine* But before you leave hotdogs are now half off, I know it might be crazy but you have to try these dogs!

Robbie and Craig: AHHHHHH!!!! *run to the door*

Mabel: *closes the doors* Just kidding about the hotdog sale!!!

Nate: Just let us out of here already!!!!

Mabel: I don't like your tone!!! *picks up Nate and dissolves him into a hotdog*

Nate: What?!? No!!! I'M A HOTDOG!!!

Mabel: It begins!!!

We all start to float and land on the roof, along with every object that wasn't tied to the ground. When I land on the roof, I rubbed my head before realizing that a shelf was about to hit me. I was pushed by Dipper.

Mabel: Welcome to your home for all eternity!!!

Wendy: Dipper, what do we do?!?

Dipper: Duck!!! *pushes both you and Wendy down before getting hit by things*

You: *point at an empty cabinet* Quick, in there!!!

You, Dipper, and Wendy: *hide in the cabinet*

Wendy: What do they want from us?!?

Dipper: Revenge I guess?!?

You: What did we do wrong?!?

Dipper: Ok, let's try to figure out the pattern here! Why was each person taken?!? Tambry was texting,

You: Thompson was playing a videogame-

Dipper: Lee was being sarcastic, it doesn't make any sense!!!

Wendy: Yeah, I mean those are all just normal teenager things!!!

Dipper: Wait, Wendy, say that last part again?

Wendy: Normal teenage things?

Dipper: Of course!!! Stay here until I get back!!! *leaves the cabinet*

Wendy: Dude, what are you doing?!?

You: Dipper, get back here!!!

Dipper: Hey ghost!!!

Mabel: *turns her head in a 360* Yes? *turns her body and makes Dipper float*

Dipper: I've got something to tell you!!! I'm not a teenager!!!

Dipper was dropped and Mabel's eyes turned back to normal. Behind her were two people er-, ghost. They seemed of age. They were holding unto Mabel.

Male Ghost: Ohoho, well why didn't you say so?!? *drops Mabel* How old did you say you were?

Dipper: I'm... I'm twelve... technically not a teen...

Female Ghost: When we were alive, teenagers were a scourge on our store!

Male Ghost: Always sassafrassin customers with their boomie boxes and disrespectful short pants. So we decided to up and ban, but they retaliated with this new flanged rap music!

Female Ghost: The lyrics, they were so... hateful! Oh my, so shocking! We were stricken down with double heart attacks. That's why we hate teenagers so much! Isn't that right honey?

Ghosts: *nuzzle their noses lovingly*

Dipper: But they're my friends, isn't there anything I can do to help them?

Male Ghost: Well, there is one thing. Do you know any funny little dances?

Dipper: Is there anything else I can do?

Male Ghost: *turns into a fire being* NOOOO!!!!

Dipper: Ok ok ok!!! Um, well, I do know the Lamby Lamby dance..., but uh I can't really do it without a lamb costume.

Male Ghost: *snaps his fingers making Dipper's outfit change into a lamb costume*

Dipper: Oh, well, there it is... *takes a deep breath* Welllllllllllll, who wants the lamby lamby lamby, I do, I do! So go up and greet your mamy mamy mamy, hi there, hi there! So march march march around-

Male Ghost: Yes, yes, more! More!!!

Dipper: Don't don't don't you forget about the babyyyyy!!! *puts a finger on his cheek making an adorable pose*

Male Ghost: That was some fine girly dancin' boy. Your friends are free. *opens the doors and gives Dipper his clothes back*

Dipper: Well, I don't think you have to worry about us coming back so...

Ghosts: *disappear causing everyone to turn back to normal and for gravity to return to normal making everyone fall down*

Everyone: *crawls out and stand up*

Dipper: *goes to Mabel*

Mabel: *grunts* I'm never gonna eat or do anything ever again...!

Dipper: *picks up a smile dip bag* Hey there's still some left!

Mabel: *slaps it off his hand* Evil!!!

Lee: Wha... what happened after everything went crazy?

Wendy: You are not going to believe it! The ghost appeared and Dipper had to-

Dipper: ...

Wendy: Uh... ahem, and uh... Dipper just grabbed a bat and started beating the ghost done left and right! And then the ghost got all scared and ran away like a couple of little girls. It was insane!

Wendy's Friends: *cheer for Dipper*

Wendy: *does the secret sign*

Dipper: *returns the sign*

We go to the van and I immediately go to my seat. I see Dipper and Wendy talking, Dipper seemed to be struck with joy making my heart sink. Why?!? Uh, whatever, I'll write about it later. Dipper sat down between Mabel and me like earlier. Mabel was not looking good.

Mabel: Oh... *reads what she had written earlier* What kind of sick joke is this...?

Dipper: *chuckles, then looks at you*

You: *fiddle with your necklace*

Dipper: (y/n)...?

You: *look at Dipper*

Dipper: Listen, I... I'm sorry for not trusting you earlier, I just...

You: You didn't want to embarrass yourself in front of your... crush and her friends...

Dipper: Well...

You: It's fine, I get it. I've had crushes before, I know how they work. But... just know that no matter what happens, you can trust me, okay?

Dipper: *nods* Thanks (y/n). *offers a fist pump*

You: *look at his hand, before smiling and fist bumping him* Don't mention it.

I won't lie, the thought of Dipper liking someone else hurt... a lot... but being his friend was good enough for me. I just can't let my feelings get in the way of our friendship.

Thanks for reading!!! 'Till next time!!!


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