An Alternative Spin

Von Josephina2017

1.8K 55 22

Mal's plan to steel the magic wand succeeds and now everyone else must pay the price of her actions, can anyo... Mehr

The Coronation
The Villainous kids
Trouble Strikes
To The Isle
On The Isle
The Escape
A change in power
Mal's New Pet
Zevon's Toy
Three Days Later
Deals and Punishment

Play Toy or Pretend

70 3 1
Von Josephina2017

I'd like to thank Pinksakura271 for helping me with some idea's for this chapter and for reviewing :)

Josie was woken up by the sound of the cage opening, she looks up to see Mal looking at her "Come on sleepy head, you can come out now." Mal told her, Josie moved further into the back of the cage. Mal rolled her eyes, she pulled the cage towards herself before going around the back and tilting the box forward, Josie fell out of the cage with a whimper. "You didn't want to go in there before and now you don't want to come out." Mal sighed "Crazy cat." Mal said before picking Josie up, Josie didn't get a chance to move before she was picked up.

Mal sat on her bed and held Josie on her lap, she started to stroke the hybrids ears. Then someone knocked on the door, Mal groaned before yelling "It's open!" Ginny opened the door and walked in. "Your royal highness, I came to warn you that Pinky will not be made submissive easily." Ginny told Mal formally, showing Mal a lot of respect as she spoke. Mal laughed "No Ginny, you don't know that Pinkette like I do. She will be tamed by anyone-"Mal was cut off by Josie leaping off her lap and running through the open door.

Josie ran as fast as she could, she had no idea where she was going, she only cared that she got away. Eventually Josie's legs and feet began to ache and throb. Josie started to pant, she stopped for a minuet and fearfully checked to see if Mal was behind her, she sighed when she noticed Mal wasn't there... yet.

Gaston was walking through the castle halls to see something that sent alarm bells ringing in his head, a creature with cat ears and a tail. He stomped on the creature's tail, as the creature meowed in pain Gaston kicked it into a wall before clamping his hands around it's throat, attempting to strangle the monstrosity. The creature clawed at his hands and struggled desperately to escape.

Mal and Ginny were searching for Kat when they heard Gaston yelling, they followed Gaston's voice to see him attacking Josie. "Hey, you, Brute, paws of Queen Mal's pet!" Ginny yelled before she stomped on Gaston's foot. "OW!" Gaston yelled as he held onto his foot before yelling out several colourful words before suddenly realising what she said, Gaston paled in dread. Ginny ignored Gaston and picked up Josie who had coughed up a little bit of blue blood and was now gasping for air, she gave the hybrid back to Mal.

Josie was clinging onto Mal, shaking as she held on, she preferred Mal to Gaston. Red marks covered Josie's neck from where Gaston tried to strangle her. Gaston looked to Queen Mal with a look of terror on his face. "I- I didn't know. That thing looks like an abomination, So, I had the instinct to kill it. Please my Lady, forgive me." Gaston stuttered, Mal just smirks not taking her eyes off Gaston. "Instinct to kill my pet? Huh? Well now I have the instinct to hurt you." She told him before snapped her fingers, a phone appeared in her hand and she called Zevon from his room. "Yes, in main hall near the dungeons. I have another lab rat for you. But this one really torture it." Mal hanged up with a smirk, in a puff of blue smoke Zevon appeared a look of pure sinister glee on his face.

Zevon had Gaston hand cuffed turned to Mal, Ginny just stood there and awaited orders. "Queen Mal, if I'm to have another lab rat may I have permission to switch him for Pinkette in the laboratory cell?" Zevon requested, Ginny looked suspiciously at Zevon 'Why ask to have Pinky let out? Gaston thrown in there with her, it would break her faster. Make her scared she and she would be sexually assaulted by him.' Ginny thought, Mal petted Josie, pondering it and eventually, much to Zevon's relief, agreed.

"But when they switch where will you keep your toy?" Mal asked, Zevon didn't need to think about it "My own chambers of course." He tried to keep a stern, sinister, smug look. "Fine but on one condition. I'm holding you responsible for any trouble she causes." Mal told him before she turned to leave, still petting Josie, Ginny followed Mal as she started to leave. Over her shoulder she told him "Oh, don't forget to sound proof your room for her torture." 'I wouldn't ever force anything on Sweet Rose, unless she asked for it.' Zevon grinned a real grin as Mal left.

After Mal & Ginny walked away back to the throne room, Zevon turned and forced Gaston, who is still in chains, down the dark staircase, through a secret passage leading to the laboratory dungeon cell. The door slides upwards revealing Amy in a fatal position on the springy metal bed. Amy didn't move when Zevon shoved Gaston on the floor. Zevon grabbed Amy's arms away from her head. Her emerald green eyes looked up at him, she shaked with fear.

"Hey Pinky rearrangements. Get up, you're my personal play toy remember? Let's go I want to see what I can do to you before you break." Zevon taunts before he put hand cuffs on Amy and walked out the cell up to the surface with her. They ran into Malice when they got up into the dark halls, he glared at Amy but said to Zevon. "You're finally going to play with it? Huh she always was a weakling. Shouldn't be too tough to make her beg for her little life." Malice said with some cruel amusement before he continued to walk down to where the prisoners are, to continue to torture the less important prisoners.

Zevon & Amy turned to watch Malice leave, they both glared at his back. Zevon grabbed a potion and teleported them both to his room. Once inside Zevon motioned for Amy to be quiet, he casted a sound proof spell. He breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm truly Sweet Rose. But now we can talk freely." Zevon uncuffed Amy, rubbing at her aching wrists to help. "Zevon, why did you get me out? I'm thankful no doubt but why?" Amy asked, Zevon leaned down and stopped rubbing her wrists, he started caressing her left cheek. "Why? Simple, you deserve to be as comfortable as can be in this crazy place." Amy's gasps softy at his words & gesture. She blushes pink but looks ashamed herself. Zevon stopped and watched as she looked down a little "Comfortable? No, I deserve to suffer. I'm the reason Josie, my poor Delcatty, is nothing more than a common pet. We argued horribly, she was hurt, I was hurt, then because of it she couldn't defend herself like she normally does." Amy told him.

Zevon sighed and moved away from Amy, he motioned her to sit on his bed. He walked over to his huge desk. He opened one of the drawers and revealed a chain with a black gemstone pendent. Amy at looked odd at the gem. "Let me guess, that thing is like marking me as yours? So that if I "misbehave" it will hurt me?" Amy used air quotes on misbehave. Zevon smirks "Still the sly Sweet Rose I remember. It will cause you to feel numbing, freezing, cold temperatures." He walked over to her, he placed the chain around her neck, he lightly brushed his fingers over her pink hair. "When we are around anyone, you must listen to me. No matter what don't speak or acknowledge anyone unless I tell you too." Amy looked down at the pendant around her neck, nodded her head understandingly.

Amy decided to ask Zevon a question she had meant to ask him earlier "Zevon just... have you tried talking to Jay & the others? Don't they know your acting as a double agent now?" Amy got up, she stared up into his brown eyes. He looked ashamed more than he did before. He held her hands firmly. "No, before I went to the Isle, I knew I wanted to help you Sweet Rose. But I... Jay & the rest don't know a thing. I felt it wasn't safe, I'm still not sure it is." Amy smiles tenderly at him. "Well things will be different now." She told him with a reassuring smile.

Meanwhile on The Isle

Carlos used scanners to see if Amy is still there on the isle somewhere. He slammed his hands onto the table. "No! Not Cherry Blossom too." Carlos groaned. Bree walked over to him holding a somewhat clean rag to him. "Carlos, the reason Amy told me to come to you was she has faith in your skills. You're her Red Tech, right?" Carlos took the rag and used it to clean up his sweat. "True but without Jay & now Amy even with Evie taking care of what remains of us, it's still not enough." As Bree worried about Amy, she couldn't help but feel responsible for it all.

Carlos noticed Bree's expression "It's not your fault Bree." Carlos told her "No, it is. If I had stayed and helped her I-" Carlos cut her off by saying "You would have been captured as well." He told her with a sigh. "Carlos?" Bree asked, "What?" He asked tiredly "What if we got the other VKs on the isle to help us? We all have a common enemy, so maybe they'll help us." Bree suggested. "I don't know... VKs aren't really known for working together, at least not all of us together." Carlos said "Still, it's worth a try." Bree reasoned, wanting to help them find some solution to their problems, even if it is temporary.

Back in Auradon

Mal sat down on her throne, she gently placed Josie on her lap "You mustn't run away like that, understand my kitten?" Mal asked, Josie nodded a little, the red marks around her neck had started to fade and turn into bruises, Mal gently brushed one of her fingers across the marks, she stopped when Josie recoiled, Mal sighed "I might get you checked out soon, just to make sure you're not injured too badly." Mal muttered before using her magic to summon the lead, "Don't want a repeat now do we." Mal said before connecting the chain to Josie's collar, careful not to cause more pain to the hybrid. Josie sat on Mal's lap, shaking uncontrollably, she didn't bother trying to escape.

In Zevon's room, Zevon and Amy have calmed down. He reassuringly told her that Josie doesn't blame Amy for what happened to them, then the two decided to head to the throne room. They decided to not have cuffs on Amy, now that she has the black gemstone pendent around her neck. To make it more believable that Amy is Zevon's Play Toy, they chose to change her clothes. Amy helped pick the clothes, but she still hated what she was wearing! A dark blue, skimpy dress that ended at her thighs with simple black ballet shoes. Her pink hair still cherry blossom pink but with a blue ribbon in a low ponytail. "This feels awful." Amy said, feeling uncomfortable about how exposed she is "I know but we need to pull this off." Zevon told her, he held her hand and lightly squeezed it reassuringly, she squeezed his hand back and gave him a shaky smile, she was nervous, worried something would go wrong. "Remember what I told you before?" He asked, Amy nodded "I remember." She told him. They both made their way to the throne room.

When they arrived at the entrance to the throne room, Zevon glared at the two knuckle head guards who stared at Amy lustfully, like she was a piece of meat. Zevon looked back at Amy whom is staring at the floor, just as he had told her. "Put your eyes back in your heads or you will wake up blind & bleeding. Let me through!" Zevon snarled, Amy wondered if Zevon's anger of the situation fake or not. Zevon harshly pulled Amy as they walked in. Mal was on her throne with Josie on her lap, she was talking to Anthony Tremaine. They both stopped and stared at Amy. Mal was looking pleased, a little too pleased, Anthony was looking hungrily at her.

Mal placed Josie on her throne and connected the chain to the foot of the throne, so there couldn't be a repeat of what happened earlier. She walked over Zevon, she sided glanced at Amy. Amy decided to try communicating with Josie 'Josie!? Josie can you hear me!?' Amy didn't get a reply. Josie just looked down, remembering Mal telling her to stay away from Amy and Josie was certainly not in any position to disobey Mal now, especially after what happened earlier.

"Did you break her already? I see the pendant you created looks interesting, but does it work?" Mal questioned. Anthony walked over, not caring about what their talking about, he grabbed Amy's chin roughly, not caring that it hurt her. "You are beautiful. Let's see if your pink anywhere else huh?" He said, moving even closer to her, he moved his other arm around her waist, then he moved his hand down lower, Amy looked up at Anthony, her eyes glowed crimson red. She grabbed his wrist and twisted it until they all heard the loud sound of a cracking bone. Anthony held it, hissing in pain, moving away from her as he held his broken wrist.

Zevon turned to her and made the pendent glow icy blue instead of it's normal, dominant black state. Amy fell to her knees, she hugged herself, feeling as if she's freezing to death. "What did I tell you?! You're not supposed look, let alone acknowledge someone else's presence UNLESS I TELL YOU TOO!" He shouted. Amy, while shivering uncontrollably, stuttered out "Yes... My Lord... plea-se please fo-forgive me. I- it won't... happen... again." Zevon stopped the pendent from glowing, Amy stood up, shaking as she did, and walked over to Zevon in a silent command, she leaned up kissed his cheek. Zevon smirked darkly, he lightly bit her neck, Amy moaned in submission, she turned and looked back down to the floor. "That's better." Mal said, she smirked during it all, she snapped her fingers, healing Anthony's wrist immediately, his wrist seemed as if it was never broken. "Zevon well done... I knew it wouldn't take long to break her. But keep on as you will, she is still too feisty." Anthony glared at Amy then turned to Mal. "Feisty?! My queen it broke my bone! That pink thing attacked me!" Anthony growled.

Zevon grabbed Anthony's shirt collar. "That only proves if I'm attacked, she will defend me from harm. Plus, you touched what wasn't yours to play with. You'll be lucky if I don't poison you for it." Zevon growled. Mal cackled loudly, Amy tried to cover up her anger at the sound. "That's enough boys, Anthony leave go get Lonnie, bring her to me, I've got big plans regarding her. As for you Zevon, go keep playing with your toy. Notify me immediately at new developments on her." Mal ordered, she smirked at Amy with a cruel glint in her eyes before walking back to her throne, she removed the chain from the chair and grabbed Josie before leaving.

Once Amy and Zevon got back to the room they sighed with relief "That could've gone way worse." Zevon muttered before walking over to Amy "Are you okay?" He asked, she nodded "Yeah, I'm okay but I'd prefer to get changed quickly." She told him, feeling very uncomfortable. Zevon nodded and turned away to let her change. Once Amy was back in her isle clothes she turned to Zevon, she sighed sadly "What's wrong sweet rose?" Zevon asked her, suggesting for her to sit down on the bed. Amy sat next to him "I tried to talk to Josie through our telepathic link but..." Amy trailed off "She didn't respond?" Zevon guessed "It's was like she blocked me out." Amy told him, Zevon frowned, "Blocking you out?" Zevon repeated, confused about why her cousin would block their link.

Mal took Josie to her room, making sure to close the door this time, she checked Josie's neck "Stupid Gaston!" Mal growled as she examined the bruises, Josie jumped a little as Mal growled, Mal sighed "Never run away from me again, look what happened to you, what would you have done if Ginny and I hadn't arrived!?" Mal scolded, Josie looked down, Mal sighed. "I wonder why your blood was blue?" Mal muttered, Josie moved away a little, Mal grabbed her gently before she sat down and placed the hybrid on her lap "Hmm, maybe later we should train you how to defend and attack, or at least who and who not to be loyal to." Mal muttered as she petted the hybrid, Josie gulped in fear, not liking the idea of being 'trained'.

Still tired after what happened earlier, Josie started to fall asleep, she tried to stay awake but eventually she just got too tired. When Josie was asleep Mal decided to make sure the hybrid will be less likely to trust anyone except her and Malice and too break Amy and Josie's link more. Mal held her hand above Josie's head and muttered an incarnation, her hand glowed green.

Josie was back on the isle, her collar and wrist cuffs were gone, Josie looked around in surprise and slight fear, worried about what's going on, the sky was overcast and the area was a little foggy, giving the isle a grim feeling "Hello?" She called, hoping to find the others, she heard a noise in a nearby alleyway, she gasped when she saw someone there but sighed in relief when she realised it was just Carlos "You almost scared me." Josie told him "What do you want freak!?" Carlos spat, glaring at her like she was a pest, Josie was confused, why would Carlos say that "Well? What are you doing here!?" Carlos yelled, not acting like his usual nice self at all. "Carlos, what is wrong? You seem different." Josie said, not understanding. Carlos didn't reply, he just glared at her with eyes that were as cold as steel.

Suddenly others began to surround her, Evie, Malia, Ulric, Jay, the AKs and some more VKs. They all circled around her "What's going on?" Josie asked, feeling nervous about the glares she was receiving. "Carlos, what's that thing doing here!?" Evie asked, referring to Josie in disgust "I know we've never been best friends but really?" Josie asked, confused about why Evie would call her a thing. "That filthy cat should have been caged years ago!" Ulric yelled, Josie honestly wasn't surprised about that, Ulric always wanted to get rid of her. A series of agreements came from the large crowd, including the AKs. Josie looked around in confusion and fear 'What's going on!?' Josie thought, the crowd seemed to be very hostile towards her. "Freak!" Some people in the crowd yell, "Deception! Disgrace!" Others would yell "Evil as plain as the scar on her face!" Malia snarled, Josie just realised her hair wasn't covering her scar. "P, please, why are you acting like this!?" Josie stuttered a little, she had no idea what was going on and to be honest... she was scared. Her ears flattened, and her tail flickered nervously.

"Amy!" Carlos yelled, "Skitty's here!?" Josie exclaimed, shocked and worried about her cousin. The crowd parted a little and allowed Amy to walk in before closing back up again, Josie would've ran up to her but the hateful glare with her red eyes directed at Josie stopped Josie from doing so "You! You never should have come back you little vermin!" She yelled, the crowd agreed with her. "Skitty!? What did I do wrong!?" Josie asked, she started to cry a little "Oh look, the monstrosity is crying! Probably upset that it can't go kill any innocent people and other living creatures!" Jay yelled.

"Why are you so angry!? I'm a VK like you so why are you all against me!?" Josie finally yelled, she had no idea why the others were doing this, their insults rang through her head like a hurricane. Tears flowed from her eyes as she looked at Amy who was slowly moving towards her. "We may not be able to kill it, but we can at least make sure it can't hurt anyone else again!" Amy yelled as she moved towards Josie, Josie realised Amy was paler then before "Amy, are you okay! What did I do!?" Josie asked, instead of answering Josie Amy yelled "I won't be able to remove the memories of being... being a boy's toy! But at least I can get even with those monsters by doing this!" Amy yelled before unsheathing a sword, not just any sword, the sword of not only Josie's nightmares but almost every other Jabberwock there is, the vorpal blade, a loud rumble of thunder rumbled through the area, rain began to fall, quickly going from a few drops of rain, to rain coming down in sheets.

Josie gasped in terror as she saw the blade, Josie moved away from Amy as she came closer with the blade. Josie moved until her back hit the wall. "Please, Skitty don't!" josie pleaded, shaking in pure terror at the sight of the blade "Did you help me when I was getting ra-" She stopped, unable to speak, Josie gasped when she realised what she was saying, Amy shook her head "No, you didn't show mercy and help me, so I won't show mercy to you! No one will ever show mercy to an abomination like you! You're a freak! A monstrosity and a disgrace!" And with that final word, Amy plunged the sword into Josie's stomach with no remorse. Josie screamed in agony, her blue blood flowed out of the wound, the crowd cheered and congratulated Amy for doing it. "Why?" Josie asked in a shaky voice, in pain, cold, scared and now pinned to a wall. "Because you deserve it, you've always deserved it!" Amy replied, her voice was as cold as steel. "I've wanted to see that since the first day I saw her!" Evie yelled. "Come on! Let's get inside!" Carlos called, everyone left, except Amy, she glared at Josie with her cold red eyes for a second before turning away, following the others, leaving Josie alone and in pain. Josie tried to get free from the blade but that only resulted in more pain, eventually she just gave up trying to escape.

Josie woke up on Mal's lap with a terrified meow, Josie was crying and shaking "You okay?" Mal asked before grabbing Josie's hand, she used her magic to see the nightmare her magic created "Oh, sweetie." Mal said before hugging the sobbing hybrid "It's okay, it's okay. I won't let that happen, stay with me and I'll keep you safe." Mal cooed, Josie leaned into Mal's hug as she sobbed, broken little meows escaped her mouth as she cried.

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