The Dragon Rider Vol. 3 Red M...

By Tegan_Jayne

18.8K 1.1K 198

Now that I am finally healed, I need to save Aurora. But with the Red Moon staying, those without power are n... More

The Dragon Rider Vol. 4 Death of a King


1K 68 10
By Tegan_Jayne

"Where the hell is she!" Shouted Robert. After the news of Abagail's disappearance, Robert had stormed his way into the meeting room. He had overheard a few elves talking about Abagail's disappearance. At first, he didn't believe it, but when he heard more of them talking he knew he couldn't just stand by. Although Abagail wasn't his real daughter he did still care for her like his own, despite what he had told her.

Clenching his fists he gazed around at all the riders sitting around the table. William kept his eyes cast down onto the table, his face red with anger as his breaths came out sharp. Just by looking at him, Robert knew it was taking everything inside him not to rush after Abagail. Although he hadn't been in Abagail's life long, he could see how much the prince loved his daughter.

His daughter. Closing his eyes, Robert took a deep breath. "I want my daughter back."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure we get her back." Clenching his jaw William gazed at Robert, determination heavy in his eyes.

Taking a deep breath, Robert made his way towards the table. Gazing down at the map, he pointed to a certain point. "She will be here."

Taking a deep breath, William fixed the cuffs on his armor. He along with the rest of the riders was all dressed up and ready to head to the dark mountains in hopes of finding Abagail. Robert had a hunch of her going to get her dragon back, but William couldn't shake a feeling that she wasn't there. Yes, he knew she wanted her dragon back, but he had hope that Abagail wouldn't be doing it this way. He hoped that she would've asked him for help along with the rest of the riders. Gripping onto the rains attached to Zor, he gazed out into the night sky with dark determined eyes. He was ready to find Luca and this time give him the punishment he needed.


Groaning in pain, I squinted at the intruding light. Turning onto my side, I felt a sharp pain strike through my shoulder. Memories of the night before jolted into my mind along with the searing pain. Hissing at the memory, I groaned once more.

"Gee, anymore whining anyone would think you're in pain."

Sighing at the voice, I turned my head to glare and Luca. After all, if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be in pain. Smirking in my direction, he stoked the fire with more wood.

"Now, now princess, no need to curse me inside your head."

Shocked, I quickly looked away causing small laughter to fall from his lips. I had to admit, the laughter was somewhat calming and if I wasn't in pain I'd most likely smile with him. Reaching around to touch the mark, I felt the angry lines that now covered Aurora's mark. Closing my eyes I thought about her.

My heart yearned to have her back. I wanted to know if she was okay, I wanted to have her with me once again. I felt so lost without her, but I knew it wouldn't be long until I had her back. We were close, that I knew. I could feel the power from the red moon running through my veins, screaming at me to use it; but I couldn't.

If I used the power from the red moon, I'd be just like him; I couldn't be like him. Sitting up I gazed around the cave. The sun looked as if it was starting to rise, but even with the sun coming out the red moon still hung high in the air.

"Can you feel it?" Luca whispered.

Frowning, I shook my head. "Feel what?"

Poking the fire, he continued. "The red moons' power?"

Shocked and confused, I gazed at him. How would he know about the feeling the red moon gave off unless...

"How do you know?" I whispered.

Clearing his throat, he continued. "I had just heard the riders saying that the red moon gives those with powers more energy."

"But did they tell you that it's evil magic?"

Smirking he nodded. "Yes, they did." Standing to his feet, I watched as he grabbed his sword and bag before moving towards me. With his hand outstretched, his eyes gazed towards the entrance of the cave.

"We best leave and get to your dragon. With us staying too long, Toban's patrols may find us if we stay."

Nodding, I grasped onto his hand before a powerful tug had me slamming into his chest, my nose only inches away from his. Taking a deep breath I gazed into his eyes. Something in me stirred as I stared into his eyes. Warmth spread through my body as he leaned slightly down towards my lips.

Pulling away I glanced at the entrance of the cage. "We should go."

Clearing his throat he nodded. "Of course, we have a battle ahead of us."


Reaching the top of the mountain, I fought to catch my breath. Luca had said there would be some climbing but he failed to mention that the climbing involved scaling the side of a rock face. As hard as it is to admit, if he wasn't around I would've fallen to the bottom of the mountain. The rock face wasn't easy to climb, and as we got higher more and more rocks would fall from the very top and now I understood why.

Patrolling the edge of the mountain were rogues. Each one of them wearing the king's armor and was armed with weapons that glistened at the points. Clenching my fists I gripped tighter onto the bow. I had to be strong, I couldn't let my fear take over.

Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes when a strong feeling entered my body.


"Aurora." Snapping my eyes open, I gazed at the dark castle before me. Many rogues patrolled the castle grounds as Luca crept closer to the edge of the mountain. Sighing, I felt power flow through me as my breathing deepened.

"She's in there."

"Are you sure?" Whispered Luca.

Nodding I glared at the gates. "We need to get her-."

Before I was able to say another word the sound of shouting to our left caught our attention. Heading our way were a group of rogues. Each one had their swords raised and ready to strike.

Jumping to his feet, Luca swung at one of the Rogues successfully cutting off its head. Stopping one of the rogue's swords with his own, Luca turned to me with a groan. "Go!"

"What?" shocked I stood to my feet. Grabbing an arrow I shot at one of the approaching rogues.

"Go get Aurora!"

Turning around, I went to rush towards the castle but stopped in my tracks at who was standing there behind me. Smirking at me, hand on his sword, Markus stared down at me.

Holding up his hand the rogues stopped. "Now, that isn't how we treat our guests."

A few rogues grunted in anger but made no move against him. Gritting my teeth I couldn't help the anger that flowed through me. I wanted to end his life, once and for all. Reaching my hand down, I grabbed an arrow.

Pulling back on the arrow, I watched it sail through the air towards his head. Before it could even hit his head it stopped mid-air, the arrow still slowly spinning. Smirking, Markus grabbed the arrow. "Did you really think that would kill me?"

Gritting my teeth, I lunged at him. Swinging my fist towards him I groaned as he dodged it. Swinging once more, I gasped in shock as I was pulled into his chest. His grip on my wrist was tight and as he gazed down at me, I could see the hatred burning behind his once blue eyes that were now red.

"You'll have to try harder than that, love." Turning his attention to the Rogues, he nodded. "They're coming with us." Gazing down at me, his smirk returned. "There is someone who is dying to meet you."

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