An Alternative Spin

By Josephina2017

1.8K 55 22

Mal's plan to steel the magic wand succeeds and now everyone else must pay the price of her actions, can anyo... More

The Coronation
The Villainous kids
Trouble Strikes
To The Isle
On The Isle
The Escape
A change in power
Mal's New Pet
Play Toy or Pretend
Three Days Later
Deals and Punishment

Zevon's Toy

88 3 0
By Josephina2017

I'd like to thank Pinksakura271 for helping me with a part of this chapter and for commenting :D

Oh, and this is the longest chapter I've ever bothered to write

Josie was woken up by the sound of a door opening and closing, Josie hadn't even realised she had fallen asleep. "Aww, is Kat a little tiered?" Mal mocked. Josie hugged herself even more to try being smaller. "Don't worry my little kitty, we'll go to bed soon." Mal told her, she walked up and unchained her from the bed and pulled the lead, "I forgot to get rid of this, sorry kitten." Mal said before removing the muzzle. "Now come on." Mal said as she dragged Josie to another door, she opened it to reveal a lavender bathroom. "OK kitty, bath time." Mal said before locking the door.

Josie ran to the door, trying to scratch her way out. Mal sighed as she started to run the water in the bathtub. "Right, come here Kat." Mal called, reluctantly Josie came over. "Good girl, now hold still, this may hurt a little." Mal warned before she held her hand out, it glowed green with magic. Josie tried to scream with pain but instead meows of pain came out, Josie fell over. When she stood up everything was bigger, Mal had shrunk her, Josie meowed fearfully "Sorry kitty Kat but I had to do it, now let's move onto the claws." Mal said before grabbing Josie's hands with one of her own. Her hand glowed green and when she removed her hand, Josie's fingernails that were shaped in a claw like style, were now blunt at the end, making them useless to scratch with but still relatively long.

Josie stumbled back a little before Mal grabbed her by the scruff of her neck, which was easy for Mal considering Josie is now the size of a kitten "Aren't you adorable." Mal cooed, tickling Josie under her chin, Josie swiped at Mal's hand "Okay, next on the list, the bath." Mal said before using her magic to change her, remove the lead and then placed the hybrid into the warm water. Josie was red with embarrassment as Mal washed her with shampoo and other stuff Josie had never seen. Josie didn't bother to resist since she would probably get into trouble with Mal and she didn't want that. Josie would never admit it out loud, but it felt nice, Mal was very gentle while washing the hybrid and made sure to be careful around her sensitive ears. Josie couldn't help but purr, "Aww, Kitty Kat like that huh?" Mal asked as if she was talking to a baby.

After that, Mal picked her up and wrapped a towel around the hybrid and carried her back into her room, Mal dried the feline hybrid and with a snap of her fingers, Josie had some purple clothes on. Mal narrowed her eyes at Josie when she noticed the food bowl still full "Your supposed to eat the food Kat." Mal said while shaking her head, she picked Josie up and placed her near the food and water. "Come on, eat." Mal urged, Josie shook her head stubbornly, but her stomach growled, "You need food and water." Mal told her, Mal cupped her hand in the water and tried to get some water into Josie, she wasn't sure how long it has been since the hybrid last had a drink. Josie tried to move away but Mal grabbed her with her other hand.

Mal sighed when Josie wouldn't drink "Please kitty, you need to have something." Mal groaned in frustration, 'Malice I need to you here, Kat won't eat or drink.' Mal told her brother telepathically. Not long after she told him Malice came in. He came and stood next to Mal. He sighed when he noticed the food and water was basically untouched, he walked up to Josie and picked her up by the scruff of her neck "She should be very hungry." Malice said, noticing how malnourished she is. He took the hybrid and placed her on the bed "I think she's very nervous, give her some time and she should calm down but if she doesn't let me know." Malice told Mal "First, thanks for that and second, what are you? A vet? How do you know that?" Mal asked, Malice shrugged "You need to know how living things react to different situations when you torture them." Malice said before heading to the door "I'm going to go taunt some prisoners." Malice said before leaving Mal with the terrified hybrid. Mal sighed and picked up the hybrid, she placed Josie on her lap and began stroking her, Josie shaked with terror but didn't try to run or struggle. After awhile Malice walked in "Mal, you need to come, it will only be a few minutes." Malice said before closing the door.

Mal sighed before picking Josie up "Hmm, maybe I can bring you with me." Mal wondered aloud 'Hey Malice, I'm bring Kat.' Mal told her brother 'Okay, just keep her on the lead, don't want her getting lost.' Malice reminded her. Mal held Josie in one hand and grabbed the chain in the other hand, she connected the chain to Josie's collar. Mal then walked over to the door and went outside with the small hybrid clinging onto her for life, worried that she might be dropped. Mal smiled at her before sitting down in her throne, she placed the small hybrid on her lap before nodding to Malice.

"Let him in!" Malice ordered, Zevon walked in "Yes Zevon? What is it you need?" Mal asked while petting the whimpering hybrid. "I would like to request your approvals to go to the isle and redrieve a lab rat for my experiments, a play toy of sorts. Would you mind if I use anyone or someone specific" Zevon requested, not realising he didn't say retrieve properly. Mal and Malice laughed a little at him 'How can a guy as smart as him not be able to say retrieve?' Malice thought 'We may never know.' Mal commented. Mal nodded "Yes, you may use anyone who crosses your path but be back in twelve hours or less or else!" She yelled, Zevon nodded meekly before leaving. "Well that was easy, I'm going to take a break for a while." Mal said before getting up and going to her room with Josie.

On the Isle

Zevon was cautiously looking around the ruined isle, he was beginning to think no one was there until he saw a flash of pink in the distance, Zevon smirked, knowing exactly who it is 'This won't be hard.' Zevon thought.

Amy and Bree were walking around, making sure no one else was there when they heard something behind them, Amy and Bree turned to see a guy running at them, "Quick, go get Carlos and the others!" Amy told Bree as she ran, Bree reluctantly ran in the opposite direction, she ran to the Bargain castle as fast as she could.

Amy thought while she was running 'Oh my pink! I'm that stupid huh? They saw me. Can't run to one the hideouts now.' Amy criss crossed around dark, disgusting, nearly destroyed alleyways. She ran as fast as she could.

Meanwhile with Bree

Bree ran to the bargain castle 'This can't be happening. Amy... no... she can't get captured.' She clenched her fists. 'Do as Amy said, go to Carlos he will know what to do.' Bree thought as she kept running, she prayed for Amy's safe the whole time.

Meanwhile with Amy

Amy had been undetected by Zevon so far. But she knew she couldn't keep on like this much longer. Leans on a brick wall of an abandoned building holds her head with her left hand while the other holds tightly to the wall. "Please... tell me I... lost them." Amy panted, her Cerebral Palsy kicking in "It's not a them, just me, hello again my Sweet Rose." Amy stiffens trying not blush pink, knowing only one person calls her 'Sweet Rose'. Zevon rests his hand on her left shoulder and forces Amy to turn around.

Zevon lifts her chin to make her look him in the eye. Amy's breathing hitched, she was nearly breathless. "You... Zevon... but-" Zevon smirks "Me Sweet Rose. The chase was fun, but you know you can't ever escape me." Amy angrily shoves his hands away. Eyes glowing dark red, Zevon still smiling thinks 'Those red roses, so much hidden beautiful dangerous power.' Amy suddenly, because of her aching legs and feet, stumbles back. Zevon smoothly catches her wrists, holding her firmly but gently at the same time. Amy struggled to get away from him, Zevon just smiled at her attempts. "Now Sweet Rose, careful now, you will hurt yourself." Zevon told her before grabbing special hand cuffs and cuffing her hands "Now, you and I are going to be going to the big city." Zevon taunted before throwing a potion that sent them directly outside the castle.


Bree finally arrived at the Bargain castle, she yelled for Carlos in desperation. "Carlos hurry in here please. Amy's in trouble!" "CHERRY BLOSSOM'S GONE?" Carlos screams running into Bree. He grabbed her shoulders abrasively, scaring her a little. "Where is Amy? What kind of danger? Why didn't you move faster?" Bree shoves Carlos away. "Breath okay. Cherry I mean Amy ordered me to get you and the others. She said you would know what to do." Bree told him, Carlos groaned in annoyance "Why would she think I would know what to do!?" Carlos groaned, worried beyond belief about Amy "Evie! We've got an emergency!" He called, "What happened?" She asked as she came running into the room. "Cherry Blossom has... wait what actually happened?" Carlos asked, "Someone or some people attacked us, we didn't get a good look at them, but they were chasing after Amy, I don't know where she is now." Bree told them. "WHAT!?" Everyone yelled.

In Auradon

Zevon walked up to the guard, holding Amy firmly but making sure not to hurt her "I would like to inform the royal king and queen of my arrival." Zevon said, the knuckle head guard nodded and lead the way to the throne room. The guard opened the door and Zevon pulled Amy into the throne room "I am back within my given time." Zevon told Malice, Malice smirked.

'Mal! Get here, you should see this.' Malice told Mal. "Just wait a few minutes." Malice told them, a cruel grin spread across his face. Zevon nodded. After a few minutes, Mal arrived with Josie. Mal sat down and held Josie in her lap. She grinned when she saw Amy "Well, looks like Zevon found himself a play toy." Mal commented while petting Josie.

Amy gasped when she saw Josie "Josie!?" Amy cried, Mal raised an eyebrow "Zevon, make sure your toy doesn't speak out of line again." Mal ordered coldly, Josie looked at Amy with worry in her eyes, she meowed quietly, "No Kat, she's a bad person." Mal said to Josie as if she was a silly baby kitten. "Her name is Josie!" Amy growled "No, her name is Kat!" Mal growled, "I'd advise you to shut your mouth, you're getting Mal's pet very upset." Malice said coldly. Josie meowed as she tried to get off Mal's lap, only to slip off and land on the ground with a whimper. "Oh, you silly thing." Mal cooed as she brought the hybrid back up onto her lap, keeping a better hold of her this time.

"Let her go! And Josie isn't your pet!" Amy yelled, getting angry with Mal, even more so then before. "One more word out of you and I will personally punish you!" Mal snapped, Zevon gave Amy a warning look to be quiet, Amy reluctantly closed her mouth. Josie whimpered as she tried to get out of Mal's hold. Mal looked at the hybrid carefully "She's getting very stressed." Mal muttered worriedly, Malice nodded "Take her to your room." Malice said before saying "Zevon, take your toy to the laboratory, do with it as you please." Malice told Zevon coldly. Zevon nodded before dragging Amy, who was quietly crying, out of the throne room. Mal got up and went to her room with Josie who was crying and struggling to get free of Mal's grasp.

Zevon lead Amy to the castles laboratory's, these were made when Maleficent took over. "Maleficent didn't waste time making these." Amy muttered as she looked around somewhat fearfully around the place, she was scared about what is going to happen to her. "No, she didn't." Zevon muttered back. He led her to a dark room with two chairs and a table, Zevon helped Amy sit in one chair before undoing her hand cuffs and sitting on the opposite side of her.

"What do you want with me!? What did Malice mean by toy!? Why did Mal have Josie!?" Amy demanded, trying to act like she isn't scared. Zevon sighed "I'm going to be completely honest with you Sweet Rose and just, so you know, I disabled the cameras, so no one will know where talking here." Zevon told her honestly, Amy nodded for him to continue, Zevon sighed "I want to take down Mal and Malice, they are just as mean and cruel as Maleficent, if not more than Maleficent, they are mentally sick! You do not want to hear what I've heard them do!" he shuddered in disgust. "I'm sick of people making fun of me and to be honest, I'm sick of evil." Zevon admitted, Amy was internally celebrating, it seems he is finally going to reform.

"Malice called you a toy because in order for me to go to the isle I had to pretend to be getting a lab rat or play toy according to them, for some reason they thought by lab rat I meant well... you know." Zevon told her, Amy shuddered in disgust, 'Mal and Malice are seriously sick in the head' Amy thought in disgust, he shifted nervously in his seat "And for why Mal has Josie, well, that's because... Josie is Mal's new pet." "Why would she do that to Josie!?" Amy yelled in outrage and shock "What do you mean pet!? She's a hybrid not some common house animal!" Amy yelled, she found it disgusting that Mal could be that cruel to enslave another living creature, not to mention Mal's own cousin!

"Mal thinks having a pet hybrid is a symbol of power and royalty. She ordered Anthony, Ginny and Maddy to capture her and bring her here. They did, then we were all calling her it, and I was ordered to put a special collar and wrist cuffs on her and..." Zevon gulped nervously "And?" Amy growled, already very angry "I muzzled her." He told her "You put a muzzle on her!? A MUZZLE!" Amy yelled "That is inhumane!" She screeched "I know, I know, I'm sorry. If she had attacked anyone she could have been in a lot of trouble, so it was the safer option." He told her "That is still no excuse for treating Delcatty like that!" Amy told him, Zevon sighed and continued "After that, Maddy and Ginny took her off somewhere to clean her, obviously not very well since Mal went crazy at them for not cleaning her properly." Zevon said "What do you mean by not cleaning her properly?" Amy asked, "I heard they just got her out of her clothes, threw some cold water on her and forced her to get into some rags." He told her honestly, Amy gasped, appalled by what she is hearing "They forced her to walk up in the throne room like that before chaining her up in Mal's room." He told her.

Amy was speechless, she wouldn't have thought they would be that cruel "And after?" She asked, kind of scared to know what happened to her next. Zevon pulled out a small blue vial "See for yourself." He said before handing her the vial. She cautiously drank the potion.

Everything went black, then she saw Josie chained to the bed with a muzzle, she was shaking uncontrollably .One of the doors opened and Mal walked in "Tsk, tsk, we aren't going to have to punish you, are we?" Mal rhetorically asked when she noticed Josie trying to get away from her, Josie shook her head frantically, her shoulders were still blistering from being marked, Amy could see the burned skin from where she was, Amy was sick to her stomach at the sight.

Amy watched Mal smirk before she crouched in front of Josie and grabbed her chin to make Josie look her in the eye "You belong to me." Mal told her before letting go of Josie and standing up, Amy gasped, tears slipped from her eyes as she watched the scene "What!?" Josie squeaked out, shaking uncontrollably. Mal smirked "You heard me, you're my possession, my personal slave, my pet." Mal taunted with a sadistic grin "NO SHE'S NOT!" Amy yelled despite know they can't hear her "Hybrids are quiet popular pets you know." Mal commented, Josie growled despite her fear "I am no one's pet!" She growled stubbornly, Amy could tell she was terrified. Mal shrugged "You're going to be fun to break." Mal said casually, Amy gasped 'Break!?' "Break!? I'm not a horse!" Josie snarled, Mal rolled her eyes before grabbing a remote "So... let's see here." she muttered before pressing a button, a short burst of electricity went through Josie, Josie let out an animalistic yelp, Amy gasped as she saw Josie yelp. Then Mal pressed another button "Speak." Mal ordered, Josie opened her mouth, but a meow came out instead of words, Amy stood there, appalled by her sister "Perfect." Mal commented with a grin.

She walked over to her and grabbed Josie's hand "Hmm, I wonder why you were so easy to tranquilize? They told me you were very emotionally unbalanced when they found you." Amy gasped, realising her fight with Josie was why she was too emotionally unbalanced to defend herself, Mal nodded. "Well my pet, you won't have to worry about that anymore." Mal said with a grin as she stood up, Amy felt sick to her stomach, Josie gulped and backed away as far as she could, meowing fearfully as she moved away from Mal.

"Come on my pet, no need to be so stressed." Mal told Josie, Amy growled at Mal, "Hmm, I can't keep calling you pet so how about... Kat since well, you sound like a cat." Mal said, looking a bit like a kid who had just gotten their first pet, Amy wanted to burn Mal for treating their cousin like this. Josie hissed "Kat it is." Mal said happily before narrowing her eyes at Josie's hair "I told them to clean you not throw water on you." Mal muttered before looking around, she grabbed a hairbrush "Come here Kat, come on." Mal called, Josie moved as far away from her as possible, Amy wasn't surprised. Mal sighed "Oh well, you're just a bit shy still, no problem." She said before grabbing Josie, ignoring the hybrids hisses and growls, Amy wanted to scream at Mal to stop but she knew Mal couldn't hear her.

Mal sat on her bed and sat Josie on her lap, she used her magic to summon a can "This is going to hurt Kat." Mal warned before she started to brush Josie's hair, she had to hold on tight to Josie because the hybrid struggled and hissed, despite this, Mal was quite gentle with her and sprayed when the nots in her hair were too bad, Amy frowned, confused about why Mal would bother being gentle. Once all the nots were gone, Josie was too tired to keep attacking, "There we go, that wasn't so bad was it?" Mal asked rhetorically, she scratched Josie behind her ear, Josie couldn't help but purr, Amy looked at them with a confused expression, Josie just... Purred?

"OK, now we need to get some better clothes on you." Mal said before summoning with her magic a few different clothes in Josie's size "Okay Kat, what should we change you into?" Mal asked, "Here we go." Mal said before she showed Josie a very short skirt and a skimpy little top that would show too much skin, Josie hissed and moved away fearfully, "She better not have!" Amy growled, she hated seeing her little cousin terrorised. Mal laughed at her "I'm cruel but not that cruel. You won't have to wear these unless you really get me angry but... maybe we could see how it looks." Mal said before using her magic to forcefully change Josie into the outfit. Josie tried to cover herself a little with her tail, but it didn't do much to help, Amy nearly screamed at what Mal did, she could tell Mal was enjoying it too much. "Yeah... you're never coming out of this room like that." Mal told her before grabbing a dark purple tee shirt and black pants, as well as a purple bow.

"Ok, come here Kat." Mal said, again Josie didn't come. Mal sighed before forcefully grabbing her and changing Josie herself, clearly embarrassing and probably hurting Josie. Amy wanted to bash Mal's head against a wall for doing that, she was guessing Mal hurt her a bit when she did that. "There." Mal said when she was done, she had tied the purple bow around Josie's neck, just above the collar, Josie was bright red in embarrassment since she had literally just been changed by someone else, completely vulnerable, like she was nothing more than a dress up doll for Mal to play with. "Good girl, now I've set up some supplies for you over there." Mal said to Josie, speaking to her as if she was a common house pet. She pointed to the front of the bed, including thing like a water bowl, food bowl, a small cat bed, etc. Amy was appalled, Mal was treating Josie like a common house pet "Be good Kat, I won't be too long." Mal said before leaving.

Josie sighed in relief that Mal was gone, she curled up into a little ball and started to cry, all that came out where little, pitiful meows. She was obviously terrified. She tried to make herself as small as possible, shaking uncontrollably. Amy nearly cried at the sight of her cousin crying like that, looking so pitiful, so pathetic, so broken.

Then the memory stopped, and she was in the room with Zevon again, Amy was crying. "What did you see?" Zevon asked as he got her a tissue he had brought. Amy sniffed "She used her as if she was a toy, a little dress up doll." Amy told him "Wait, what?" Zevon asked, not sure what she was talking about "She didn't even think for a second that she could be hurting her, emotionally, physically and or mentally." She told him, Zevon looked at her with an arched eyebrow, still not quiet understanding "Maybe I should just look for myself." Zevon said "No! Listen." She whispered into his ear what she saw, she didn't think she would be able to say it any louder. "That girl has some serious problems! Why would she do that to the poor defenceless kid!?" He yelled in disgust, "Because she has no ethics." Amy told him, figuring that was the only logical reason.

" We need to stop Mal and Malice." He told her "We?" She repeated, "You kidnapped me, and you helped Mal and Malice, why should I trust you?" She asked, wanting to be careful "I told you, I don't want to be evil anymore plus you don't have much choice." He told her honestly. Amy groaned in annoyance "Fine, what's the plan?" She asked, he chuckled nervously "I... haven't thought of one." He told her, she faces palmed at his response "Great." Amy said sarcastically. Zevon looked down, embarrassed, then he noticed the time, "I have to go." He told her "Why?" she asked "Cause, it's late." Zevon told her before putting the cuffs back on her so no one thought anything happened "What time is it?" Amy asked, "Almost 1AM." He told her before leading her to the dungeon, "Night." He mouthed before going to bed. "Night." She mouthed back.

Mal placed Josie on her bed and changed her into some purple PJs, ignoring the hybrids cries of protest. She left Josie by herself while Mal went into her bathroom, once she came out and was ready for bed she turned to the shaking hybrid. "Okay Kat, never go near Zevon's toy okay!? I can tell from your memory that you thought you could trust her but you can't!" Josie whimpered and looked down "Look at me Kat! I know what she's like, she will use you Kat, she doesn't really care for you!" Mal told her sternly, ignoring Josie softly crying, whimpering as she cried, Mal sighed "Okay, you can either sleep on the floor or in the bed with me." Mal offered, Josie instantly pointed to the floor, "Bed it is." Mal said before turning the light off and holding the hybrid in the bed with her, ignoring the hissing from Josie "You need to learn that, what I say goes, you silly kitty." Mal told her before falling asleep, keeping the hybrid in a firm yet gentle grip. Josie whimpered as she was held, eventually she got too tiered and fell asleep.

The next day

Josie was woken up by Mal getting out of the bed and yawning "Morning Kat." Mal greeted. Mal gently scratched behind the hybrid's ear before going into the bathroom, leaving Josie by herself. Josie considered trying to escape but she figured it would be a waste of time, she was the size of a kitten so there was no way she would be able to reach the doorknob. Josie was still very tired and decided to get some more sleep.

Mal walked out of the bathroom, ready for the day ahead. She turned to see Josie fast asleep on the bed, Mal chuckled a little, she walked over to the sleeping hybrid "Morning sleepy head." Mal greeted, Josie growled a little and covered her head with her hands, Mal laughed at the sight "Oh right that's enough, up you come." Mal said before picking her up by the scruff of her neck before holding her like she was a baby, Josie barley woke up she was so tired, Mal smiled at the sleeping girl before walking into the bathroom, Josie was hardly awake, Mal carried her back into the bedroom and got her dressed into a black and dark purple striped shirt and purple pants, Mal didn't bother to put any shoes on her feet. Now Josie was a little more awake. After Mal finished brushing the half-awake hybrid Mal picked her up and walked to the dinning room where her brother was, drinking a bit of coffee. "Morning Malice." Mal said to her brother "Morning Mal." He replied. After closing the door, Mal placed Josie on the ground "Has she started eating or drinking yet?" Malice asked, Mal shook her head "No." she told him.

Josie had gone to the far side of the room, she wondered if she could use any magic, she tried to imagine herself being a cat. Then she opened her eyes and she noticed she had turned into a cat. Mal, who had been watching her do it, laughed a little at the cat's surprise "Kat's a real cat now." Mal laughed, Malice chuckled a little as he saw what Mal was laughing about. Josie was a black cat with unnatural purple stripes and blue underneath her neck and stomach. Suddenly a mouse, more specifically one of FG's mice, ran past Mal's foot. "Ugh! Malice I thought you said all the mice we're gone!" Mal snapped, Malice held his hands up "I thought they were!" he retorted. Josie ignored them and chased after the mouse, she caught it in her mouth but didn't bite down, she simply took it to a corner and started to play with it. Mal smirked "I think we've just found our new executioner and entertainer in one." Mal said to Malice as Josie got bored and ate the mouse, slowly. Malice nodded, smirking as well.

Mal walked up to Josie and picked her up "Good girl Kat." Mal praised before putting her next to some food and water bowls "Come on Kat, please eat your food." Mal said to the hybrid. Josie didn't want to, but she was so hungry, she ate all of it within a matter of minuets "She sure was hungry." Mal commented as Josie started to drink from the bowl, "Maybe she prefers to eat in that form." Malice suggested, "Probably." Mal said before getting up "Wash your hands Mal." Malice told her "I know what to do Malice." Mal snapped back as she went and washed her hands. When she came back, Mal and Malice ate their food. Josie fell asleep while they were eating "She's still a bit tired." Mal said, as she noticed the hybrid asleep on the floor. Malice nodded as he continued to eat, "There are tablets that could help her sleep easier." Malice suggested, Mal thought about it "Yeah, I might try her on that." Mal said before taking another bite of her food "So Malice, think you'll ever get a pet one day?" Mal asked after swallowing, Malice shook his head "Nah, too much work and responsibility." He told her, Mal shrugged before finishing off her breakfast.

"I better get her cleaned up." Mal said, noticing Josie still had blood all over her mouth from the mouse "Okay." Malice said, too focused on his food at the moment to care, Mal rolled her eyes at her brother as he ate. She picked up the sleeping cat and went back to her room "Wake up Kat." Mal told the sleeping feline, Josie stirred and opened one eye "Come on, you need to get cleaned up again." She told the cat, Josie meowed a little before trying to move away a little, Mal took her to the bathroom and placed her down on the tiles, she cat was a little more awake now and was looking for an escape. Mal rolled her eyes at the troublesome cat, once she made sure the water was right, she grabbed the cat and put her in the water.

Josie attempted a few times to get out but Mal stopped her every time, eventually Josie just gave up and sat down in the water. Once Josie was clean, Mal grabbed a purple towel and grabbed the cat out of the water, quickly drying the cat "There we go, doesn't that feel better?" Mal asked rhetorically, Josie growled a little before trying to bite her "Hey! No bitting! Otherwise your going for a time out." Mal told the hybrid, Josie ignored the warning and tried to bite her again "Ok, you're getting too boisterous." Mal said before taking the cat back into her room, Mal quickly got her dried and tied a little black bow around her neck before using her magic to make a cat carrier to appear, "Your going for a time out." Mal told her sternly before putting her in the cage, "I'll let you out in about half an hour." Mal told the cat before locking the cage. Josie meowed as she tried to get out of the cage, she turned into her normal form and tried to get her hands through the bars, she couldn't get it open. "I don't care how much you complain, you need to learn to behave." Mal told her sternly before leaving "I'll be back soon." She told the hybrid before leaving to take care of business. Josie figured it was a waste of time and effort to try to get out and curled up in the back of the cage before going to sleep.

I know I updated this quickly but that's because I've got a fairly good plot idea in mind at the moment.

Feel free to request certain parts of the story that you would like to see more of.

If you have any OCs that might work well in this story please let me know.

Please comment and tell me what you thought, I honestly would love some more feedback on my story since I still feel a little paranoid...

Please comment, vote and add this story :)

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