Grey's Anatomy Imagines

By darylsalvatore

176K 2K 186

Just what the title says! More

#13//Mark&Derek (Part 2)

#12//Mark&Derek (Part 1)

8K 81 5
By darylsalvatore

"Derek I can't do this right now!" You yell as Derek closes the door to an on-call room behind him. You sigh in frustration as he crosses his arms.

"I see the way you look at him (Y/N), and I see the way he looks at you. I'm not an idiot!"

"Listen Derek, I don't still have feelings for Mark! I love you." The thing is, you did still have feelings for Mark, you just wouldn't admit it to yourself.

"You do know you're only fooling yourself when you say that, right?" Derek frowns.

You walk closer to Derek and place a hand on his arm. "I love you," and that wasn't a lie. You did love Derek, but you weren't in love with Derek.


"Hey (Y/N), wanna scrub in with me later?" You turn to see the Mark Sloan smiling at you.

"Uh, Uhm, I- I cant... I'm already scrubbing in with D-Derek..." That was a lie, but you were worried that if you spent that much time with Mark, you wouldn't be able to lie to yourself anymore.

A little while later you were sitting in the cafeteria on your phone. You had nothing to do and you were beyond bored.

"(Y/N), hey! So, turns out Derek's next surgery isn't scheduled for another three hours. Which means you can scrub in with me."

"Oh... good, good. Yeah I'll be right there." Your mind raced as you watched him walk away.

He has an amazing ass... STOP

After scrubbing in, you just kind of stood there next to Mark. It wasn't a big surgery, so it was just you two and a couple nurses. There were butterflies in your stomach and your heart was beating so fast.

Immediately after the surgery was successfully over, you scrubbed out and ran as far away as you possibly could from Mark. Before you could round the corner, you stopped to Mark calling your name.

You reluctantly turn around and he was walking towards you. He got to you and didn't say anything. You two just stood there and stared at each other.

Oh God I'm so in love with him, as soon as you thought that you hated yourself because you knew it was true. You were madly in love with Mark.

"You- you still love me?" Mark asked hopefully.

"Oh my god, did I say that out loud?" You were horrified.

"Yeah... and I'm glad you did because I still love you too" He moved closer until his lips met yours. You kissed back, but pushed away, "Derek," you breathed.

You knew you had to tell him, but how?

A/N heyyyy I'm so sorry it's been so long! Do you guys want a part 2?? Bc I'll probs make one

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