The Internship•Calum Hood AU

By b4byg3l

86.1K 1.5K 1.5K

Ever since she was little, Cindy had always loved taking pictures,capturing a moment,creating a memory and li... More

The Internship A/N
'meet the cast'
0•"whos five save our souls?"
1•"we made some crazy memories here"
2•"do you know who 5sos are?"
3•"thanks for being a fan"
4•"nice lace is my favourite"
5•"what brought you round here to see our lame ass band"
6•"can i have this dance?"
7•"is that your girlfriend?"
8•"im just an intern"
9•"ashton irwin is DADDY"
10•"i wish i was all up in your ass"
11•"im just afraid to get hurt"
12•"didn't anyone tell you your hair looks sexy pushed back?"
13•"theres only one calum hood darling"
14•"fuck off asian!"
IMPORTANT! please comment
16•"i forgot your dicks bigger than your brain"
18•"i have luke dick all over my mouth now"
20• "im sorry darling"
21•"theres something wrong"
22•"your like a red rose in a room full of white ones"
23•"make sure you follow the rules"
24• "to us"
25• "i'll miss you"
26• "it terrified me"
stay tuned
27• "I miss you"

19•"need a tissue virgin?"

2.3K 50 97
By b4byg3l

"Hold on, so your telling me he came to your house started crying over some girl, you slept with him and now he's denying knowing her?"

I stared at Ruby and Margot as we sat in the uncomfortable fold chairs at the Paris arena, I needed out of the hotel so I dragged them with me to the sound check. We were far enough away for nobody to hear us so I could tell her what happened.

"Yeah that's pretty much it" I replied bluntly and Ruby scrunched up her eyes and turned back around to face the stage, she was so surprised that she stopped the rant about the beauty of her hometown since we touched down here.

"I don't understand. But all I know is we have to find out who Melanie is" she continued.

"Ruby are you kidding me, I think this unknown Melanie girl has caused enough trouble, besides Michael and Ashton won't tell me and Calum is refusing to admit she exists" I roll my eyes.

"Yeah who cares, she clearly is significant if she's making Calum cry, I mean I've never heard of her and believe me. The fandom finds out everything"

I told her recently about my embarrassing secret of being a fake fan and she wouldn't talk to me for days. Although she was conceited and rude, she was the best listener I know and I appreciated that. It was a strange friendship.

"Yeah well I don't want it to start a whole chaos, besides Ruby he was drunk" I reinforce and I think I'm trying to ease myself more than Ruby.

"Your point is? Cindy it's ironic how it happened after the guys warned you, and also a drunk mind speaks a sober heart" she says in a wise voice wagging her finger at me.

"Ugh let's just forget about it. But I really do feel bad, I might apologise- ow!" I yelp out as Ruby smacks my head.

"Es -tu stupide!? Are you stupid Cindy! No don't let him know you care and your thinking about this, for once be the one he comes back to"

"This isn't about 'coming back' this is about being a decent human"

"Yeah yeah whatever, say that to your total boy crazy outfit. I mean your totally upset" Margot chimes in.

"What!" I whine looking at my Arizona hoodie and leggings. She did have a point, but I wasn't gonna dress cute, especially in this situation.

"I'm gonna get to the bottom of this" Ruby says with a devious twinkle in her eye and I groan.

"Ruby if you make things worse I will personally shove your heels down your throat" I point to the killer heels on her pale feet.

"Whatever, just you wait and see" she smirks.

"How are you even planning on doing that, the boys won't tell you" Margot asks.

"Duh. I'm apart of the fandom? Give me a day on my fan account on twitter and I bet I'll have this girls zip code"

"I'll believe it when I see it"

Suddenly a huge crash of drums echoed the arena and I jumped to see Ashton grinning cheekily at us from the other side of the arena.

I flipped him of and he laughed as I took out my camera and took a few photos of him, turning around the camera on me and Margot for fun, the nagging thoughts almost completely left my brain.

"And the boys apparently work in sound check" Ruby mumbles and we all follow her gaze.

Luke was currently on Michaels back as they ran across the stage, no instruments to be seen as Ashton was I think attempting to play the drums with his feet. The boys were complete dorks, but this made me love them more.

"Your band sucks!" I shout from across the other side and since no proper team is here yet, the boys are just acting like well-boys.

"Oh yeah! Come say it to our face you fake betch!" Luke screams in a girly accent and I laugh as he squares up to me about a million miles away.

Margot stands up and we make our way over to the long winding steps to the stage, Ruby plays on her phone boredly as we dance up the aisle without a care in the world and heaving ourselves onto the stage.

I take a second to appreciate how big the arena actually is and I just stare for a moment.

"Wow" I say to myself and Michael slings an arm around my neck.

"Awesome right" he says and I nod my head in agreement.

"That's what I thought fake betch" I hear Luke say and we're back to being silly losers. I pretend to flykick him as we end up wrestling on the ground as Margot records it shrieking with laughter.

"This is soundcheck?" I hear a unknown voice say and I break away from our sweaty wrestle match as Michael was holding up my arms proclaiming the winner.

I look to the voice and see a beautiful tanned girl with light brown hair falling down to her elbows, she had light makeup on and she was tall and super skinny. She was wearing a long band shirt, one which I recognised to be Calum's, the one he left in my room to be exact and a pair of shorts.

Calum has his arm around her waist tightly and I glance at the ground, compared to me in this hideous outfit and messy hair I was a complete mess.

I was never one to compare myself to other girls, I believe strongly in just because someone else has beauty doesn't mean the absence of your own. But it was hard not to when a beautiful Victoria Secret lookalike was right infront of you.

"It's meant to be soundcheck. What the fuck are you all doing?" Calum says rudely and Michael rolls his eyes. I was happy to see the boys took no shit from him, especially when he was like this.

"Calum your late" Ashton says bluntly.

"Whatever I'm here now, what are they doing up here? This is private" Calum says narrowing his eyes at me and this time I stand my ground scowling back. Margot also raises one eyebrow as Luke puts his arm around her.

"Shut up Calum their on tour with us" Michael says scuffing his boot against the floor.

"Their just interns" He says and I hear the girl let out a snigger beside him. If there's one thing that angers me the most, is people being blatantly mean to other people.

Someone going out of their way to purposely embarrass someone is one of the worst feelings at least I think, so this pissed me off a lot.

"Calum stop being a jackass. Why is she here anyway? It's private" Ashton says mocking Calum and Luke laughs and I stifle a snigger. Calum catches onto this and glares at me.

"This is Melissa, and she's not prancing about the stage in her pyjamas, like some people" Calum says and I want to punch him in the face. This is Melissa he was talking about, how strange.

"These aren't pyjamas are you blind" I stick up for myself and Calum looks taken aback but quickly scowls.

"Pyjamas would look better" Melissa says softly and Calum laughs.

"Sorry what was that?" Margot says and I feel the tension rise in the room.

"I said pyjamas would look better than whatever that is. Arizona? Wow nice" she says and Calum sniggers again, I feel myself going red with anger but I can't find my voice in this situation. I stuck up for myself but I still hated confrontation, especially because Melissa intimidated me.

"Shut the hell up groupie. At least she goes to school, your only job is sucking dick for free concert tickets " Margot spits bravely and my eyes widen. Melissa narrows her eyes.

"A groupie? Yeah your one to talk hanging all over Luke like that" She laughs nervously her voice wavering.

"God fuck up would you Acacia wannabe? Your clearly the only groupie here as I actually like Margot, Calum just wants a fuck and talking about Cindy's clothes? Isn't that Calum's shirt? Wow your like the third girl I've seen wearing that this week" Luke spits and Melissa flinches.

We all look at Luke and his sudden outburst, he doesn't speak up much but Melissa must of striked a nerve in him.

"Don't fucking talk to her like that" Calum says clenching his fist up but still clinging onto Melissa.

"Shut the fuck up Calum, get the groupie out of here and hurry the fuck up we have a show to do" Ashton groans.

"I'm not a groupie! We have something special! He's my Cally" Melissa stomps her foot like a child while Calum cringes.

I laugh out loud without realising at her statement, Calum would be onto the next girl later on. Not acknowledging the fact he's 'dating Nia'.

"What's so funny intern?" Melissa scowls and before I can speak I hear a new voice added into the mix.

"Probably the fact Calum came to her room last night and slept there, your not special" Margot says and I want the ground to swallow me up.

Ashton drops his drumsticks, Melissa opens her mouth in an 'o' shape, Luke coughs and Michael furrows his eyebrows.

Margot thinks she did something good but really she's just revealed what happened to everyone there, including the furious faces of Melissa, Calum, Ashton and Michael. Now I look like a freak.

"What! Calum!" She whines turning to him and he doesn't look at her he stares dead at me. His eyes with no emotion.

"You slept with him? What the heck Cindy!" Michael shouts.

"God what the fuck!" Ashton adds in and even Luke gasps.

"You fucked her?!" Melissa shouts breaking away from Calum's grasp.

"Fuck no! Shut the fuck up I didn't do anything with her or fuck her she's a virgin. I just needed a bed to stay and she was the only fucking loser who would be awake at that time. Probably crying about being single or something, don't flatter yourself Cindy. As if"

Calum's words hit me like a ton of bricks and everything happens too fast. I actually feel as if there's been a blow to the chest, everyone stays quiet absorbing what has been said and I glance around before looking at Calum straight in the eyes.

I feel my lip wobble subconsciously and my hands clench. I will not cry infront of him.

"What an embarrassment, need a tissue virgin?" Melissa laughs and I see Calum's eyes soften into a look of guilt and remorse, not that his pride would let him admit it.

Everyone looks at me like some sad pathetic loser and Luke looks at his shoes. I don't blame him.

I turn around in a frenzy and run down the steps and backstage, straight out the fire exit and outside and let the tears spill at what just happened. Just another event to add to why I'm so stupid.

Someone came behind me and I hoped for a second it was Calum, to beg for my forgiveness or some sort. I wouldn't want to forgive him but when you know his soft side it's hard to forget about that right away.

I smacked my head as I grimaced at myself even thinking to forgive him. I seriously need therapy or something, my head was messed up.

It was Margot and Ashton, I guessed Michael and Luke were still arguing with Ashton.

"Cindy! I'm so sorry I was only trying to stick up for you I didn't mean to make it worse!" Margot says when she sees me and slumps herself down on the curb beside me.

"Cindy I'm sorry for assuming things I didn't mean to make you upset" Ashton says and sits beside me to stretching his long legs out.

I hated when people seen me upset, I've been like that since I was a child. Growing up with two sisters had their fair share of moments, I've witnessed my sisters cry over boys one too
many times and I never wanted to be like that sort of sad act for sympathy.

"It's fine guys and don't worry Margot I know you didn't mean it'" I swallow my pride and smile softly.

They just hug me, and I think it's better than words are as they wrap their arms around me.

"Well at least we get to go home for a few days before we start Spain" Ashton says and I widen my eyes. The time has flew by so quickly and I haven't even realised we've toured half of Europe, but I was happy I got to go home and rant and rave to my sisters and just be Cindy Kimberly for a moment.

"Wow that's so cool, I'll have to organise it all when I get back then" I said but my voice was still shaky.

"I think we should get back in there, I know you don't want to see Calum but the boys fairly wore him out. Also Ruby's there and she looks like she's ready to punch Melissa" Ashton says laughing and I stand up quickly, I was just gonna pretend Calum wasn't there.

Ruby's words of 'are you stupid' in French left me thinking, for once I wasn't going to be the decent human in the situation.

If Calum wasn't decent to me then why should I be nice to Calum, he didn't deserve it, but more importantly

I didn't deserve it.

We walk in the doors and Margot walks forward. Ashton grabs my arm and pulls me back to the door and I look around confused.

"Listen Cindy, I know this is not what you wanna hear. But Calum really likes you and I th-"

"What? Ashton no! None of this I won't listen to it" I said covering my ears like a child.

"No! Listen to me! What I was trying to say was, don't give into him Cindy. Even if he gives you those puppy eyes, stay strong to yourself so he knows your not a pushover"

I absorb Ashton's words and give him a hug, inhaling his scent as his strong arms wrapped around me. I didn't have to say anything, the silent was perfect and we both understood what I thought of that.

We walk in and I come in view with the stage and Calum is sitting on the floor with his bass his mind somewhere else, I can tell his eyes are dull. Even from where I am, Calum's chin is resting on his hand and he's staring into space.

Melissa is currently speaking to him about backing her up but he's not replying, just staring. Ruby on the other hand is scowling at her and throwing insults left right and centre.

"Cindy there you are! Will you give me permission to kick this bitches ass" Ruby says and I'm shocked as her dainty side has been wiped completely.

Her loud words bring attention to me and Calum seems to wake up and snap his head towards me, he's just staring at me with that look he does. But this time I'm strong enough to let go.

"Ruby just come down it's not worth it, he's not worth it" Ashton says and Calum noted how he said he and scowled at him.

Ruby flashed Melissa another killing look and walked down the stairs in heels like they were sneakers, she came beside us and I thanked Ashton for letting me come to soundcheck.

He hugged and and whispers so nobody hears;
"Are you sure you don't wanna stay? I won't let him get to you"

I smile genuinely and pull him back my hands still on his shoulders, I can see Calum clench his fists by his side and stiffen, but I ignore it.

"I'm fine, thank you Ashton. For everything"

He sends me that award winning grin and we all turn to walk down the aisle, until Melissa tests her luck.

"Finally the slutty English muffin and French baguette are leaving" she laughs and the boys, even Calum cringe at her bad attempt to insult.

"Oh hell no" Ruby exclaims and turns round to go back and Margot is ready to run.

"No guys don't!" I say pulling Ruby's slim arm back and Margot by the leather jacket.

"Do I have permission to kick her ass now" Ruby says bending down to unclasp her red heels, I clearly had this girl wrong on so many levels.

"Guys please just forget about it" I say in a plea to stop them absolutely killing Melissa.

Ruby stands up as if nothing happened but I can see the small red forming from her anger under her pale skin. I pull her along with Margot in tow, as the arena stays silent behind us.




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