Untitled (Completed)

By mla_ox

55.6K 1.6K 205

Cree is a teenager from Brooklyn with a short temper. After another fight in school her mother thinks its bes... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8.1
Chapter 8.2
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17.1
Chapter 17.2
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20.1
Chapter 20.2
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 12

1.8K 68 9
By mla_ox

Chapter 12


I woke up late the next morning to the smell of food. I stretched my limbs and let my eyes adjust to the light coming into the room from the window. I rubbed my eyes and sat up on the bed letting my feet hang. I reached for my phone and saw that I had a few unread text messages. I clicked on Brandon's name first since his name was at the top.

'Happy Thanksgiving, I had a good time last time.' the message read. I'm glad he had fun, because I didn't. Well I did but not as much fun as he probably did.  

****Last Night****

I walked into the gym of the school that was decorated with blue and gold. My arm was linked with Brandon's as we walked over to the table with our friends. I saw Malik and Zamia over here but I didn't care this night isn't about them, its about me having fun.

"Ooo girl that dress is nice, but what happened to the one that you bought?" Nika asked giving me a hug.

"Thanks girl it's my aunts, when I zipped up my dress the zipper broke, so she let me borrow this one."

"Well it looks great, even better then the last one." She said.

"Thanks I guess." I said.

After the little chat we all got up and started dancing. Then the slow songs started to come on. Brandon grabbed my hand and pulled me away from our friends to another part of the dance floor. I locked my arms around his neck as he rested his hands on my waist. We dance to For the Rest of my Life by Robin Thicke and Tamar Braxton.

As we were dancing I felt eyes on me. I looked up thinking that it was Boog but he was looking in some other direction. 'I wonder who he lookin' at.' I thought. I looked around again until my eyes landed on Malik, I stared at him as he stared back at me. I gave a small smile and he returned it. Then Zamia looked up at him, then in my direction and saw me looking at them, then she reached up and kissed him. My jaw dropped slightly and my chest got tight, I couldn't be in the room anymore. I let go of Boog and ran out the gym.

Long story short, I left before the dance was over.

****Last Night Over****

I snapped out of my daze and replied back to Boog. 'Happy Thanksgiving to you too, and I'm glad you had fun.'

After I replied to everyone I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I grabbed my phone and walked up to the kitchen where my aunt was cooking. "Ooo Aunty you got it smellin' right." I said.

"Child that's my specialty." She said.

Just then my phone rang. "Hello?"

"Happy Thanksgiving!" Nika yelled.

"Thanks love same to you. So what are your plans for today?"


"Me and my mom goin' out to dinner."

"Y'all goin out, don't you have family to go over to."

"Nah not really."

"Oh well you not goin' out to some restaurant, girl you need some Caribbean soul food, you and Miss Lena. I'll call my uncle and see what he says."

She laughed. "Okay thanks. Just let me know what he says."

"I will." I said then hung up then dialed my uncles number.

"Hello?" My uncle answered.

"Hey uncle Charles."

"Hey Cree, what's up?"

"Um, I have a question."

"Okay, go ahead."

"Well, I wanted to know if I could invite my friend and her mom over for dinner tonight?"

"Yea sure, its only two right?"


"Okay, well we should have enough so tell them they can come by."

"Okay thanks again Unc."

"No problem, I'll see you later."

"Later." I said, then called Nika back and told her she could stop by.

After I helped my aunt finish cooking I went downstairs to take my shower and get ready. I put on my blue skinny jeans and an undershirt after putting lotion on.

I heard my aunt call me so I went out to see what she wanted. "Yes aunt Annette?" I said going back to the kitchen.

"I'm going over to Charles house to help Linette, she is going crazy about not finishing the dinner on time."

"But Nika and her mom were going to follow us to their house."

"I know honey but I really need to go help. Listen I'll give you the address and you give it to them."


"You remember which house it is right, because all those houses look the same?" She said writing the address down.

"Yea I remember." I said.

"Okay well I'll see you in a few hun." She said picking up the pans of food. I opened the front door for her so she could get out.

"Okay later." I said closing the door. I went back downstairs to my room and my phone rang. "Hello?" I said not looking at the screen.

"Cree, what's the street name and the house number again?"

"920 Wrangler Rd. (made up)" I said.

"Okay well we leavin' the house now." She said.

"Alright well my aunt had to leave before us but she left the address."

"Okay, well we'll be there shortly." She said then we hung up.

I put on my chocolate colored knit sweater along with my chocolate colored short UGGs, I put my cheetah print scarf around my neck, and put my hair in a messy bun then just sat in the living room upstairs and waited for Nika and her mom.

When they came for me I sat in the backseat and put on my seatbelt. "Hi Miss Lena, hey Nika. Here's the address." I said handing her the piece of paper.

Miss Lena pulled out of the driveway and we were on our way.

"So, who's gonna be there?" Nika asked looking back at me.

"My family." I said in a duh tone.

"Don't get smart, remember you in our car." Nika said.

I laughed out. "Well my aunts, uncle, the two cousins of mine and their sister my favorite sibling out of all of them. Then my other cousin and his female comin' over."

"You mean his girlfriend?"

"No. I meant what I said, his female. I don't like her so she won't be receiving that title from my mouth." I said causing them both to laugh.

Around twenty minutes later we were in front of my uncles house.

"You can park behind that Envoy over there." I said.

She pulled up and we hopped out the car. I rang the doorbell after going up the two steps. I rang the doorbell again when I noticed nobody answered. Soon after Zamia answered the door, when she saw it was me a smirk crept on her face. I rolled my eyes, I could almost punch this girl in the face.

"You gone stand here and look at us all night?" Nika asked coming up behind me. I turned to her and mouthed out 'chill'. "I know but you know I don't like her already."

Zamia walked away and I turned to Nika. "Look I know you don't like her, neither do I, but can you just chill today, do it for me please?" I asked.

"For you Cree, but just keep her away from me." She said.

Just then Miss Lena walked up with a silver food pan in her hand. "Why y'all ain't go in yet?" She asked.

"We were waiting for you." I lied.

We all walked into the kitchen. "Happy Thanksgiving!" I said loudly to all of them.

"Hey Cree, Happy Thanksgiving." My uncles wife said to me.

"Happy Thanksgiving." My Uncle said.

"This is my friend Nika, and this is her mom Miss Lena. And this is my Uncles wife Linette, my Uncle Charles, and you already know My aunt Annette." I said pointing them out.

"Hi nice to meet you." Miss Lena and Nika said at the same time.

"Um, Miss Lena can I talk to you for a minute?" My aunt Annette asked.

"Yea sure honey." She said and they exited the kitchen.

'I wonder what they're talking about.' I thought. "Uncle Charles where's Daija?"

"In the living room with Zamia and her boyfriend."

'Boyfriend' I thought. "Okay thanks, come along Nika." I said causing her to laugh a little.

We shared small talk as we walked to the living room and then I stopped and saw someone I wasn't expecting to see, and Zamia was just sitting close to him just running her fingers through his hair. As she was kissing on his neck we locked eyes but I looked away quickly. "Wassup Cree?" He said.

I cleared my throat. "Hi Malik." I said.

"Cree, I'm so glad you're here." Daija said getting off the couch and coming to give me a hug.

"Hey sugarplum, what's up."

"Nothin' much, I have so much to tell you." She said looking up at me, then her eyes glanced over to Nika. "Who's this?" She asked with a smile.

"My friend Nika."

"Oh, hi I'm Daija." She said with a smile.

"I know you, its been a few years since I seen you last, you probably don't remember me though." She said.

"Oh okay."

"What did you want to tell me sugarplum?" I asked her.

"Come upstairs, there's to many ears down here." She said.

I laughed as she grabbed my hand and lead me up the stairs. I looked over the railing and saw Malik looking at me, I turned away and continued up the stairs.

We walked in the room and sat on the bed. "So wassup sugarplum?"

"Okay so Jacob has been talkin' to me more, and I made an Ig." She said.

"Oh okay that's good make sure you follow me, but who is Jacob?"

"The boy I was tellin' you I liked." She said laughing.

"Oh I didn't know what his name was." I said laughing.

"Well his name is Jacob and he has been showing more interest in me."

"Okay, that's cute, you still got troubles with the three chicks?"

"Nah not really, they still givin' me dirty looks but I don't care, I ain't sweatin' it." She said.

"Ooo okay, Dai gettin' bad." I said causing her to laugh.

"Girl I been bad." She said causing me to laugh. "I'm just kiddin', I ain't bad, but when they give me them looks, they just take me there."

"Honey I know the feelin', but you can't make them petty females take you out of your character." Nika said.

She nodded her head in understanding. Then I heard the doorbell ring. "That must be Jamar and his female." I said.

"Cree!" My uncle called out for me. We all got up and went downstairs.

"Yes uncle Charles?"

"Can you get the door?"

"You called me downstairs to answer the door?"

"Just go get the door." He said.

I went to the door and unlocked it. "Happy Thanksgiving!"

"Ma!!!!" I yelled attacking her with hugs.

"Hey love, you missed me that much?" She asked.

"Ma, I missed you more than that much." I said. "But I was actually wonderin' about this surprise that you have for me." I said and she laughed.

"Well the surprise is coming up right now." She said turning around. I looked behind her and saw my brother coming up the two steps fixing his jacket.

"Oh my God, Terrance!!" I yelled out. I jumped on him and he spun me around.

"Wassup kid?!" He said then put me down. "I see my lil' Minnie ain't so mini no more." He said then laughed.

"Whatever Scrub. When did you get out?" I asked.

"A couple weeks ago."

"And you didn't call nobody, didn't inform me about nothin'."

"My bad sis."

"Mhmm, well come on in, everybody's in the kitchen."

I closed the door and locked it, then I led them into the kitchen. Everyone was in there and they all had something to do. Once my mom and brother walked in the kitchen everyone stopped what they were doing. I noticed Ms. Lena looking at my mom strangely.

"Happy Thanksgiving everybody." My mom said.

"Happy Thanksgiving." They all said in unison.

"Nika and Miss Lena this is my brother Terrance and my mother Sh-"

"Sharen." Miss  Lena finished.

"Yea, how did you know that?" I asked really confused.

I looked around the room at everyone faces. All my cousins had no idea what was going on, Aunt Annette and Uncle Charles looked nervous and his wife looked confused.

"Can someone fill me in here please?" I asked breaking the silence as all the adults looked at each other.

"She's my mother Cree. She's our mother." My mom said pointing to Aunt Annette and Uncle Charles.

"Your what?"


Well thats chapter 12.......positive feedback y'all.... I wanna know if your liking the book.

Please and Thank You.!

- mla_ox♥

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