Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Chanel POV

I was in the car with Jamar when my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID and I couldn't talk to him right now, not around Jamar so I just ignored the call.

"You not gon' answer the phone bae?"

"Nah, uh its just an, unknown number." I said.

"Okay." He said looking at me weirdly.

"Where we goin' baby?" I asked him.

"To my moms for dinner." I rolled my eyes hoping he didn't see me. "Look I know you and my moms don't get along but can you at least try and be civil?"

"She the one that always have a problem with me."

"I'll talk to her but try to be civil please?" He said.

I never seen somebody that was so obsessed with their mom. I mean I love my mama don't get me wrong, but he always up under her for everything. Its bad enough that we have to go over there for dinner and I have to deal with that Hoodrats stares and smartass remarks but I have to deal with his mama all up in my face and in my business. He is so weak and a mama's boy I just can't deal.

We pulled into his mom's driveway and got out the car. He helped me up the porch steps then opened the door. I kicked off my boots and walked up the stairs that lead to the living room.

"Chanel, I'll be right back."

"Where you goin'?" 

"The corner store for some swishers."

"Why didn't you just go while we were on our way here?" I asked.

"Cause I wanted you to get out of the cold, and relax a lil' bit." He said.

"Aw, okay well I'm gonna go lay down in the living room." I said from the top of the steps.

"Aight." He walked out the door and I went over to sit on the couch. I took out my phone and called him back. After the third ring he picked up the phone.

"Wassup girl?"

"Hey." I said sweetly into the phone. "Wassup, I saw your missed call."

"Nothin' just lettin' you know I'm in Atlanta."

"Aw really?" I asked.

Then I heard a sound coming from downstairs, I listened again carefully but I didn't hear anything this time.

"Yea I just got here like two days ago."

"And it took you two days to let me know you were here?"

"I was just tryna settle in." He said.

"Mhm, so when can I see you?"

"Its whenever, just call me and tell me where you at, I'll come get you."

"Okay, how 'bout tomorrow?"

"Aight, just let me know what time and we good."


"Don't you got check in with your lil' boyfriend though?"

"Boy I am grown, I don't have to check in with nobody. He good what he don't know won't hurt him."

"Aight then, I'll see you tomorrow." He said

"Bye." I said then hung up.

Cree POV

I went home instead of going with Terrance because I just wanted to be home, I didn't feel like going anywhere. And if another person ask me if I'm okay I swear I'ma flip shit.

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