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Cree POV

"Friends, family, acquaintances, we are gathered here today to send our beautiful sister home to the Lord." The minister started.

I sat in the front row with Terrance on my left side. I laid my head on his shoulder and cried as I looked at my mother's lifeless body in the open casket.

I picked my head up from the Terrance shoulder and he looked at me.  "You good?" He asked.

"No." I said lowly.


Throughout the entire service I kept thinking about the way my mom was killed. I just wanna find the nigga that did this and pour bleach on him then set his ass on fire.

After the service I sat in the church by myself. I have not moved from this spot since the service ended about fifteen minutes ago. I heard the doors open but I didn't look back. I raked my straightened hair out of my face and sighed. I looked up when I felt the bench dip.

"Wassup sis?" Terrel said.

"Hey." I said dryly.

"You goin' to the grave?"

"Maybe a little later."

"Later, you gonna miss it." He said.

I looked up at Terrel. "Those people are Caribbean, most things they do aren't on time." I said and he chuckled a little. "Can I talk to you about something, its been bothering me all day."

"Yea sure, wassup?"

"Let's talk outside, 'cause what I have to say shouldn't be said in the church." I said then stood up. I walked causing my heels to click against the floor. Terrel opened the door for me and I walked out. I stood on the steps of the church as I looked at everyone piling into their cars.

"So wassup?"

"That dude that shot you, do you know who he was?"

"Yea his name is D or some shit. Why?"

"That's the same dude that killed my mom."

"Word?" He said and I nodded. "I've been lookin' for that nigga ever since I got out the hospital." He said.

"Well I wanna be face to face with him. Ace is dead now, so I can't do shit about him but the dude that actually pulled the trigger I wanna go after."

"What do you mean 'go after'?"

"Plan somethin', go after him, take him out." 

"Oh I was on it the day when he shot me. I'm lookin' for that nigga now, and when I see him it ain't gon' be nice." He said to me. 

We talked and looked over the family and friends as they talked amongst each other.

I crossed my arms and looked ahead. "All I know is that he started a war with the wrong one, this isn't over and he gon' get his."


Could this mean a sequel? Hmmm? What y'all think, should I do a sequel?


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2014 ⏰

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