Chapter 8.1

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Cree POV

My aunt woke me up this morning. I looked at the time on my phone and it said five thirty. When I was in Brooklyn I didn't have to get up until six, but its whatever I have to get used to it.

I got up and went into the bathroom to take a quick shower. I got out of the bathroom in ten minutes. My aunt told me we have to leave here at six thirty to reach the school by seven because all teachers have to be there before all the students are there. Anyway I looked out the window and it was rainy and I was not about to where something really cute in this weather. So I put on a red Nike pullover hoodie with a wife beater underneath. I put on a pair black jeans and white ankle socks.

My hair wasn't done and I didn't feel like doing it so I went upstairs to my aunts room. "Aunty are you busy." I asked knocking on the door and peeking in.

"No love, what do you need?"

"Can you do two French braids for me please?"

"Yea come sit down." She motioning me to the floor.

I sat on the floor and she did my hair. "Thank you." I said when she was finished.

"No problem now go finish getting ready and get something to eat."

I nodded my head and walked back down to my room. I grabbed my red retro 4's out of the closet and brought them upstairs. I sat them by the door along with my book bag.

I went in the kitchen and grabbed an Oikos yogurt and a plastic spoon. I went back to the stairs and sat on a step as I put on my sneakers. I sat there and waited for my aunt. "Cree can you start the car for me please!" She yelled from in her room. 

"Yea where are the keys?" I hollered. 

"On the hook next to the coat rack."

I grabbed the keys and went out the front door. I opened the car door with the keychain remote and slid in the passengers side. I started the car and waited for my aunt to come out from the house.

About ten minutes later my aunt came jogging out the house through the rain to the car with her bag in one hand and her coffee in the other. We made our way out of the driveway and down the street.

About thirty minutes later we were in the parking lot of the Decatur High School. My aunt shut off the car and I just sat there and looked at how big the school was. I mean I'm used to a big school but I'm just not used to a school having so much land. I have never seen so much green grass in my life, all I know is concrete sidewalks. The most grass I have seen is when I go to Queens and that isn't even a lot.

"You okay Cree?" My aunt asked.

"Yea, I just never seen so much grass around a school before." I said and she laughed out.

"Come on, I wanna show off my niece." She said opening the car door.

We walked through the front doors and down the hallway that was filled with nothing but blue and gold. "So you ready to become a Bulldog." Then she started barking and it echoed throughout the empty hallway. 

I stopped and just looked at her like she had two heads. "Okay one, never do that again, and two I will always be a Panther aunty but I'll give the bulldogs a try." I said.

She laughed as we turned to this door which looked to be the main office. "Good Morning Everybody." My aunt said walking and signing her name on the clipboard.

"Hey Annette, and who is this?" This Spanish lady with glasses asked with a smile from behind the desk. She looked and reminded me of Sofia Vergara.

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