~Away From You~ Jookyun

By nikkiyeollie

101K 5.6K 5K

Changkyun is a young omega who lost his home, his pack and his mother to another wolf pack. The alpha wolf of... More

Chapter 1 : Away from home
Chapter 2: Enemy's Pack
Chapter 3: Mate
Chapter 4: Jooheon
Chapter 6: Secrets Hurt
Chapter 7: Decision
Chapter 8: Goodbye Jooheon
Chapter 9: Omegas on the run and Alphas on the hunt.
Chapter 10: Part I. Dead
Chapter 11: Part II. Dead
Chapter 12: Part I. On our way to a better place
Chapter 13: Part II. On our way to a better place
Chapter 14: Precious Moments
Chapter 15: Guilty Conscious
New Jookyun Books!
Chapter 16: A Fresh Start
Chapter 17: 5 months later
Chapter 18: Welcome Home
Chapter 19: Changkyun
Chapter 20: MiMi
Chapter 21: Part. I - The Blue Moon pack
Away From You 19k!
Chapter 22: Part II. The Blue Moon Pack
Chapter 23: The Worst for the Better
Chapter 24: Home
Thank You
Chapter 25: Let me fix you
Chapter 26: I'm Sorry
Chapter 27: Please Forgive Me
Chapter 28: Unexpected
Chapter 29: Together Again
Chapter 30: My First Time
Chapter 31: Be Careful
Chapter 32: I Will Protect You
Chapter 33: Felix
Chapter 34: [Filler] Life at the Orphanage
Chapter 35: [Filler] Let's Just Be Together
Chapter 36: [Filler] Gunhee's Troubles
Chapter 37: [Filler] Minhyuk the shipper
Chapter 38: [Filler] Part One: New life at the pack
Chapter 39: [Filler] Part Two: New life at the pack
Away From You 2
Chapter 40: Alone in the forest
Chapter 41: Captured
Chapter 42:The Truth in Lies
Chapter 43: Forever Silent
Chapter 44: Our dirty little secret
Chapter 45: The competition
Chapter 46: Patch things up
Chapter 47: A Post it

Chapter 5: Not Safe

3.4K 224 144
By nikkiyeollie

A/N: Here is the chapter! Special thanks to MyLipsOnEXOs for helping me edit the previous chapters and this one 💜💜 she is an amazing friend. She rocks! I hope she gets married to one of her beloved oppas. Read and enjoy! Leave comments ✌🏻

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


"Where is the frosting stick? Ugh, can't find anything in this kitchen.." I mumbled in annoyance when I couldn't find the frosting stick or the pencil thingy. How am I supposed to decorate the cupcakes?

I began opening random cabinets in search of something that could help me decorate the cupcakes that came out of the oven minutes ago. I couldn't find anything useful so I got creative. I grabbed a plastic ziplock baggie and placed the blue frosting inside squishing it all onto one side. Next, I looked for a pair of scissors to cut a little piece of the bag to use it as a frosting stick or pencil... whatever you want to call it... I don't care.

I've only made five chocolate cupcakes and I was more than happy when they came out of the oven in perfect shape ... my past cupcakes would always come out deformed ... hehe but now they looked great and ready to get pretty.

The reason I started to bake cupcakes was to get my mind off things, like Jooheon and the pack that disliked me... oh and I needed to stay away from his affectionate acts that are making my heart go dokidoki.

I can't get used to Jooheon being affectionate... 

Jooheon frustrates me a lot because I should hate him and not like him! I shouldn't like the way he smiles at me or how his hands slides down my back to my waist.

I should feel disgusted!

It's supposed to be yucky!

... so why I feel butterflies in my belly whenever he smiles at me?

Why do I feel a tingly electrical shock go through my body when he touches me?

Why do I feel happy when he's with me?

Why am I feeling like this?

I sighed angrily when I began decorating and turning the cupcakes into cookie monsters. Yep, my mom taught me how to decorate them and I was lucky to find everything I needed to make them look like Cookie Monsters.

It wasn't long when someone came knocking at the kitchen's door while also trying to open the door that was locked with a chair against it. I didn't want to be disturbed while I baked my cupcakes -.-

"Huh? Who's in there? Why did you lock my kitchen's door?! Omg! Wonho is that you?! STOP EATING THE RAMEN YOU COW!"

"Who the heck is that? Who the heck is Wonhoe?" I mumbled setting down everything I was using to decorate my cupcakes to go over the door I locked. I heard shuffling and angry mumbling about a stupid blond that looks like a fat cow and that never stops eating ramen.

I grabbed the chair and put it away so that I could unlock the door and see who was the person interrupting my sulking time.

I opened the door and was face to face with the beta that took care of me from the start.


The redhead beta's eyes widened when he saw me standing in front of him covered in flour and who knows what else. I've touched a lot of things that I don't even know what they are for. Kihyun still had a few bandages on his face... he seems to be slowly healing from the thing I did...

I lowered my eyes to the floor feeling a little shy around the beta that looked like he wanted to rip my head off for injuring his face and for messing up his kitchen.

Kihyun took a deep breath and stepped in front of me placing both his hands in front of his face to calm himself down before asking what I was doing.

"Changkyun," he said calmly "what are you doing here? Why did you lock the door? Why is my precious kitchen a mess?"

"I wanted to be alone... and bake cupcakes..."

Kihyun raised an eyebrow at my words "bake cupcakes?"

I nodded "I eat when I'm upset... and I wanted cupcakes."

Kihyun sighed walking passed me to take a long look at the damage I did around his kitchen. The bowl with the cupcake batter was carelessly left on the table with the batter dripping from it, there was flour powder all over the floor... and other shit I touched and tossed around cuz they smelled weird... I also misplaced everything.

Kihyun looked at the kitchen's mess with horror and I saw him hold in his desire to scream, but he bit down on his upper lip and clench his tiny fists when he saw I broke a few cupcake molds ... 

I honestly don't know how I broke them...

I felt embarrassed when Kihyun kept inspecting the damages I made. I couldn't help but walk towards a corner and hold in the desire to cry. I didn't want to get scolded by the angry beta. I bit my sweater paws while keeping my eyes on the redhead that just finished looking around the whole kitchen.

"My god..." he stopped right in front of the cupcakes I was decorating.

"You made all this mess in my kitchen to make that?" the look on Kihyun's eye scared me, I tried avoiding his eyes when I nodded.

I heard a groan and saw the redhead take the cupcake in his hand and quickly take a bite. I felt my eyes widened at the sudden act but felt relieved that Kihyun hasn't exploded.

"Mmm.." the beta moaned when he chewed. I guess the cupcakes taste good.

I slowly made my way towards the counter where Kihyun was devouring the cupcake I made and I asked him if it tasted good. He just ate half of the cupcake in one bite leaving me surprised.

"Okay let's make a deal Changkyun, you let me keep this cupcakes and I will let the kitchen mess slide."


He nodded "They taste really good."

"I'm glad." I smiled widely at the beta whose eyes widened at the sight of me smiling. It seems like it is the first time he saw me smiling genuinely at him. "I love to bake sweets, it is my dream to have my own bakery someday." I tell the beta "my mom made the best sweets you could ever taste. I want to be just like her."

"Or you will be better." Kihyun gave a small smile that kind of made me feel shy. I lowered my eyes to the floor and moved away from the counter to start cleaning my mess. Kihyun helped and we both set out the task to wipe the place clean.

When we finished mopping the kitchen I saw the beta sit on one of the chairs to stare at me finish mopping the corner I was at.

"How did it go?"

The question was sudden but I knew exactly what he meant. Kihyun was asking about my walk with Jooheon ... or date...whatever.

I stayed silent for a while trying to find the right words to describe how my date with Jooheon went... I didn't want to give too many details and I didn't want to sound like I really enjoyed it... because I didn't...(lie)

I could only sigh out loud and try to keep an expressionless face to convince the beta that the date didn't cause too much effect on me.

My lips formed a straight line when I spoke the next words "It was okay, had to walk a lot and my feet hurt."

Kihyun nodded quietly "Did you enjoy your time together?"

"please stop interrogating me Kihyun!" I snapped at the beta that just sighed with a dismissive wave of the hand.

"Okay, don't get pissy .. geez"

After Kihyun said what he said I turned on my heels and walked away, almost sprinted out of the kitchen to avoid any more questions that made my heart race.

I ran out of the building with such a hurry that I didn't see the person I accidentally bumped into. Both of us fell down hard against the ground, but I felt strong arms wrap themselves quickly around my small frame before we impacted. The touch was unfamiliar yet soothing. I could tell immediately that the wolf was an alpha, his scent was strong and reminded me of tropical fruits... I didn't felt weirded out or anything.... if anything I felt calm and safe.

I quickly rolled away from the stranger and glance back at the tall male with pink hair?


Tall male alpha with pink hair?

Am I going color blind?

I slapped my palm against my face before rubbing my eyes out of its color-blind state. Clearly, I was seeing things because there's just no way that a male alpha would have pink hair!

Just when I was violently trying to rub my eyes out I felt a warm hand gently touch my knee and heard the sweetest harmonical voice I've ever heard... I went numb when my eyes met soft brown orbs and pink thick lips that formed a genuine smile.

My mind went blank when I saw the alpha crouch down in front of me with a concerned look on his beautiful features. He was the male alpha with the ridiculous cute pink hair... and let me tell you that it has never suited anyone better than him.

All thoughts escaped my mind when the male slowly touched my face, he gently brushed away the few caramel strands that were covering up my eyes and smiled when he saw my face completely.

I couldn't form words at the moment but did see how the alpha male's lips moved like he was talking... oh.. he's talking... I forced myself to speak and ...

"W-what?" I asked confused. The tall man just smiled and repeated the words "I asked if you were okay, I also apologized for not looking at where I was going."

"Oh! Y-yeah... I'm okay... it was more my fault actually."

The tall wolf just smiled gently and took my hand in his to help me stand up from the dirty ground.

Author's view

Changkyun felt shy around the tall charming werewolf that was looking down at him with such adoration, finding the small omega's shyness adorable.

"I'm Chae Hyungwon, an alpha wolf." He said calmly stretching out his hand for Changkyun to take. The omega quickly took it and introduced himself not missing the tall males smile falter a little.

"Head alpha's mate right?" Hyungwon's disappointment was evident in his voice. Changkyun wanted to shook his head and scream HELL NO at the top of his lungs but deep inside he heard his wolf complain about Changkyun's hesitation to say yes. Changkyun quickly pushed aside his wolf and told Hyungwon that he was kept in the pack against his will and he has no desire to have the head alpha as his mate for he is the man that killed his mom and his entire pack.

Hyungwon's small smile faltered noticeably this time when he heard how the small omega denied being mates with his head alpha who clearly has started having feelings for the small caramel head. He felt sad that the omega in front of him was one that expressed his hatred towards everyone in the pack and said that he'd rather die than being their luna ... he wanted to cry. To burst in tears because someone as beautiful as Changkyun had such ugly feelings inside of him, towards his friend Jooheon and his pack.

Hyungwon didn't want to believe Changkyun hated the pack he has grown to love ever since he transferred.

Changkyun saw how Hyungwon's gorgeous thin eyebrows were brought together and his features wrinkled indicating sadness and a bit of worry. Changkyun wanted to reach out and touch Hyungwon and comfort him. The omega just didn't like seeing the handsome alpha sad.

Hyungwon straightened up his posture and managed to look down at the big warm brown orbs that have been observing him carefully and he couldn't help but say it.

"Is it true that you hate us?"

The sudden question caught Changkyun off guard and immediately felt guilty by looking at the alpha's crestfallen eyes staring back at him. Changkyun did express such hate many times against the pack's leader and the pack itself. He has seen the reaction of many wolves and knew very well they weren't good. He knew everyone didn't trust him and wanted the head alpha to reject him because they didn't want him as their Luna.

Changkyun couldn't care less about how everyone thought about him. The only thing he cared about and lived for was for a chance to get away and start a better life somewhere else. Changkyun ignored the negative comments, the rumors that he was a spy from another pack, the glares that were directed at him with so much despise.

No one wanted him... and he didn't want them.

Now he was feeling soft for an alpha he just randomly met.

He felt bad for saying such things now... kind of...

Changkyun crossed his arms on his chest and turned his face to the side avoiding eye contact with the tall male whose eyes were burning into him. Changkyun didn't want to lie to the alpha so he didn't say anything and just hoped the alpha would take his silence as a yes to his question.

Hyungwon saw it. He saw how Changkyun really wasn't fond of anyone in the pack. Changkyun's silence proves it.

"Okay, well... I guess I will be on my way."

Changkyun saw the tall male bow at him and leave with hurried steps, desperate to get far away from the male omega that was left standing alone. Changkyun bit his upper lip and forced his chubby legs to move away from the spot he was glued in.

Changkyun saw from afar some of the alpha guards that kept watch around and watched his every move. Since the "date" with Jooheon, the head alpha gave him permission to walk around the pack's territory. Changkyun hasn't had the opportunity to do so and at the moment he didn't feel like exploring but just wanted to find a quiet place to keep sulking about everything that sucks in his life.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Changkyun walked over to a small clearing filled with lilacs that had a strong fragrance. Changkyun sat on the ground and played with the small flowers with a frown on his face when he remembered everything that happened recently. He was still angry with Jooheon and more at himself for becoming soft for him at the zoo. He growled at the memory of him holding the alpha's hand and let himself be dragged around the place. He scowled at the memories, cursing at his wolf for being so stupid and for falling in love for such a horrible guy.

"I hate everything." He mumbled when he slowly laid down on the grassy ground. The wind picked up and blew a soft wind mixed with the lilac scent at Changkyun's face. It was sort of relaxing for him and it helped him calm his troubled mind.

"I can't like Jooheon.... he's so stupid!" Changkyun wrinkled his nose in distaste when he remembered thinking that the alpha looked appealing on the date. He wanted to slap his face for thinking such a thing!

"Ugh! What is wrong with me? Stupid mate bond... I can't help but feel weird things towards that stupid alpha."

Changkyun stared at the sky pushing aside his inner turmoil to focus on the different shapes the clouds formed into. He spent a while guessing what the clouds looked like that he didn't notice when two alpha wolves stood a few feet away from the omega that was way too entertained with the clouds.

The alpha wolves were just keeping an eye on their leader's mate that wandered a bit too far from the pack's ground, they were super relieved when the small omega was just on the clearing looking at the clouds.

The clouds all came together slowly darkening the sky releasing thunders here and there, alerting everyone that it was about to rain. Changkyun frowned at the clouds but made no movement to get up.

A group of werewolves from another pack were patrolling the area. The leader was upfront guiding his fellow alphas and betas through the forest when suddenly a very well known scent invaded the leader's nose, the head alpha stopped abruptly digging his paws against the dirt. All the wolves stopped to watch their leader sniff the air suspiciously. The familiar scent danced around his nostrils making the alpha grunt and follow its trail quickly.

The wolves ran after their alpha watching him run desperately after the sweet soft vanilla scent that was weakly lingering in the air.

Changkyun was still wrapped up in his own little world that he didn't notice a huge dark brown wolf going down a hill at godspeed.

His head went blank, almost like a computer crashing down only to start to rebut itself. It felt like forever until he realized that a wild beast was heading towards the clearing, towards him.

Changkyun's eyes widened almost about to bulge out of its sockets when he saw the furious beast growl at him.

Changkyun froze watching the majestic beast fly across the field towards him when the alpha wolf was about to leap onto Changkyun another huge wolf collided with the brown wolf.

Changkyun quickly recognized the other wolf as Jooheon, his mate. Alphas and Betas wolves ran and formed a protective circle around Changkyun to keep him safe from the brown alpha wolf that seemed determined to hurt him. Changkyun couldn't comprehend why the wolf wanted to hurt him. He never saw him before in his life.

His chest began to hurt, his heart was beating uncontrollably and his arms and legs felt like jelly when he tried to move but was in too much of a shock to do so.


Cliffhanger ~ ✌🏻 please vote, share and comment. I hope you guys enjoyed this. Once again, thanks 🙏🏻 to MyLipsOnEXOs

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