An Alternative Spin

By Josephina2017

1.8K 55 22

Mal's plan to steel the magic wand succeeds and now everyone else must pay the price of her actions, can anyo... More

The Coronation
The Villainous kids
Trouble Strikes
To The Isle
On The Isle
The Escape
A change in power
Zevon's Toy
Play Toy or Pretend
Three Days Later
Deals and Punishment

Mal's New Pet

146 5 0
By Josephina2017

Amy sighed as she walked back to Bree "You ok?" Bree asked, Amy shook her head "No... I got into a fight with Josie." Amy said sadly, feeling bad for fighting with her cousin "The girl from before? What did you fight about?" Bree asked, wondering what could have been that bad to get the pink haired teen that upset "She started to accuse you of being the enemy, that you and the other AKs were as bad as Maleficent and her lapdogs." Amy sighed "I got angry with her being so closed minded that I yelled some pretty hurtful things at her. I should have been more understanding! I know she's scared of people from Auradon but instead of being understanding I got angry at her!" Amy said, ashamed of herself for being that quick to fight.

"Wait... what do you mean scared of people from Auradon?" Bree asked, confused about why Josie would fear her "She was taken away from her mother, Jabberwock, who was said to have been killed soon after. Rumour has it Josie was going to be sent to an asylum by the order of King Adam but then her father took her in for a few years before abandoning her. The King soon caught her and had her sent to the isle because of her mother, she was on the streets for a few years, living on scraps and anything she could get her hands on. One day Maleficent found her and realised she was her niece so she took her in so Maleficent could teach her to be evil." Amy explained.

Bree sighed sadly, she vaguely remembers her father yelling about a psychotic girl getting away, then a few years later he caught the crazy girl and sent her to the isle. "Well, I think you should go look for her, if what you say is true she probably would be feeling like she has been abandoned by now. I can come with you show her that not everyone wants to hurt her." Bree suggested, Amy nodded "Okay, I last saw her around there." Amy said, pointing to an almost destroyed alleyway "Okay, well let's go, she couldn't have gotten too far." Bree said before going with Amy to find Josie.


Three figures walked out of the shadows around Josie and Ulric "Nicely done Anthony." Maddy said, removing her hood "Yeah, didn't think you could do it." Ginny commented, "Well I did so shut it and help me get the chains on the them!" Anthony snapped, he walked over to the two unconscious teens. Maddy rolled her eyes before chaining Ulric while Anthony chained Josie. "Right, lets ge-" Anthony was cut off by someone gasping.

Amy and Bree where searching for Josie when they heard some familiar voices, the two girls followed the voices to find Anthony, Ginny and Maddy standing over Josie and Ulric who were both unconscious "What did you do to them!?" Amy growled "What are you doing!?" Bree asked, terrified and appalled by what the three other teens are doing. "Nothing that concerns you!" Ginny spat "Yeah!" Anthony yelled "We're simply running an errand for the new king and queen of Auradon!" Maddy said, looking at the two girls as if they were trash "Yeah!" Anthony repeated "Shut up!" The two girls snapped at the boy "Fine." He muttered "Now, we need to go! Mal and Malice don't like to be kept waiting." Maddy said before grabbing a dark purple potion and throwing it to the ground in thought of her, Anthony, Maddy and the two unconscious teens. A large puff of purple smoke covered them.

Amy and Bree coughed from the smoke, when the smoke cleared they were gone. "No! They're gone!" Amy cried, devastated. "Who were they? "Bree asked, clearly scared about what just happened "Maddy, Ginny and Anthony!" Amy growled before gasping "Wait! New king and queen? Mal and Malice sending them?" Amy muttered with a horrified expression "Huh?" Bree said, "We need to get to the others now!" Amy said, if what she is thinking is true, they could be in more trouble then they thought, saving the royals would be less important, surviving themselves will be the main thing for them to worry about.

In Auradon

Josie groaned as she felt a sharp sting in her arm "Good, it's awake." A boy said, Josie turned to see Anthony shoving a large needle into her arm, she growled and tried to attack him but was roughly grabbed by someone else "Behave yourself freak!" Ginny's voice snarled. Josie opened her mouth to talk back but no sound came out "You won't be able to talk for a while." Maddy's voice growled. Another needle was jabbed into her arm. Josie's vision began to clear up and she saw she strapped to a chair that was in a pure white room with Anthony, Maddy, Ginny and Zevon. Suddenly an agonizing burning pain went through Josie. Both Ginny and Maddy were branding both her shoulders.

"Ok, it they're ready." Zevon said after they stopped, he walked over with a black collar and black wrist cuffs. He tried to move closer to Josie, but she attempted to bite him "Cover its mouth." Suddenly a white material covered Josie's mouth "That's better." Zevon commented before removing Josie's golden collar and wrist cuffs and replacing them with the black ones "These are indestructible so don't worry about her braking them and she can't remove them, only Mal and Malice can do that." Zevon explained to the other three.

"Good so what was it we were supposed to do now?" Anthony asked, he was still holding the material over her mouth. Ginny shrugged "Don't know about you two but Maddy and I have to clean it." Ginny said, looking at Josie in disgust, Josie widened her eyes before narrowing them at her, her eyes glowed bright yellow. "Well good luck with that, better put this around it first otherwise I think it might bite you." Zevon said before handing Ginny something, Josie didn't have a clue what it was. Ginny walked over to Josie with it, she placed it around her mouth and connected something behind her head "This will function like a muzzle." Zevon said before handing her a chain lead "Here you go." Zevon said offhandedly. Ginny connected it to Josie's collar "Let's get this over with." Maddy said while releasing Josie from the chair "Don't try to resist, it will only make things much worse for you." Maddy warned before Ginny and her dragged Josie off.


After finally getting her clean, Ginny and Maddy dragged Josie up into the castle to the throne room. Josie was still soaking wet and was in some clothes that could be considered rags, Josie's cat ears were flat against her head and her tail wrapped around herself, she was shaking with both the cold and terror "Your majesty's, we have it." Ginny exclaimed, Mal looked at them coldly, looking at the rags they forced Josie to get dressed in, Josie widened her eyes seeing Mal and Malice on the thrones. "Did you brand her?" Mal asked, they nodded before showing Josie's shoulders, revealing burned in marks in the shape of a dragon's head "Bring her to my room and keep her there." Mal ordered "Yes your majesty." Maddy and Ginny said before taking the hybrid to Mal's room, once they were there they chained Josie to the bed before leaving. Josie sat there shaking from being wet, cold and terrified. After what felt like hours, Mal walked into the room.

Before going up to her room, Mal and Malice had gone down to dungeons where they had taken the boy. They ignored all the other prisoners. They kept going until she found the cell with the boy. The boy was in the same cell as Diaval. Mal raised her hand, her hand turned green "Let me out!" The boy yelled 'Get him out, I want to mess with him and his girlfriend.' Mal told Malice. Malice nodded and opened the cell using his magic "Please just let us go!" Diaval pleaded, he had woken up when they had brought the boy in "Nope." Malice said before using his magic to force Ulric to follow. He closed the door before following Mal with the boy.

Mal walked outside of the cell with Malia, Bell, Beast and FG. "Mal please stop doing this!" Malia yelled when Mal removed the sound barrier "No and if you try anything, ever. Your boyfriend here will pay!" Mal told her, she held one of her ring blades up to Ulric's throat "Thought I should let you know." Mal said with a vicious grin. She closed the sound barrier "Put him back in, I need to deal with other things." Mal told Malice, Malice nodded and took Ulric back to his cell, ignoring the fact Malia and Ulric were screaming and crying.

After dealing with that, Mal walked to her room, she watched as Josie tried to get away from her despite being chained to the bed "Tsk, tsk, we aren't going to have to punish you, are we?" Mal rhetorically asked, Josie shook her head frantically, her shoulders were still blistering from being marked. Mal smirked before crouching in front of her and grabbed her chin to make Josie look her in the eye "You belong to me." Mal told her before letting go of Josie and standing up, "What!?" Josie squeaked out, shaking uncontrollably. Mal smirked "You heard me, you're my possession, my personal slave, my pet." Mal taunted with a sadistic grin "Hybrids are quiet popular pets you know." Mal commented, Josie growled despite her fear "I am no one's pet!" She growled stubbornly. Mal shrugged "You're going to be fun to break." Mal said casually "Break!? I'm not a horse!" Josie snarled, Mal rolled her eyes before grabbing a remote "So... let's see here." she muttered before pressing a button, a short burst of electricity went through Josie, Josie let out an animalistic yelp. Then Mal pressed another button "Speak." Mal ordered, Josie opened her mouth, but a meow came out instead of words "Perfect." Mal commented with a grin.

She walked over to her and grabbed Josie's hand "Hmm, I wonder why you were so easy to tranquilize? They told me you were very emotionally unbalanced when they found you." The memory of the fight with Amy crossed Josie's mind, Mal nodded, having seen the memory using her powers. "Well my pet, you won't have to worry about that anymore." Mal said with a grin as she stood up, Josie gulped and backed away as far as she could, meowing fearfully as she moved away from Mal.

"Come on my pet, no need to be so stressed." Mal told Josie, "Hmm, I can't keep calling you pet so how about... Kat since well, you sound like a cat." Mal said, looking a bit like a kid who had just gotten their first pet. Josie hissed "Kat it is." Mal said happily before narrowing her eyes at Josie's hair "I told them to clean you not throw water on you." Mal muttered before looking around, she grabbed a hairbrush "Come here Kat, come on." Mal called, Josie moved as far away from her as possible. Mal sighed "Oh well, your just a bit shy still, no problem." She said before grabbing Josie, ignoring the hybrids hisses and growls, Mal sat on her bed and sat Josie on her lap, she used her magic to summon a can "This is going to hurt Kat." Mal warned before she started to brush Josie's hair, she had to hold on tight to Josie because the hybrid struggled and hissed, despite this, Mal was quiet gentle with her and sprayed when the nots in her hair were too bad. Once all the nots were gone, Josie was too tired to keep attacking, "There we go, that wasn't so bad was it?" Mal asked rhetorically, she scratched Josie behind her ear, Josie couldn't help but purr.

"OK, now we need to get some better clothes on you." Mal said before summoning with her magic a few different clothes in Josie's size "Okay Kat, what should we change you into?" Mal asked, "Here we go." Mal said before she showed Josie a very short skirt and a skimpy little top that would show too much skin, Josie hissed and moved away fearfully 'No, please don't!' Josie mentally cried, Mal laughed at her "I'm cruel but not that cruel. You won't have to wear these unless you really get me angry but... maybe we could see how it looks." Mal said before using her magic to forcefully change Josie into the outfit. Josie tried to cover herself a little with her tail. "Yeah... your not coming out of this room like that." Mal told her before grabbing a dark purple tee shirt and black pants, as well as a purple bow. "Ok, come here Kat." Mal said, again Josie didn't come. Mal sighed before forcefully grabbing her and changing Josie herself, much to Josie's embarrassment. "There." Mal said when she was done, she had tied the purple bow around Josie's neck, just above the collar, Josie was bright red in embarrassment since she had literally just been changed by someone else, completely vulnerable. "Good girl, now I've set up some supplies for you over there." Mal said to Josie, speaking to her as if she was a common house pet. She pointed to the front of the bed, including thing like a water bowl, food bowl, a small cat bed, etc. "Be good Kat, I won't be too long." Mal said before leaving.

Josie sighed in relief that Mal was gone, she curled up into a little ball and started to cry, all that came out where little, pitiful meows. She was terrified, she had no idea what Mal would force her to do. She tried to make herself as small as possible, shaking uncontrollably

On the Isle

Amy and Bree had arrived at the Bargain Castle where everyone was "Guys we've got huge problems!" Amy told Evie and Carlos. "Amy, Bree what's wrong!?" Evie asked, worried about why there are so freaked out "We have terrible news!" Bree told them. "What's the news?!" Carlos asked, worried about how bad it could be. "Josie and Ulric have been captured by Anthony, Ginny and Maddy, apparently Mal and Malice overthrew Maleficent and now are controlling Auradon!" Amy told them. "WHAT!?" Everyone in the room asked "Wait, so that means that those psychotic dogs are controlling Auradon!" Evie exclaimed furiously. Amy and Bree nodded regretfully, they didn't like it either. "We're all going to die!" Audrey and Chad screamed "No we're not! We're going to stick together and survive! We will bring them down but not right now! We will save our parents, Malia, Josie and Ulric! But we have to focus on working together first!" Carlos yelled, "Good job Carlos, didn't know you could do that." Evie exclaimed "I can if it's necessary." Carlos replied.

Amy nodded, tears falling down her face "Carlos is right, we need to work together or else we won't make it! And if we don't make it then our family and friends are doomed!" Amy told the AKs despite the tears, Ben walked up to his sister then turned to the rest of the Aks "Are you with us?" Ben asked, they nodded and said yes, although Chad and Audrey were reluctant. Ben and Bree turned to the VKs "We'll help each other and together we will survive this crisis." Ben said to the VKs, the Vks nodded. Amy sobbed "I need to find them! I was too worried about everything else when Malia and Diaval disappeared and I was cruel when I accused Josie of those things despite knowing how hard it is for her to trust people, what if none of them want to see me?!" Amy cried "They will Amy, they will." Evie assured Amy as she hugged the pink haired girl.

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