The Internship•Calum Hood AU

Od b4byg3l

86.1K 1.5K 1.5K

Ever since she was little, Cindy had always loved taking pictures,capturing a moment,creating a memory and li... Více

The Internship A/N
'meet the cast'
0•"whos five save our souls?"
1•"we made some crazy memories here"
2•"do you know who 5sos are?"
3•"thanks for being a fan"
4•"nice lace is my favourite"
5•"what brought you round here to see our lame ass band"
6•"can i have this dance?"
7•"is that your girlfriend?"
8•"im just an intern"
9•"ashton irwin is DADDY"
10•"i wish i was all up in your ass"
11•"im just afraid to get hurt"
12•"didn't anyone tell you your hair looks sexy pushed back?"
13•"theres only one calum hood darling"
14•"fuck off asian!"
IMPORTANT! please comment
16•"i forgot your dicks bigger than your brain"
19•"need a tissue virgin?"
20• "im sorry darling"
21•"theres something wrong"
22•"your like a red rose in a room full of white ones"
23•"make sure you follow the rules"
24• "to us"
25• "i'll miss you"
26• "it terrified me"
stay tuned
27• "I miss you"

18•"i have luke dick all over my mouth now"

2.2K 44 21
Od b4byg3l

I opened my eyes as the harsh sun was ruining my perfect black vision as it completely covered every part of the large hotel room. I stretched my body slowly hearing my body crack, and felt a large grasp on my waist sticking to my skin with heat.

My eyes widened and I shut them again hoping that I was in some crazy fucking nightmare and what happened didn't actually happen last night. My mind unfortunately swarms me with the raw memories of Calum crying and high and drunk in my hotel room and me sleeping with him after his drunken pleas.

I kept my eyes shut tight, so hard it hurt. I was hoping that for some crazy reason the grasp belonged to anyone except for Calum, I'd even take Nia right now holding me than Calum.

As I kept my eyes furiously shut a flicker of potential endings to this situation presented in my brain; Margot coming in and crapping herself, Ashton and Michael coming in and beating Calum's ass and my ass for being together, Nia coming in and putting my head on a pitchfork. Or the worst, Zoe coming into this room.

The thoughts alone were enough to make my stomach churn, Zoe had this annoying habit of making sure she had a copy of everyone's room card. So that way she could barge in at any point.

Because of her 'rule'. Did I mention the strict no sex rule on tour? Ethan told me it was because Michael got caught with some girl who lied about her age.

Of course nobody followed it, I unfortunately found this out the hard way as I barged into Ashton's room looking for my missing shoe, and sweet little innocent Ashton not being as innocent as I thought. I'll just put it this way, Margot's theory about Ashton's daddy kink was proved to be true.

I also know for a fact Luke and Margot hook up, so much for the so called 'groupies' the entire band has. Because I haven't seen many, and Luke and Margot were acting like a married couple at any chance they can and the only reason I know they break Zoe's rule is because I'm forced to listen to detailed accounts as Margot blushes and tells me, against my will.

To make things worse, if Zoe did come in here she would flip her shit. Not only because Calum is in my bed, but because Calum has a reputation as a boyfriend and him cheating would not only be complete social suicide for him, but also get me enough hate from the fans to make me run and live in Cuba for the rest of my life.

My thoughts scared me I slid slowly out of bed like a snake, right now I just didn't want Calum to wake up. I just wanted the hell out of that room then I could pretend I just found him or some shit.

I successfully slide out of his grasp and annoyingly I actually miss the feeling of his warm hands at my side. No Cindy No I tell myself over again. I was not letting Calum reel me in, even if that Calum was a sleeping angel with curly messy hair and a squished up tan face with parted lips as he snored softly.

I shook the thoughts from my head and took a quick glance at myself in the mirror. I still had last nights mascara on from being too lazy and the over sized sweater, not to mention I had fucking Harry Potter underwear on. Great impression let's just hope Calum was too intoxicated to remember.

I reach to grab my Cookie Monster fuzzy pyjama bottoms I see straying on the side of the bed and plan to a beeline into Ruby's room to beg to let me brush my teeth and shower and leave my own room, in exchange for every detail of what happened of course, a small price to pay when a hot, shirtless bass player is in your bed.

I fumbled about for the pyjama bottoms purposely not looking so I had an excuse to look at Calum. I probably sounded like such a creep at the moment, but I couldn't help but stare at his body and how the tattoos laced certain parts of him and I could spot a large bird with words I couldn't read, something in Roman numerals and something on his hands. That's all I could see unless there were more.

Just as I refocus on plan 'get the fuck out of there' I hear an obnoxious, ear shrilling ringtone that has never been louder. I freeze with fear as my dumb ass can't even react fast enough to do something, I just sit paralysed with shock as I hear my extremely loud ringtone of a crescendo of bells ring through the silent room.

I set it on loud since I got here as I found it such a struggle to get up due to jet lag, but right now I just wanted to throw my phone out of the Parisian balcony and watch it fall past the bouquets of window flowers and hanging baskets and smash into a thousands pieces on the cobbled streets below. But I couldn't even move a muscle as I prayed for my phone to just magically break.

My eyes watch Calum praying and trying to send telepathic messages to my phone to shut the fuck up when I watch a frown form on his once peaceful face, Calum groans and pats the bed beside him and I gasp silently. Is he looking for me? Does he know I'm here?

Calum stretches slowly and moves his tan body across the large bed as I hold my breath waiting for any sign of him to properly wake up or fall back asleep. I'm perched behind Margots bed as I pray and pray the wretched boy is still drunk and thinks I'm a figure of his dreams if he does spot me.

To my delight Calum squints his eyes open and I see the beginning of the chocolate brown irises wake up to the sun. My body finally does something and I kick into panic mode as I leap up quickly before he opens his eyes fully.

I could of did anything like hide, or roll under the bed but instead I attempt to dash across the floor in seconds. With legs that are the size of two pinky fingers, it's more than likely impossible.

I run across the room attempting to shove my legs into the pyjamas at the same time just to make sure I don't have a awkward half naked encounter with someone halfway down the hallway, as I'm shoving one leg while running clearly the universe isn't on my side as I go flat on my face and thump on the ground.

Besides the fact I'm sure I've broken my spine, I groan subconsciously and try to drag myself across the floor murmuring every curse word I know under my breath. I get halfway through third degree carpet burn as I pull myself across the carpet when I give up. There's no way Calum hasn't seen me or heard me as I look like a sad oversized caterpillar trying to drag itself along.

"Melissa? Is that you? Did you fall?" I hear Calum's raspy morning voice and if he didn't say those words I positively would of melted right now.

I say nothing as I'm not Melissa. I can't not admit it panged my heart when he said that, although we weren't anything we weren't nothing either and to know he's still talking to girls clearly annoys me.

"I heard you fall baby, did I really fuck you that hard?" He says in a deeper voice which I didn't think was possible and I steal a glance to see he's lying with his eyes to the ceiling and can't see me past the bed.

I rephrase what I said, to know Calum's still fucking girls is making me furious. I try to forget what he said and lie still hoping he falls asleep.

I was just a pathetic excuse for a women. I was lying here against my will hurt and betrayed over some boy who doesn't care. Suppose I wasn't as much as a groupie to Calum and I can only blame myself for falling for that shit.

"We can go again baby just let me brush my tee- Cindy? What the fuck?" I hear a voice yawn and I freeze.

I was so intertwined in my thoughts I didn't realise that Calum had got out of bed and was now standing above me as I was sprawled across the maroon carpet like some sort of lunatic.

"W-what Calum? What are you doing here?" I stutter as I painfully lie, I could smack myself at my response. I was clearly not the best at thinking on the spot.

"The real question is why are you lying on the floor like a pretzel and why- wait are those Harry Potter boxers? What the fuck are those" he questions and I sigh loudly.

"Shut the fuck up Calum " I say my face going red as I pull up the pyjama bottoms shamefully, and put myself into a somewhat normal position. Cross legged on the ground staring at my feet not trusting my self to look at Calum.

"What the fuck" he says as he strolls into the bathroom and I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. What the hell is he doing?

I stand up stretching my painfully body and following him I don't give a fuck about if he's peeing. Why isn't he not acknowledging the fact he's in my hotel at 7am or what happened last night?

He raises his eyebrows at me while his mouth is filled with minty foam, he spits in the drain and brushes his teeth and I remain with my confused as fuck face.

"Why the fuck are you using Margot's toothbrush?" I say slowly.

Calum's deep brown eyes widen and he shoves the blue brush from his mouth and spits quickly down the drain sticking his tongue out comically while wiping it on a towel.

"Ew I thought it was yours what the fuck! Ew I have Luke dick all over my mouth now" he groans, guess he knows about what happens between them. I snatch the towel off him and he grabs it back but I remain with it.

"Stop using my fucking towel for your tongue, and why the fuck would I let you use my toothbrush that's gross" I scrunch up my nose, I didn't even let Sierra use my toothbrush. I don't know where her mouth has been, and I certainly don't know where Calum's has been either.

"Because why wouldn't you it's not a big deal, we fucked anyway so we already traded bodily fluids" he says while waggling his eyebrows and I drop the towel on the ground with my mouth in a o shape.

He grabs the pink toothbrush out of the dish and squeezes toothpaste on it before sticking it in his mouth. I'm still shocked as I can't even process what he just said.

"It's weird you wore Harry Potter boxers though" he says through a mouth full of foam and I grab the toothbrush out of his hand.

"What the fuck! We didn't fuck what are you talking about?" I say loudly dropping the brush onto the ground while adding a mental note to buy a new one.

"What? Then why the fuck did I wake up with you?" He says with his eyebrows together and I gasp slowly. Calum doesn't remember anything from last night.

I have a split second to make a choice to tell him what happened or make up a lie, since I know how stupid my lies are I'll have to tell him the truth anyway.

I look at him blankly thinking and he raises his eyebrow at me before grabbing my arm. I flinch the sudden touch and I see the confusion in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asks and I walk out of the room, deciding to take the approach to lie.

"What nothing I kinda zoned out there, nothing happened you just stopped by you were a little drunk" I reply my voice too high for my liking, I just hoped Calum didn't catch onto it.

"Really? And we didn't fuck? Or did I finger you? Did you atleast suck my dick?" He says without a care in the world and I silently heave.

"No Calum gross"' I reply as I pick up my jeans scattered on the floor from last night which don't make this crime scene look any better. I'm convinced at this point that Calum can't say anything that will surprise me anymore, the things he says are crazy.

"What a waste of time" Calum mutters under his breath and I'm sure it wasn't for my ears. I snap my head round quickly. I take back what I said, what Calum just said has infuriated me. As if I was just nothing, only time I was valuable was for sex.

"What the fuck did you just say?" I said in a low voice trying to contain my anger. According to Calum's state last night he was a little sensitive on the real reason why he came here, but he was making it harder for me not to explode.

Calum picks up his shirt on the ground and gives me a weird look before scoffing at my face, my face remains unamused and his face drops into a scowl.

"God you take everything so seriously. I'm just saying what a hell of a night for me to forget it, just thought it would of been a little exciting"

"Your such a jerk! You came to my house in the middle of the night and passed out. If that's not exciting or thrilling I don't know what is" I said lamely.

"Pfft, hooking up with 3 girls all at the same time is exciting like I did last year. Me and you sleeping together is boring not exciting" Calum blurts out and I'm honestly hurt. I feel so angry at the things he's saying, it's as if he doesn't have a filter for what he says.

"Pfft maybe because you don't even remember anything" I shot back, trying to keep the spillage inside my mouth from starting WW3.

"Not as if your exciting enough to do anything, your so predictable" he laughs and I had enough. I drop my jeans from my hands and turn round to face Calum with his perky brown eyes, I almost feel bad for a second but my temper has broken.

"I've tried with you! You wanna know the real reason why you came here you jackass!" I shout and he looks confused and his mouth turns into a unreadable line.

"You came to my door! Saying you missed me! Saying you were drunk! You started crying on my floor over Melanie!" I shout in anger and after the words leave my mouth I wish I could just rewind them.

I watch Calum's face and he frowns and emotion flickers before his eyes and he looks away from me, but as fast as it happens he glances back at me with no emotion and I am extremely confused.

"Calum I'm sorry-" I start and he laughs loudly.

"Cindy your fucked up who's this Melanie girl?" He says and I know for a fact he's lying, I can tell because his cheeks are red and his eyes are dark. His voice is higher and he's clenching and unclenching fists.

I don't get to speak because he continues on.
"That's hilarious if I came and said all that, I must of been so fucking drunk. This is even funnier than the airplane, but the Melanie thing? You must of been drunk because I've never heard of a Melanie and crying? Come on" he says between laughs and I can tell their forced and fake, it's not hard to tell but I dont push it.

I know the only reason Calum is saying the mean things to me is because he's clearly hurt, confused and fucking afraid I know who the mystery Melanie is who broke him. But it still hurts all the same, I decide not to tell him the rest because he would either cry, lie or get angry and I don't want either of that.

I bite my lip and look down at the ground as I can't meet his eyes. I'm torn between feeling triumphant or guilty, I don't know what's going to happen but I know I've hit a serious nerve.

"By the way if you see Melissa, tell her I'm stayed in my room last night if she asks. Don't want her finding out" he says in a harsh tone and I know he's trying to keep this I don't care act up. Michael was right.

"I don't know who Melissa is" I reply but Calum simply opens the hotel door and gives me a wave before closing it.

I sigh loudly before rubbing my tired eyes with my hands, I can't believe what just happened. I wanted to say I was strong and didn't care but I would just be as bad as Calum. If I didn't be straight up about my feelings then who would be, Calum certainly wouldn't.

But that doesn't mean I'm going to tell him the truth.


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