The Sacrifice ~ The Vampire D...

By StineSkar

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'Book 2' The Vampire Diaries genderbent story. More

2x01 - The Return
2x03 - Bad Moon Rising
2x07 - Masquerade
2x08 - Ross
2x09 - Kaspian
2x10 - The Sacrifice
2x11 - By The Light Of The Moon
2x12 - The Descent
2x13 - Daddy Issues
2x14 - Crying Wolf
2x18 - The Last Dance
2x19 - Colette
2x20 - The Last Day
2x21 - The Sun Also Rises
2x22 - As I Lay Dying
Season 3
3x01 - The Birthday
3x02 - The Hybrid
3x03 - The End Of The Affair
3x04 - Disturbing Behavior
3x05 - The Reckoning
3x06 - Smells Like Teen Spirit
3x07 - Ghost World
3x08 - Ordinary People
3x09 - Homecoming
3x10 - The New Deal
3x11 - Our Town
3x12 - The Ties That Bind
3x13 - Bringing Out The Dead
3x14 - Dangerous Liaisons
3x15 - All My Children
3x16 - 1912
3x17 - Break On Through
3x18 - The Murder Of One
3x19 - Heart Of Darkness
3x20 - Do Not Go Gentle
3x21 - Before Sunset
3x22 - The Departed
Book 3

2x02 - Brave New World

252 6 0
By StineSkar

Picture of Carlisle Forbes

High School

Everyone is preparing for the Mystic Falls High School Carnival. Benny and Eliot are taking care of everything. "Kasper looked just like you, it was freakish"

"He is my ancestor. Hey, I moved the student booth into the cafeteria"

"Your vampire ancestor and he didn't just resemble you like a family member would. He was you" Benny stressed.

"I don't know, I can't explain it. It's creepy, that's all I got" Eliot tells him.

"How do you know he's not still out there pretending to be you?"

"I don't but I could sit here and be tortured by the not-knowing or I could get these prizes to the ring toss"

"Have you talked to Demi since she killed Jemma or tried to killed Jemma?" Benny asks him.

"No Benny, I haven't and I won't and I don't want to talk about Demi or anything else that's vampire related okay?" He gives a bag full of plush to Benny "I'm human. And I have to do human stuff. Otherwise, I'm going to go crazy"

"Okay, I'm sorry, I'll focus. We have to make Carlisle proud or he will kill us. I don't know how he does all of this" Benny says.

"Well because he's not human, obviously" Eliot jokes.

"Obviously" They laugh.


Eliot arrives to Stella and Jemma. "Hello Eliot" Stella greets.

"hey, did you..."

"Yeah, yeah, I set up the gold fish toss all three hundred gold fish" Jemma interrupts him "It's gonna be epic!" She says sarcastically before leaving.

"She's gonna be alright, she's just been through a little bit of an ordeal" Stella assures him.

"I was just hoping that this carnival would reel her back into the land of a high school teenager"

"That was what we were doing here?"

"Yes, we all are. We're going to be boring high school students who live in a world where the 'V' word is not uttered" Eliot tells her.

"Got it!"

"Then later I'm going to take you to the Ferris wheel, we're gonna ride to the very top and then I'm gonna kiss you and your heart will flutter like a normal high school girl. Do you see a running theme here?" Eliot jokes.

"Yeah I know, I'm seeing it and I'm liking it but I have a quick question. Uh, what do we do about Demi?"

"Uh, no 'D' word okay? That has been deleted from the list of topics that we can discuss" Eliot groans.

"Unfortunately, Kasper showing up has been a little bit of an odd place, little off-kilter, kind of dangerous. Who knows what she's up to?"


Salvatore Boarding House

Demi is pouring a blood bag in a glass when Stella arrives.

"Care for one?"

"No, thank you. I'm not hungry, just ate"

"Are you worried that one day, all the forest animals are gonna band together and fight back? I mean, surely they talk" Demi asks sarcastically.

"I'm just happy that's a blood bag and not a fraternity boy supplying your dinner" Stella tells her ignoring her question.

"I like this. You, walking on egg shells around me because you think I'm gonna explode. Very suspenseful. Is Eliot worried too? I bet I'm you every conversation" Demi smirks.

"Have you heard from Kasper?"

"I think the Lockwoods have a family secret because the Gilbert device affected them but Vervain didn't so they're not vampires, they're something else" Demi tells her.

"Is this your new obsession?"

"You'd rather some unknown supernatural element running rampant upon our town. Fine, I'll drop it"

"We haven't seen the last of Kasper, you do know that right? We have no idea what he's up to"

"Sure we do. He came back to profess his undying eternal love for you so I'm gonna let you deal with him because I have more important things to do like explode. Cheers!"


High School

Jemma is buying popcorn at the carnival when Demi arrives.

"Jemma, it's so good to see you alive"

"Aren't you a little old for a high school carnival?" Jemma asks rhetorically.

"A hundred and fifty years too old" She takes some of Jemma's popcorn and eats it.

"You're pretty funny cracking jokes when I could I don't know...blow the whole lid off this thing by telling someone what you really are" Jemma threatens.

Demi catches her and takes her away from the crowd "So please tell me that that is not a threat"

"Maybe it is" She shows her the ring and Demi chokes her from behind with an arm under her chin.

"This is what we're not gonna do, we're not gonna walk around like we are invincible when it's this easy for me to end you" She releases her.

"If you want to tell people what I really am go ahead and try" Demi holds up Jemma's ring, she stole it from her hand "I will shove this ring so far up your ass, you'll really have something to choke on" She flicks the ring at Jemma's face and leaves.


Demi is looking at Taylor who is arm wrestling in a competition. Stella walks over to her "You're lurking"

"I'm observing"

"More like obsessing"

Taylor wins "She's got strength" Demi notes.

"She's a triple letter varsity gymnast, of course she has strength. You're reaching"

Mason arrives to arm wrestle against Taylor. "I bet I can take you"

"Enter the aunt" Demi comments.

"That's ridiculous" Stella comments.

Mason beats her. "Okay, she's the champ, who wants to go next?"

"Stella wants to go" Demi calls out, patting her on the shoulder.

"Yeah, sure, I'll...give it a shot" Stella hesitates annoyed that Demi had dragged her into this. She walks over and joins Mason.

"Get her Stel!" Demi calls out mockingly.

"My sister over there thinks I can beat you" Stella tells Mason.

"Your sister's wrong" They start the wrestling, both putting in hard pressure. Mason beats her and Stella rejoins Demi.

"You didn't put in any effort at all" Demi accuses angrily.

"Yeah, actually I did" Stella corrects her.

"Come with me" Demi says surprised. Stella and Demi go in the hallway. "Is she...?"

"No, no, it wasn't that kind of strength but it was more than human, if that makes any sense" Stella tells her.

"What is up with that family? They're not vampires, what the hell are they?" Demi asks frustrated.

"Ooh, ah, maybe they're, um, ninja turtles!" Stella jokes.

"You're not funny"

"Or no, zombies, werewolves"

"No comedic timing at all" Demi turns her head and sees Carter repairing something.

"What? What are you up to?" Stella asks noticing her expression.

"This is reality and there's no such thing as werewolves or...combat turtles"

"I said ninja turtles, actually"

"Hey you!" Demi goes over toward Carter.

"I have a name"

"Yeah I don't care" She catches her shoulders and compels her "I need you to pick a fight with someone, a kid named Taylor Lockwood"

"Demi, don't do this" Stella tells her.

Demi motions her away with a brushing motion of her fingers "It's just an experiment. Get her mad, don't back down no matter what she does, okay?"

"I won't back down" Carter repeats monotone.

"I know you won't" Demi releases her and pats her on the back as Carter leaves.

"Do you realize someone is going to get hurt, right?" Stella asks her.

"No, someone is going to get mad, as in rage"

"What's that going to accomplish?"

"That Taylor kid is incapable of walking away from a fight. Let's see who intervenes, maybe it's the ambiguous, supernatural mystery aunt"


Demi is walking alone in the hallway when Carlisle arrives. Demi senses him, stops and turns around to face him. "Hey Blondie, they let you out?"

"I remember"

"What do you remember?" Demi asks her.

"I remember how you manipulated me, you pushed me around, abused me, erased my memories, fed on me" Carlisle reveals.

"You're crazy"

"Memories have been coming back, in pieces"

"You can't remember. It's impossible, I mean unless you're becoming a..." Demi trails off realizing that Carlisle is now a vampire.

"I have a message from Kasper, he said 'Game on'" Carlisle smiles.

"Wait..." Demi grabs his arm as he turns to walk away. Carlisle pushes her back with strength, Demi is thrown backwards and slides on the floor.

"You suck" Carlisle leaves after that.


Eliot is talking with a girl when Demi arrives. "Eliot"

"What do you want, Demi?" Eliot sighs.

"I know I'm the last person you want to see right now but I need you to come with me"

"Whatever it is I'm not interested"

"Yeah, I need you to come with me right now, Eliot" Eliot reluctantly stops after hearing how desperate she sounded and he follows her.


Eliot, Stella and Demi are in a classroom talking about Carlisle. "How did this happen?" Stella asks.

"Well, I fed him my blood and Kasper obviously killed him and A plus B equals..." Demi trails off.

"But why?" Eliot asks.

"Because Kasper is a manipulative, nasty, little slut"

"And he said 'game on'? I mean, what does that even mean?" Stella asks.

"It means he's playing dirty. He wants us to know"

"But why Carlisle?" Eliot asks.

"I don't know"

"Carlisle must be completely out of his mind, he doesn't even know what's happening to him" Stella says.

"Oh I think he does. All of my compulsion from the past started wearing off the minute he was in transition" Demi reveals.

"We have to find him"

"Yep, and kill him" Demi agrees with Stella.

"You're not gonna kill Carlisle" Eliot tells Demi.

"He knows who we are. He's officially a liability, and we've got to get rid of him"

"Demi, absolutely not" Stella agrees with Eliot.

"Need I remind you of a tragic little story of a boy named Viktor Donovan? Carlisle, of all people, will not make it as a vampire. His father is a vampire hunter. Guys come on, we all know how this story's gonna end, just flip to the last chapter and..." Demi explains.

"It's not an option Demi" Eliot snaps at her.

"No? your silence is deafening, Stella. Wait, wasn't there a school carnival the night you staked Viktor? I never had a town where history repeats itself. You know I'm right" Demi tells Stella.

"We're not gonna kill him" Stella leaves and Eliot follows.

"It's the only way" Demi tells Eliot before he leaves.


Demi is looking for Carlisle. She notices a wooden tent peg in the ground. She walks over and takes it. Elsewhere, Eliot and Stella are looking for him too.

"You agree with Demi, don't you? Stella?" Stella punches the side of a trailer. "Stella. Hey"

"Demi's right, not about what we should do but about what's gonna happen. Kasper already signed Carlisle's death sentence"

"Well we can't let it end that way. He's doing this to me, isn't he?" Eliot realizes.

"Actually, he's doing this to me"


Stella and Eliot are still looking for Carlisle. Stella notices something different in the air.

"Where could he be?" Eliot asks before he notices Stella "What is it? Do you hear him? What's going on Stella, what is it?"

"Blood. I can smell blood"


Carlisle is crying next to Carter's body. Demi arrives. He has blood all over his face. "She's dead. I killed her. What's wrong with me?" He cries.

"Hey, hey it's okay. I can help you" Demi comforts him.

"You can?"

"Yeah, I have to"

"What are you gonna do?"

"The only thing I can do? I'm gonna kill you" Demi whispers caressing his cheek.

"Please don't! I don't want to die" Carlisle cries.

"Yeah, but you're already dead"

"No! I'm not. Don't say that, okay? Just help me!"


"Okay? Just help me please! Please, please!" Carlisle pleads.

"Okay, okay. It's the only way" She embraces him and behind his back raises the stake ready to kill him but Stella arrives and rushes over and pulls her hand away. The stake falls to the ground.

"Stella!" Demi complains.

Eliot is standing with Carlisle. "Get away from me! You killed me!" Carlisle panics thinking that Eliot is Kasper.

"No, no, no, no Carlisle! That wasn't me. You know that! That was Kasper" Eliot assures him.

"No! Then why did he look like you?! And why, why did he do this to me?" Carlisle asks confused.

"Stella, we've got to get him inside"

"It's okay Carlisle, come with me" Stella tells Carlisle.

"He will die, it's only a matter of time" Demi tells them.

"Yeah, maybe so, but it's not gonna happen tonight" Stella tells her.

"Oh yeah it is" Demi picks up the stake and rushes over to them but Eliot puts himself in front of Carlisle.

"Demi, he's my friend" Demi hesitates, staring at Eliot who refuses to move. Then she drops her arm.

"Whatever happens, it's on you"

Benny arrives "Carlisle?"

"It's okay, come on" Stella comforts him.

Benny sees the blood on Carlisle's face "No, you're not. You can't be" He touches him and is horrified by the truth.

"Benny?" Carlisle asks.

Benny sees Carter's body "Oh god!"

"Benny..." Stella takes Carlisle away from the area to the bathroom. She takes some tissues to wipe the blood off his face. Carlisle starts washing away the blood too.

"He hates me! Benny hates me" Carlisle cries.

"No, no, he's just in shock, we all are" Stella assures him.

"And what about Macy?" He cries.

"Ssh. One thing at one time, let's get this blood off, come on"

"I'm a murderer. I'm a monster!"

"Look at me, your emotions are heightened right now. It's part of the transformation. It's completely normal. I promise you. Okay?"

Carlisle sees his face changing in the mirror and starts to panic "Why does this keep happening to my face?!"

"Look at me, look at me, look at me! Carlisle, Carlise! Look at my face, look at my face!" Her face has changed too. "You see that? When you feel the blood rushing, you tell yourself that you're going to get through it, that you're strong enough." Carlisle shakes his head "Yes, yes, no matter how good it feels to give yourself over to it, you fight it off, you bury it. Watch me, watch me" Her face is normal again.

"It's the only way you're gonna survive this thing. Try" He takes a few breaths, his face returns to normal. "That's good"

"Why did Kasper do this to me?"

"I don't know, I wish I did. Hey, hey, I promise you I will not let anything happen to you. Come here. Come here" She embraces him.


Eliot is still with Benny "I can't believe this is happening"

Demi arrives with a shovel in her hands "Come on, don't pout about it. I got a body to bury" She looks at Eliot "I thought you were calling the shots. No? hm, it sucks to be you, buddy"

Benny looks at her and gives her a headache. She falls to the ground clutching her head and curls up in pain. Benny opens a faucet with his powers and water starts coming out a hose. "I told you what would happen if anyone else got hurt"

"I didn't do this" Demi tells him.

"Benny, it wasn't her fault" Eliot defends her.

"Everything that happens is her fault Eliot"

"Benny, what are you doing?" Benny creates a fire; the fire goes towards Demi. "Benny stop it!"

Demi's pantleg start to burn.

"Benny, Benny, Stop it! You're going to kill her!" Eliot shouts.

Demi is still burning. She's screaming trying to put the fire out.

"Benny!" Eliot jumps over the fire line and shakes Benny by his shoulders. The fire goes out as Benny's concentration is broken.

"Why did you stop me?!"

"Because this isn't us. Benny, this can't be us" Eliot looks at Demi and puts his arm around Benny as they leave.


Salvatore Boarding House

Demi is pouring herself a glass of whiskey. Jemma is there behind her. Demi senses her "What the hell are you doing here?"

"You don't lock your front door"

"yeah" Demi is going to drink.

"No I wouldn't...I laced it with Vervain" Jemma stops her.

"Why would you do that?"

"So I could stake you...with this" Jemma has a stake in her hands. She throws it on the floor. Demi picks it up.

"You came here to kill me?"

"It's only fair. You killed me first"

"What made you wisen up?"

"My father hated vampires, my aunt too. They were absolute. They knew exactly what they stood for and I figure maybe I should too. I mean, stand for something. But killing you, what's that gonna do?" Jemma explains.

"Look, I don't do the big sister thing very well. Sorry, I don't have any milk and cookies to offer you"

"Bitch" Jemma gets up and starts to leave.

"Wait. My father hated vampires too"

"He did?"

"For the same reason your dad did. Only it was 1864. People knew how to whittle" She shows her the roughly-whittled stake. Jemma chuckles. "Did you do this?"

"Yeah I tried. It's a lot harder than it looks"


Gilbert Residence

Eliot is sleeping. Stella enters his room by the window. She kisses him on the cheek and he wakes up.

"Hi. What time is it?"

"It's almost dawn. Come with me"


High School

They are at the carnival. It's empty.

"Stella what are we doing here? We could get caught" Eliot tells her.

"Well, I compelled the guard to be on break so I could kiss my boyfriend on top of the Ferris wheel"

The Ferris wheel lights suddenly turn on.


"We have to take these moments, Eliot. What Kasper did to Carlisle could just be the beginning and there are things with Taylor's family that we don't even understand yet and there's always the 'D' word but I came back to this town to start a life with you. We can't forget to live" Stella explains.

"But Stella, how are we gonna get to the top?"

"I guess you'll just have to hold on tight" Eliot holds on and Stella jumps to the top of the Ferris wheel and sits down. Eliot laughs, then stops, looking at Stella with confusion. "What?"

"It's just so nice to see you laugh" they kiss.

"It's not going to get any easier, is it?" Eliot asks.

"No, it's not"

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