
By baby_dagger

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Louis Tomlinson. He is the typical ideal athlete at his school, Hayfield high school. Everyone thinks they kn... More

Marcel Styles
It was him
I guess he wasn't bad after all
Wanna skip school?
Ice Cream, Movies, and a Head Injury
Marcel's Baby, Louis' Home Life, and People From The Past
A Fight, A Party, A Prankster and New Friends
Hangovers, Bobby's Diner, and An Unexplainable Change
Being Late, Burying a Body, a Fake Name, and An Apology
Michael's Gone, Right? Then Who's in Charge Now?
Isn't He's Like 80?
You Didn't Have To Do All of This To Get Me Against a Wall
One Johnathan is a Nightmare, but Three of Them is Just a Horror Show
It Was The Little Things
Time and Space
Baby's Rules
There's No Way You Can Fit 20 Marshmallows in Your Mouth
The Talk
If You're Wondering How This Is Possible, There's a Simple Answer
Who's Sherlock Holmes?
It Was Self-Defence
Would You Fancy Having Dinner With Me?
Are You Planning on Donating an Organ Sometime Soon?
When I Get This Fucking Bullet Out, I'll Answer Your Qestions
Everybody, get down!
Stay With Me Louis!
Kiss Me
Well Besides Hentai
To New Friends And New Beginnings or Whatever People Say in Clichés
"Hi" And "Oops" Started It All
I Could End This Wretched Nightmare
It's Not Tea With The Queen
You Are Such A Tease
You're The Only One I Can Trust
He's Alive
I Didn't Know If It Was Too Cheesy
Live a Great Life, Harry.
Take A Deep Breath, And Start When You Can
Are You Going To Keep Staring At Me Or Are You Going To Kiss Me?
You're Expecting A Lot Of Fights?
Diseases Love To Linger In Groups
My Hero

I-I think I Like Him

283 12 32
By baby_dagger

Louis' POV

I had a really weird week. No, I didn't discover a new animal species that came from a different universe like Dustin did in Stranger Things. Although, that would be really cool. No, it was weirder. My mum quit drinking and got a job out of the blue. Then I found out some pretty heavy news from my friend. The rest of the week was what caught me off guard. I almost believed I woke up in an alternate universe. This is how my week went:


I'll admit it, when I woke up on Monday morning I thought my mum was pulling some sick prank on us and was still the same. I woke up to my alarm blaring on my nightstand, I groaned and slammed my hand around, looking for my damn phone. Finally, the blaring stopped and I brought my arm back to cover my eyes. I didn't understand curtains. Their purpose was to prevent light to come in yet the clarity seeping in was bothering my eyes. I had laid there for probably 10 minutes when I finally caught the smell of...bacon? Was Lottie cooking? I furrowed my eyebrows and reached out for my phone. No, she wasn't cooking, Lottie doesn't get up until 7:40, just a little bit before I leave. I reluctantly sat up and stretched. After a minute of just sitting, I opened my eyes and looked around, squinting because the clarity was too bright for my tired eyes. I sighed and got up from my comfortable bed. I let out a yawn as I walked out of my room and headed downstairs to the kitchen to see who was cooking.

"Why are you up so early Lottie?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen. I looked up and halted in my steps.

"Morning, Louis!" My mum cheered.

My mouth was slightly parted open. I stared at my mum in confused awe. The woman standing there wasn't the mum I knew. The mum I knew was the one who drank until passing out and bailed on her kids. This person was completely different. She was dressed in a clean, blue shirt, no stains, no holes, just a blue shirt. She had black jeans on, no stains or holes either. Her hair was down in their natural curls. She looked like my old mum. The version of her I hold on to for so long and hoped that came back but never did.

I found my voice and said, "Uh, mum? What are you doing?"

"I'm cooking breakfast, silly. What else would I be doing?" She responded, not looking up but I could hear her smile.

Looking for your next bottle of alcohol, I thought but didn't say. Instead, I said,

"Uh, yeah. I'm, uh, going to go take a shower." I stuttered out.

"Okay, sweetie." She said. I stood there for a while before heading upstairs. I went back to my room and closed the door. I leaned against the door and wondered if what just happened was real or not.

Breakfast was even weirder. Mum kept asking us questions, trying to catch up on our lives. What hurt the most was that the twins were oblivious. They kept talking and talking with mum. It was a nice sight, though. It was nice seeing the twins establishing a somewhat normal relationship with mum. Lottie had to ruin the moment by asking.

"What kind of job did you get?"

Mum's smile disappeared. She noticeably tensed up and looked down at her plate. She looked back up and met Lottie's stare with a smile. "An old friend of mine offered me a position as a nurse."

"Why'd you have to leave last night for it?" Lottie continued. I really wanted to shut Lottie up but mum didn't look fazed by the question.

"They told me to go in for a test run to see if I still had it."

"And you got the job?"

"Yes," Mum answered. "I'll have the day shifts Monday through Friday and the night shifts on the weekends. I'll cook something before I leave on the weekends or I'll leave money for pizza or takeout."

"Oh. you won't have to do that. We still have money from Louis' summer jobs. Three to be exact, right Louis?" Lottie said and turned to me and raised an eyebrow.

"Lottie," I told her, sternly.

"No, it's okay Louis." I felt mum's hand on my arm. Her touch seemed so foreign to me. "You won't have to do that anymore, Louis."

I moved my arm away and grabbed my phone. "I gotta get going. I don't want to be late." I got up and took my plate to the sink. I was about to wash my plate when my mum put her hand on my shoulder, stopping me.

"It's okay, honey. Go and get to school. I'll wash the dishes." She told me.

I stepped back and looked at the girls. As bad as it sounded, I didn't want to leave them alone with her. Lottie gave me a reassuring nod. I smiled at her and went around the table, giving them a kiss on the cheek before leaving. I climbed into my car and popped in my CD that Amar gave to me and drove to school. It did feel weird that Zayn and Liam weren't there but I was still mad.

I did makeup with them, though.


Well, I don't really have to explain Tuesday. Marcel explained that bit already. Although, what I didn't expect to see when I got home on Tuesday, after going out to eat, was my sister and some bloke making out. I had just gotten home and about to go to my room when I saw them.

"Uh, Lottie?"

They immediately pulled apart and composed themselves. "Louis. We were just, uh, we were studying." She signalled to the two sets of binders and a bunch of papers.

I scoffed. "What? The reproductive system?"

Lottie blushed. "N-no. We were studying-,"

I held my hand up to stop her. "Lottie, it's okay. Who is he by the way?"

"Oh yeah. Uh, Louis, this is Tommy. Tommy, this is my brother, Louis." She introduced us. Tommy got up and extended his hand out for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you, Louis."

I shook it and smile. "Formal. I like him." I told more to Lottie than him. Tommy smiled and let go of my hand, looking down.

I clasped my hands. "Well, if you need condoms, they're in the second drawer of the bathroom." Both of them coughed and blushed crimson.

"Louis!" Lottie exclaimed.

I laughed. "Now that my job of embarrassing you is done, I'll be in my room." I walked up to my room, plugged my headphones in and started on my homework.


I wasn't prepared for what came that Wednesday morning. It was a normal morning. Well, besides waking up to my mum cooking. I drove to school with Zayn and Liam, the usual sexual tension present, normal morning for us. That's as far as normal went for us that day. When we entered the school, the normal thing happened. There were whispers and everyone cleared a way for us as if we were some kings. What was abnormal was that they actually met our gazes. Normally, they'll whisper about us to their friends, without actually looking at us. It didn't last long though. I glared at all of them, and I was pretty sure that Zayn was doing the same. Liam doesn't really glare but the last portion of kids looked down so I believe Liam glared at them. I didn't like being feared but it's what's normal for me- us. It's the natural order and it should stay like that.

It was like that the whole day. People met our gazes, we would glare at them, and they would look away. At one point, during a passing point, some kid, Jaxon, came up to us. It was noticeable that he was nervous.

"Hey, guys."

We stopped talking and looked up to see him. I raised an eyebrow. First, people actually looked at us, now someone was actually coming up to us.

He saw we weren't going to respond so he continued. "I, um, I have a party this Saturday. It's a Halloween party. I was just wondering if-,"

"We're going, Jaxon."

He seemed a bit proud that we knew his name. He shouldn't. We only know his name because we always go to his parties.

He grinned at us. "Oh, uh, cool. I'll see you there. Oh, and it's Jax."

I straightened up and crossed my arms, hardening my stare. "Did you just correct us?"

His eyes widened. "No, no. Jaxon is fine."

Fortunately, the warning bell rang and he left. We looked at each other in confusion but we just shrugged. We didn't know or understand what was happening.


The same thing happened on Thursday. When we entered the school, people whispered, parted, and met our gazes. We glared and they looked away. Honestly, I was getting tired of glaring. I never did have to glare at people because they never met my eye. I could tell Zayn and Liam were tired too, especially Liam because he rarely glares at people and now he's doing it more than he's accustomed to.

Now that people saw that someone came up to us, talked to us, and left without a scratch, others started doing it too. Some girls who always just stared and drooled came up to us and talked to us, well more flirted than talked. Too bad for them, we were all gay. Two of us (Zayn and Liam) dying to be with the other but too damn oblivious to notice it and the other one (me) having to deal with them. We softly rejected them but it was getting tiring. Especially seeing either Zayn or Liam being jealous when a girl came up to one of them. Seriously, how can two people be so oblivious?

When English finally finished, I met up with Zayn and Liam.

"You sure you wanna do this?" Zayn asked Liam. Liam just nodded and started walking with the rest of the kids. He looked around and finally pointed at a kid.


The kid visibly gulped and stuttered out, "M-me? W-what did I d-do?"

Zayn and I crept in and grabbed the kid's arms and pinned him down on the lockers. "We ask the questions here, okay?" Liam growled and stepped forward.

"Okay, okay!" The kid squirmed in our hold but he stopped when we tightened our grip. "What do you wanna know?"

"What's going on?" Liam asked.

"W-what do you m-mean?" The bloke stuttered.

"Why are people suddenly approaching us?" Zayn answered for Liam. Kids were surrounding us and taking videos but weren't doing anything, too scared to get close.

"Oh, that. Umm, you're not the most feared in the school anymore." He squeaked out.

"What the hell does that mean?" I growled, tightening my grip.

He whimpered but answered. "It means that we fear Marcel more than you three. Did you see him? He was ruthless with Noah. He would've killed him."

To say that we were shocked was an understatement. I quickly regained my composure and told him, "Marcel had the right to beat Noah up."

"For what? Beating Janice up? She deserved it anyway. She cheated."

Zayn and I pulled him back then slammed into the lockers. He groaned in pain and hung his head. Liam walked up to him and lifted his chin with two fingers.

"I wouldn't anger them if I were you. I can only control them for so long before their patience wears out." Liam smirked and let go of chin then stepped back. On cue, he gave us a small nod.

Zayn and I let go of the kid. He thought he was free and started walking away. I grabbed his shoulder and slammed him into the lockers. I placed one hand beside his head and Zayn did the other side, trapping him.

"Oh, please, I told you everything I know!" The kid begged.

"Oh, we know," I told him. "What's your name kid?"


"Well, Dylan," Zayn whispered. "Spread the word."

"We are the ones you should fear. There's three of us and one of Marcel." Liam finished as he stepped forward, towering over Dylan's small frame.

Dylan cowered down and whimpered. "Yeah, sure. Fear you, not Marcel. Three of you, one of him. Got it"

"Good." We said in unison. We stepped back and he released a deep breath.

I punched the locker next to his head, making everyone gasp and him to look up with wide eyes, obviously scared. "Nice talking to you, Dylan." I stepped back once more and flicked my head to the side, motioning him to leave. He didn't have to be told twice. He took off running towards the cafeteria. We turned back to the crowd of kids surrounding us and glared. They shut their phones off and scattered, bumping into each other.

We stared at each other, shock evident in our faces. "No one tells Marcel," I told them. They nodded and we walked to the line to get our food then headed outside to meet Niall, Amar, and Marcel. Everything went as normal, we pretended like nothing happened, Amar and Marcel were arguing over which superhero is the best, Amar thought Batman was better, where Marcel thought Superman was better. I was on Marcel's side.


The last day before Jaxon's Halloween party. Everything went back to normal- well, my normal. When Zayn, Liam and I walked through the school doors, everyone stopped in their in conversations and cleared the path for us, as if we were some famous celebrities. Everyone turned to their friends and whispered about the events that occurred yesterday. No one looked at us directly and we were pretty content that we didn't have to glare at anyone.

It went like that the whole day, and to say I was happy was an understatement. Everything was going okay until I arrived at Chemistry. Mrs Dorth told us that we could have the whole period to choose our topic then start our research. I sat next to Marcel and grinned at him. He grinned back, showing his cute bunny teeth, dimples showing, and small crinkles appear by his eyes. That's when it started, with that damn smile.

I've seen the way his dimples pop out all the time, even if he's just talking, how his eyes twinkled when he laughed, small crinkles appearing by his eyes, how he bowed his head a bit when he laughed and held his stomach. I've seen all those little things but it wasn't until today that I started seeing the beauty in them.

Marcel is obviously attractive, you'd have to be blind to see that. Once you get to know him, you find out he's smart, kind, has a good heart, fun, and adorable. I don't like Marcel, right? I don't. It's just my good mood today. Yeah, I'm seeing the beauty in everything.

"Bullshit..." I pushed the thought aside and waited for Marcel to come back with a computer.

It didn't get any better when Marcel's arm would brush against mine whenever he typed something in. I would get hot all over and it got to a point where I took off the jean jacket I had on. It was hot in the classroom, that's why I took off my jacket.


During lunch, I found myself laughing slightly at all of Marcel's lame jokes.

"Why couldn't the flower ride its bicycle?" He asked.

No one responded because we already had a full 30 minutes filled with his lame jokes.

"Why?" I asked.

He grinned. "Because his petals fell off." He immediately started laughing. I chuckled slightly like I have been for all of his jokes. His joke wasn't funny, it was his adorable loud laugh that made me want to laugh along. I did that for the first joke, and they stared at me like I had grown another head, so I decided on chuckling slightly.

The bell rung and Niall shot up, "Freedom!"

"Styles, you're jokes are so bad," Amar told him and went to throw her trash away, as did the other.

Marcel pouted, cutely, then muttered, "Louis liked them."

They all turned to me, eyebrows raised. I shrugged and threw my empty tray away. I turned back to them but didn't meet their questioning stares as I said,

"They were a little funny." I ignored their stares and grabbed my bag, making my way to Maths.

During gym, Marcel and Amar were stuck inside, playing basketball. Niall, Zayn, Liam and I were stuck on the field, either running laps or practising dribbling the soccer ball. I tuned out Coach's orders as all I could think about was Marcel's cute pouty face. I did the same in Maths. I just couldn't get it out of my head. This time, I didn't have an excuse for it.

I thought I was free when gym ended, but then I remembered that I had practice today. I groaned and complained all the way to the lockers, while changing, and walking back to the field. Everything started as usual. Coach yelled at us about the upcoming game, how he has never lost (as if he was the one playing) a game, that if we lost, he'll tear us a new one. Then after his little speech, he sends us to run ten laps. On my fourth lap, I noticed people coming out of the gym. It was Niall, Amar and...Marcel.

What the hell were they doing here?

They sat in the bleachers, Amar taking a notebook out and started drawing. Niall had his guitar and Marcel just had his headphones in but was staring out at the field. For some reason, I wanted to impress Marcel. I ran faster and finished the ten laps before anyone. I sneaked a glance at Marcel as I was taking a chug of my water, he had a smirk playing on his lips. That smirk sends an adrenalin shot through me. I shivered and ran back to the field. I dribbled the ball, going zig-zag around the cones set up, as an obstacle course. I trapped the ball and looked back at Marcel and the others. They were cheering me on, Marcel still smirking, now chewing a piece of gum, which made it all hotter. What? No. That's not what I meant. Shit, I was getting distracted. I turned back to the net and stepped back a few feet back then ran up to the ball and kicked it, scoring perfectly. Marcel, Niall, and Amar cheered louder. Coach ran up to me and clapped me on the back.

"Good job, Louis! Whatever's gotten into you, keep it up!" He cheered and went to check on the others. I looked back up at the bleachers and caught Marcel's stare.

"That might be a problem, Coach."

So, that was my week. Well, there's still Saturday and Sunday but I'll get to that part in a little bit. So far, my mum changed (still can't exactly explain it), the kids at school feared Marcel more than Zayn, Liam and me, we scared the shit out of a kid and showed everyone that they should fear us, not Marcel, and I kept denying my feelings for Marcel.

Wait, what? No, that's not what I meant! E! Stop writing that!

(E: I'm sorry, but it's true. And you can't hide those feelings forever!)

Ugh, what feelings? Whatever. My point was that this week was hectic and exhausting, and it's not over yet.


Saturday. The party. The Halloween Party. I really didn't want to go but Niall had begged me to go, plus, I got to choose Marcel's outfit. The downside to that is he got to pick my costume out as well and he already did. I have to go as fucking Peter Pan. I knew what I wanted Marcel to dress up as so I ordered it as soon as I got home on Tuesday, well after embarrassing my sister.

It was eight o'clock, two hours before the party started. I groaned and got up from the couch, turning the t.v off. I walked up to my room and went straight to my bathroom. I stripped out of my dirty clothes and turned the water on. I closed my door and stepped into the shower, the hot water sliding down my hair and back. I relaxed my tensed muscles and stood there for a while, enjoying the water. Soon, I washed my hair and body. The hot water was so nice and I didn't feel like moving from that spot so I just leaned on the wall, making sure the water still hit me.

All good things came to an end, though. I turned the water off and stepped out, grabbing the towel and starting to dry my hair and body. When I was done, I wrapped the towel around my waist and exited my bathroom, steam entering my room. I walked up to my drawers and took a pair of boxers out. I stepped out of the towel and put the boxers on.

I told Marcel I wasn't going to wear tights. He said I could wear green skinny jeans, unfortunately, I did have some. I did have to wear the top half, though. I wasn't going to tell the others about my costume, but Marcel had told them when I wasn't around. You could not believe how teased I got. Amar was the worst. She kept telling me how adorable and cute I would look. I tried to act tough, but it only made her coo more and say that I was too cute again. Although I was mad at Marcel for telling them, I couldn't really stay mad at him. When I confronted him he acted so innocent and stared at me with his big dopey green eyes while apologizing. I didn't stay mad at him for so long after that. I did have to push all the wrong thoughts away, though.

Marcel had already given me the top half of my costume and it was hung in my closet. I dreaded putting it on but I had to. A deal was a deal. I walked over to my closet and stared at it, wishing I could burn it with laser eyes. I roughly grabbed it and walked out. I sighed but reluctantly put it on. It was weird how good it fits. I hadn't given Marcel any of my measurements. He must've asked Zayn or Liam.

I headed to my bathroom and started on my hair. I grabbed a comb and started doing my fringe. Knowing my hair, once it dried it would become a messy fringe, with small strands sticking out. I snatched the hat and carefully placed it on top of my hair, the red feather bending a bit backwards. (picture on the top)

I stared at myself before deciding on wearing a jacket. If Marcel tells me to take it off, I'll just tell him it's chilly. I grabbed my green jacket and shrugged it on. I disconnected my phone from charging and put it in my back pocket. I looked at myself one more time before leaving my room. It was 9:49 according to my microwave.

Mum had actually cooked dinner. She still had her cooking skills, I'll tell you that. She made some good chicken and rice. I looked around, making sure no one was around and took the lid off the pan, revealing delicious looking chicken. I Involuntary licked my lips. I reached my hand into the pan. About to rip a piece off, someone put their hand on my arm. I turned around to see who stopped me from getting my chicken.

"Louis." My mum said sternly. "You know it's bad to stick your hands in the food."

"My hands are clean!" I whined. I really wanted chicken.

"That doesn't matter." She scolded. "If you're going to get some, then get a plate." She took her hand off my arm and went to get a plate.

"I only wanted a piece," I muttered and pulled out a chair to sit on.

My mum ignored my comment and asked, "Where are you going dressed up as Peter Pan?"

I stared at my mum for a bit, still getting accustomed to having a normal conversation with her that didn't include me yelling at her that she needs to stop drinking and start acting like a mother.

"Um, Halloween Party."

My mum froze, almost like she saw a ghost. "Halloween? Is it Halloween? Oh my gosh! I need to take the girls out trick or treating!" She placed the plate down in front of me and started to walk towards the stairs. I got up and stopped her, placing my hands on her shoulders.

"It's okay, mum. Lottie took them out a little over an hour ago." I reassured her but she didn't look so reassured.

"Why didn't Lottie tell me?"

I didn't answer her. I brought my hands down to my sides and looked down. I didn't want to tell her but Lottie still doesn't trust mum and I don't blame her.

As if she read my mind, she spoke up, "I get Lottie needs time. All of you do before you can trust me again. But I'm close, though, right?"

I sighed and grabbed her hand. "Mum. You were gone for two years. Physically, you were here, but mentally, you weren't. All I'm saying is that it'll take time. But they will come around, we all will." I softly caressed her hand.

"Thanks," She muttered then looked up, amusement clear in her eyes. "Peter Pan."

I looked up, rolling my eyes. I sighed and let out a chuckle. "Not you too," I muttered.

"Aww, C'mon! You look so adorable!"

I shook my head and chuckled. "Amar says the same thing."

She laughed but then cocked her head. "Amar? Is she your girlfriend?"

I tensed up and let go of her hand. I hadn't told my mum I was gay, either. It's not because I thought she would hate me, kick me out, and abandon me. No. I didn't tell her because of four good reasons. One, when I first noticed guys were attractive, I was very young. I thought it was normal for all guys to think other guys were attractive. I saw no point in telling my parents.

Two, I realized that not everyone thought it was normal for guys to like other guys. This one girl outed the kid I was crushing on and I saw how people were ruthless to him. He was called names, pushed around, it was horrible. It was enough to shut me up.

Three, after that incident, I tried to be normal. I talked about how hot girls were, I went out with girls (they were horrible if anyone's wondering). Later on, I learned that I was gay. I had denied it for so long before Zayn and Liam came out to me and I realized that it was okay. I finally came to my senses and I accepted the fact that I was gay.

Four, when I had finally decided I was going to tell my family, hell broke loose. Mum had introduced Ryan to us the night I was going to tell them. I never got the chance to and before I knew it, mum had turned into a completely different person and I had to be the parent of the girls.

Mum noticed my nervousness and reached out for my head but I flinched away, scared she was going to slap me. I saw the hurt and sadness flash in her eyes before she lowered her hand and head.

I felt bad. I didn't mean to do it, it was a force of habit. I reached out and grabbed her hand, softly grazing it with my thumb. "Sorry. No. Amar is just a friend."

"Well, I'd like to meet her sometime."

"She's coming by on Tuesday. She's also tutoring me in Maths." I told her, remembering that Amar is still helping me because I can't really concentrate in there. Either Ms Mickle is flirting with me or I can't focus.

"Great. Can't wait to meet her." She said and went to get the plate of food. "Here. You can take it on the way to the party."

I took the plate out of her hands. "Thanks, mum." I hesitated but kissed her cheek. I felt her cheek rise up a little as she smiled. I smiled at her and went to put my shoes on (they were some old pair of brown shoes that were in my closet).

"Louis." My mum called out. I turned to her and made an asking hmm, furrowing my eyebrows. "Text me if you're going to be late."

I was surprised. I never had to call her if I was going to be late or even ask for permission when I went to parties. Mainly because she would be too drunk to give me an appropriate and understandable response.

Pushing the thought aside, I smiled and nodded. "Lottie always returns with the girls around 11:30-ish. I'll text you if I'll be later than that."

"Okay, have a good time. Don't get too drunk and be careful." She told me and for a moment, she looked like my mum. My old mum, the one who never got drunk, just tipsy (from wine, of course).

I nodded and grabbed my keys. I heard my mum say bye one last time before I was shutting the door. I tucked my phone into my pocket and started eating my food. I knew there will be food at the party, but this is actual food. At the party, there will be beer, pizza, and other types of snacks. I'm not saying that all that is bad, all I'm saying is that I would pick my mum's home-cooked meal over junk food any day.

I had finished my plate as soon as I got to Jaxon's house. I just left the plate on the passenger's side, taking a self-note to throw it away (along with all the other trash in my car). I got out of my car and started walking. I parked a bit far since it was pretty packed at the front. I could hear the loud dance music from there and as I advanced, the louder it got. When I finally got to his house, I took in the appearance of the house.

Jaxon was a pretty rich kid. His father was the CEO of something that I didn't care about and his mum was the best surgeon in the city. So, of course, the house he lived in would be a mansion. There was someone on the roof passed out, some kids making out in the front yard, some already passed the making out section. All of the sudden a neon yellow bra went flying and landed on top some rose bushes.

I shook my head and went up to the door. There was a big buff dude holding a clipboard, staring off into space emotionless, completely unfazed by the multiple scenes in front of him. He made no move to stop me so I reached for the doorknob. A big hand stretched out, stopping me.


I rolled my eyes but told him. "Louis Tomlinson."

That got his attention. He blinked rapidly and turned to me. He gave me a once over and stared at me. "You're short."

I rolled my eyes, once again. "No shit. Are you gonna let me in or not?"

He set the clipboard between his arm and body then went for the doorknob. "Y-yeah, uh, h-have a nice time." I rolled my eyes as he opened the door for me.

I walked in and was met the raging smell of alcohol, smoke and sweat. The house was dark, except for all the colourful lights that changed colours and you can't forget about the big chandelier that was hanging on top of the, what appeared to be, dance floor. Hot, sweaty and sticky bodies were grinding on each other, moving to the beat of whatever song was playing. I was happy everyone was drunk enough to not pay attention to me. I really didn't want to have all eyes on me when I was wearing a fucking Peter Pan costume.

I dug my phone out and went to Zayn's contact.

Where R U? I pressed send and looked around.

My phone vibrated. Kitchen.

Oh well, thanks Zayn. I live here so I must know where the kitchen is. Dipshit. I sighed and looked around. Now, in a mansion where do you normally find the kitchen. I was deep in thought when I someone interrupted me.

"I was wondering if you were actually gonna do it." His deep voice penetrated the booming music. It seemed as if his voice was the only sound in the house.

I found myself smiling as I turned around to see him. He was standing in all his glory but managing to look like a shy baby. He was wearing the costume. The black dress shoes, black slacks, white button-down shirt, the white jacket over it with the black bowtie and a beautiful red rose sneaking out of the front pocket in his jacket. His curls were brushed back, showing his beautiful features. His green eyes seemed to be shining brightly in the dim place, his lips plumped as ever and so pink.

I noticed he was uncomfortable then I realized I was staring (and that my mouth watered, but that's beside the point). I cleared my throat and plastered a smirk on. "Well, well, well. If it isn't James Bond, himself." He relaxed and let out a laugh, which was music to my ears. I could literally listen to his laugh for days and not get tired of it.

"I was actually worried that you would make me wear something embarrassing for making you wear a Peter Pan costume. Nonetheless, you look adorable."

At this time I was grateful for the darkness of the house. He wouldn't be able to see me as I turned into a tomato. Now, that he said that, the costume isn't that bad. Which is weird because I despise being called adorable, but when Marce said it, it was completely different.

I cleared my throat. "Do you know where the kitchen is in this place?" I yelled.

He nodded and flicked his head, motioning for me to follow him. "This way."

I followed him, which was easy since he was the only one wearing white and it popped out from all the darkness of the house. I did have to push myself through a mass of drunken teenagers getting it on. Marcel came to a stop in front of a big white wooden door and pushed it open. We walked in and noticed that the music was a bit muffled. I was glad for it because it seemed as if I would leave this place deaf. I spotted the others by the counter, a red solo cup in one hand and a pizza slice in the other.

Zayn just wore normal blue jeans, white shirt, and a black coat over it. For a moment, I thought he hadn't dressed up then I saw his face. The idiot went again as the Joker. I wasn't surprised when I saw Liam's costume. He loves Batman, it was pretty clear he was gonna dress up as him. Niall was his normal goofy self and decided to wear a cow costume. What surprised me was Amar. She looked beautiful (she always looked beautiful).

Her beautiful brown curls were pulled back into a low ponytail with two small yellow flowers by her ears. She wore a blood red dress that clung to her curves and was long enough to pool by her feet. Small yellow roses decorated the V-neck of the dress. There were more yellow roses that went around her waist then went down in a singular line then looped around the edge of her dress. The dress had small drawings and symbols all over it and small white skulls at the end. The most beautiful thing was her face. She had the makeup spot on, the colours, swirls, everything was perfect.

I went up to her and did a little bow. "Kate del Castillo, a pleasure to meet you." I grabbed her hand and brought it up to my lips to plant a small kiss on the back of it.

She giggled. "The pleasure's all mine, Peter Pan."

I stopped myself before I giggled as well and let out a low chuckle. "She was my favourite character in the movie."

"You watched The Book Of Life?" She asked.

I shrugged. "Dais and Pheeb begged me to see it and I couldn't really say no to them. I ended up liking the movie." I explained while getting myself a cold beer.

I twisted the tap, popped it off and took a large chug. I turned to Zayn. "Joker? Again?"

He shrugged while slurping the last of his drink. "It was easy." I shrugged, agreeing with him.

I should've done that. I should've said no to Marcel's deal and gone as a KISS member again. Now that I saw Marcel in his costume, I was glad I said yes to his deal.

"Who are you supposed to be?" The cow dressed boy asked Marcel.

"Louis chose my costume. I'm James Bond." He replied while getting a beer, his arm brushing against mine. His arm was covered by the sleeve of his jacket but that didn't stop me from getting butterflies in my stomach and get chills all over my body.

It was cold in there and I was hungry. Yeah, that explains it. I ignored the voice in my head telling me that I had just eaten and turned my attention back to them.

"Oh! This is my song!" Amar exclaimed and exited the kitchen, not before getting some of the punch (probably already spiked).

We laughed and watched as she left to have some fun. Zayn and Liam left a little after Amar left. Niall grabbed another slice of Pizza and went with them. Which left Marcel and me alone. Well, there were two other couples sucking each other's faces off in the corners but I just ignored them.

I wanted to start up conversation 'cause it was getting to quiet for my liking. Well, however quiet it can get with Rihanna playing at full blast. "Do you have the gun?"

He chocked on his drink and his eyes widened. He coughed a bit then met eyes with me. "What?"

"The gun. James Bond's gun." I explained.

He relaxed a bit. "Oh, that. Yeah, I do."

I stared at him. "Can I see it?"

"What? No." He quickly answered. I questioned why he answered so quickly but I didn't voice it.

"It's not like it's real," I told him. He laughed nervously and set down his beer. He twisted his arm around and flapped his jacket up. He took the gun out and showed it to me. I immediately grabbed it and pretended I was shooting someone.

"Is it the one James uses?" I asked, shutting an eye and continued to pretend shoot stuff.

"Uh, yes. It's a Walther PPK 7.65. Just as James Bond uses." He said, trying to get the gun back but I kept moving around.

"Lou, give it back." He said, reaching for it again but I just pulled back it back even farther. "Please!" He begged. I stopped in my tracks. Hearing him begin such a whiny voice made a lot of wrong thoughts come to my head. I was frozen in place long enough for him to get the gun back. That high-pitched whine he released went straight to my cock.

Marcel tucked the gun back and turned to me. "You okay?"

I nodded. "Y-yeah. I'm just hungry." I lied then proceeded to walk to the countless boxes of pizza. I heard him chuckle before following me. I grabbed a pizza slice and immediately stuffed it in my mouth. I felt someone's stare at me and when I turned around, sure enough, Marcel was staring at me.

I blushed. I looked like a pig, stuffing my mouth with pizza. "Wath?" I asked, a bit muffled from the pizza that I was still chewing.

He smiled and shook his head. "Nothing."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Do you not like pizza?"

He laughed, the beautiful noise filling my ears. "I live off of pizza." He walked back to where the drinks were and grabbed another beer. "And I'll occasionally cook."

I stopped mid-chew and looked at him in shock. "You can cook?"

He shrugged. "I like to think I'm a decent cook. Charlie taught me most of it but I learned a few things myself along the way."

I was shocked. He's attractive, kind, sweet, fun, ambitious, compassionate, courteous, and he can cook. "What can you cook?"

My question spiked up in an interesting conversation about what he could cook then lead to laughing at me because I almost burned down the house from cooking a pancake. Then he teased me on my knowledge of all the Disney and movies and Marvel comics. (What? I have a nerdy side.) That started a debate whether the movie or the book was better (I think you know what side I was on. I might like comics but that doesn't mean I like reading). We were practically there for most of the party just talking about everything and anything, while Marcel proceeding to get more and drunker. I'll tell you something, he can hold his alcohol. He was on his 24th beer and he was barely slurring and swaying. Once he got another 10 in, someone asked him to do shots. He agreed but he took about 12 shots.

You can guess he got pretty pissed. He tried to keep talking to me but he would slur all of his words and kept swaying so much I had to keep my arms up and ready to catch him before he fell.

" 'M not drunk." He slurred and swayed a bit in my arms.

I chuckled. "Yes, you are," I told him. "Here, sit down. I'll get you some water." I pulled out a chair and sat him down. He gave me a lazy smile and propped his elbows on the table behind him. I turned around and went to get a water for him. I turned back to him and extended my arm out.


He was gone. He wasn't on the chair anymore. All that was left was an empty beer bottle on the chair. I sighed and set down the water. I exited the huge kitchen and entered the place I dreaded the dance floor. A tsunami of kids was dancing (grinding would be more appropriate), kissing, drinking, playing beer pong, some chanting 'CHUG, CHUG, CHUG!' around someone doing a keg stand. I looked around but it was useless. It was so dark in there and I couldn't see the outline of people's bodies. I pushed myself through a couple of people when they started recognizing me and made a little path for me.

"Marcel! Marcel!" I yelled his name, which was pointless because the music was so loud. I went upstairs and kept yelling his name. As I went to yell his name again, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into an empty, but messy, hallway.

"Who the fuck-?"

I didn't get to finish my question because someone put their finger to my lips, shushing me.

"Shh! He's gonna find us!" The person whispered, their breath smelling of alcohol and chocolate.

I pushed the person's hand away. "Who the fuck are you?"

"I'm hurt you don't recognize," The person stopped and took deep breaths, the smell of alcohol and chocolate becoming stronger. "It's me, Lou." They slurred.

My eyes widened. "Marcel! I was looking-,"

I was shushed again by his finger. "Be quiet Lou! He's gonna find us!" He whispered.

"Who's gonna find us?" I asked, my lips moving against his finger.

He kept quiet for a little before I felt him move his finger against my bottom lip. He let out a shuddered breath. "Your...lips are soft." He mumbled slowly.

I knew he was only acting like this because he was drunk but I couldn't find it in me to stop him. Not when his touch felt so good against my lips. He kept trailing his index finger and thumb along my lips, murmuring that they were soft. He pressed his body closer to mine, closing the small gap in between us. I let out a small grunt when our crotches pressed up against each other, sending much-needed attention to my semi-hard cock. Marcel started leaning in, cocking his head to the side. I shook my head. As good as this felt, it was wrong.

I grabbed his wrists and made him look at me. "No. This is wrong. You're drunk, Marce. You're not thinking clearly."

He yanked his wrist away. I thought he was gonna back away but he did the opposite. He placed his big and firm hands on my chest, moving them down to wrap around my waist. He ground his crotch against mine, letting out a strangled moan. I threw my head back, not caring that it hurt, and released a small grunt.

He tilted his head up to whisper into my ear, "Oh, I'm thinking very clearly." He bit my earlobe slightly then slid his tongue over it, making shivers run down my body, specifically down to my now rock hard cock.

He ran his hands up and down my clothed torso. "Let's get this stupid thing off." He mumbled.

I gasped when his cold hands touched my chest. "You picked this out." I breathed out.

He looked up to meet my eyes and smirked. "You look adorable in it but, I bet you look so much better without it."

With Marcel touching me so much and kissing a trail down my jawline, I really didn't need my phone vibrating near my crotch. I sighed and took my phone out.

It was Liam. Hey, Zayn passed out. I'm taking home. Don't worry, I'll call a taxi.

Okay. Good luck with Z I pressed send and tucked my phone back in my pocket.

"Mhh, you smell so good." He whispered. I fought so hard not to but I couldn't really help it when Marcel was grinding his hips against mine. I let out a deep moan, throwing my head back. I felt him smirk against my skin but he suddenly pulled away. I didn't know whether I was happy or sad Marcel wasn't touching me anymore. I sighed and looked down to see him. His face was a bit greenish and his eyes were blown wide. His cheeks were rosy red and small pants were coming out of his beautiful pink, plump lips.

"What's wrong, Marce?"

"I...I don't feel so good." He mumbled before turning around and throwing up all over Jaxon's polished floor. I ignored the pain in my jeans and placed a hand on his back. I rubbed my hand soothingly over his back, letting him throw up all of it out.

He placed his hands on his knees and let out big and deep breaths. "Ugh, should've listened to you and stop after my 11th beer."

I smiled and helped him up. "C'mon, I'll take you home." He gave me a lazy smile, dimples popping out.

"Thanks, Lou." He whispered. He was going to say something else but his eyes rolled back and he started collapsing. My eyes widened. I immediately grabbed him and placed one of his arms around my shoulder.

I sighed. "Next time I tell you to stop drinking, you're going to stop drinking," I told the pissed, passed out Marcel in my arms. I dragged him towards the stairwell but I saw a lift on the way there. He wasn't heavy but I didn't want to drag him down the stairs. I turned around and dragged him towards the lift. I momentarily let go of his waist to push the button.

I was thankful everyone in the hallway was too busy making out or trying to get each other's costumes off to notice Marcel and I. The doors opened and Maddie and some dude stumbled out. They brushed past us and walked into some random room. I shook my head and dragged Marcel into the lift. I pressed the first button and waited as we moved down. When the doors opened, the sound of music was deafening. I looked down at Marcel. He was still passed out. I sighed and started making my way to the kitchen. I saw a back door there and it would be easier to go through there than the front door. Again, people started seeing me and stepped away, making me a path. I was grateful for it 'cause I didn't want to push through a bunch of pissed people.

Finally, we were out and the fresh air was refreshing to the smell of alcohol and smoke. Marcel was still passed out in my arms so I dragged him to my car. I let go of his waist, making him heavier and opened his door. I strapped him into the seat and closed the door. I ran to my side and climbed in.

"Shit," I muttered to myself as I turned the engine on. I didn't know if he came with his car or not. If I take him home, I'll be leaving his car here. I took off the Peter Pan hat and ran a hand through my hair.

"This is not what it looks like, Marce," I muttered and started poking around his pockets, looking for a sign of his car keys. "Phone...wallet...the gun," I muttered as I touched the items. No sign of car keys so that means he didn't take his car. Now, that that was out of the way I could drive Marcel home. I drove in silence to his flat.


I got out of my car and went to help Marcel. He was still passed out so I had to carry him. Great. I opened his door and if it weren't for his seatbelt he would've fallen out. I rest a hand on his shoulder to keep him from falling while I take off the seatbelt. I gripped his waist and wrapped one of his arms around my shoulder. I shut the door with my hip and walked up to the building. I ignored everyone's stare as I waited for the lift's door to open. Once they did someone stepped out. It was that blond American bloke. He looked at me for a brief second before his eyes wandered to the passed out Marcel.

His eyes widened. "Is he okay? Did something happen?" He reached his hand out to touch him. A pang of jealousy ran through me and I backed away.

"He's okay. Drank too much." I told him and brushed past him, entering the lift. "Well, I'm taking him to his so..."

"Oh, uh, yes! I have to go, anyway." He said and took one last glance at Marcel before he walked off.

I shook the bad feeling in my gut off and pushed button five. As we were reaching the fourth floor, Marcel started stirring my arms.

"Shh, it's okay. Calm down." I whispered. Immediately, he went limp again. The doors opened and I dragged him to his door. When I was searching for car keys, I found a set of keys but they weren't for his car. There were three keys. One for his house and the other two, I had no idea. I dug around his pockets until I found them. I tried each key until the last one worked. I pushed the door open and dropped the keys on the table. I dragged him to his room and dropped him on his bed. As I stared at him, I felt the compelling urge to just lay down and cuddle with him.

No. That would be inappropriate. Last time, I stayed because he asked me to. I sighed and started undoing his dress shoes. He must be uncomfortable. I took his jacket off and threw it on his chair, causing a bunch of papers to fall.


I walked over and bend down to pick up all the papers There were some homework assignments from Mr Frain, finished assignments, a rough draft of an essay that Mr Frain assigned to from a book we've just finished. Crap, gotta start on that. There was that orange envelope that Charlie gave to him. I was tempted to see what was inside but that would be invading his privacy.

A thing you gotta knows about me is that I am a little stubborn but I am majorly noisy. I have somewhat self-control but not a lot.

I took the paper clip off and...well hesitated. I did say I had some self-control and I didn't have any right to look through his stuff. Although, I did...okay, I had no excuse but I wanted to know. I looked back at Marcel. He was sprawled out, his arm hanging off the bed. I opened the envelope and looked inside. It was a paper. I pulled the paper out and took a look at it.

To say I was disappointed was a big understatement. It was just his birth certificate.

Name: Marcel Styles

Date Of Birth: Feburary 15, 1994

Parents: Dana Styles & Kyle Styles

Time: 1:47 am

Weight: 7.5 pouds

Lenght: 13 in.

Birth Of Place: Redditch, United Kingdom

I put the paper back into the envelope and close it with the paperclip. I grabbed the rest of the papers and placed them back on his desk. I got up with a grunt and walked over to the door. I knew it was creepy to stare but I couldn't help it. He looked so peaceful and quiet. I noticed how he's always tense and alert but when he was asleep, he looked calm. I knew it was wrong but I walked over to him and gave him a small kiss on the forehead.

"Night, love."


I woke up early that day. I know, shocker. It is Sunday, I should be sleeping in. Well, I couldn't. I was up until 4 just thinking. About everything. My mum, sisters, the game coming up, but mostly Marcel. I couldn't get him off my mind. His beautiful curls that fall by his shoulder blades. Or when they fall by face, covering half of it, when he reads or is working. When he reads, he always chews on this simple black pen. When he's writing in the brown journal of his, a small wrinkle appears on his forehead. How he loves bananas and how he eats one every lunch. How his perfect lips wrapped around the banana and slowly took bites of it. How his lips would look like wrapped around my-

Well, you get it. I've been thinking of him, a lot.

I had to tell someone. I didn't want to tell Niall and I don't want to bring my problem into Zayn and Liam. I had to tell Amar. She's the only one who would give it to me straight and would tell me the truth. So, by telling Amar about my confused feelings towards Marcel, I took a shower and got dressed. Once that was done, I went down to make me some coffee. As much as I loved tea, I needed to wake up. I quickly made my coffee and made a note for the girls.

Meeting up with Amar. Be back in a couple of hours. Love you, Louis

I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my keys. I walked over to my car and drove to Amar's house, listening to the radio. When I arrived at her house, I saw no cars so I assumed she was home alone. I got out of my car and walked towards the door. I knocked and waited for it to open. It didn't. I knocked again. Nothing. I knocked a little harder. Nothing. I was about to knock again but the door suddenly opened. Amar was standing there, well more leaning on the door than standing. Her hair was a mess, she still had some white smudges of makeup on her face, her large batman shirt was wrinkled and had a small stain.

"God, you look horrible."

She snorted, keeping her eyes closed. "Thanks, Tomlinson, appreciate it." She said, sarcasm evident. "What do you want?" She asked annoyed and left, walking up the stairs, probably going back to her room.

"Good morning to you, too," I muttered and walked in, closing the door behind me. I looked around her house, realizing this was my first time in her house. It was nice and extremely neat. Seriously, everything was sparkling from how clean it was. There were some family pictures, baby pictures, and some individual ones hung up on the beige walls. There were two brown couches, brown nightstands, a huge TV on the wall, a nice fireplace below it.

As I went further into her house it noticed all the baby pictures of Amar. Don't get me wrong, she was an adorable baby but it seemed as if all the pictures were of her. There were eight or nine pictures of her brothers and some family pictures.

I shook the feeling off and made my way up the stairs. Her door was open so I just walked in and took a look around. Her walls were a nice shade of grey. She had some pictures of music and nature. She had one poster that said, "ALL I CARE ABOUT IS GUAC AND LIKE 3 PEOPLE". She had a nice big bed with a white coloured bedspread with a yellow blanket and multiple white and yellow coloured pillows. There was a beautiful design of dandelions above her bed on the wall. Next to the design was two white shelf with two plants, a vintage clock, a gold sculpture of the globe and a couple more books. She had a white desk on the corner that had a small shelf filled with books and cups full of pens and pencils. Her blood red laptop was set in the centre with some books and journals stacked in the corner. Her desk chair had her backpack hanging on it. There was a rug under her desk that had black and white stripes. On the wall in front of her desk was a collage of pictures of nature, beautiful city skylines, and beautiful tourist places. On the wall to the side of her bead were Christmas lights with pictures of her, her parents, her brothers, all of them together hanging from them. She had a picture of her family on her grey-ish nightstand that was next to her bed. There was a yellow lamp on it, along with her phone and a blue scented candle.

I plopped down on her desk chair and rolled over to her. She was sprawled out, hair everywhere, an arm under her pillow and the other hanging off the bed, and one leg bent.

"Amar," I whispered, removing the hair from her face so she could see me. "Wake up, Amar."

She opened her eyes, groaned and turned her face opposite of my direction. I sighed. This would take a while.

After I promised to buy her breakfast she agreed to my advice on taking a shower. After she showered she came out in a black hoodie and black sweatpants, a beanie over her still wet curls.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" She asked as she sat on the edge of her bed, crisscrossed. Before I answered she leaned over and open the cabinet on her nightstand then took a water out.

"Do you have a mini fridge in there?" I asked. She nodded while drinking some.

I shook my head. "Anyway, I have something I need to talk about. I didn't want to tell the guys and you were the only one I knew would tell me the truth without sugar-coating it."

She swallowed and placed the water on her nightstand. "Okay. Tell me."

I sighed and rubbed my thighs. "You know Marcel, right? Tall, green eyes, clumsy, a bit-"

"Yes, I know him." She cut me off. "He's our friend."

"Oh right. Well, you know that I'm attracted to guys and he is too. Well, you know, I sort of- well he did- he did something and I- I might have- actually I don't know- well maybe I do, but-"

"Tomlinson!" I looked up at her. "Calm down. Just spit it out."

Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, Louis.

"I- I think I like him."

Her eyes bulged out. "Styles?" I nodded. "Oh my gosh! Are you gonna tell him? Oh, you two would be so cute together!"

"Woah, Woah, Woah! Calm down. I'm not telling him." I told her.

Her smile fell. "What? Why?"

I shrugged. "He won't like me back. Look at him. He could be a model."

"I think you're overacting. On him not liking you back, not on him being a model. That kid could be a model. Anyway, I think he would like you back.

I nibbled on my bottom lip and shook my head. "No. Anyway, it might just be a silly crush. It'll go away in a bit."

She let out a long sigh. "Okay, Tomlinson. If you believe that then you have nothing to worry about when we see him tomorrow at school, right?"

"Yeah, no problem." As I said it I knew I was lying.

In hindsight, we should've been more prepared for the next day, but you never really see a broken heart coming, do you?



Hello!!!! I am sorry this is late! I had a bunch of exams this week and I had to work on my finals. Anyway, excuses aside here's chappie 12. You do not know how long I've waited to write this chapter. It is a bit longer than I expected but that's okay cos I loved writing it and I hope you love it too!

*Dolan Twins' Voice* PEACE!!!!

- E

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