SEVEN I S2G if U read this sh...

By rin_epub

4.2K 823 234

It doesn't matter if you're dead or alive or something inbetween. We will find you. More

Author's Note :)
Then - 24 Seconds
Prologue - Chaos
1- Lucky Ass [Halfway Done]
2- The Big Eye [Halfway Done]
3- Dead Vivas [Halfway Done]
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Prologue - PART TWO ... Undercover
Then: When The Night Wasn't Down
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Prologue - PART THREE ... City
Then: Stuck In What?
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 8

94 32 7
By rin_epub

        We were all hiding in a corner. That was all we were able to do. We wanted to run away. After that we had time to talk about this crisis. There were loads of children there plus loads of zombies. Kids were running and zombies were following them. I was just looking at them. I didn't know what was going on. No one knew. Zombies slaughtered plenty of the kids.

-" What's  going on Lasey?" Ariella yelled.

-" I don't know!" I yelled and looked around. I continued:

-" For now we should pass these creaturesand rn away from that main door. Zombies shouldn't notice. Then we have to run away from school. We should just run. Zombies aren't so quick."

-" How?"

-" I was explaining this for about an hour!" I said.

-" So we may not get out of here alive." I said.

-" Stop planning! I won't come with you! I will stay till they eat enough and leave. I'll hide. They can not notice." Jill said. I didn't really know her much. 

-" You have to come with us!" I said.

-" Who will make me? I won't come!" She said and sat down.

-" Okay as you wish but you will die here."

-" You will." She answered.

-" So guys I'll count. 1, 2, 3!" I said and we started to run. I suddenly saw a zombie on my way. I slipped and passed from under his feet.

-" Eww! The worst smell ever!" I said.

        We reached the door. Jacob, Lea, Bieber, Ariella, Nicole, Andrea and some other kids that I didn't really interact with them. Then I saw Josh standing in the center of the salon.

-" COME ON JOSH!" I yelled. He was shivering.

-" How?" He asked.

-" I don't..." I said. A zombie was moving near him hungrily. Suddenly Bieber jumped and got a drill down in the zombie's head.

-" Come on Josh!!" He yelled.

-" How did you get that drill?" I said.

-" Now who's human?" He said and laughed.

-" Huh!" I said and rolled my eyes.

-" Stop fighting!" Ariella said and opened the door. Fortunately nobody was behind it.

-" Ugh!" Bieber said.

-" What's up Bieber?" I said angrily.

-" No need to be worried about me!" He said.

-" I'mnot worried. I just want you to die. So what's up?"

-" The zombie scratched my hand."

-" You're such a sissy spoiled creature. A scratch makes you say ugh?" I said. He didn't answer.

        We ran and ran in the corridors. We reached the main corridor and went near the door. We were all so hopeful.

-" So let's open this fucking door!" Jacob yelled.

-" You are having my expression!" I yelled and kicked the door. Nothing happened. I kicked again and again but nothing happened. I yelled and screamed. I was red.

-" You should be kind to this." Lea aid and tried to open the door. But nothing happened.

-" Whta's wrong with this door?" Josh said. 

-" We can talk about it later. For now we have to find another way to escape!" I yelled and led the guys to another way.

        We ran to the staircase. We we had 3 steps eachtime. Soon we reached the next floor. We didn't even know where we were going.

-" Where are we going?" Bieber asked.

-" I don't know!" I said and I continued:

-" Umm we can go in a class that has a window to the yard, then jump down and run!" I said.

-" Good idea bitch." Bieber said. I didn't answer. 

-" Look at the left!" Nicole yelled.

-" Fuck!!" I yelled. Zombies had found us.

-" RUN!" I yelled.

        We ran inside a class by chance. The nearest one. Everyone were in the class. We closed the door and put all the furniture and stuff near the door so they can't come inside the class. We were all stressed and working. Suddenly Bieber went and sat down in the corner and closed his eyes and started groaning.

-" What's up Justin!" Lea yelled.

-" Nothing I just have a stomachache." He said and lifted his hand. Some moss were covering the scratch of his hand.

-" Oh no..." He said with a painful voice.

-" WHAT'S GOING ON?" Lea yelled.

-" He is..." Lucy and Lola said together.

-" he is what?" Ariella asked.

-" Turning." I said.

-" What turning? You mean he is turning into a zombie???!!" Andrea yelled.

-" Maybe." I said. Bieber started vomiting.

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